Welcome #2 - Learning the Ropes

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**long chapter

Alone, Adam was plastered to Xael's side, each with a baby in their arms. Adam couldn't stop giving her kisses.

"God I love you."

"Love you too Alpha."

"How you feeling?"


Another kiss and more nuzzles for their babies. It helped the Pups recognize their parent's scents. Xael carefully maneuvered the Pup she was holding to remove a breast for their first feeding. The little one in her arms had no problem latching on as her large tail came up to help cover him. Adam looked on lovingly at the scene before him.

While the new mom and dad focused on their initial bonding time, the Granddads were tasked with burying the placentas/umbilical cords in the holes they had dug earlier. With the new parents sequestered into their room, the others were now allowed into the house.

With both Pups full from their first feeding, they were soon asleep. Being born was a taxing experience and they just wanted to rest as did their Momma.  Adam linked Great Grams and she quietly entered. She had Adam lay their Pups beside his Omega and Xael laid down next to them. They were safely swaddled so they would be fine. Xael's large tail immediately came from under the blanket to cover and shield her babies. Now that they had both initially bonded with their Pups, Xael needed time alone to heal and recover from giving birth. Tank and Dozer, who were now inside, came into the bedroom but laid down at the foot of the bed on the floor. Adam gave Xael a nuzzle and picked up his Pups.

Xael knew her babies were safe so there was no need for her to be on guard with them. Plus they were with their daddy. Adam and Great Grams left the room to let Xael rest; Adam wouldn't leave her for long and if she woke, the little ones would let him know. Sleeping babies out among the Pack, the Grannies all got first dibs on holding them and giving them kisses and nuzzles. It would help the babies establish the others as Pack members. After the Grannies, the Grandpas got to love on them, followed by Aunties, then the Uncles. That process took almost an hour and Adam returned to the bedroom with his Mate.

Adam gently laid the babies on the bed next to Xael, her tail coming up to cover them and keep them safe and warm; she never woke up but could tell her babies were there. Adam, laying down in front of her, moved close enough that he could place a hand on her waist, letting her know he was there also.

The new parents both rested with their newborns safely between them.

Adam woke to soft purring and the bed gently bouncing only to see Xael cradling one of their sons. Laying there, he just stared at her, her golden eyes sparkling away. She looked like she felt better and had more energy. Looking down at him, Xael gently ran her fingers through his hair as he raised up on one of his elbows. Adam looked between them at their other son and lovingly stroked his chubby cheek.

"Thank you Xael."

"Thank you Adam."

The babies were getting fussy and Xael let Adam know they needed to be changed and fed. Not wanting her out of the bed. Adam took on the task of changing his first diapers out of many. There was a makeshift changing table set up on a nearby dresser. Everything he needed was there; how he had missed that he didn't know. There was also a bassinet off to the side as well.

Now sitting up, Xael comforted both babies while Adam sought some sagely and diaper changing advice. With Grandma Ella in the RV, Adam went to wake Ms. Emma.

She came out of her room, bright eyed and bushy tailed, thrilled to teach the new father how to care for his newborns. Walking into the bedroom, Xael was up feeding one of her Pups.

"Well they didn't waste any time finding out about the boob!"

"No Grams, they didn't."

"How you feeling deary?"  Grandma Emma knew not to get to close to Xael just yet without permission.

"Still exhausted."

"Ohhh it's to be expected! You just birthed two strong and healthy Alphas!"

Xael gave her Grammy a warm smile and handed Adam the Pup she had been breastfeeding. While Adam learned to change his diaper, Xael fed the other sleepy baby. Grandma Emma remarked how quiet and calm the babies were, especially for little Alphas. Xael was grateful for the peace. Hearing the front door open, they figured it was Grandma Ella and Grandpa Charles, both making a beeline to the bedroom.


"Morning beautiful momma! How are those cute babies doing?"

"One's eating and the other is getting his first diaper changed."

"A Great Alpha changing diapers, now I have seen everything." Grandpa Charles gave Adam a thumbs up but didn't enter the room.

With both of the babies, fed and changed. Adam laid them in the bassinet next to Xael where she had easy access to them. Full bellies once again and burped, they were put down for more sleep. Even though they were swaddled, the babies snuggled up together.

