Chapter 2: Hospital Visit

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Rosalie's P.O.V.

I lay down in my hospital bed, crying as I saw The Shield on television, talking about how they were glad I wasn't part of them. It has been three days since the incident. It killed me to see my former first love and former brothers doing this. "Why did you have to betray me? What the hell did I ever do?" I asked myself as I cried.

I heard my phone ring and I saw that it was a Facetime call from Nicole. I hit accept and soon saw them on the screen. "Rosalie! Are you okay?" Brianna asked, being like the older sister she was to me. "I'm fine. Just a broken wrist and ankle and a couple bruises and scratches." I explained. "Those bastards will pay for what they did to you." Nicole told me. I chuckled lightly. "I hope they do."

"What did your doctor say?" Nicole asked me. "He just told me to stop wrestling until my wrist heals back up. Probably a month. If you can, can you inform Stephanie and Hunter?" I asked. "Sure. But, are you gonna come back?" she asked. "I don't know if I want to continue." I told her. "What do you mean, Rose?! You love wrestling more than anything!" Brianna exclaimed. "I need time to think. I don't think I'll come back. I don't want to face them again." I explained. "Whatever choice you make, it's fine. Remember, we're here for you if anything." Nicole told me. I smiled and nodded before the Facetime call ended.

I put the phone down and watched as Stephanie went to The Shield and yelled at them. "One day, she will come back, but she won't be the same anymore. And, once you realize that, it'll be late. she said as she threw the mic and left.

I heard a knock on my door. It opened and I saw the nurse there. "Honey, you have visitors." she told me. I then gasped as I saw my mother and my 'aunt' Patricia/Trish there with her baby, Max. "Mother. Aunt Patricia." I said as they rushed to me. "Oh, sweetie. Are you okay? We got here as fast as we could." Patricia explained. "No. Broken wrist and ankle, and a couple scratches and bruises." I told her.

I lay my eyes on my godbrother, Max. "Hey, Babyboy." I cooed as Patricia brought him over. "Can you be able to hold him?" Mom asked. "Yeah. It's my right wrist that's broken. My other one is still good." I explained before Patricia placed Max into my arms. He was sleeping and he grabbed my finger with his tiny hand. "He loves his godsister."

I looked at my mother with a smile before I placed a gentle kiss on the baby's head. I hissed as I felt a searing pain come from my wrist. Patricia grabbed Max and took him into her arms. "Are you okay?" she asked. "I'm fine. It comes and goes." I reassured her.

"How long are you gonna be out?" Mom asked me. "Probably three months at least." I explained. "Have you told the McMahons?" she asked again. "The Bellas told them. They know already." I told her. "How've you been holding up?" she asked. I shrugged before I felt tears coming down my face as The Shield got what used to be my vest before they ripped it apart. "Forget them. They don't deserve you."

"He was my first love. They were my brothers." I sobbed before they both hugged me. I cried as Mom held me against her and Patricia held my hand. "Shh. You're okay." Mom soothed me. After a while of sweet words coming from them, I stopped crying.

"I don't know if I want to continue wrestling." I told them. "No, Rose. That's what you've always wanted to do since you were a little girl. Don't let a couple of shitheads keep you from doing that. I raised you to not give up. We both taught you how to do this along with other wrestler veterans we worked with ourselves. Follow your heart and don't give up. Remember, you still have your fans, your friends, and most importantly, us." she explained.

I smiled and nodded at my mother's words. "See? Take a look at this." Patricia said as she handed me my phone. I looked and saw some many of my Twitter notifications. So many of my wrestling friends and fans sent me sweet and supporting. Tweets.

I even saw some messages on my Instagram post I recently put the night before after I was put in the hospital bed. They were from everybody else at WWE and all the fans. Here was a list of a couple them.

(Paige): I hope you're doing okay! You got this, bestie! Hope you get better soon! 😭😭💗💗💗💗

(The Miz): Hope you feel better, future champ! Remember what I said when I trained you, Don't let anything hold you back! Get well soon! 👍🏻🤜🤛

(Brie and Nikki): We miss you so much, girlie! We know you'll recover because your a badass! We're here if anything! 👍🏻👍🏻💕💕💕

(Stephanie): We're all rattled up about what happened. I hope you recover well. You are like a fourth daughter figure to me and it hurts me deeply to see you like this. Love you, Rose. 💖💖

(Maryse): I'm so sad that you're not here with us. I hope you feel better, Sweetie. Stay safe! ❤❤❤❤❤

(Username): Hope you get well soon! It hurts me that you will be out for a while. You're such an inspiration to me and my little sister. Because of you, we'll be joining WWE soon. You're the best! 😍😍😍

I felt happy tears rolling down my face as I scrolled through each one. All of them about best wishes and get betters. Even my friends back at NXT were sending me encouragement. "You're right. I can't let then down like this. I will continue after all " I said with a couple tears coming from my eyes. "Thanks, Mom. Aunt Patricia." I told them.

I looked at the screen as I saw Paige, AJ, Nikki, Dolph, CM Punk, and Randy walking together with pissed off looks. They came across The Shield, who looked at them in curiosity. "On behalf of Clary." AJ said before she slapped Dean, Nikki slapped Roman, and Paige slapped Seth, making the three Hounds fall back slightly. Randy punched and kicked Roman, while Dolph had Dean, and CM Punk had Seth.

"You deserve it! Don't you ever touch our sister again!" Paige yelled as she kicked Seth in the middle and she, the girls, and the guys walked off.

"See, Sweetie? Everybody still cares about you." Patricia told me

"Get some rest, sweetie. We'll be right here." Mom told me. I nodded as I lay my head back and she kissed my forehead. She then reached into her bag and got out my stuffed bear that I always had with me when I went to sleep. She had given it to me for my fourth birthday. It was a purple bear with a pink heart on its chest.

I took a deep breath and held my bear close to me as I let darkness consume me into a deep slumber.

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