Lost in the Basement

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***Trigger Warning***

Brexton wraps his arms around my waist, worry coating his emerald eyes. "Why don't I come with you?"

It makes sense that Brexton doesn't want me going by myself. Harper and I being alone is most definitely going to be tense, but I have things to say to her that I don't want Brexton to hear. I'm possessive of him and I think if he's knows just how much, it'll scare him. It would scare anyone.

"It's okay Brexton, I'll behave. I just want to ask her about Ryan. I promised Inara I would find him and there's no way I'm breaking that promise." It's not a lie, I do want to ask her more about Ryan. I believe she knows a lot more than she's saying.

He doesn't look pleased. "Lyra, we're better together."

Why does he have to say things like that and make me weak? I get lost in his eyes and forget to speak.

He refuses to release his grip on me. "I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about this."

I quit resisting and lean into him. "Do you not think we should go?"

I realize something that makes me smile; I sincerely want his opinion. My whole life I've done everything by myself, but you can't do that with love. He's taught me that love isn't something you do alone, it's a partnership. Plus, life is just better when you do it with people you care about.

Brexton debates this for awhile before responding. "No. We need answers. I'll stay in the car, but I'm not letting you go without me."

I kiss his cheek. "Alright, let's get this over with."
Brexton barely speaks during the drive. He just stares ahead with a somber look on his face.

"What's wrong?" I question him, unable to take his silence any longer.

He reaches across the center counsel and grabs my hand. He intertwines our fingers and lays them on my thigh. "I can't stop thinking about everything I've put you through."

I don't understand, so I ask, " What do you mean?"

He glances over at me with a pained look on his face. "Every since you met me, your life has been thrown into turmoil. Your coworkers tried to get you fired because you stood up for me. I showed up at your house illegally and you had to drag me back to the hospital, risking your job and safety. I got you involved in a shootout with your ex. Your patient was poisoned and you were questioned by the cops about it because of me. You had to hear that another girl said she loves me. You had to meet my dad before you were ready and listen to him talk about me and a girl I almost married. Now, you're driving to talk to a girl you barely know to find a man you've never met because you know my sister and I care about him."

He finally breathes and asks. "I mean, hasn't this all been a bit much for you?"

I burst out laughing after hearing all the insanity we've gone through together. It feels ridiculous when laid out in front of me like this.

He looks at me as though I've gone mad.

"Honestly Brexton, no. This feels like what I was meant to do. I've never felt more like myself."

His eyes roam my face, trying to detect a lie. "Lyra, that's sweet but..."

I untangle my hand from his and smack his wrist lightly. "You stop it right there Mr. McGomery! None of that would've happened if I didn't bring my monster ex back into your life."

I make sure he's looking at me when I say the next part. "I don't regret anything I've done with you and you can't make me."

Skepticism is evident on his face. "You regret nothing?"

I nod my head in agreement. "Nothing."

I'm met with lustful eyes. "Oh, well in that case...should we go to the backseat before you head in?"

I bite my lip as desire starts to overpower me. "You do realize you're about to pull into a girl that's in love with you's house? She could walk out any moment and see us."

He smiles deviously. "I hope she does. I think it'd send a very clear message."

As he pulls in, I grab the door handle. "Don't worry, my message will be clear, but we have to keep it classy. That's how you win these things."

The look on Brexton's face tells me his mind is up to no good. The last time he had that look on his face he kissed his nurse in the bathroom of a psychiatric hospital, with security guards only a few feet away. I grin, remembering that I was that nurse.

I freeze for a moment, then attempt to open the door. A strong arm catches me by my waist. "Lyra wait!"

I close the car door and give him my attention.

He doesn't say anything, but kisses me with so much passion I feel like I'm flying. It's an out of body experience. When I come back down to earth, I'm all over him. My hands roam his hair as I press against him. His emerald eyes pierce through me as I lay his seat down. I kiss a line down his neck, enjoying how I affect his breathing.

He lifts himself up to me and whispers. "Go while you still can because if we keep doing this, I'm never letting you leave this car."

I chuckle, making no effort to get off of him. "You're such a tease! You started this you know?"

The dimple that makes its way onto his face causes me to loose my mind. "Me? A tease? How dare you! You know I always make good on my threats."

"Liar." I scuff.

I play with the zipper on his pants as I stare into his soul.

He takes me by surprise as he reaches his hand up my thigh. He runs his finger up to the waistband of my unmentionables and tugs on it. I shiver with anticipation.

We stay like this for a moment, locked in a battle of who will pleasure who first. He wins and I spend the next ten minutes screaming in gratitude.

I go to return the favor but he doesn't let me. "We don't have time. You have to go before Harper sees us. She can't know I'm here or she'll know we're suspicious of her." He mumbles against me.

I groan and crawl over him to get to my side. "Fine, but don't think I'll forget."

