The New Cook*

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The waitresses both rushed over to Ms. Emma.

"Who is that? She's better than Leonard and we haven't even opened yet?"

Ms. Emma laughed. "That's my granddaughter, Xael, she's the new cook!"

Xael turned and smiled upon hearing her name and went back to keeping busy. As the ladies sat at the bar enjoying coffee before the first customers showed up Xael gave them both a pen and a piece of paper.

"Let me know what desserts you ladies think folks would like." She turned and headed back to the oven and removed the extra trays of bacon and roasted seasoned potatoes. Panning them up for the steam table. She heard voices and smelled the scent of Alphas. Walking back to the front, she saw familiar faces seated at the bar, it was Deputy Shado, Sheriff Skylar and Beau.

Xael quickly came from behind the counter and charged at the Sheriff, she wrapped her arms around him in a hug. Almost knocking him off the stool he was sitting on, he couldn't help but laugh.

"Hey Xael! How are ya Pup?"

"Glad to be back home Sheriff. Hey Beau!" The tall beauty gave Beau a quick side hug and went back to the grill, putting on a fresh pair of gloves. Shado looked on, amazed at how her demeanor had changed over night.

"You got 3 specials hon! One with a side of scrambled eggs!" Ms. Vicki, one of the waitresses, shouted back to her.

"Yes ma'am!"

With all the prep work she had done earlier, it was all a matter of plating everything. The scrambled eggs were done in no time. Placing the plates in the pick up area she rang the bell, letting Vicki know her order was done.

The men were shocked to see how expertly the food had been plated not to mention the portion size. Taking bites, they all looked at each other. The older one called Ms. Emma and Vicki over.

"She's the new cook?" He pointed at Xael.

"Yup!" Ms. Emma had a huge smile on her face.

"Thank God! This food is awesome Xael!"

The two ladies laughed while Xael turned and smiled. Xael approached them with the side of scrambled eggs.

"Who had the eggs?"

The men all stared at her mesmerized by her eyes which two of them should have been used to since they already knew her. She snapped her fingers loudly which caused the pups to sit at attention and bark. Everyone turned and looked at them.

"Platz!" Down they went back onto the seats.

"I had the eggs." It was Deputy Shado.

She brought the plate over to him. "Enjoy!" And with that she gave him a smile.

"Where'd you get the hybrids from Xael?" Sheriff Skylar knew what they were just by how they looked.

"Someone dumped them as pups."

As the diner filled with customers, Xael zipped through orders. Having only one pan of bacon and sausage gravy left she went to the back and placed more bacon in the oven, setting the timer above the grill. She pulled out the large skillet and started frying sausage for another batch of gravy. While that was going the officers sat and wondered at the statuesque woman as she cooked away. Reaching a lull in orders. She filled up the food pans with extra bacon and gravy, seeing the biscuits running low, she popped a pan in the oven. The dishes were piling up so she headed to the back and switched out aprons. There wasn't any food to scrap from the plates as everyone had cleaned them, the food was that good.

Loading up the racks for the dishwasher she managed to get three in before she had to return to the front. That is how her morning went. Cook, dishes, cook, dishes. She was so busy that she didn't notice the officers leave. Around 10:30 things died down. She prepped for the lunch rush. She rushed outside and flipped the sign board around, the special was BLT's with potato salad and more fruit. There were containers of potato salad that needed to be used, so lunch would be easy.

The day ended at 2pm. She fixed the ladies and herself all BLT's with potato salad and the remaining fruit cups. As they sat and enjoyed their late lunch the three older ladies relayed how much the customers enjoyed the food and that it got rave reviews. Xael was glad they liked it. As they finished lunch, she let her grandma know she was going across the street to the auto shop to see about getting a belt and a new battery. She took her pups with her as the ladies counted their tips.

Xael got to the shop and had the pups wait outside for her. In no time she had the belt and the battery. They walked back to the diner as one of the officers entered just out of sight. Xael saw no reason to close the front door as there was a lot to do for tomorrow. Walking in, the pups took their places in the booth and she sat the car parts on the floor under the table.

Ms. Ethel, the other waitress, had a big cheesy grin.

"Xael darling, seems you got a fan! Deputy Shado here really loved your cooking."

Xael smiled at him. "Thanks, glad you enjoyed it."

"Yes, M'am I did. Guess we'll see you tomorrow for lunch."

"I'll be here."

With that he left as the older ladies all squealed. Xael just looked at them.

"What's wrong with you three?" With a frown, she went back to the kitchen.

It only took her an hour to finish up all the dishes as the ladies cleaned and prepped the front for tomorrow. Xael brought the sign board in, wiped it down and wrote the specials for tomorrow. For breakfast it was Omelets/hashbrowns and for lunch Indian tacos. The ladies were impressed.

Xael checked with her Grams to see when she would be leaving. Ms. Emma wanted to head out at 6, before it got dark. Excellent Xael thought. The two ladies focused on desserts and prep for tomorrow.

Her Grandma worked on making apple and cherry pies. Xael chopped veggies for the omelets and tacos. She found the plastic containers from the back and filled them with the chopped veggies and loaded up the cold storage fridges. There were a lot of fresh veggies in storage just waiting to be used and they were.

She also made sure there were plenty of eggs for omelets in the morning as well. Once that was done. Xael made pound cakes; 2 regular and 2 lemon, a tray of brownies and 3 things of cinnamon rolls for the morning. She would bake the cinnamon rolls in the morning, so info the fridge they went. Once the cakes and brownies were done and cooled, she sliced them and added them to the dessert case along with the pies her Grams had made. Tired after an awesome day, the ladies stood in front of the desert case and admired their work.

They had filled the town with the aroma of fresh-baked goods since they had left the front door open. As they baked desserts a few of the regulars stopped in to compliment Ms. Emma again on the delicious food

"I'm so glad you came home hon!"

"Me to Grams! Let's head home, will you drop me and the pups off at my jeep. I need to get it running and up to the cabin?"

"Sure, will you be done by dark? I don't want you back out there alone at night."

"Yeah I should be, it won't take me long." Just then the two women heard a voice at the door that was still open.

"I can take her Ms. Emma."

It was Deputy Shado.

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