Dark Temptation

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***Trigger Warning***

Without hesitation, I move in front of the most valuable thing in this club. Lyra.

"Hey, it's okay! She just wants to talk." Lyra says, trying to get back in front of me.

I block her from getting any closer to the potential threat. "Do you know who this is?"

"I told her." The ghost answers softly.

I stay focused on Lyra. I can't make myself look into the eyes of the girl who's life I thought I took. "How are you here right now?"

She chuckles, although I can't imagine what she finds amusing about this situation. "You mean how I am alive?"

I tear my gaze away from Lyra and finally look at Harper. "Yeah."

Harper is the girl who I knew the best out of the girl's I pulled the gun on. She was Inara's closest friend, so I saw her often before the incident. She and I always got along well, she was very friendly and easy to talk to. She actually yelled at me to shoot her and save Inara on that fateful night. I had a lot of respect for her because of that. However, I didn't fully trust her yet. It's hard to trust someone who came back from the dead.

She flips her shoulder length hair behind her in a way that reminds me of Inara and smiles at me. I fight back the sting of being reminded of my sister. "That's actually what I came here to speak to you about. Can you and I go somewhere private and talk?"

"You followed us here?" I ask, my tone making my displeasure evident.

Harper nods. "I had to. I needed to talk to you."

I search her expression for hints of her true intentions and am surprised to find what I think is honesty.
"Okay. Let's go sit at a booth." I motion towards a unpopulated booth. I was not about to leave with her.

I put my hand on Lyra's waist and turn her towards our seats. Harper follows behind us, an unconvincing smile plastered on her face.

Lyra stands beside the booth, refusing to sit down. "You guys have a lot to talk about. Why don't I go get us all some drinks and check up on Lucy while you guys break the ice?"

Harper smiles, genuinely this time. "I'd really appreciate that. Thank you!"

Lyra smiles back at her. "It's no problem! I'm really happy you're okay!"

"Thanks Lyra." Harper responds.

I look at Lyra in awe. "Thanks Strawberry Shortcake." She subtly winks at me and walks away.

Lyra has inspired me to show Harper some kindness and to be open to her. I suppose she hasn't given me a reason not to trust her. I decide to give her the benefit of the doubt.

"I'm really happy you're alive. You're my sister's best friend, you mean a lot to her."

Harper's dark blue eyes pierce through mine. She carefully moves a piece of caramel hair out of the way. I notice she has a deep tan that I assume most people would say compliments her features. "Is she the only one that I meant a lot to?"

I lean back. "No, your family was devastated when they thought they lost you."

I can tell by the look on her face that wasn't the answer she wanted, but she accepts it anyway. "I was taken to the hospital, sent into emergency surgery and given some blood. I know you did your best to shoot me in a place you didn't think would kill me, which I'm eternally grateful for." Her smile gets bigger as she goes on. "Your plan worked."

I shake my head, not sure what to think about all of this. "I watched you die. There was so much blood..."

She laughs. "I was on the brink of death. Another minute and it could've been a whole different story. I was very lucky you called the ambulance, you very easily could've run away."

I want to respond to her but the questions keep pouring out of me, I can't stop it. "Where have you been?"

Her leg lightly brushes against mine under the table, causing me to jump back. "In witness protection. They didn't want you to know I'm still alive.

She sighs. "They tried to get Inara into the program too but she refused, she really defended you I hear."

I don't say anything. Words are impossible for me to form right now.

She looks around nervously. "I'm not actually supposed to be here right now. I snuck away. I don't think I have very long before my security team finds me."

I am silent a moment, too stunned to speak. "Are there any others? Did anyone else survive?" My voice comes out so eager it's humiliating. It feels so weird to have hope again.

"I don't know. They've been keeping everything pretty secretive, I could only get information on Inara because she isn't part of the program."

That wasn't the answer I was hoping for, but it wasn't a bad answer. I can still hope they're alive. "That makes sense."

She sighs. "Brexton, I came here because I think Brant may have done something to Ryan."

Her voice cracks as she questions me. "Is there any chance you've heard from him?" She looks at me like she already knows my answer.

Ryan is Harper's older brother, someone I was sort of friends with. I wouldn't say we were best buds, but we weren't strangers by any means. Hearing that Brant could have gotten ahold of him makes anger take over me. My nails dig into my skin as I make a fist.

"I haven't heard from him, but I'll help you find him, okay? Lyra happens to know Brant pretty well and I'm sure she'd be happy to help us."

She hesitates a moment, then asks me a question that catches me off guard. "Are you guys like a thing? You and Lyra?"

I have no idea how to respond. I want to think of us as a 'thing' but I don't know where Lyra stands. I don't want to say anything she wouldn't agree with.

I tell Harper about the feeling I've been pushing away. "It's more than that, I'm consumed with her."

The realization dawns on me as I continue. "I think I'm falling in love with her."

Saying the words ignites a spark in me. I scratch my head, trying on this new feeling.

She raises an eyebrow. "You think?"

I swallow, my throat suddenly feeling like the Sahara desert. "I haven't told her yet. This is all sort of new to me."

Harper sucks in her lower lip, looking hesitant. "Brexton, I have to tell you something."

"What's wrong?" I ask, the look on her face worrying me.

"I've fallen for you."

My mouth drops.

"What?!" I say a little too loud.

She scoots her chair closer to me. "I've had a crush on you since the day I met you. When you saved my life it became...more."

I hold my head in my hands. "Why would you tell me this right now? I just told you how I feel about Lyra, what do you expect me to say?"

She flinches at my words, making me feel guilty. I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. "You guys aren't married. I needed to tell you before it's too late."

"Did you guys miss me?" Lyra says happily, unaware of the tension.

I clear my throat. "I'll feel you in when we get home."

I stand up and reach a hand out to her. "Wanna dance?"

She gives me her dainty hand. "Do you even have to ask?"

I pull her onto the dance floor. My body is tight from all emotions roaming through me. When a song comes on that has seductive undertones, I cease my opportunity to relax. Chris Brown's 'Under the Influence' is exactly the song I needed to play.

I have never dirty-danced until right now. I've never wanted to. My need to show her off made me crave her even more. Harper's words didn't have their intended effect, quite the opposite actually. I am more sure than ever that I want Lyra.

I spin Lyra around, pressing her back against my front. Encouraged by the excitement in her eyes, I move my body to the music, roaming my hands over every inch of her perfect body. I feel powerful as she leans into my touch. She sways against me, her breathing heavy. Her hands reach behind her, grabbing for my face as she slides her hands down my neck.

I whisper in her ear. "Let's get out of here, shall we?"

She twirls to face me. "Mhmmm."

We say our goodbyes to Harper and Lucy and beeline for the exit. I couldn't get her alone soon enough.

Throughout our drive, we can't keep our hands to ourselves. I squeeze her thigh, she runs her hand up and down my arm, I kiss her hand...

We walk hand in hand through the front doors, heading straight to the bedroom. As soon as we're through the door I corner her, pressing her back against the wall.

She stares up at me, anticipation shining in her eyes. I knew I said I wouldn't kiss her but...

I lift her up and crash my lips against hers. She tugs on my hair, something she knows drives me crazy.

I walk her to the bed, never letting her lips leave mine. "Lyra."

"Hmmm?" She mumbles against me.

I have to tell you something and I need you to promise not to freak out, okay?"

Sensing the seriousness of the situation she leans back, using her arms for support. "Okay."

I am positive I mean what I'm about to say, so I say it with confidence. "I'm in love with you."

Saying the words is simultaneously the scariest and most exciting thing I've ever done. It's out there now. She knows.

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