The Showdown...?

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Xael was the first one up. It was still pretty early; almost 6 am. She wanted to get up and take her pups out for an early morning run while the town was still sleeping. Xael nuzzled into her Alpha to wake him up. Without saying anything, he captured his Omega in a hug. Xael started to chuckle.

"Why are you up so early babe?"

"I want to take the pups out for a run before everyone gets out and about."

"Mnnnn. Hey, Houser is stopping by today."


"Yeah..." Adam forced himself to sit up. "All kinds of shit went down at the station."

" what?"

"Houser's retiring at the end of the month, but get this! He's coming out to talk to the Tribal leaders about moving out here!"


"Seriously! But wait, there's more. Max, Parker, Ted and James have all turned in their notices because Strickland got promoted to Supervisor. The rest of the guys are getting reassigned. No one wants that asshole as a Super."

"Holy shit...that's....I don't have any kind of a response for that."

"I know right?"

"Hmm. Too bad you can't hire Max and Parker!"

Adam just looked at her. "What did you say?"

"I said too bad you can't hire Max and Parker."

"Yeah. How far out are you running?"

"Just to the west edge of town."

"Okay, link me if you need anything."

"I will, you guys want breakfast?"

"Oh! Yes please."


Adam was now nuzzling her neck. "Mmmm...Sounds good babe, hey?"


"When are you going into heat again?"


"You heard me Omega."

Xael nuzzled him back. "Whenever you put me in one, Alpha!" Adam gave her a growl as she just smirked at him. A quick kiss and Xael got up to go for her run.

"When are you coming back?"


Xael was already dressed as she called for her pup to follow her down stairs, she leashed them just in case and they took off for their run. She was glad she left early as there was no one on the street.

Adam got up and showered and changed for work. He hoped there would be no more tourists to deal with. Dressed, he headed over to the station. Walking in, the guys were all awake.

"You guys hungry?"

"Oh yeah!"

"We'll head over to the dinner in a bit."

One of the other officers couldn't believe how great they were getting treated as Beau wondered in. "You guys always get fed breakfast, lunch and dinner?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Holy shit...I'm putting in a transfer!" All the Alphas just laughed.

"It helps when your Mate runs the only diner in town." Beau poked Adam in the side. Adam just winked at him then followed up with the guys to see how their night went. They let him know they didn't hear a peep all night.

Tanner, one of the extra officers, offered to make a pot of coffee. Nico his, partner had to stop him.

"Noo! I can't handle anymore of that swamp water you call coffee. I'd rather wait for Shado's beautiful Mate to make some." They laughed and looked at Shado to see if he was offended but he wasn't. He just looked at Nico. "Well she is beautiful, creepy eyes but beautiful." Adam shook his head and went to his desk. The others gathered their stuff to get ready to leave after breakfast.

Around 7, Adam caught a glimpse of Xael walking past the window as she headed to the diner and unlocked the door. He decided to head over to see what was up. Walking inside, he found her making coffee. Adam walked up and embraced her from behind. She had made it back early and was already showered and ready for the day.

"Yes, Alpha?"

"You're back early."

"Mn. I forgot the edge of town isn't that far. Oh poo...I need to smudge the place from all the tourists yesterday. Will you stay here until I get back?"


Xael gave him a kiss then hurried to the apartment. Inside her pups were zonked out again. Lazy furballs. She headed back downstairs and out the door. The town was coming alive as people drove here and there. Xael stopped when she picked up the strong scent of Alphas. She slowly walked to the edge of the street as a car pulled in front of the dinner. Two large and imposing Alphas got out, the younger one turned and zeroed in on Xael. Her eyes went red, as did his. The older Alpha just stood by the car and watched. Adam on the other hand was on the phone and not paying attention to what was about to happen.

Xael snarled as did the other Alpha. Not sensing any cars coming both Xael and the Alpha growled at each other as they entered the middle of the street. Both standing their ground; claws and canines bared they sized each other up as they moved in a circle as if waiting for the other to attack. The Alpha was huge. Muscles bulging, red eyes blazing, he snarled loudly, snapping his powerful jaws as a sign of dominance. Xael did the same, this time Adam quickly took notice and was outside in seconds.

Adam was ready to attack the Alpha when the older one by the car grabbed his arm to stop him. "Calm your jets young Alpha. He means her no harm." Before Adam could turn back around, Xael lunged full force at the Alpha in front of her...

...and right into his arms with happy squeals.

"Kai bear!!!"

"Hey babygirl!"

Adam turned and looked back to his Mate in the arms of an unknown Alpha.

"XAEL!" Adam was not happy. His red eyes letting her know it.

"Oh crap..." 

 Adam had ripped his arm from the hold and was in the street, Xael moved in front of him.

"Stop! He's my cousin!"


"He's my cousin." Xael immediately adjusted her scent to calm her Alpha, along with nuzzling into him.

Kai was shocked. "YOU'RE MATED!?!"

"Uhh...surprise!" A sudden and blaring car horn further broke the tension. "Let's get inside!" Xael kept a hand on her Alpha as they all went into the dinner.

"Sorry hon! I didn't mean to freak you out." Adam had calmed down now. He walked up to Kai and extended his hand.

"Adam Shado. Sorry about almost ripping you half."

"No problem bro." The two Alphas shook hands.

"Adam this is my Uncle, Dentin Red Wolf. He's Grams' brother."

"Sorry about that sir."

"Hey, no harm no foul. So Pupkins, this is your Mate?"


"Hah hahaaaaa it explains your eyes then."

Kai whipped her around. "Whoa cuzzo. Now they're even more freaky. Didn't figure you to mate a white boy."

Xael snarled at him. "He's half Native!"

"Oh... ha ha haaa!"

"What are you guys doing here? I thought you were in Canada?"

"We were in the states and thought we'd check in on ya."

"Ohhh,'re going to have to miss seeing Grammy. She's...She's bonding with her Mate this week."

"Mate! What the hell? Ya'll just mating left and right down here."

"Oh you hush too Unc."

"Who's the lucky Alpha?"


"IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!!" Xael jumped a little at her uncle's outburst. She motioned for them to have a seat.

"You two hungry?"


"Good, breakfast will be ready in a bit." Xael gave Adam another nuzzle then went to see what was in the back that needed to be used up. There was a tray of frozen biscuits. Xael would cook those along with some gravy, hashbrowns and bacon. Setting everything out, she walked back to the front to check on the coffee.

Houser and the rest of the officers had made it over to the diner and now they were all gathered around chatting.

"Chief!" Xael rushed to give him a hug.

"Hey Puppers!"

"Adam told me the news! I hope they say yes, are you going to join us for breakfast?"

"You cooking it?"

"Of course."

"Then that is a yes!" Xael gave him another hug as another car pulled up outside. It was Ms. Esther and Vicki. The ladies saw the lights on in the diner and stopped to investigate.

"Morning sweetie!"

"Morning ladies. Are you joining us too?"

"Oh no! We are off to the city to do some shopping!"

"Oooo! Exciting!" Xael introduced them to the others. Ester and Houser both took notice of each other. The ladies left but not before Xael got more hugs. She let the guys know that coffee was ready and they could help themselves as she got busy with breakfast. While she was in the back she quickly linked her Uncle.

{Hey Unc, how long are you two staying in the states?}

{Couple of weeks.}

{Good, Grams would be pissed if she missed seeing you two}

{Tell me about it!}

The Alpha's all chatted away while Xael whipped up the viddles

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