Chapter 15: A New Chapter

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Colby's P.O.V.

I have been waiting for a long time for this to happen. Nobody knows about it. Not even Rosalie knows. I felt really lucky to have someone like her.

As Clary, she's fierce, badass, determined, and amazing.

As Rosalie Dumas, she's sweet, kind, gentle, and down-to-earth.

We still manage to get through everything we've faced. Us working together for the first time, developing feelings, becoming a couple, the breakup, getting back together. I always wanted to make her mine and tonight, I will officially make her mine forever.

I was standing behind the curtain. I was waiting to go out so I can pop the question. I took a deep breath as my singles theme played.

I walked out and was greeted with the audience cheering. I walked down the ramp, me feeling nervous, but confident. As I got to the ring, I got a microphone and motioned for my music to stop.

"I came out here to do something that hopefully will go well. I couldn't think of any place else to do this, so I decided to do it where I first met her. Here in the middle of the ring. Clary, come out, please." I said.

Just then, her theme played and out she came. She had the Divas title around her. She looked so beautiful with it on. How could I be so lucky to have an amazing woman like her?

She walked the steel steps and got inside the ring and stood in front of me before her music stopped. I looked at her and took her hand in mine before I moved bits of her hair out of her face. I held the mic once again.

"Clary, you're the most important girl in my life. Back at NXT, the minute I laid eyes on you, I knew you would probably be the one for me. After we got together, I had a feeling it wouldn't last, but we managed to get through 3 and a half years together. You always stayed by my side even when I didn't want to talk to anybody. I still managed to stay by your side despite our struggles. I may never change what happened that one night, but now that we've moved on, we can start a new chapter in our lives. I love you, Clary. I promise to love you for eternity. I promise to support you through anything. I promise to protect you from any dangers. Most of all, I promise to be the best man you can have."

I stepped back and pulled out the velvet box as the crowd cheered and she gasped, putting her hands over her mouth. I got down on one knee as I opened it, revealing the ring. She had tears forming into her eyes as she smiled.

"Rosalie Alexa Dumas, will you marry me?" I asked.

Instantly, she nod her head and I smiled as I took the ring out and placed it on her finger. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders and the other around her waist as I captured her lips in mine, kissing her tenderly.

We pulled away and she smiled as she hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her as my singles theme played.

We pulled away and she kissed me again as we got out of the ring and we saw my parents there along with her mother and aunt. I went to my parents and hugged them as Rosalie hugged her mom and aunt.

"We're proud of you, Son. Congratulations. She is welcomed." my mom told me. I smiled and nodded. "Thanks." I told them. Rosalie came over and they hugged her too. "You're so beautiful, Honey. He's really lucky." my mom told me. Rosalie thanked them before I saw her aunt and mom there and they pulled me into a hug too.

"Take care of my daughter. She's my only daughter." Amy said. "I will. I promise." I reassured her. "Take care of my niece. I love her so much." Patricia told me. I nodded before I joined Rosalie again and we walked up the ramp, hand-in-hand as the fans were chanting "Congratulations."

When we got backstage, the whole roster was there cheering as they came over. Joe and Jon came over and hugged me as Saraya and Eva hugged Rosalie. Soon, The Shield and The Sisters of Destruction all joined in a group hug.

"Congratulations, Sis." Saraya told Rosalie. "Thank you." she said.

The guys gave me bro hugs and the girls gave Rosalie huge hugs while jumping up and down. April jumped on Rosalie and hugged her as the guys and I chuckled.

Just then, Stephanie and Hunter came in and we all looked at them as I took Rose's hand in mine and intertwined our fingers together. Stephanie and Hunter opened their arms and Rosalie ran to them and they caught her in a parent-like hug.

Who knew that my woman would be able to capture the hearts of everyone, heck even The Authority and Kane? I guess it's a gift she has.

When they pulled away, Stephanie took Rosalie's hands in hers.

"Congratulations, Honey. We're so proud of you." she told her as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

Hunter gestured for me to come over and I did. He stood next to me while Stephani stood beside Rosalie, us in the middle.

We all raised our arms and everybody cheered.

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