Things are Getting Serious*

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Ms. Emma returned with two sage/cedar bundles. She gave one to Xael that was already wrapped in red cloth, the other she placed in front of Shado.

"What's this for Ms Emma?"

"If you and Xael are going to mate at your place, you need to clean it, then go over and smudge the entire apartment."

"Ah!  Yes ma'am, Thank you."

"Xael why aren't you sitting next to him?"  Her Grams had heard the growl and thought they were fighting.

"Um...I need to keep some distance between us for a bit. His scent is getting to me today."

"I see!"

Xael looked over at the deputy, smiled, then laid her head down on the table to rest, her Grams sitting next to her rubbed her back.

After the males had finished eating, they were all ready to go. Xael left her pups inside the cabin as they would be back by the afternoon. They all rode in Xael's jeep since Shado had left his bronco at the apartment when they rode into the city yesterday. On the way to town, Xael sat in the back with Shado but rolled one of the windows down to get some fresh air. She had spent most of the morning away from him so the ride into town wouldn't be that bad on her. She laid in the back seat as soon as the jeep hit the paved road. Skylar looked up in the rearview mirror at her.

"Pup? Make sure you eat something today."

Shado smiled at him, "She's asleep again." The Sheriff shook his head and laughed. Her Grams was a little worried though.

"Adam, see if she has a fever." He reached over to check her forehead, the headwrap was a little in the way.

"No, she's fine."

"Good! Are you staying the night again?"

"No ma'am. I want to spend the evening cleaning my apartment."

"Oh! Yes, make sure you put a mattress protector on the bed."

"I will Ms. Emma. Sheriff, I was going to call some of my buddies from the city today for the lodge, anything special I need to tell them?"

"Are they all first timers?"


"Tell them no metal at all inside the lodge, no glasses or contacts. Start hydrating now, and they each need to bring a pack of chemical free tobacco for the prayer ties. Speaking of prayer ties. Em, we used most of the cloth you had cut. Shado let them know to dress comfortably and what to wear in the lodge."

"No problem on the prayer ties, me and Xael will make some more."

They made it into town. Shado woke Xael up and told her he would be by for lunch and that he would sleep at his place tonight so he could get things cleaned. She let him know it was a good idea as the time away from him would allow her heat to settle back down to where she could manage it. They would talk that evening by phone when he was finished.

Skylar and Emma were just impressed at how the two were caring for each other and how Shado was so open to doing what needed to be done for his Mate.   Skylar had Shado help him carry over the new microwave and coffee pot. Once inside, Skylar thanked the officers that filled in for them. They were more than happy to have a break from working in a larger city, and the food they had received had been awesome. After going out on a few calls and catching up on paperwork, it was time for lunch. Skylar, Shado and Beau all headed to the cafe. Taking their usual spots at the counter, Xael fixed them all burgers and fries.

As the diner closed for the day, the ladies said their good-byes to Ms. Vicki and Ester and headed to the station to see their guys. Xael had fixed Shado something to eat for dinner since they would be apart. It was their first time apart since they had recognized each other as Mates.

Xael let them know they were heading home. Skylar would be by later after he checked on his cabin, he was glad he'd left his truck at the station. Emma suggested that it would probably be best for the guys to plan to stay overnight since it was their first lodge. Her and Xael would cook them breakfast in the morning. Shado gave Xael a kiss as she gave him his food for the evening and the women headed out.

The rest of the day was slow at the station. Skylar called the station in the city to arrange for at least 2-3 officers to be available on call for when Shado would need time off for his Mate.  After hearing what the other 2 officers had told everyone when they got back about their experience, Skylar had a waiting list of guys wanting to come out there and work. The Sheriff also contacted Xael's 'brothers' Chris and Eli to give them details of the lodge and directions to the place. They were both excited and wanted to know if it was possible for them to stay overnight.

Since Skylar would eventually be moving to stay with Emma and Xael permanently, he offered the young Alpha's the use of his place for the night. Skylar let Shado know to make the same offer to his guys since it would be late by the time they finished lodge. Chris and Eli also offered to get their early and help get lodge ready.

Shado contacted the guys from his old precinct. It would be his ex-boss along with 4 others. He gave them all the information along with directions. Shado suggested they carpool and told them to plan on staying overnight and that breakfast would be provided for them in the morning.

With their day over, Shado was off to purchase cleaning supplies and head home to deep clean his apartment. Skylar headed home to pack up some of his things and head to Emma's.

As Xael and her grandmother made it to the cabin, Xael fed and let her pups out. The women got to work on cutting squares for prayer ties, Emma noticed the box was almost empty so it would take them a while to cut enough for Saturday's lodge. Emma noticed her granddaughter was doing much better now that she had been away from the Deputy. Xael let her know she just needed time away from him, she would be back to normal by morning.

Skylar showed up as the ladies were on the last two colors. After unpacking what he had brought over. He entered the house with 2 dead rabbits. He had field dressed them before coming inside, as he walked into the kitchen he announced that he had dinner. Holding up two large, skinned and gutted rabbits.

Xael just looked. "Did they kill more rabbits?"

"Yup! They are sitting outside for their treats!"

"Ughhhh." Once again, they were doing what came naturally. "Grams, do you mind if I give them the chicken you had thawing out in the fridge?"

"Ohh go right ahead hun, I'd rather have fresh rabbit!"

Xale cut and split up the chicken on two plates and took it to her pups. She gave them plenty of praise and pets for killing food for her once again. As the pups enjoyed their meal, she headed back into the house.

Skylar was at the kitchen sink cleaning the rabbits. Xael washed her hands and returned to cutting prayer ties.

"Hey Sheriff, so what do I call you, now that you and Grams are together?"

"You can call me Wes."

"Noooo! I'm not calling you by your first name. You're an Elder."

He laughed at her as she rolled her eyes at him.

"I got it! How about Uncle, you are pretty much my uncle."

"That's fine Pup."

Xael went back to helping with prayer ties. Her Grams laughed at her. As Skylar cooked the rabbit, Grams fixed veggies and mashed potatoes to go with it.  Xael decided to get things for the lodge together to get it out of the way. She grabbed the water container and placed the ladle, bundles of sage, cedar and sweetgrass in there and looked for the antlers. Skylar let her know they were out by the lodge. She set the stuff by the back door, along with the towels that had been washed from the last lodge.

It was getting dark, so Xael let her pups in and cleaned paws. They had run themselves ragged and were full on chicken so they both zonked out in her bed. The three enjoyed a delicious meal and Xael washed and cleaned the kitchen afterwards.

A nice hot shower was just what she needed to relax. As she dressed for bed, her phone rang, it was Shado.

"Hey Beautiful!"

"Hey Handsome!"

The two talked for hours. Shado let her know everything was cleaned and the tub scrubbed and ready for her baths. Shado also wanted to know what their living situation would be like afterwards.

Xael hadn't really thought about it, she had to keep in mind her pups. Shado let her know that he had thought of just staying with her at her grandmothers.   Xael let him know that she was open to both ideas and that they should talk to her Gram's about staying with her.  Now that she and the Sheriff were together, she knew the two would want some alone time as would they. For now she told him she was fine with staying at his apartment since her Grandma was no longer alone. Shado suggested they talk to her tomorrow, his apartment was fine but after staying out in the woods, he had come to really enjoy it.

Xael had to agree with him, she would prefer to stay at her Grams then live in town. But they could discuss it later. As for mating, Xael felt he had a good understanding of things. There was only so much to tell him, the rest he would just have to experience and they could talk more about it when they were together.

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