Confessing, But-

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Day 4 of "enjoying the school week" with Hanako



'Oh dear.' 

Y/N quickly hid the box of freshly baked donuts in her lunch bag, hastily putting a smile on her face. She should've known Hanako would visit her first thing in the morning.

"Where have you been?" He pouted; he sounded almost childish. The ghost boy floated towards the girl, embracing her from behind.

"Let go!" Y/N gently tried to swat him away.

"Too close?" He lazily peered down at her. 

Y/N gave him her famous I-will-hit-you-if-you-don't-stop looks.

Hanako got the hint. He begrudgingly pulled away, knowing how painful her uppercuts were.

"Seriously, though." Hanako sighed. "It's boring being all alone! The Mokke wouldn't stop pestering me-"

"Geez, Hanako-san!" Y/N shook her head, laughing. "It's only been a day!"

"Felt like an eternity." He shrugged. Y/N blushed. "A-Anyway, um..."

"So where have you been?" Hanako cut in, suddenly looking more serious. "Not to your mom again, have you?"

Y/N shuffled her feet. "Actually, th-that's what I did..."

Hanako's eyes went as wide as full moons. He planted his hands on her shoulders.


"I wanted to get revenge, remember?"

Hanako sighed, his eyes holding worry.

"What if you were hurt?"

"I wouldn't let her do that again." Y/N boldly raised her chin.

Hanako forced down a wide smile. He was proud to see how much confidence Y/N seemed to have these past few days.

"Well, if that's the case-"

His tight grip on her shoulders were making Y/N a little flustered.

"I was drawing!" Y/N hastily came up with another topic, hoping Hanako would pull away. Fortunately, he did.

"Oooooh! A drawing?" He marveled, clasping his hands. "What is it?"

Y/N didn't expect to be interrogated so soon. She looked at the floor, not willing to reveal her answer.

"W-well, I...."

She unfolded the paper she had drawn on from her pocket. The more she looked at Hanako, the more she was convinced she shouldn't reveal it.

Hanako frowned; rather than intimidating, Y/N found it made him look weirdly cute.

"Y/N-chan, I thought we were friends! Now you're keeping secrets?"

"No!" She blurted indignantly. "I-It's just th-that-"

"Give me a hint at what you drew, at least!"

Y/N sighed, ruffling her hair. She awkwardly coughed.

"Well... when I draw, I draw things that inspire and motivate me. Say for example a pretty flower."

Hanako looked unsatisfied by this answer.


"What?" Y/N rolled her eyes. "I gave you a hint-"

"Heya, Y/N-chan!"

Y/N jumped in surprise. Panic turned to relief instantly when she saw....

"Kou." Y/N smiled weakly. "What're you doing here so early in the morning?"

"What are you doing here so early in the morning?" He laughed.

"Oh, I-I was just-" Y/N turned to point at Hanako.

The place where he would've been was now thin air. Y/N's eyes went wide. 'Why did he leave?'

"Hey, that's a nice drawing!" Kou piped up out of the blue.

Y/N whirled around, whipping the paper from view. Kou blinked.

"What's the matter?"


"Don't be ashamed!" Kou patted her shoulder.  "It's a really nice drawing of Yugo!"

Y/N looked at her feet and folded the paper squarely. Kou smiled in amusement.

"Why draw the transferee, though? Out of all things?"

"I've practically memorized his face," Y/N confessed. "He's with me most of the time."

Kou furrowed his brows. Y/N felt a little nervous as his lively blue eyes darkened.

"All the time?"

"I-I mean, he was my first boy friend, so!" Y/N shrugged. She wasn't exactly lying.

"BOYFRIEND?" Kou gasped.

"BOY FRIEND!"  Y/N corrected, blushing furiously as she put emphasis on the space.

Kou sighed in relief, running a hand through his hair. However, the worried look on his face didn't go away.

"Has he harmed you? In any way?"

Y/N blinked. Why was he so worried?

"Look," Y/N folded her hands. "Why would he harm me? In fact, he's doing quite the opposite!"

Kou looked incredulous.

"He is?"

"Yeah!" Y/N spluttered, eyes shining as she recalled the ghost boy. "He's a bit of a pervert, but-"

"Heya, you two!"

Kou and Y/N looked up at the new voice. There stood Yashiro, a wide grin on her face.

"Did you spend the night with Han- Yugo again, Y/N?" She teased. "You two are getting awfully close!"

"I DID NOT!"  Y/N snapped. Kou looked back and forth between the two friends.

"Well, you lot!" He grinned cheerily; he acted like he never had that serious talk about Hanako. "I see you have some girl talk! Fill me in about it later at lunch, alright?"

He waved in a friendly manner, then walked away. Y/N took notice of how his brother, Teru, was already there, as if he had been waiting for him to come.

"Earth to Y/N-chan?" Yashiro waved a hand in front of her face. "You're spacing out again!"

Y/N blinked. She apologetically grinned at her best friend.

"S-sorry, it's just..."

"Ohhh nooooooo!"  Yashiro striked a dramatic pose. "Can't choose between Kou and Hanako?"

Y/N rolled her eyes, pushing a strand of hair behind ear. "It's just... Kou's been awfully worried. Almost like he's prodding me for answers."

This made daikon legs look a little worried.


Y/N's eyes shone with worry. "He's suspicious about Hanako's identity."

