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***Trigger Warning***

My body runs cold when I hear the nurse say that I was poisoned. "You mean someone tried to kill me?" I say bluntly.

She shifts uncomfortably. "I can't speak to that, but whenever you're feeling up to it, the police could talk to you about what they know. They've actually been asking to speak with you."

Recalling my last conversation with them, I'm not so sure I want to talk to them again. However, I did want answers and they might be the only ones who can give me any. "I want to talk to them now." I say, shocking myself.

The nice nurse nods. "Okay, I'll give them a call and let them know that you're ready."

"Thank you." I say appreciatively, knowing how busy she probably is.

I use the time that she's checking my vital signs to ask her another question. "How long have I been in here?"

The blood pressure cuff squeezes my arm uncomfortably tight. "You came in last night. It's 8am the next morning."

I was out for like twelve hours? I suppose I needed the sleep after the nightmares the night before.

When I don't say anything else, she smiles sweetly at me. "I'm going to leave the call light right here by you. Unless there's anything else I can do for you?"

I shake my head negatively. "Nope, I'm good. Thank you."

The cops are in my room within the hour, their tones changed since the last time we've talked. They inform me that I fainted while in Brexton's room. They say I was lucky he caught me because I was right next to a sharp corner that would've done a number on my skull. They tell me that the amount of poison in my system was too small to kill me so they don't think that was the intent. They think I know something that I shouldn't and someone is trying to scare me into silence. I could have told them that. I kick them out of my room when they insinuate that Brexton is the person responsible. I know he wouldn't hurt me. Jeremiah on the other hand would be more than happy to. Jessica could've been angry she was fired too. These people have clear motives but the cops won't listen to me.

My head is throbbing by the time they leave. Maybe I should've rested longer before invited them in. I close my eyes and hope I'm due for some pain medication.

At last, I start to fall asleep, but it's short-lived. I'm woken up by knocking on my door. "Come in." I say but it's barely audible.

My nurse walks in. "Hey, there's someone here that wants to visit you."

"As long as their names aren't Jessica or Jeremiah, you can let them in." I say, grogginess taking over my body.

She makes a note of who not to let in and says she'll let whoever's out there know they can come in.

Happiness overwhelms me when I see Inara's pretty face peak through the door. "Lyra? How are you feeling girl?"

I smile. "It feels like how I imagine it would've felt if you'd hit me with your car the first day we met."

She looks concerned as she gets closer to my bed. "What happened? All they would tell me is that you had an accident at work and needed to stay overnight. I've been in the waiting room for hours."

I put all my energy into looking okay. "I was poisoned, but only like a little bit. I know your next question, they don't know who did it or why."

I see water form at the corner of her eyes. "This is so scary. I really thought you were going to die. Please tell me that this was enough reason for you to stop investigating crazy people."

It hurts, but I bring myself into a sitting position. "I'm okay, everything is okay. I appreciate that you're worried about me, that means a lot to me. I don't want to stress you out, but the fact that whoever is doing this is reacting like this tells me I need to keep going. I'm getting close to answers, I can feel it."

Her usually bright eyes have dimmed. "What if these answers cost you your life? I mean how far are you willing to go?"

I can't say she's not scaring me, but I'm stubborn. I've made up my mind and I'm sticking to it. "I'm okay, if they wanted me dead, they would've killed me by now. They've had multiple opportunities and all they've done is try to scare me. I'm more worried about the people around me getting hurt which is why I need to pick up my pace."

Her face hardens. I can tell she's annoyed with me and I can't blame her. I'd be upset if I were her too, but I have to trust my gut. If I give up because I'm afraid, Brexton could go to prison and more people could die. This person is a killer who would more than likely kill again.

"You're not going to stop no matter what I say, are you?" There's a hint of bitterness behind her words.

I look her in the eyes. "I am really sorry. I know I'm being annoying and your concerns are valid." I sigh. "There's been so much death and I just can't ignore it."

She hugs me tightly. "Be very careful, okay? Like VERY careful. I have not had enough time with you to loose you. I want to be at your wedding and be the cool aunt to your kids. Don't take that away from me, got it?"

I wipe my eyes, just now noticing the tears falling down them. "Got it." I say while sobbing.

She pats me on the back. "I'm going to get you some real food, hospital food is disgusting."

My laugh is weak. "That sounds really good. Thank you Inara."

"No thanks necessary, just remember to return the favor if I'm ever in the hospital."

I agree and she leaves to go fulfill her angel duties. I never knew how badly I need a friend until I met her. Now, I can't imagine life without her.

Not even five minutes later there's another knock on my door. "Come in."

The nurse pops her head in again. "You have another visitor if you're not too tired."

Having another person stop by to check on me makes me feel so loved. I realize it's probably Lucy. "I'm up for it as long it's not any of those people I said not to let in."

She looks likes she amused or...excited? I start to feel nervous. Why would she have that reaction?

"Okay." She smiles and closes the door.

Seconds feel like hours as I wait for my visitor. My heart start to race as I go through all the possible scenarios of who it could be. It could Lucy, which is the most likely. It could be Jeremiah or Jessica, but they've been banned. My mind goes to a dark place. What if it's Brant? He is connected to all of this and he threatened Inara to brings me to him. I want to scream for my nurse and tell her to add Brant to the list of people not to let in, but I'm too late.

I hear a soft tap on the door. Please be Lucy, please be Lucy, please be Lucy.

"You can do it." I say out loud and facepalm myself. Did I really just say that? Not a good start if my goal is to intimidate someone.

The door cracks open and I jump out of my bed when I see who it is.

"Umm, thank you?" Brexton comes in carrying a bouquet of blue roses. He's wearing jeans, a green t-shirt that brings out his eyes and a leather jacket.

I run to him and he lifts me into his arms. As an instinct I wrap my legs around his waist. "How are you here right now?"

His rich laugh gives me a homey feel. "I just got discharged and I got one of those nosey nurses to tell me where you ended up." He looks me up and down with a smirk. "You look way too good to be sick right now."

Unable to resist, I lightly touch his hear, hoping he won't feel it. His curls feel like silk in my hands. "You got discharged? So you're like free now? How did that happen?"

He carries me to the bed and sits me down like he's afraid to hurt me.

He takes off his jacket and wraps it securely around my forearm. "I'll explain all of that but first, you're bleeding."

"Huh?" I look down at my arm to see that I've ripped out my IV without even knowing. That should've been really painful. "Oh. It's fine, it doesn't even hurt."

He keeps applying pressure. "Your arms are so small. They're going to have a tough time getting another one in you."

I hit him playfully with my good hand. "I don't need another one, I'm leaving here pretty directly...with you."

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