Babies resting, Xael wanted a soak in the tub and she needed Adam there with her. Adam moved the bassinet with his sleeping Pups out to the living room so the Grannies and Grandpas could watch them. Surprisingly, Adam and Xael weren't clingy with their newborns like most new parents. Before helping her out of the bed, the Grandma's told Adam what all he needed to do for his Omega, post birth. After her bath, Xael needed the sash returned to her stomach and a massage would be useful.

Adam prepared the herbal bath for Xael as Great Grams(GG) was now up and in the bedroom to check on her. Gently feeling her stomach, Great Grams nodded that things were healing nicely. She did mention that Xael may need to express some breast milk into some bottles as it was flowing double time. While she was in the bath, GG would set some bottles on the nightstand for her and show Xael what she needed to do after she was done.

Alone in the bathroom, Xael rested her head on the side of the tub as the medicinal aroma wafted around her. Adam sat on the floor next to the tub and caressed her face. The two just enjoyed the quiet time.

Bath over, Adam was careful as he helped Xael out the tub, she just put on a pair of maternity panties and a fresh robe. Adam took care of the belly sash and helped her back to bed. The Alpha then went to get GG. Xael had Adam stay as the Elder showed her what to do to express her breasts and keep the milk a flowin'. She filled up 4 small bottles for later. GG told Adam that Xael needed some solid rest. Once the new mother was taken care of, the bassinet was brought back into the room. Adam needed to lay with her and continue his healing; Xael would be doing much better by morning.

Soft whimpering cries woke up both Adam and Xael along with Tank and Dozer. Slowly sitting up, Xael already knew they needed fresh diapers. Adam was now a pro with the diapers and glad that Xael had chosen the cloth ones. Babies changed and swaddled, Adam left them with their momma as he went to toss the soiled diapers in the wash along with other baby items. Skylar had gotten a small portable washer just for the babies, something Xael was grateful for. Going back to the bedroom, it was almost 6 am, Adam glanced out to the front deck when movement caught his eye. GG was out doing her prayers.

Back in the bedroom, Xael had removed the swaddling blankets from both the babies and they were laying on the bed beside her with Tank and Dozer up there meeting their new two-legged brothers. The puppies, even though they were the size of full grown domestic dogs, were extremely gentle with their new brothers. The babies kicked and babbled as their tiny hands held onto clumps of fur.

"Those are some calm and happy babies." Adam stretched out onto the bed.

"Thank goodness."

"How you feeling today babe?" Adam reached over and rubbed her back.

"So much better and tired of lying in the bed."

"Mn, I can imagine."

"What day is it?"

"Sunday. So...have we decided on names?"

"Yeah, Chrissin Skylar Shado and Tanis Charles Shado. What do you think?"

"Love them babe!" Adam moved over to give his Mate a kiss.

"Oh will you hand me those cute little onsies that Kai got them? There's a grey one and a green one."

"You're not going to keep them swaddled?"

"No babies need to move their arms and legs! Adam, will you see if Minh and Beau want to stop by?"


Adam handed her the long sleeve onesies since the morning was still a little chilly. Taking a Pup, they each got them dressed and Xael wanted to sit out in the living room with everyone else. But first she needed to get dressed herself. Sweats, tshirt, no bra and Adam's hoody; she left her hair down and free flowing. Before picking up babies, Adam brought Xael in for a gentle but much needed hug. As they kissed, the babies sounded fussy but turning to look at them, they had their eyes open and were just fidgety.

"What?" Adam sat on the bed and picked up Tanis, giving a soft growl the baby opened his eyes again and kicked his little legs sporadically. "Babe?"

"Hm?" Xael was looking for the small covering she had gotten for breastfeeding.

"You know they have grey eyes just like you used to?"

"Hahaha, yeah."

Babies in arms, the two headed into the living room, it was still early so no one was there. Xael slowly made her way into the kitchen.

"You're not cooking are you?"

"No, I'm putting on a pot of coffee, you want some don't you?"

"God yes. You want help?"

