James' POV Rose tells him

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James' POV:
I hear a knock for a second I think it's Eva but then I remember it's Rose to tell me what she said about me. I open the door and eagerly invite her into my messy bedroom. ''Just sit on the bean bag.'' I tell her trying to mask my excitement and fear. ''Right umm you might want to sit down too James.'' Say Rose. ''Okay!'' I say enthusiastically. So I move my books to the side and put them on the floor sitting down cross-legged on the bed.

Rose's POV:
How can I tell James this he seems so excited? But I can't lie then he'll go after someone who doesn't want to be chased after. ''Do you want to hear the good or the bad news first?'' I ask.

James' POV:
''Bad.'' I want to get the worst over and done with. ''She ur said she like the peace.'' Said Rose hesitating. I feel crushed, like I'm about to cry. I feel the lump in my throat. I speak anyway, ''T-the go-ood?'' Wow my voice sounds almost as heartbroken as I feel. ''She ur may have been lying.'' Rose says sounding like she's about to cry herself. I can't chase her now. Now that my plan has failed me. Sigh. It isn't like James the first and Lily the first. I will never be as good and as brilliant as him no matter how hard I try... No you can't give up now James! Not after so much work! You have to push on. On your Quest of Love. Wow that sound as stupid and as corny as f**k! Oh well. ''We need to think harder!'' I say to Rose. ''Trying acting yourself. Not trying to impress anyone or be anyone.'' Rose suggests. ''An experiment! I like it!''

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