The Weasley/Potter Children

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It was 1 week later I was just minding my own business doing my heaps of homework by the Black Lake. When Rose and Lily comes over. I sigh, "Great." I grumble. "Hello Eva." They say cheerfully. "Hello." I reply annoyed. "Listen guys I'm really busy so I would appreciate people not pestering me about annoying idiots. Okay?" I say trying to be polite. but either they didn't hear me or they didn't care because they both sat down next to me. I roll my eyes, I guess being an annoying idiot runs in family... "So Eva how are you?" Asks Rose 'innocently'. "Good. But I would prefer if-" I say. "Oh that's nice." Lily interrupts. "So Madame Promfrey says you have the love bug huh?" Rose asks curious. I turn so quickly I'm surprised I don't have whiplash. "THAT IS NONE OF YOUR FRICKEN BUISSNESS!" I yell annoyed. I collect my stuff and walk off. I can just feel everyone's eyes on me.

Later after I have cooled off I see people whispering whenever I pass. "I hear she has this thing called the love bug!" Whisper Hufflepuff 2nd year to friend. "No way!" Replies the Friend. "I have no such thing. Plus next time you go around gossiping make sure your sources are correct." I say calmly to the boys. They gulp most likely hearing of my temper, "Y-yes miss." They reply in unison and run off. I decide to go to the library.

But apparently I'm so damn predictable because I find the whole Weasley/Potter gang waiting for me minus James Potter. "Shoot." I whisper under my breath hoping they won't see me. "There she is!" Yells Fred. Damn. Suddenly Dominique is holding onto my left arm and Victiore my right arm. I must say they are very strong for Veela's...

To be continued...

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