Chapter 22

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Okay, so tbh I'm getting a bit tired of proposal -> wedding -> child pops up -> filler -> repeat. So although it may be tedious the next few chapters will be the last three weddings (Wisteria and Dean, Gracie and Thor, Sophia and Lucas). I just want to speed the book up a bit and take it back to being Hinny orientated with the other ships still in there, but having Hinny as the main one.

So without further ado, may I present to you:
Chapter Twenty-two...

In Wisteria's Point Of View.

It was here.

My big day had arrived.

I was 26 years old, and wearing the big white dress that I'd remember forever. It was a long, cream coloured dress, which was floor length and trailed out at the back. It was slender and tight too, which effectively showed off the figure I had gained from dancing. Unlike many, this one had long sleeves. My hair was in a beautiful braided crown (of I do say so myself), which displayed my purple streaks.

Maddi, my best friend from since I could remember, was a muggle and amazed when I could do a flick of wand and my hair was sorted. To be fair though, she was amazed at all the magic; when the portraits started to move and talk she was positively astounded.

"Wisteria, you look beautiful." She told me as I looked at myself. "It's going to go brilliantly, so you don't need to worry or anything-"

"I know. I'm not worried at all. Thanks though. I have complete and utter faith in Dean."

A few minutes later, it was time...

I took my flowers, and my dad entered.

"Look at you. You're so grown up! I remember when you were up to my knees and you insisted that you were nearly as tall as me." He laughed. "And now it's time for me to link arms and give you away to another man. Off we go."

So we linked arms and met the bridal party at the front doors leading to the tall chapel. Together, my father and I entered, followed by the bridesmaids. The light streaming in was colourful, courtesy of the stained glass windows.

Because of where Dean was standing, there was a small circle of clear light which shone directly on him, as though it were a spotlight.

We reached the part just in front of the alter and dad took my hand and placed it in Dean's.

The two of us walked up and then stood smiling, holding hands and ready to be married.

"Welcome everyone. As you all know, we are gathered here today to be witnesses of the marriage between Dean Thomas and Wisteria May Merali. If anyone has any reasons as to why they should not be married, speak now or forever hold their peace." Nobody said a word. "Well, that's always a good sign. With the vows you are each about to say, you are committing to a solemn oath. Dean, of you would proceed..."

"I, Dean Thomas, take you, Wisteria May Merali, to be my lawfully wedded wife; to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, I'm sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, and hereto I pledge you my faithfulness."

"And Wisteria."

"I, Wisteria May Merali, take you, Dean Thomas, to be my lawfully wedded husband; to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, I'm sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part, and hereto I pledge you my faithfulness."

"With this ring," Dean declared, sliding the ring onto my finger, "I wed thee."

"With this ring I wed thee." I mimicked his actions and put the ring onto his finger.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Dean didn't need telling twice. He kissed me in a way we had never kissed before, and it was heavenly.

When we pulled apart, it was to cheers, and a couple of wolf whistles.

We walked back down the aisle and exited the Chapel together, then had the traditional confetti-being-thrown-onto-you experience.

Then, we got into the car and drove to the reception place, in a car with a great big "JUST WED" ribbon tied to it.

Once we got to the reception, we got out of the car (obviously. As nice as it would have been to just stay together, it would kind of be impractical. And we had plenty of time together in our lives ahead), then headed inside the building. Unusually, it was round apposed to square or rectangular. It was also owned by a guy who knew Dean's biological father (when he was alive), so through him knew Dean's mother and Dean.

He was a wizard and hired out the place to people. It meant that we were able to have magical decorations and stuff and the owner wouldn't get freaked out, so that was pretty good.

I was muggle-born, and Dean was technically a half-blood, but his father left him and his mother (without telling either that he was a wizard), his mother met another man, and Dean was raised thinking he was a half-blood.

Because of this, we had downplayed the magic a bit, but also had some here and there because self-making balloon models are pretty cool (and entertaining for the kids).

Some things were there to show off a bit, if truth be told. I mean, the butterflies on the wall which were enchanted to fly around the cream background wasn't exactly a necessity. They looked really pretty, sure, but weddings kind of have to have an element of showing-off; you pay so much for the actual venues, as well as the people and the refreshments and the decorations... It's fair enough to decide to go all out.

