Chapter 34

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"Bye, have a good day," I called to James as he ran off into the playground to meet up with his friends. "Wait! James- JAMES!" Sighing, I turned to his brother. "Albus, could you give James his lunchbox? I've got to rush off I'm afraid. I'll see you and Lily at pick-up time."

"Of course I will Mummy. Bye bye." With that, he took both his own and his brother's lunchboxes and ran off to catch James before they all had to go inside.

I turned to go, when someone waving at me caught my eye. I didn't recognise them, but smiled as I wandered over, nonetheless.

"Hello, sorry I'm Miss Archer. You're Mrs Potter, right? James and Albus' mum?"

"Oh erm yes. Sorry, I mean yeah I am. Was there something I can help you with?"

"Are you in a rush? Sorry, I can give you a call or something if that's more convenient, it's just that erm... there's a few things we need to discuss. I teach James, you see - and occasionally Albus - but he's not the... the cause of this conversation."

"I erm... Sorry, I thought James had a different teacher? Mr erm... Something beginning with "P"?"

"Mr Potatohead, yes. The kids always get a good laugh out of that, and I think James was one of them. You see, he's clearly a very intelligent kid, with potential and a very lively mind, but I'm not sure he's directing that potential in the way that will be best for his own learning, as well as the learning of his peers."

"I see. I'm sorry, has he been messing around in class again? Mr Potatohead mentioned that at the last parents' evening." I winced slightly; he was a teacher at primary school, and decided to keep that unfortunate name? 

"Yes, Keith did tell me before he left that there were a few active characters in the class."

"I really don't think I can apologise enough for his behaviour. I know what a handful he can be, you don't need to worry about treading carefully about what you say." 

"In that case, I'll be frank. I think we need to have a chat. You, me, your husband, and James as well. I'll call you tonight or tomorrow, and we can try to arrange something, but i thnk that the impact it's having on his peers isn't really fair."

"I completely understand, Miss Archer. Thanks, and I agree, I think a conference of sorts is needed."

"Thanks for being so understanding, most parents blame their child's friends as bad influences."

"It would be unfair to blame others. James is a unique kid, who unfortunately quite likes trouble."

"I wouldn't be too harsh on him, he is a good lad. Anyway, I better be off, the bell is going to ring any minute."

"Okay, cheers. Thank you, and I guess we'll organise something so that we can discuss this in greater detail soon. Bye."

"Indeed. Thanks, bye."


Unlocking the front door when I finally arrived home, I sighed loudly at the sight of the hallway.

Brown boxes were stacked up, lining the walls so that it was a squeeze to get by. 

"You alright there, Gin? That was a loud sigh." Harry's head popped round the doorframe leading to the living room. He was staying home for the next few days, so that we could pack up quicker. Having recently found the ideal place, we had put an offer down on a new house and - to our immense relief - the deal had been struck. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was cornered in the playground by James' teacher."

"Mr Potato? That guy seemed nervous enough at parents' evening, I didn't think he'd have enough nerve to call you over in the playground."

"Enough nerve? I'm not exactly going to bite his head off, nor am I that scary!"

"You know what I mean. He just didn't come across as a bloke who would talk to anyone unless he had to."

"I got that impression too. Anyway, it wasn't him. He apparently left, so they have a new teacher. She mentioned that he can be a bit disruptive, and er apparently we need to have a talk about it. She's going to call later on, so that we can organise a date and time when we're all free, which I think is good. At least she is taking some action."

"Do I have to?"

"What do you mean? Of course you have to!"

"What am I supposed to say though? Looking back, even I have to admit that I was the same, if not worse. I can't tell him to pay attention in history if when I was his age I'd zone out too - it'd be hypocritical."

"So you'd rather he continued to get distracted in all of his lessons, and distracted others, too? In that case, when other parents get annoyed because their child isn't getting on with work, because instead they're laughing when James argues with the teacher as to why he should be allowed to sleep in class if the content "is so boring it causes tiredness", you can be the one to tell them that it's fine, you did exactly the same at his age."

"In my defence here, it did sound pretty funny."

"You're not supposed to say that to him though, it encourages him to do it even more! That is basic parenting: do not encourage your child to mess around in class."

"And where is the book with these rules? I don't believe I was issued one at the birth - oh, sorry, maybe that's because I was too busy focusing on making sure the child was delivered safely, and that the mother didn't kill her husband."

"The book is most likely at the top of your wardrobe, where you put it. You were issued one, by Hermione who thought that both you and Ron may need a little guidance, for whenever the two of you would be left with the kids when the two of us went out for a coffee morning. As for the birth, I think you'll find that I was the one focus on the safe delivery... given that I was the one giving birth. And it's looking like you didn't do such a good job on making sure the mother wouldn't kill her husband... or at least, you clearly didn't think that it would catch up."

"...Yeah... you're right. Now I think about it, Hermione did give me a book. In fact, dearest wife, you are right about absolutley everything in life. I love you, and I'm sorry, and I will go to the meeting about James, and you've still not stopped giving me the death stare but please don't kill me." He braced himself, as if expecting me to actually kill him.