"Uhhh, yeah, here!" Xael handed him little Chrissin, the Pup just giving a soft whimper as he snoozed peacefully in the warm onesie. The new parents already had an idea of their Pups personalities. Tanis was the more fidgety and vocal one while Chrissin was more relaxed and quiet. Xael was moving about, just not that fast but the pot of coffee was brewing and she had a pot of water on for tea. Making it back to the table and next to her Alpha, Xael gave him a nuzzle.

"You are going to be such an awesome dad."

"You are going to be an awesome and sexy momma." Another kiss and babies were getting fussy again. Xael waited to see if they would settle down and they did. She took Tanis and gently rocked him, quieting the fussy baby. The two just sat there and cuddled their sons.

The first one into the kitchen was Grams. She walked to Xael and hugged her around the shoulders and kissed her head. The ears and tail were gone now.

"Morning Grammy."

"Dearheart. It's good that you are up and about, how are the babies?"

"Good, you want to hold him?"

"Of course!!" Ms. Emma took the small bundle and nuzzled into his soft cheek. "Hello little Pup!" Tanis opened his eyes and made cute little sounds. "Xael!! His eyes are grey!"

"I know Grammy, they both have grey eyes."

"Oohhhh just like your Mamma! Did you tell Adam their names?"


"I think their perfect Grams."

"Mn, Xael your parents would be so proud of you baby girl." Ms Emma couldn't help but get a little emotional but Skylar entered and quickly put a stop to that.

"Hey, none of that on such a happy occasion." Skylar gave Em a brief hug and headed straight to the coffee pot to pour a cup for Emma and himself. Before they could sit down, Gramma Ella and Grampa Charles were entering through the front.

"Ohhh look who's up and about! How you feeling honey?"

"Much better, tired of lying in bed."

Adam handed Chrissin off to Xael as he wanted a shower. Xael gave the little Pup a purr and handed him to Grammy Ella. The two Grandmas were in heaven as they loved all over the babies.

"You know Puppers, most new moms and their Alphas are pretty possessive and protective over their newborns."

"Your family, they should know you as well as they do us. Especially for when you're babysitting!!" Xael gave Skylar a silly face and everyone laughed because they knew it was true.

Grandma Emma handed the baby off to Skylar so she could get started on breakfast. Xael still wasn't that hungry and just wanted some tea. After the Grandpas had their turn loving on the little ones, they were given back to momma. Now with her arms full with snoozing babies, Xael began to lightly purr. Adam returned, his hair now down so that it could air dry. Sitting next to his omega, he was happy to take one of the small bundles from her. Adam's dad followed him into the kitchen as well, when Xael asked were G.G. was, he told her she was out doing her morning prayers as usual.

The Elder Shado sat next to Xael who was happy to let him hold her Pup. For a new Omega mother to let someone who wasn't her Alpha, hold her newborn Pup was a huge deal. It meant that she had a great deal of trust in you. He was a little shocked and fumbled slightly but Xael had a firm hand under her baby's head.

Adam's dad was putty when the little baby looked at him. Adam just enjoyed every second of it as he dad soaked up being a Grandpa. Soon as the Elder Shado handed her Pup back to her, Adam was up so that he could hold his other grandson. An upset and commanding voice was coming from the living room.

"Where those babies at!! My arms are empty people!!"

Xael needed a minute from all the laughing she was doing. Still slow to get up, Adam placed a firm hand on her shoulder letting her know to just sit, him and his dad took the newborns to GG as she made grabby hands at them like she was a little kid. Baby in each arm, she was a happy camper as squeals came from the other room but they were quickly followed by a native song that everyone remained quiet for. Adam and his dad returned to the kitchen and left the Elder in newborn baby heaven.

Breakfast was being served and Xael just wanted tea for now. Grandma Ella put a plate in the oven for GG.  As everyone sat around to digest, Xael was resting her head on her Mate's shoulder as Adam rubbed her back but the peaceful moment was over as she sat up.

"Baby time is over."


Cries were coming from the living room, a first for the usually calm babies. The Pups were awake and not with their momma or dadda.

