Chapter 9: A Second Chance

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Rosalie's P.O.V.

I sat down, going through my phone before Renee came over. "Excuse me, Clary?" she asked. I looked up at her as I got up. "So, everybody has been hyped up ever since you posted on social media that Eva has now joined the Sisters of Destruction. How does it feel?" she asked me before holding the microphone to me.

"It feels great. I honestly believe I made the right choice because I have a feeling we might become stronger. Also, Eva deserves to have a place on the team. She's just as important as the rest of us." I explained. "Now, lastly. What are your thoughts on the Shield going out right now to try and apologize to you?" she asked. "What?" I asked. "They're going to the ring right now. See for yourself." she said as she looked at the television there.

I looked and saw The Shield inside the ring as they all got microphones.

"We would like to apologize to someone. Someone who had been through thick and thin with us. Unfortunately, our dumbasses threw all that away because we believed something that wasn't true." Joe said.

"Rita, we're sorry for what we did. Perhaps, Seth should explain everything." Jon announced.

The camera zoomed in on Colby and I could see that he was slightly teary-eyed. He took a deep breath.

Colbt held the mic as the fans screamed.

"Well, Clary, if you're watching right now, you might want to hear this." he said.

'If he actually means what he will say, should I give him a second chance?' I mentally asked myself.

I watched as Colby looked straight. Jon and Joe did the same thing.

"Clary, you're wondering why we hurt you that night. The truth is, I was told a lie about you that set me off and had me tell the boys. It turns out, it was Summer Rae who told me the lie. I knew she was hitting on me because she was jealous of us. She was jealous that I had a real woman. A tough, badass, fearless, sweet, kind, yet brave fighter like you. However, I didn't expect her to lie to me like that. She told me you had cheated on me with Sheamus. I was an idiot for believing her. We all were." he explained.

I was silently fuming with my fists clenched.

'So, it was that bitch who caused this? That bitch is who caused me to go through so much pain from my recovery. I am so gonna make her pay.' I thought to myself.

Colby had a look I never thought I would see. He had tears rolling down his face, although he kept a straight one. Joe and Jon looked hurt as well. Colby wiped the tears away as Jon placed a hand on his shoulder. "We didn't mean to do that, Red." Joe said. I felt my heart ache at the nickname he gave me.

"So, if you can come out here, we would like that. Just to clear things up." Colby said as all three of them waited.

I bit my lip, nervous of what to do.

"Rose, please." Dean pleaded.

I walked but I felt a hand grab me. I looked and saw The Usos, Eva, and Saraya there. "You have to let me go, guys. I'll be okay." I reassured them. They sighed before Saraya let me go.

I walked and ended up in front of the curtain. I nodded to the guy before my theme played.

Don't you try to hide with those angel eyes

I walked out and was greeted with the fans screaming and chanting my ring name. I went to a couple fans and fist bumped them before I got to the ring and slid myself in. I got a microphone as my music stopped.

"So, guys. Summer was the one who started all this?" I asked them. "Yeah. Do you think I'd be stupid enough to hurt you even if Summer wasn't here?" Colby asked. "If it weren't for her, we'd still have you with us." he said. "Well, I have no idea what to do about this. You guys scarred me for life. Emotionally and physically. I guess if it weren't for you guys, you'd still have me. Now, I don't know if I'll ever come back. I can't forgive easily, you know."

Joe stepped forth. "I still care about you. I still see you as my sister. You're a part of me both in and out of the ring. If anyone tries messing with you, they will have to go through me. Come back with us and we can start over."

Jon stepped forth next. "You know, I may never say this, but I love you like my little sister. We believed a lie that just brainwashed us. You're basically my sister from another parent. When I saw you on that hospital bed, I wanted to go there and help you, but I knew you would be pissed. I'm sorry." he told me.

Finally, Colby stepped forth, only in front of me. He pulled out the necklace I had gotten rid of and placed it around my neck once again. He placed his hand on my shoulder. "Every day, I live with that night inside me. I know I won't be able to change that, but I will be telling the truth when I say I still love you. You're the only girl in my life. Not even my favorite things can replace you. If you can give me one more chance, I will never fail you again." he explained. "I'm sorry for what I did. Even if you don't feel the same, I love you, Clary."

"I need proof, Seth. I can't forgive easily." I told him. He reached into a pocket in his vest and got out a beautiful ring that had an emerald on it. "This is a promise ring. I promise to never turn on you again. I promise I will support you, no matter what the situation is. Most of all, I promise I will stand by your side." he told me.

I felt happy tears pour into my eyes as I looked at them. I looked into Colby's brown eyes and placed a hand on his cheek. Everybody 'Awww'ed as he kissed the inside of my hand. As soon as the tears poured, I jumped up, wrapping my legs around him as he held me. I connected my lips with his, making the WWE universe go wild with cheers as my theme played.

Colby wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck. Our lips danced with each other as I felt the warmth I missed so much.

After we pulled away and I got down, he wiped the tears from my face away. He put the ring on my finger. I raised the microphone and smiled at him. "I forgive you." I said. Joe and Jon clapped and the audience cheered louder as Colby lifted me up and hugged me, spinning me around. As he set me down, he kissed me again. I was finally back with the one man I ever loved.

After the kiss, Joe and Jon came to me. I hugged both guys and they responded by hugging me tightly. I cried happy tears as I knew I reunited with my brothers and boyfriend. I stood in between Colby and Joe. Joe put his fist out, followed by the others. I smiled before I nodded and put my fist in too.

Style and grace
I'm never gonna be done
Lean on in
Now welcome to the queendom

I looked and saw Stephanie walking until she stopped midway with a mic. "I'm not here to fight or do anything. I just came here to talk. Clary, I'm glad you found happiness once again. I really do hope it lasts because we all know how important you are to everybody. As for you three, if you ever hurt her again, there will be consequences. We're keeping an eye on you three. Don't forget that." she explained before she turned around.

"Wait." I told her, making everybody go slightly silent.

"I want to be in a match. A match against Summer Rae. I want to give that b***h a piece of my mind and show her she can never mess with me. Tonight." I told her. "Consider it done." she replied before leaving.

I looked back at the Hounds of Justice before we all joined in a group hug. After pulling away, Colby and Jon lifted me onto their shoulders, and Joe got in front of me as we all raised out arms up, making everybody cheer louder than a couple minutes ago.

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