"Harry, I'm not killing you."

He opened one eye.
"Do you promise?"

"Yes, I promise. Why on earth would I kill you, you idiot?"

"Oh yeah. Anyway... shall we get on with this packing?"

"Good idea." 


Three hours later, after boxing everything in the living room, spare bedrooms, attic and airing cabinets (magic really speeds things up) we had moved onto our room. We had decided to do this one by hand, as we didn't want things geting all mixed up, but had temporarily taken a break to make a spot of lunch.

So we were sitting there, sandwiches in hand, leaning against the bed whilst laughing at one of the boxes Harry had found.

Under the bed, there had been a box filled with forgotten photos. 

"Merlin's beard, look at that one! We look so young!" I cried, grabbing and examining the picture. 

The two of us were sat together, leaning against a tree beside the lake, simply enjoying one another's company. It must have been back in fifth year, as the two of had our hands clasped together, smiling and shooting the other a look every so often, occasionally meeting eyes, which made the picture-us both look away bashfully. 

I couldn't help but smile at it; it seemed so long ago, despite being only a few years. A jolt of realisation struck me.
"Blimey, this was- Harry, this was 16 years ago! I feel old."

"It can't have been that long. Let me see." He took the photograph from me, and turned it round to see a scrawl on it. "You see, it can't have been 16 years. It was-" he stopped, shocked.

"What, what is it?"

I grabbed it back, to see what was written:

12th June, 1997.

Harry and I just relaxing under the Sun as exams are nearly over. It's been busy recently, with OWLs and the obvious increase in You-Know-Who's activity. We've both been stressed lately, so thought we'd take some time out. It's clear that something's going to happen soon, something big. Who knows what will happen at the end of this - who knows if I'll even get out of it. I hope that you're reading this in the midst of a great life, future me. I hope that there is a future me - and a future Harry. For now though, I'm going to stick to enjoying these moments, in which the present Harry and I just enjoy ourselves. 

"It was 16 years ago." Harry replied, realising that I had finished reading it. "I love you, you know. I know that sometimes I say it in a joking manner, so that you don't kill me - which I know you wouldn't do - but I do mean it."

"I know. And sometimes I may be a little harsh, and/or threatening, but I couldn't really hurt you on purpose. I love you too."

It occurred to me later on that after that we could have been compared to the photograph; we were leaning against a bed rather than a tree, yes, but we sat there smiling, enjoying the present and embracing whatever the future would bring.

That was why it seemed slightly unfortunate when the future arrived. 

"I've got to go and collect the kids."


"...Because they're our children."

"But it's been so much calmer without them, it reminded me of before. Do you ever miss the days when we'd just spend the day together, doing nothing worthwhile, but continuing anyway?"

"Of course I do. But I still love the kids. I don't think at this point that I could go back to those day without missing them."

"Don't get me wrong, I love the kids too. I just mean that they can be so full-on at times that whenever we get the slightest break, the relief is sort of amplified, if that makes sense?"

"Harry, I completely understand what you're saying. Try working from home, and the nightmares only grow."

"In that case, why don't we take a break for a bit?"

"I already said that I'm not leaving them at school."

"No- I mean how about tomorrow we take a day to relax? We can finish the job on Friday, but tomorrow, you, me, Hermione, Ron and whoever else can make it can just meet up and chill. Pretend we're young again because we're not. What is there to lose?"

"Okay. It sounds like a plan."

"It does? I mean yes, it does."

"You send the owls, use floo powder, whatever way of contacting them, and I'll go to school. We'll see who can make it, and arrange the plans accordingly."

"Okay. See you in a bit." 


I arrived at school, and quickly collected Lily and Albus. Being in the Infants section, they started and ended slightly earlier than James, who was in the Juniors. 

"Mummy, why were you talking to Miss Archer this morning? I thought you needed to go home quickly." Albus asked.

"She just needed a quick word, that was all."

"Was it about me or James?"

"Oh, it was nothing you need to worry about, Sweetie."

"James then." He nodded to himself. 

"What? I didn't say that."

"You didn't say that it was me, either, which you would have done if it was about me." He pointed out.

"What makes you say that?"

"I've not done anything naughty in class, so if it was about me you would have said well done to me when you picked me up. Look, there's James now!"

I looked down at him fondly, and ruffled his hair.
"Don't change, Albie."

"Don't call me Albie, Ginevra."


"Oh, so you do know my name. Funny, I thought for a moment that you didn't."

"I have taught you well, you can now call yourself my younger brother." James informed Albus, grinning widely as he arrived to stand next to us.

"I'll pass, thanks." Albus replied.

"What's gotten into you, Al?" I asked, jokingly pressing a hand to his forehead to see if he was ill, "This isn't like you."

"I know. I'm proving my point. If I had done something wrong, you would have noticed that it's not like me and said something about it. Which means that you're in trouble, James."

