Potter Mansion Yet Again

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I get to Potter Mansion by floo powder. James, Lily, Albus, Mrs. Potter and Mr. Potter were at the table. ''What's Longbottom doing here?'' James asks. ''James don't be so rude! What's the matter with you?'' Says Mrs. Potter. ''I don't to talk about it.'' He shouts storming up the stairs. ''Sorry about that James has been in a funny mood.'' Said Mr. Potter. ''Oh she knows all about it dad! She's been so...'' Starts Lily but Albus puts his hand over her mouth. ''Haha. He is isn't he! How very odd!'' He says trying to get them to ignore Lily. ''Has something gone on between you youngsters?'' Asks Mrs. Potter. ''No.'' Says me and Albus but Lily says, ''Yes.'' Albus kicked her under the table. ''OW! Mum Albus kicked me.'' Cried Lily. ''Oh Albus why would you do that?'' Asks Mrs. Potter. ''Dear I think Lily was meant to say no.'' Says Mr. Potter. ''Oh well I don't think we will get it out of them Harry. Eva you will have the room next to James.'' Says Mrs. Potter I just sigh in response. Mr. Potter carries my luggage up. ''Is everything okay between you and James?'' Mr. Potter asks seriously. ''Yes sir. It's fine.'' I say half-heartedly. The rest of the Weasley/Potter family come over. I decided to remain in the guest bedroom with my book to study for N. E. W. T s. I am studying to be a Healer. Because a long time ago my mother was sick when I was around seven so we took her to St. Mungo's and they managed to save her life. Chris is an Auror and Alice is a owner of a shop. So I was the only one to repay the Healers in my own way. Ever since I was passionate about the subject. Turns out James stayed in his room to study to. For once in his life. I was starting to need the toilet badly so I went but I accidentally walked in on James using the toilet. ''Oh. Oops sorry I um forgot to er lock the toilet.'' Said James awkwardly. Usually he would be making a joke.

To be continued.

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