Chapter 16

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*TARDIS Noise* (Time skip.)

Everything was happening so quickly. A couple of months ago, Hermione gave birth to a girl they named Rose, and Ginny was due in a few weeks.

Kat had a couple of months left, but the child - they found out - was a boy. They had lots of names already, and Kat kept on shipping whichever name she like most with Rose. At the moment it was PinocchiRose. Yes, she wanted to name her child Pinocchio.

Thankfully, the male Malfoy wasn't as keen on the name. Otherwise the poor kid would get bullied something dreadful.

Rose had a lot of cousins already - James, Molly, Lucy, Roxanne, Fred, Dom, Vic, and two on the way. Ted too, if you counted adopted people.

She had blue eyes, and hair that - despite being the colour of her father's - was already very similar to Hermione's.

I had also heard from Dudley recently. Their child - a boy named Henry - was just younger than James. Today we were going to their house for a play date, to let the children get to know their second cousins.

"Daddy! Daddy!"

"Yes James?"

"Look!" I looked at where he was pointing, which was a hovering toy.

"Well done! Clever James!"

"Amazing James." He corrected. "Daddy get it wrong."

"Okay, amazing James. Are you nearly ready to go?"

"All ready."

"Good boy. Come on then. Lets go."

I picked him up and - after calling a "Goodbye" - apperated away. We landed in an alleyway, which once exited lead to the most Dursley-ish street possible. It was like Vernon and Petunia had came by to turn every house identical. Each one had the same tall, steep roof, which contrasted the rather wide width. All of them were made to form the same pattern, which was mostly red, but with a large dark grey/blue diamond pattern repeated on the sides. Each house had a different coloured door, yet still followed a pattern; red, white, blue, red with stained glass, white with stained glass, brown. Every garden exhibited a topiary trimmed to perfection, with a bed of flowers to match the house's front door.

Every house held these features. Every house but one...

I instantly recognised the house belonging to my cousin, as the flowers looked like instead of being neatly planted, they had been dumped onto the soil; instead of a red/blue/white door, it looked like a rainbow had been bottled up and thrown onto it.

I took James over to it, knocked on the door, and was immediately greeted by Duddley Dursley.

We were invited in, and went through to the living room. Inside sat Cho and Henry. Everyone was introduced (by which I mean that Henry and James were introduced), and soon enough Dudley, Cho and I sat down, drinking tea and watching our children interact.

James and Henry were currently swordfighting with pretend swords (obviously), with the occasional burst of accidental magic causing the other to have their 'weapon' flying out of their hand.

Henry, it seemed, would also be attending Hogwarts. I realised with a jolt that Dudley's son would most likely be placed in Ravenclaw (due to his mother being in that house, and his father not being put in any), the house of intelligence and wit. If you told me that twelve years ago I would have laughed in your face.

Firstly because of the fact that he wasn't exactly the sharpest tool on the shed, and secondly because he had a fear of magic that was so strong there could have been no way for him to have a kid with someone of magical ability.

Thinking back to thirteen year-old Dudley, I noticed just how much weight he'd lost.

"So, how are the two of you doing?

"Good. Yeah, we're doing well thanks. Yourself and Ginny?"

"Great. James' younger sibling is expected any week now really. So we're all excited, and James is really hoping it'll be a boy. Although with the amount of mischief James is already causing, another boy like that will be a nightmare."

"Ah, yep. Henry's more into playing good boy, in hope to get what he wants."

"Well does it work?"

"At times." Cho admitted. "But then we've worked out most of his tricks. It's amazing as to how cunning a two year old can be."

"Tell me about it. James likes to lay little 'traps' for us."

"Like I used to?" Dudley asked. "Sorry about that by the way."

"No problem."

"The thing with Henry is that he seems to have inherited Cho's intelligence. So he's really matter of fact, which is pretty disconcerting for a 2 year old."

"Really? It's amazing as to how quickly they learn everything."

Third person

The adults continued to chat about their children, and catch up on everything.

The boys continued to play and - without being noticed - scheme.

When it was time to go, the two children bid one another farewell (whilst grinning at their combined plotting), said goodbye to any other relatives they would not see for a while.

The first one went off when Harry and James apperated home. A large volume of green smelly gas erupted upon the interaction between Harry's feet and the floor.

Dudley and Cho were subject to their cups, glasses and bowls melting into nothingness whenever something was placed inside. This proved a problem for dinner, as it is rather difficult to eat soup on a plate.

Henry and James both found it rather funny, and knew that one day their talents of mischief-making would combine and cause a lot of angry angry adults to be... Well, angry.

Time skip (again)


"Potter! I am going torture and then slowly murder you!" My wife yelled at me, her eyes containing so much hatred that I had full faith in her carrying out her threat.

"I know. And then I'll be resurrected, only to be tortured and murdered before."

"Don't try to get all clever with me, you will die."

"Yep, as I said, I know. And I accept it. Bit you cm murder me as much as you like once you've finished giving birth."

"Do not tell me which order to do things! If you're not careful, I'll kill you and then give birth. So in other words, shut up!" I decided to stay silent. "Wise choice."

After more insults, my hand most likely getting broken in several different places, several different times, it was over.

I was the father of two, and I held my newest son. When Ginny woke up, we signed the name down onto the final documents.

Sorry! I know I said that I'd update soon, but I've been really busy.

Writer's block? Check.

End of term tests in every subject? Check.

Not only my dad, but also my brother now on crutches? Check.

Read Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer? Check.

OUAT Season 5? Check.

Going to the HARRY POTTER STUDIO TOUR tomorrow? CHECK.

I love you all!

-Alice xoxox

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