"Mommy!!! Daddy!!!" That was GG's cue to come and get your babies. Adam went to get them; once in their daddy's arms, they quieted down to whimpers and whines. The babies were hungry.

'Xael? Pups are hungry.'

"Dad, will you help me up?" Xael was addressing Shado's dad who moved to help her out of the chair and into the living room. Xael took a seat next to GG as the elder stood and placed pillows along Xael's sides so that she could feed both babies at the same time. The pillows were angled just so and the Elder made sure Adam knew how to position the pillows as well. Babies in position, hoody off, Xael lifted her shirt and positioned a breast so the babies could feed, tiny hands cupping the soft, warm flesh. Adam covered his Mate and Pups with a light blanket then called for the 4 legged pups who were enjoying the bed by themselves. The little stinkers needed to eat and go out. Before leaving his Mate, he carefully gave her a kiss to the forehead and walked into the kitchen to tend to Tank and Dozer.

Everyone had their attention focused on Adam.

"They were hungry, she's feeding them at the same time."

Tank and Dozer fed and let out, they were back in and at their momma's feet attentively watching. Adam sat next her and lifted a corner of the blanket to watch his Pups feed, they were hungry little Alphas.

"Babe you know how much they weigh?"

"Oh! I have no idea, you'll have to ask GreatGrams."

"Mn, I'll ask her later."

Babies done eating for now, Xael made sure she was covered back up and handed one of their sons to Adam. Both of the little ones needed to be burped. Adam was surprised that they hadn't thrown up yet but Xael let him know that she could sense when they had had enough milk so they didn't puke it back up. Fed, burped and warm, Xael wanted the babies to spend more time with Tank and Dozer.



"Will you get that blanket off the foot of the bed? I want to put the babies on the floor for a bit."


The babies were laying on the couch next to each other, Xael keeping a hand on them so neither had the potential to fall off the couch. Adam folded the blanket and sat it on the floor as Tank and Dozer anxiously waited. Xael had Adam placed their sons on the blanket then she put a pillow on the floor for her to sit on.

"Help me to the floor."

Lowering her onto the pillow, Xael used the couch as a back rest as she got comfortable, Adam joined her as she signaled to Tank and Dozer. The two young canines slowly approached the babies and gave Adam a look as well.

"Go on, they're your brothers."

Dozer laid between the tiny bodies near their heads and gave each a lick to the face. Their little faces frowned, arms and legs failed but they didn't cry. They even tried to reach out for the furry creatures. Sitting next to each other on the floor, Adam and Xael just quietly watched as their wolf boys got used to their Wolfen boys. Xael wasn't worried at all that the young wolves would hurt the babies and if she felt her sons had had enough, she would say something.

Sniffs and nudges with snouts, Tank and Dozer laid down next to a baby. Every tiny whimper their ears were at attention and their eyes trained on them to protect their fur-less pack mates from harm. It wasn't too long after that the Elders came out of the kitchen. Grandma Ella sat by Xael and rubbed her shoulder; Xael was still wearing her hair down as was Adam.

"Xael, you are going to be just the best momma wolf."

"Thanks Unc. Those four will be together till the end so..."

Xael was yawning and still a little tired from giving birth.

'Adam can you watch them? I want to rest for a bit.'

'Sure babe.'

Adam held onto her from the floor as Xael used him as leverage to stand and quietly went to the bedroom. Skylar gave Adam a look.

"She's just going to rest for a bit."

"Good! She had a rough birthing process and those were some biiig babies!" Great Grams was enjoying a cup of coffee with her feet up, Skylar had given her his easy chair and gotten another easy chair from the back for Ms. Ella.

"How much did they weigh?" Adam was keeping one eye on his babies but they were fine as Tank, Dozer and the Pups were snoozing in one big sleepy ball of bodies.

"Oh they were about 9lbs each!"

"Oh my god!" Both Grandma Emma and Ella fidgeted in their chairs.

"Oh! That reminds me ladies, we must burn the padding and stuff in the fire, come!"

The Elder women all got up and headed out back. Great Grams had everything they needed to dispose of in a black garbage bag on the back deck. Instead of burning it in the fire pit, they took it back down the trail from the sweat lodge in another open area and burned it all there.

