Chapter 22: Wedding

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A/N: Since Renee is a part of the Four Horsewomen (Rosalie, Saraya, Eva, and April) in this story, should I...

(1) Keep her as an interviewer

(2) Have her become a wrestler so she can show her alliance with them

(3) Have her be their manager like Zelina with Andrade

(4) Be both a manager and wrestler like Zelina

Let me know, lovelies!

A/N: Ignore the hair clip because I'm gonna put a different one

Rosalie's P.O.V.

"Are you nervous?" Nikki asked as she helped Saraya get me ready. I smiled and nodded my head. "Yes." I replied.

"I remembered when I first married Bryan. I was nervous at first, but once I saw him, all the nerves went away. Maybe if you see Colby later, you'll feel at ease." Brie explained.

Today was the day Colby and I tie the knot. I was anxious and excited about this because I was finally going to spend the rest of my life with the man I devoted half my life to, but at the same time, I'm nervous for what the future is gonna hold.

Our guests were the following people:

Girls: My mom, Patricia, Holly (Colby's Mom), Maryse, Mickie, Chyna, Saraya, her parents, Nikki, Brie, Eva, April, Galina, Renee, Trinity, Stephanie, Charlotte, Becky, Sasha, and Emma. We even invited Ronda Rousey, who was a very great friend of mine.

Guys: Matt, Jeff, Colby's dad and brothers, Hunter, Mike, John, Bryan, Jonathan (Eva's man), Phil, Joe, Jon, Joshua, Jon (Jimmy), and Travis Browne.

"You're right." I said as Nikki finished my hair and Saraya finished my makeup. I smiled as I looked at the results. "Thanks, girls." I told them. "No problem. Now, time for the dress!" Nikki said as my other bridesmaids came in.

"Is she going to put the dress on now?" Renee asked. "Yeah! I want to see how pretty she's going to look!" Brie agreed.

"I'm about to put it on." I said as I was handed the dress.

I went into the bathroom and changed out of my robe into the beautiful custom-made dress. It fit my body perfectly and I loved the material. Once I was done, I opened the door and went out, my bridesmaids and best friends gasping.

"You look so beautiful!" Eva said as she and the other girls fawned over my look. "Hell yeah! Colby is one lucky guy!" Nikki added. I smiled as I did a playful 'stop it' gesture.

"Stop. You're making me blush." I said playfully. We all laughed before the door opened, revealing my mom. She gasped before walking over to me.

"Oh, my gosh! You're so beautiful!" she said. I chuckled as I fixed my veil. "Crap, my mascara." she said, wiping her eyelid. "Mom." I said as Nikki handed her a tissue. "Thanks." she told her before wiping her eyes.

"Matt, get in here!" she said.

My stepdad walked in and he smiled as he hugged me. "You look beautiful, Sweetie. Colby is lucky to have someone like you." he said. The bridesmaids had left to give us some privacy except for Saraya and Nikki.

"We thought you needed something red." she said before Matt opened a box, revealing a beautiful hair comb. "And something old. Besides your mother." he said in a jokingly matter. "Thanks." she replied with sarcasm. "It was your grandmother's." he explained. "But, we added the rubies." Mom added. "It's beautiful. Thank you so much." I said as I handed it to Nikki, who put it in my hair.

"Well, we'll see you out there." Mom said as she and Matt hugged me before leaving. I looked at Nikki and Saraya as they smiled. "Ready?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yes." I said as Saraya handed me my bouquet. We went down the stairs and saw Matt there with all the other bridesmaids and groomsmen. The couples were going first and then me and Matt were going last.

As they all saw me, they smiled and the guys came over.

"You look so beautiful, Red." Joe said as he hugged me. "Thanks, Joebear." I replied.

"You're going to be a great wife." Bryan said as Nick and Phil nodded.

"She reminds me of Eva when we got married. Nervous, but ready to do it." Jonathan said.

I looked at the man who I've been best friends with since FCW. The man who took me under his wing. The man who helped train me to get to where I'm at today.

He smiled at me as he hugged me tightly. "You look beautiful, Rosalie. My little sister is all grown up." he said, his voice breaking a bit. "I'll always be your little sister." I told him as the others 'awww'ed.

Soon, the orgon played as the bridesmaids walked out with their significant others in the groomsmen.

The order was:
•Joe and Galina
•Renee and Jon
•Eva and Jonathan
•Nikki and John
•Brie and Bryan
•April and Phil
•Saraya and Nick

They went to their respective sides and I took a deep breath as I realized it was my turn. I could see Colby there and I smiled. "You ready?" Matt asked me. I nodded as the wedding march played.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Matt and I walked out and I smiled as I saw Colby there and I could see tears in his eyes. Matt and I walked down the aisle and I smiled at our guests before we got to the altar. He shook hands with Colby.

"Take care of her, son." he told him. "I will, Sir. I promise." Colby replied.

Matt kissed my head before taking a seat next to my mom and Patricia, who had Max in her lap. He grabbed her hand and I could see myself and Colby in that picture.