Mum and dad still became amazed when I cast so much as a simple spell; having grown up thinking that witches, wizards, trolls, werewolves, vampires and ghosts were nothing but fairy tales, they had both been taken back and disbelieving when Professor Sprout had informed us and delivered my letter.

The time came for speeches, and we all sat down in our designated seats. Dean went first.

"Good afternoon. As you all know, your wedding day is always special, and you look back on it for years afterwards. When I was younger I thought that I would never get married, but if I did it would be to the most wonderful person on the planet, and I would do whatever it would take to make the day as special as possible for the both of us. Wisteria is, in my opinion, the most wonderful person on the planet. She's kind, loving, caring, and someone I can be myself around. I'll forever be grateful to myself that I reached out for the same book as her in the library, because really that's how we met. Obviously you know the people who are in your year and house... but sometimes you just know of them. They've been called on in class so many times in the past six years, that you know their name. You know that they're a muggle-born because in second year they were terrified of being petrified. Then, I knew that we had a common interest, which is Quidditch. A while later, I started to like her and from there things have only gotten better. We've had some fantastic moments, to struggles such as the one we faced when we first moved in together."

He shot a glance at me and I smiled; when we had first moved in together, we had an apartment, which unfortunately was on one of the higher floors, in a muggle apartment block. We struggled for ages, and quite simply couldn't get the sofa up the stairs. It took a while, but eventually we succeeded in our mission.

"But like during those times in which we've struggled, I know that we'll support one another. That's another great thing about Wisteria - she's supportive, and understands me, just like I understand and support her. And by "understand" I don't just mean in the respect that we know when to give the other space or understand how the other is feeling. We understand one another in the magic and muggle worlds, as we were both raised as muggleborns. Both of us experienced the shock when accidental magic occurred - although I don't think that for her it was a football goal that was so spectacular it elevated both her mood and her body." A couple of people laughed. "Anyway, thank you all again and thank you Wisteria for agreeing to all of this in the first place. When I proposed at that concert of yours, I felt like a complete buffoon - why would you agree there and then when you were due to be on the stage in a moment to dance? I don't think I'll ever be able to describe how lucky I am. So thank you Wisteria, for being the most wonderful person on the planet."

A couple of people awwed, but mostly the guests and I just clapped. He sat back down and I gave him a small kiss on the cheek.
"Thank you for being the most wonderful person in the galaxy." I told him. He smiled at that.

Seamus went next.
"As you all know, Dean and I have been best mates since our first year at Hogwarts. Despite me er... tendency to set stuff on fire. We've always had some common interests. When it came to the Quidditch world cup, Dean stayed with me mam and me family. Obviously though, as you get older you get new interests. When Dean first started liking Wisteria, he wouldn't admit it to anyone. Once he head admitted it though, he didn't seem to care who knew. To be honest, I think he may have hoped that the more people there were who knew, the higher the chance would be of someone gossiping about it and the message getting to her. Once she knew though, they were soon paired together in everything. Naturally I was ditched a few times, but she always made sure that Dean would spend enough time with me to make up for it. Do any of you know anyone who would make sure that their boyfriend spent enough time with his friends, to balance it out? That's the thing with Wisteria, she thinks about everyone not just herself. I honestly thought that no one deserved Dean, but I was 100% wrong. Wisteria, you deserve him, and Dean, you deserve her. You guys are great together, and I'm glad I'm your friend, because it seems that you two share something that's worth witnessing. And to clarify, I really don't mean that in a stalkery way." A few people laughed. "Anyway... To Dean and Wisteria, may they remain happy and together."

"Dean and Wisteria." Everybody toasted.