Back inside, Adam was still on the floor with his Pups, only now he was holding one and giving him kisses and growls. The baby looked so small being held by his Great Alpha daddy.

"You know Adam, those really are some quiet babies, especially since momma ain't around." Skylar was still amazed at how quiet they were as were all the Alphas. Great Grams let them in on a little hybrid secret.

"That's because their momma is a hybrid. Hybrid babies are generally quieter because hybrid females are extremely vulnerable after birth and their cries could put all of them in danger. They will only cry if in pain or distress. It's a trait from long, long ago but it still carries over."

This was something that Adam didn't know. "How long will it take for Xael to fully recover?"

"Ohh, she should be fine by Tuesday, granted she gets plenty of rest and healing from her Alpha!" GG winked at him and Adam understood.

"Adam have you picked out names for them?" Charles was sitting on the other side of the couch and Skylar was on the opposite end as Adam used the middle of it for a back rest.

"Yes sir." Adam stood up, careful not to wake the sleeping wolfpups. Picking up one of his sons, he carefully handed him to Grandpa Charles. "This is Tanis Charles Shado." Adam picked up his other son and handed him to Skylar who was again surprised. "This is Chrissin Skylar Shado."

The two older Alphas just looked at other, neither knew what to say. Each of Adam and Xael's sons had been named after them, truly an honor. Grandma Emma and Ella were both getting a little teary eyed. As the Elder Alphas held the babies, both of them opened their eyes and made cute baby sounds.

'Adam, will you warm up the breast milk bottles, they are wanting to eat again.'

'I got it babe, you just rest.'

'Love you'

'Love you more.'

"Gramma Emma? Xael wants the breast milk bottles warmed up."

"Okay dear."

Adam went to take one of the Pups back when Xael linked him again. She was hurting for some reason and needed him in the room.

"Grandpas will you watch the pups for a bit?" Skylar just waved Adam on.

"We got them son, go see to your Mate."

"Thanks dad."

Going into the room, Xael ears were out again. "Babe?"

"My back is out again, I don't know why." Xael was really hurting now. Adam went to get GG. The Elder examined Xael and let her know her body was trying to readjust from giving birth. It was just bad this time because it was her first but any births after this, her body would be accustomed to it and things would be much easier. But for now, Adam would need help getting Xael's back and hips into the correct position and it was going to hurt.

"Adam dear, get your dad."


"Go on dear." Adam left giving Xael worried look but she just gave him a smile as usual. With Adam gone, GG told Xael what to expect. When the babies came through the birth canal, because of their size, her hips had to quickly widen. Now that they have had time to relax, they were having trouble adjusting to their normal position. The Alphas would have to yank on her legs to get things where they needed to be, after that she would feel much better. Her stomach/uterus was almost back to normal also.

With the Alphas in position, Xael laid down on her back and GG gently stroked her hair. She gave the Alphas detailed instructions on what they needed to do. With everyone ready, they started with Xael's left leg. That one wasn't that bad and with an audible pop, her hip was in place but it still hurt. The right one was the worse and when the Alphas pulled it back into place, Xael couldn't help but yelp loudly. That triggered the babies who began to wail, surprising everyone.

Adam was sent to get his babies while Adam's dad and GG helped Xael sit up in the bed. Going out into the living room, the look on Adam's face told everyone that he was worried.

"Adam, what's going on?!"

"Xael's hips were out, bad. We had to yank them back into place." He took his Pups and headed into the bedroom. Xael was already for them and took both of them in her arms where she immediately purred to calm them down. With soft whimpers, Grandma Emma brought in the warm baby bottles and the Elder Shado and GG left to leave the two alone.

Adam held Chrissin and Xael took Tanis but there was scratching at the door and GG opened it to let their other pups in. Tank and Dozer were also worried about their momma and hopped up on the bed.

Xael gave them each a good pet. Feeding their Pups, Adam gently caressed Xael's face.

"I'm fine now hon, thank you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I'll have a bath then be out after feeding the boys."

"Mn. Oh Minh and Beau will be here in a couple of hours."

"Oh good!"

Babies fed and loved on, they were back to their peaceful selves.

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