His smile turns into a serious expression and he says in a raspy voice. "Come back to me, okay?"

"Okay." I hug him with all of my might prior to finally exiting the car.
Harper takes forever to answer the door, which only intensifies my anger towards her.

It takes me knocking loudly three times for her to let me in. She is combing her wild looking hair when I enter. "I'm sorry it took so long, I was try to fix this mess." She motions to her hair. "It gets so knotted when I sleep."

I want to roll my eyes, but I don't. "You called?"

Harper nods. "Yeah, you might want to sit down for this."

"I'm good here."

The concerned look she gives me makes my blood boil. "Lyra, are you okay? You seem tense."

I give her my most dramatic, insincere smile. "You're the one I'm worried about. Brexton told me you confessed to being in love with him. His reaction must've stung."

Her eyes grow huge. "What?! He told you that?!"

I nod, satisfied with her unease.

She covers her mouth with her hand. "Okay, I need you to come with me."

No part of me wants any part of that. "Why?"

"My roommate is coming home any minute and I don't want her to hear us."

I'm not happy that we're getting off topic. "She's not here yet. First, tell me why you called."

She looks at her feet. "Jeremiah posted bail. I don't know how he did it, but he's out. They're going to call you any minute. I wanted to tell Brexton before he heard it from anyone else."

My hearts drops into my stomach. "He's out?"

"I'm sorry." She says in a soft voice. "I'm scared too."

"I'm not scared of that idiot, but I have questions to ask when they call me."

"Wow, you're hardcore."

"Thanks." I say, venom dripping from my words. The innocent look on her face makes me feel bad. I can't hate her for loving Brexton. Who wouldn't?

The doorknob rattles from someone putting a key in it. "That's probably her. Please, come with me."

I guess she wasn't lying about having a roommate. I decide I don't want her to hear us either, so I oblige.

I follow her down the hallway. "Where are we going?"

"My room. It's the only room I know she won't come in."

She guides me into her room. I keep a hand on the pistol hidden in my waistband, prepared for anything.

Harper plops on the bed and motions me over.

I stay put.

She throws her hands in the air. "Stop being mad at me, this isn't my fault. I've been just as screwed over as you have."

"You told Brexton you love him when you knew we had a thing. Please remind me how you're the victim."

She huffs. "Can't you see he lied to us both? I'm not sure what he told you, but he told me you guys were over. I guess it's my fault I believed him when he said he loved me."

She stops to wipe her watering eyes. "Brexton is my boyfriend."

I shake my head adamantly. "No, you're lying. You told him you loved him and he said he loved me and wanted nothing to do with you."

She looks at me with pity. "Lyra, he's not a good person. I mean, think about it, you met him in a psych ward. I met him at a strip club. He's just charming."

I get a sinking feeling in my gut. "No." I repeat, unsure of what else to say. This can't be true. I can't believe it.

Maybe it makes me a complete fool, but I trust him. I can't describe the faith I have in him, it's supernatural. From the day I met him, I thought he was good. My intuition has never failed me. I silently pray it doesn't fail me now. It's terrifying, but I'm choosing to go into this with blind faith.

Harper goes on a rant about how we need to stick together and heal from this. It's making me anxious so, I avert my gaze. My eyes stumble across something that makes my heart stop.

Jeremiah's shirt.

I force myself to look away before Harper catches on. Luckily, my phone ringing gives me time to process everything. It's the call she warned me about, the call telling me Jeremiah is free. He's free and I'm staring at his shirt. Why does she have his shirt?

Harper is watching me like a hawk the whole time I'm on the phone. When the police hang up, my initial instinct is to call Brexton and that's exactly what I do. I sneakily hit the call button and put it on speaker as I sit my phone behind me.

I shift uncomfortably. "Have you heard anything from Ryan?"

"No." She says sadly. "Have you?"

"No, I'm sorry." My heart goes out to her about her brother, but why is Jeremiah's shirt in her room?

I can no longer take it. "Can I use your bathroom?"

"Sure. It's down the hall on the left."

I mumble a thank you as I make my way to the bathroom. I'm too distracted to remember which way she told me to go. I make my best guess and open the door to the right. I quickly realize that was a mistake.

The door opens up to a dark staircase that I nearly trip going down. When I get to the bottom I hear muffled sounds.

After fumbling around for what felt like forever, I find the light switch and flip it on. What I see is a man who looks to be around Brexton's age with black spiky hair and brown eyes. His mouth is covered with duct tape and rope is wrapped around his arms and legs, chaining him to a metal chair.

I quickly run to him and remove his duct tape.

He groans in pain. "Who are you?"

"I'm here to help." I respond as I look him over, assessing his injuries. He's covered in cuts and bruises.

"Who are you?" I retort.

The man looks confused. "Ryan."

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