Staying Distracted #2

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Xael and her Grams stayed busy for most of the day, everyone did for that matter.

Adam had paperwork to finish up and wanted to get Max and Parker's desks in order. He set up the spare laptops for them and did an inventory of station supplies. They were in desperate need of coffee, creamer and sugar. Plus he wanted to get them all new chairs since there was plenty of money in the budget for it. When he went to the city on Monday, he would pick things up. He also needed to check on his old Bronco. It could use some new tires and probably a heavier duty battery, other than that, the old vehicle ran like a top. With his list getting longer and longer another trip to costco was needed. With new blinds and a fresh coat of paint along with the ceiling fans, the station was looking a hundred times better.

Skylar and Houser made it to Sha'Hamish with no issues. The town was almost 3x's bigger than their little neck of the woods. Getting to the butcher shop, there was a delivery truck out front. Perfect timing.

"Hey Houser I want to take you over to the police station and meet Sheriff Ta'Oma, he's a good friend of mine and his deputies help fill in for us sometimes."

"Sure, sounds good."

The visit to the station lasted an hour as they had to have a cup of coffee while they were there. It was a nice visit and Houser got along with the others. Visiting hour over, they headed back to the butcher, Skylar backed the truck in and put the tailgate down. Skylar walked in and just handed the list over. The butcher laughed, happy to have the business.

"Looks like Ms. Emma is doing some serious canning this winter Skylar?"

"Yeah Tate, we had some family move to town and she wants to make sure they'll make it through their first winter."

"Good, good. Well you're just in time. By the end of the day, I'd be all out of leaf lard. What's with all the meat scraps?"

"Got some pups to feed."

"I see. Well good thing you brought some help, I'll have the guys in the back load stuff up in boxes for ya."


Houser and Skylar had to wait almost an hour for everything on the list. Houser couldn't believe how much they were getting.

Back at the diner, Xael and her grams were busy pressure-canning veggies and making homemade ghee out of all the butter they had picked up at costco. The real busy work would come when they had the meat to process. With three pressure canners going, the diner was heating up so Emma opened the front door. The counter was slowly filling up with full jars and the large pot of onion stock was smelling wonderful. They had butter, carrots, potatoes and green beans finished. There were a ton of jars ready for stew with the veggies patiently waiting for the rest of the ingredients.

It was getting close to lunchtime so Ms. Emma grilled up some burgers and Xael canned up some more jam. By the time lunch was ready, Skylar and Houser had returned. With the guys from the station coming over, they had them help unload all of the meat. As Emma plated up the food and Adam delivered the plates to everyone. The ladies quickly ate and went back to canning.

Chris and Eli finished up with the painting. Skylar had to check it out and really liked it as it brightened up the place a lot. Skylar and Houser ate real quick as they still needed to go into the city to pick up a couch and fridge. Adam had let Skylar know that tomorrow a couple of the guys from Sha'Hamish would fill for him. Skylar agreed with Adam's decision as he thought Xael should spend one more day with him to further help her deal with things.

Xael and her Grandmother canned meat till almost 7pm. With the counters and some of the table tops filled with jars, there was no way the diner would be open tomorrow. With the extra Deputies coming in about an hour. Ms. Emma cooked them up some burgers with the fixings and sides and Xael made a quiche and roasted potatoes for their breakfast. There was a mini fridge that they could keep it in and Adam had set up for pizza to be delivered to them for lunch on Monday.

Xael locked up and hugged her Grams and Skylar. The Alphas had sat around and talked while the ladies finished up. Now Xael was wanting some cuddle time with her Alpha after a nice long hot shower.

Adam, Chris and Eli had kept the pups busy during the day with walks and tons of play time so they were pretty much dead when they got home. Potty break and they both crashed in their bed. While Xael showered, Adam set the fan up to pull warm air to the back of the cabin and started a fire. Finished, Xael came out in her flannel pj's and Adam went to shower and change.

Back together, Xael snuggled up to her Alpha as he wrapped his arms around her. With his hand rubbing her back, she just sighed.

"How you feeling babe?"



"Can I go into the city with you tomorrow? I really want to see my other Grandparents."

"Sure, I'm not letting you out of my sight just yet. Oh! I made an appointment for the pups to get checked out also, so we can bring them with us."

"Okay. Adam?"


"Will you do that healing thing on me again?"

"Sure, are you hurting?"

"Just a little."

"Okay babe, lay down and get comfortable."

Xael laid against his leg, her face shielded with her tail that she sprung out. Sensing their momma's discomfort, both the pups came over to lay next to her. Feeling the little ones, Xael moved the blankets so her tail could cover them both, keeping the little bundles warm during the night.

Xael woke up feeling energized and refreshed. Whatever Adam was doing, he was getting good at it. Looking around the pups were still fast asleep. The fire was out and she wasn't going to start it up again as they would be leaving soon. Walking to the bedroom it felt 10x's warmer with the fan pulling the air to the back of the cabin. Taking another hot shower, Xael could see and feel that she was starting to show. As the hot water cascaded over her, she closed her eyes to focus on her unborn pups. Their heart beats were strong and fast, a good sign that the pregnancy would last full term. With Adam's continued use of his healing energy, she felt that things would be just fine. Xael knew it wasn't uncommon for females experiencing their first pregnancy to lose their pups within the first month so she wanted to make sure the little ones were out of the woods so to speak. Nothing was guaranteed 100% but she wanted to give them every and any chance she could.

Jeans and a nice shirt, Xael grabbed a light cardigan just in case. Her hair she put up in a loose bun because she didn't want to deal with hair today. Going back to the living room, Adam was up and walking through the patio door after having taken the pups out for their morning potty break. Since they would be in the vehicle for a while, Xael decided not to feed them.  While Adam was in the back getting ready, her wolf grandmother, Ja'an, linked her.

Her babies were just fine.

Driving into the city, Adam talked about what all he wanted to get for the station. Xael suggested a few live plants which were no surprise. Adam suggested they pick up her grandparents after taking the pups to the vet.   In order to make their pups seem more legit, Xael let Adam know the little ones would need to get shots and that it would probably put them to sleep.   He figured as much but he wanted them to have tags in case there was in issue in the future. 

After the vet, they would head to her Grandparents house.  He wanted to break the news to them in private instead of in the middle of a restaurant.  Adam handed Xael a pair of shades as the neared the veterinary clinic.

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