That was a Bad One*

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Everyone's attention was focused on the large dog as he stood there.  Gunner walked over to Deputy Shado and placed one of his huge paws on his thigh.

"Looks like your needed hun!" Ms. Emma smiled at him.

Shado stood and followed Gunner back to the bedroom. Moose was sitting at the side of the bed looking at him as if he was waiting for him also. The ball under the blankets moved, letting out a muffled whimper.  Shado gently sat on the bed, his eyes on the pups, making sure it was ok for him to touch her. He gently placed a hand on the slow moving ball, causing it to whimper again.


Shado kept his voice low as he didn't want to startle her. Slowly the ball elongated, a hand coming from under the blanket, he was suddenly staring into penetrating grey eyes. She sat up and looked around with eyes that were bloodshot and puffy. Without a word she moved closer to him, laying her head on his shoulder, she nuzzled her face into the side of his neck. He could feel her shaking. Gingerly he wrapped his arms around her, the shaking lessened.  Xael just rested against him, her hands moved to hold on to his waist.  Shado was at a lost as what to do other than hold her.

This was the first time she had been openly affectionate towards him, and his brain was having trouble processing things.


"Hm." she sounded groggy and not all there.

"Are you okay?"

She didn't say anything, just sighed and moved closer to him, her arms now around him. He took a hand and slowly began to rub her back; he felt her sink into him, her shaking gone completely.

"Thank you Adam."

Her voice was raspy from all the screaming she had done earlier. She was also getting a splitting headache. She pulled back, without looking at him, she turned towards her pups. The next thing he knew, they left the room. Gunner returned with his service vest. Walking over to Shado, he jumped on the bed and dropped it in front of him.

Meanwhile, Moose trotted into the kitchen and sat in front of the sink and barked.  Both Ms. Emma and Skylar looked at each other and laughed.   She got up and filled a water bottle and set it on the floor for him to pick up. He carefully picked it up and trotted off to the bedroom and sat next to his brother.

"How'd they know to do that?"

"I can link them. Hand me the vest."

He handed it to her as she searched in one of the side pockets; she pulled out a bottle of pills. Shado handed her the water bottle Moose had. She popped a pill in her mouth, followed by half the water.   Shado just realized what she had said.

"Wait, what? You can link your pups?"

She was ignoring him again.  Xael looked at her pups and smiled as they hopped on the bed, tails wagging.  Shado was almost afraid to move as one of them licked him in the face. They climbed over him to get their beloved momma.  She nuzzled them both, planting kisses on their muzzles and hugs around their muscular necks.

"My sweet, sweet boys, I'm fine now. Thank you. Thank you. You can go. Go!"

The two took off and jumped on the couch in the living room.  Xael turned to look back at Shado as she pulled the surrounding bedcovers tightly around her.  He couldn't help but stare into her eyes. This time she didn't look away. "Thank you again for helping me. I appreciate it."


She nuzzled against him again. He couldn't resist but to do the same to her, which she allowed. He noticed she still didn't have any scent. This entire time she had kept herself wrapped in the blankets.

"You going to be okay now?"

"Yeah. God, that was a bad one."

"Why didn't you tell anyone you had PTSD Xael?"

"Adam...I was a combat medic. What medic doesn't have PTSD?  Besides, it's on the service vests."

"Sorry, we didn't notice that till afterwards. You have episodes like that often."

"No, not anymore. Can we not talk about this now? Please?"

"Yeah, I'm just glad you're going to be okay."

She smiled at him and moved to get out of the bed. Her grandma had undressed her once she was on the bed. She only had on a tank top and her undies, but she didn't seem to mind exposing herself to him. He stood so she could get out of the bed; he saw how muscular and curvy her body really was and the extent of her burns. They covered one leg from the ankle up to her hip, up both arms from her wrists to her elbows and part of her chest. He couldn't help but look at her until he heard a voice.

"You're staring at me again..."

"Sorry, I can't help it, you're close to being naked Xael."

"Whatever, will wait for me?" She looked at him as she grabbed some clothes from her bag to change into and went into the bathroom.


Xael realized she wasn't wearing a bra. Before she could get her brain to override her mouth, it was too late. "God, I am practically naked..."

"Told you so."

She put on a bra, t-shirt and sweatpants. Even though lodge would be going on in a few hours, she wanted to be comfortable as she worked on things for afterwards. She came out of the bathroom and grabbed the jacket that went with the sweats.

She walked up to him and sat on his lap as he was sitting on the edge of the bed. She wrapped her arms around herself; her head once again resting in the crook of his neck.

"You know, you're awfully clingy all of a sudden."

"Because I'm in pain. I get like this when I'm hurting, plus your Alpha scent is comforting and you feel safe. I can stop hugging you and go back to keeping you at a distance." She went to pull away, but he tightened his hold on her.

"I'd prefer it, if you didn't."  Shado was staring at her again as she raised her head to look at him.



"Why can't I smell your scent?"

She looked at him for a few seconds. "Because I keep it hidden."

Xael wasn't ready to have this discussion with him. "Let's go, you have a sweat lodge to get ready for."

She stood up and headed towards the kitchen. Her Grams and the Sheriff were chatting away.

"There she is. How you feelin' Xael."

"Like I've been hit by a truck. Thanks for your help. Thanks Grams." She hugged the woman from behind and sat next to her, resting her head on her shoulder.  Xael inhaled her grandmother's scent deeply, letting out a sigh.

"You always smell so good Grammy."

Her grandmother turned her head and kissed her on the forehead.

"Xael hun, why didn't you tell me you had PTSD."

"Cause I hate talking about it and I was doing better with it until today. Sorry for worrying you."

"Is it from the service Xael?" Sheriff Skylar was like an uncle to her so he was truly worried about her.


"Well, I'll make sure there are no more fireworks at the powwows."

"It's ok Sheriff.  If I know it's something that will happen, it won't bother me. If it's unexpected, that's when it gets to me."

"I see, those wolves really freaked everyone out."

Xael raised up and looked at him with furrowed brows. "What wolves?"

Everyone was looking at her.

"Uh, the wolves that wouldn't let anyone but Adam close to you."

"Oh, you mean Moose and Gunner?"

"No Xael, I mean the group of wild wolves that showed up!"

Xael looked at Shado who nodded that they were right, she then turned to her Grams. The Elder smiled at her and caressed her cheek.

"They didn't hurt anyone did they?"

"No, just scared the shit out of everyone." Shado could always be counted on to be honest.

"Sorry, I don't know why that happens. Gunner and Moose must've howled for them."

Xael was over talking about it for now. Work needed to be done and Beau was on his way.

"Beau's coming. You guys need to change for lodge."  Xael stood up as everyone looked at her.

"You and your strange senses." Sheriff chuckled at her.

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