"What a heart warming toast." Maddi began. "First off, I'd like to say a great big wow. You've really scored, haven't you Wisteria? Ever since you got a letter to go to a barding school up in Scotland I've been slightly jealous. Getting to go to a secret place no one can know about, and getting away from siblings... what could be better? Oh, that's right, having that school teach you magic. Ria has been my bestest friend since we met at reception. When she went off to Pigwarts - or whatever it's called - I was left without her. The only times we saw one another was when she was able to come home for the holidays. And then, when I was around seventeen, I got a letter from her telling me that she had a boyfriend who was her idea of her ideal boyfriend. When we met up during the summer holidays, it turned out that he was staying with her family. We were going to Nottingham for the day, and at every opportunity Dean was the perfect gentleman towards her, and by the end of the day I was gushing at how sweet the pair were- are. Dean, there's no one I'd rather Wisteria was with, and as Seamus said the pair of you couldn't deserve the other any more than you do. Thank you."

She sat back down.

∞∞ & -->

After the food - which was divine - Dean and I stood up, and headed to the wide area in the middle. The CD player started up, and we stood together ready to dance.

"Loving can hurt, loving can hurt sometimes
But it's the only thing that I know
When it gets hard
You know it can get hard sometimes
It is the only thing that makes us feel alive

We keep this love in a photograph
We made these memories for ourselves
Where our eyes are never closing
Hearts are never broken
Times forever frozen still..."

We danced together, and in that moment I felt as though I was on top of the world.

Right there, right then, I knew that I could - and would - accomplish anything, so long as Dean was there.

And that was an astonishingly comforting thought.


Later on, we were standing up, and people were coming up to us and offering their congratulations.

One girl came up and looked at Dean curiously.

"Is it true that you went out with Seamus?" She asked, get voice confused. Her question almost made me spit out the sip of champagne I had just taken - although I was glad I managed to stop myself as it would have not only been unattractive, but also embarrassing and disgusting.

"No. I have never dated Seamus, and wish people would stop asking that." Was Dean's firm reply. "Who even said that to you in the first place? I mean, where does this rumour even originate?"

"I didn't get it from any one person in particular. I think everyone had thought that you were together at some point."

"Okay then. Well we never have been, and never will be."


Ginny came over to us, with little Albus on her shoulder.
"Hey guys, congratulations. I know you're probably sick to death of that by now." Dean and I both laughed lightly. "Anyway, how are you both?"

"Good thanks. You?"

"Good." She caught sight of something, causing her eyes to widen. "And now I'm sorry I'm going to have to cut this conversation short, but I've just spotted Harry, and it would appear that he's- he's chasing James around the tables. So excuse me, but I don't want to ruin the displays that you have so delicately arranged."

"Do you want me to take Albus?" I asked her.

"That would be a major help. Thank you so much." She handed me Albus, then ran off, trying to help her husband catch her other son.

I held Albus the same way Ginny had held him, with one hand cradling his head, the other his body. Soon enough she was back. "Thank you for that. I wouldn't have been able to catch this little monkey with Al clutching my shoulder." She told me, as I handed Albus back.

"No problem. He's very sweet."

"Nothing like his brother in anything other than genetics." She agreed. "Now James, what do you say to Wisteria and Dean?"

"Sorry." He said, looking at his shoes. I noticed that he was clutching something in his dust rather tightly.

"What's that you've got there?" I asked him.

"He won't tell anyone," Harry told me, "that's what I was chasing him for but he refuses to say what it is."

"Secret." James told us all.

"How about this, James, if you tell Mr I promise to keep the secret. I won't tell anyone, not even your mummy and daddy." Dean said to him. James looked thoughtful then nodded.

He "discreetly" showed Dean what it was, and both Harry and Ginny could see the small item.

"Why did you want a mint humbug?" Dean asked him in a "whisper".

"Albus." James replied.

"Did you want to give it to your brother?" Dean asked for confirmation. James nodded.

"Wanted t' be nice." He told Dean.

"Ah. But then why didn't you tell your mummy and daddy what it was?"

"Albus can't eat."

"He's teething, isn't he? So he can't have mint humbugs or hard sweeties yet. He probably shouldn't be having any sweeties. How about this, you tell mummy and daddy what you were trying to do, and I'll make sure they don't tell you off. Deal?"

"Okay." James came back over to us. He looked at Ginny and Harry, then held out his hand. He pretty much repeated the conversation with Dean, then apologised to them.