"Why am I in trouble?"

"When aren't you in trouble?" Lily asked, confused. 

That about sums it up. 

"Let's get going." I decided, herding the three of them in the direction of where the car was parked. 


It turned out that everyone was free for the next day, although I think one or two people - aka Ron - pulled a sickie to not go to work. Hermione, surprisingly, didn't mind though, as she thought it was good that we were all just spontaneously getting together. 

So we all met up, and, after a couple of butterbeers, decided to play Quidditch. There were 14 of us, so despite Hermione's protests we forced her to join in. 

To mix it up a bit, none of were allowed to play a position we were comfortable in, so Harry and I were keepers (on opposite teams, obviously), and I was joined by Draco and Dean (beaters), Thor, Ron, and Mollie (chasers), and Sophia as our seeker, whilst Harry had Kat and Josh as beaters, Wisteria, Hermione, and Lucas as chasers, and Gracie as the seeker.

None of us were on the same team as our partner, so that we all had an incentive to win; the team who won had bragging rights over their partner until the next time we all decided to randomly meet up. 

George had come along by himself, as Angelina couldn't make it, and decided to ref. Naturally, Hermione had initially insisted that she should Ref, and George could play, but was shot down by George saying that it always hurt to play when he couldn't anymore. 

So lift off began, and Wisteria was quick to grab the quaffle and race down the pitch. She was so quick that I nearly didn't see her coming, but with quick reflexes, I managed to stop it from flying into the goal. It was a quick wake-up call, and I was soon in the right mindset. The entire match, I was itching to just get onto the main pitch and take up my regular position - a feeling, I don't doubt, that was probably shared by the others who usually play quidditch.

The match passed quicker than expected, as I discovered that I was better at keeping than first anticipated; in total, I managed to save two more goals than Harry's measly five. No matter what the outcome, I knew that I could now bring up the awful attempt he made to save a shot from Ron, in which he realised Ron's bluff, so shot to the other goalpost... only to realise that it was a double-bluff. He quickly sped back, and sped a little too far, but still managing to hit it. The thing most unfortunate for him was that the shot would most likely have missed, if not for the fact that when he tried to hit it away, he actually hit it into the hoop. 

Kat and Draco seemed to ignore the other players, and just appeared to aim for one another, trying to see who could give the other more injuries. 

The score was at 170-170. Mollie was streaking towards Harry's goal, quaffle under her arm, when it happened. 


In shock, Kat dropped her bat, which biffed Harry on the head.

"It's okay, honest."

Wisteria, confused, only threw the ball towards the goal half-heartedly, so missed.
"What was that?"

"It's called an alarm!" We all looked below, to see George looking at us, amused as he prepared to say the five words that would cause complete chaos... "Time to collect the kids."

Wide-eyed, we all looked at each other in shock and panic, when we heard a yell- 

"I CAUGHT IT!" Sophia yelled delightedly, waving the golden snitch before landing. "Haha, losers, we win." 

"But that's not fair, Gracie wasn't concentrating - she- she was focusing on the fact that the kids need picking up," Lucas argued, also landing. The rest of us followed suite, so that we wouldn't all be yelling.

"Have you ever heard the muggle phrase "you snooze, you lose"? Because you have now." 

"George's the referee, so he decides." Hermione spoke up, probably thinking that seeing as he's our brother, George would say that our team forfeits the catch because of the distraction. 

"I have to be completely unbiased, and stick to the rules - just putting that out there before I announce my answer. As Hermione said, I am the only one with the power to make this decision-"

"Oh just get on with it, before you go mad with the power," I told him, rolling my eyes.

"It's too late to save him from the madness, you should know that by now Gin. You've only known him your entire life."

"You know what, Ron? For you, that was actually pretty funny."

"What can I say? I'm not just a pretty face." At this, I turned to face him.

"Again, you really can be hilarious at times."

"Erm... no. You two are not doing this. I am the funny Weasley, joint with Fred. You two-" George pointed a finger at both of us "-are not allowed to be funny. That's our thing."

"I never claimed to be the funny one. Out of all of us, I may be the youngest, but I'm also the cleverest and most observant-"

"-not to mention conceited," Ron interjected, only to be ignored. 

"-I was making observations, not jokes. Simply stating facts." I finished.

"Whilst they're over there bickering, I'll be the one to say it. Sophia's team won, fair and square. She may have caught the snitch whilst we were all confused, but it wasn't a break in the game, and there are no rules against it." Gracie said, shrugging. "It's only a game anyway. And next time we'll totally beat you lot."

Super long wait = super long update.

I hope you liked it, and (as ever) apologise for the delay. I've had trial exams and coursework deadlines to deal with, so yeah...

I've noticed that you guys haven't really been commenting any more, which I will admit makes me think you're not enjoying it as much. I love reading comments, so would you mind letting me know what sort of things interest you more, and which things I'm doing that just seem boring?

Hopefully the best chapter won't take so long to update.

-Alice xoxox

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