Everybody sat down as Colby and I grabbed each other's hands.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Colby Daniel Lopez and Rosalie Alexa Dumas. I'm sure you've already written your vows?" the priest asked us. We nodded our heads.

"Now, Colby. Place the ring on Rosalie's finger and proceed with your vows." he said.

Colby got the ring from the ring bearer and put it on my left finger. I smiled as he brought my hand to his lips, kissing it. The crowd 'awww'ed and smiled.

"Rosalie, words can't explain how much you mean the world to me. When I first met you, I felt a connection I've never felt with any other woman. You accepted me despite my flaws and welcomed me with open arms. After a while, I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. We may have had our ups and downs, but in the end, our love has become stronger." Colby spoke.

At this point, I was getting emotional, since my eyes were getting glossy.

"I love you more than I love wrestling. You're the light to my darkness. You're my anchor. I promise that I'll be the best husband in the world and a wonderful father to our children. I'll support you every step of the way and I promise to make this marriage last for eternity. I love you, Rosalie. Forever and always." he said.

I smiled as I let a small tear fall and he wiped it gently.

"Now, Rosalie. Place the ring on Colby's finger and proceed with your vows." the priest said. I grabbed the ring and placed it on his left finger before I placed a hand on his cheek.

"The moment we first met, I knew there was something special about you. When we became friends, I didn't expect us to become really close friends. I guess fate had different plans for us because I realized I wanted to spend every second of my life with an amazing man like you. Nobody has ever loved me as much as I love you. We may have had problems once or twice, but I knew it wouldn't make me love you any less." I spoke.

His smile grew as he nodded his head.

"I promise to be a great wife and your best friend till our last breath. I promise that when times are tough, I'll be there every step of the way. In or out of the ring, I promise to love you unconditionally. I love you, Colby Danielle Lopez." I finished.

He smiled and kissed my hand.

"Colby, do you take Rosalie to be your lawfully wedded wife?" the priest asked.

"I do." he replied.

"And do you, Rosalie, take Colby to be your lawfully wedded husband?" the priest asked me.

"I do." I replied.

"By the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride."

I giggled as Colby wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck, connecting our lips. The guests, groomsmen, and bridesmaids all stood up and cheered, clapping. My husband and I pulled away and smiled as we walked down the aisle together.

I stopped walking as I remembered something.

"Ladies, gather around!" I said.

All the girls got into a huddle as I got ready for the bouquet toss. I turned around and tossed it backwards. Soon, there was loud cheering. I turned and saw that Saraya was holding the bouquet and next to her was Nick.

Colby and I laughed as we clapped.

Everybody later on went to the tables to have dinner and cake.

I turned and saw my Horsewomen run to me. I smiled as Colby chuckled. They all engulfed me in a group hug.

"Congratulations, Rose!" April said. "You're finally Mrs. Lopez!" Renee added. "It's about time!" Saraya added. "Congratulations you two!" Eva said.

"Thanks, ladies. We appreciate it." Colby said as the guys came over and hugged him.

"How about a picture of all of us? A Four Horsewomen pic?" I asked. They all smiled and nodded.

I handed my phone to Joe, who smiled and set the camera. My girls and I smiled as we held four fingers. Joe snapped the picture and handed the phone to me. "Thanks, Joebear." I said.

He grabbed Colby and hugged the both of us tightly. "Congratulations, my little Architects. I love you." he said. "We love you too." I said.

I quickly posted the picture to my Instagram page.

Just then, Jon came over and picked me up, spinning me around. "Congrats, Darling!" he said. I giggled as he set me down. "I'm so happy for you two." he said as he bro-hugged Colby. "We love you so much." Colby said as us Shield hugged.

Saraya took a picture of all four of us doing the Shield pose.

My parents and aunt came over and hugged me and Colby. "We're so happy for you two." Mom told us. "Thanks, Mom and Dad. Patricia." I replied. "Thanks, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy." Colby told her. "Please, call us Mom and Dad." she insisted. It made me more happier.

My friends and the rest of our guests greeted us and congratulated us. This was honestly the best experience ever.

"It's time for the cake cutting!" I heard Stephanie say.

Colby and I went to where the cake was as everybody took their seats. Mom handed us a knife and we cut the cake. We served each other a slice before the countdown began.




Colby and I shoved our slices of cake into each other's mouths, which ended up smearing our faces. We laughed as did everybody else as they clapped. He cupped my face and kissed me through the icing.

We cleaned ourselves up before Mom got a microphone and spoke up.

"Now, this is what everybody's probably been waiting for. The bride and groom dance." Mom announced.

Just then, a beautiful song played. I blushed as Colby sent me a wink.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Colby extended his hand out and I took it before we went to the center of the dance floor.

We began dancing to the song and I smiled as he kissed me softly.

"I'm so happy I found the woman I get to spend the rest of my life with." he told me. "I'm more than happy to call you my husband." I replied.

He smiled before he kissed my forehead. I lay my head on his chest as we swayed to the music.

Here's to the start of my new life.

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