"It's all right sweetie. You were just trying to be nice." Ginny told him. "Thanks, by the way Dean. We'd probably not find out until it was too late otherwise."

"No problem. Glad I could help."

The Potters walked away. "You're gonna be a brilliant father." I told him.

"Wait, you're not-"

"Oh definitely not. No. I just mean that when the day arises, you're going to be a fantastic father." He simply smiled at me.

"And no matter what, you'll continue to be the most wonderful person. I love you."

"I love you too, Mr Thomas."

"Well, Mrs Thomas, you can never love me as much as I love you."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Nope, it was a truthful statement."

I kissed him on the cheek. "I have most certainly already proven that wrong. I love you more."

"It that helps you sleep at night, fell free to believe that. But I will always love you the most."


Most of the guests had left by now, and only my sister, parents, and Dean's immediate family remained.

"So sis, the day has arrived of your wedding, and now it's your honeymoon. Where are you going?" Jane, my younger sister, approached me.

"I don't know. Dean's booked a house for us in a surprise location. He won't tell me where it is, but he's evidently pleased that he got a place there."

"Oooh." She winked at me. "Well I would say have fun, but given the nature of honeymoons... I don't think I need to say it."

"Jane, please stop there or this is going to get awkward really quickly. It already is."

"But as your sister, it is my solemn duty to bug you." She told me seriously. "Trust me, I really don't want any mental images."

"And on that note, I'm going to fetch my husband and go..."

"Well, you know the song... You've only got one step to go..."

"What song?"

"Wisteria and Dean, sitting in a tree
First comes love,
Then comes marriage,
Then comes a baby in a golden carriage..."

"Shut up. As I said, I'm going."

I walked away as she laughed.

"Ah, Ria, there you are. I've been looking for you everywhere. It's-"

"-time to go, I know. I was looking for you."

He gave me that handsome smile that made me smile.

"Let's go then."

After bidding goodbye to our families, we left and a while later we were sitting on a plane.

"This needs to be special," Dean told me, "so I thought that apperating there would seem a bit cheap. This way, we can see the view on the way, and you may be able to guess where we're going."

"Are you sure you can't just tell me?"

"I'm sure."

It probably would have looked weird with me sitting on the plane in my wedding dress, so before boarding I had gotten changed and sent a package in the post to my parents containing the dress.

Five and a half hours later I recognises the country we were flying over from my Geography classes back in primary school.

"Merlin's beard Dean, you're taking us to Australia!"

"Yep. And that's not even the best part."

"I have wanted to go here my entire life. There's very few things that can beat this, and somehow I'm assuming that it's something to do with the actual location."

"You'll see." Was all that he told me.

Later on, when we landed, I saw the sign on the airport.
"You didn't."

"Oh but I did."

"Cairns? In Australia? Dean, this shows how much you know me. Have I told you how much I love you?"

"I recall having a conversation about it earlier. As for taking you to see the Great Barrier Reef... Well, you haven't exactly ever kept it a secret as to how much you've always wanted to see it. Still, wait until we get to the uh... "house"."

When we reached our accommodation for the next two weeks, I was honestly shocked and thought that we were at the wrong place.

It was a large villa, make from a smooth white stone. It looked so picturesque I was startled that Dean had been able to afford it.

"I was working overtime for a reason." He told me when I enquired about it the next day. We had been tired and because of jet lag headed straight to bed when we had arrived the previous night. "This is going to be the most memorable two weeks of your life, I assure you. Before we er... Consummate... I thought you might want to see the pool."

I followed him down the stairs and along several corridors until we reached a large swimming pool.

We each got changed, then met in the pool.

Dean was completely right, the two weeks that followed were more than memorable.


Okay, I am so sorry for the lateness of this. At least it's pretty long.

As I said at the top, I'm going to have the next two weddings withing the next few chapters, then maybe a filler or two followed by the "snapshots". Soon over, this will be over.

It seems odd to think that really there aren't many chapters left. I feel like once this is over there'll be something missing.

Anyway, I hope this was worth the wait!

Shout out to kollerkats because Wisteria is her character and both Wisteria and Kollerkats are amazing :)

-Alice xoxox

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