Yashiro bit her lip, gently holding Y/N's hand.

"That's a pressing matter, but... it's alright! We'll think of a cover-up story!"

Y/N smiled faintly, but her conversation with Kou still rang in her head:

"Has he harmed you? In any way?"

Why did he ask? When she thought about it, he was quite good with his knife skills. He could knock out Tobero and Futama without breaking a sweat.

She gulped. Had Hanako killed someone before?


Later at Recess...

"Who's that guy?" Sabiro frowned at the confused crowd surrounding a blonde boy. Y/N looked up, taken aback by who it was.

"Kou Minamoto." She replied.

"I WILL EXORCISE YOU!" He proclaimed pompously, blue eyes flashing with determination. "WATCH OUT, SPIRITS!"

Y/N and Sabiro were both weirded out.

"What's he doing?" He frowned.

"I haven't the faintest idea." Y/N trailed off, even more perplexed.


Later at Lunch...

"Hey, Y/N!"

"Hello, Hanako!"

"So why did my wisp say you wanted to see me? What's up?"

Y/N smiled shyly. She had set up a simple but comfortable picnic spot on the school rooftop.

"W-Well, you see..." She slowly pulled out the box. She opened it, revealing the batch of donuts she had cooked up the night before.

Y/N nearly laughed at the expression on Hanako's face; he looked like a child waking up to a pile of Christmas gifts.

"Don't tell me."

"Yes they are."


She was grinning so widely it hurt. Seeing Hanako's expression of pure happiness really tugged at her heart.

"Do you like it?" She weakly asked.

"I LOVE IT!" He exclaimed, pulling her into a very tight hug. Y/N blushed furiously.

"I love you!"


"What?" Hanako turned red in the face as well.

"Uh, did you hear that...?"

"Wh-what did you-?"


Hanako pulled away from the hug, hastily looking away. He began to scarf down a donut.

An awkward silence ensued. Y/N cleared her throat, pretending that what happened totally never happened.

"So, uh..." Y/N spoke.

"So how was-" Hanako said at the same time.

Both teens blushed in embarrassment.

"Wh-what were you going to say?"

"No, you first!"

"I insist-"

Y/N picked up a donut, also nibbling it. She stubbornly stayed quiet. Hanako let out a snort of amusement.

"Fine, then! I wanted to ask how your 'revenge' went."

Y/N's eyes lit up. She pulled out the tests - all of noticeably higher scores -  she had passed the night before.

"Just before I cooked your donuts, I slipped one of these under her pillow!" Y/N grinned evilly. "I can't wait to see the look on her face!"

Hanako rested his head on one hand, a small smile on his face.

"That's all?"

"Yes!" Y/N curled her hands into fists, grinning widely. "She said I'd never get above failure, huh? Well look at me now! I surpassed all her thoughts! Achieved the impossible! Frick you, mom!"

'Cute' was not enough to describe how adorable Hanako found her. The ghost boy laughed, clapping in applause.

"Well, then! You certainly blew her away!"

"Of course!" Y/N looked at him brightly. "I totally kicked her ass!"

"Y/N!" Hanako gasped, scandalized.


"Did you just curse?"

"What's wrong?" Y/N frowned. "Kou says that!"

Hanako grew tense at the name.

"Hanako-kun?" Y/N's proud stance faltered. "What's the matter?"

"Oh, it's nothing, really!" He waved dismissively. "It's just... I've been suspecting something about him. He can see me. He's growing suspicious of me."

Y/N's heart fell. "You noticed, too?"

"Of course." Hanako sighed. He clasped her hands tightly. "So that's why I have a favor to ask."

Y/N looked up at him intently. "What is it?"

"My alias. Yugo." He started slowly. "I think I made it too obvious. You see, my real name is-"

Suddenly, Hanako's eyes grew wide. "Y/N! STEP BACK!"

He dropped his donut, colliding with her as he tackled her down from their picnic spot.

"Aw, man! I missed!" A familiar voice whined.

Y/N gaped in horror. Hanako slowly pulled away from her, gently forcing her behind a pillar.

"Hide there."


"Your arm is injured! I can't involve you in this!"

"Kou!" Y/N gasped. "Why is he here?"

"I don't think he saw you." His eyes were wide. "He's obviously come for me."

"Come to what?"

Hanako's eyes darkened.

"To exorcise."

Y/N's panic spiked. Hanako was a ghost, exorcism expelled ghosts... it wasn't hard to see the gravity of the danger.

Hanako seemed to sense her worries because he gave her a reassuring smile.

Y/N was about to smile back, when something crashed into him, dragging him away from sight.

Y/N's eyes went wide in terror. She was about to speak, when-

"HANAKO, 7TH WONDER!" Kou declared at a tackled Hanako, pointing a funny gold staff at his chest. Y/N expected him to look terrified. Instead, he looked calm.

Almost bored.


"In this position?" Hanako yawned. "Some kink you have."

Kou blinked. "What do you mean?"

Hanako took advantage of his innocence, using his confusion as an opportunity to slip away.

Kou's eyes went wide. He turned around to face him, shakily weilding the staff.

"Kou, were you?" Hanako grinned, now brandishing his famed butterknife.

"Yeah, that's right!" Kou roared. "Kou Minamoto! The last name you'll hear!"

Hanako smiled in acknowledgement. "A family of exorcists! Pleasure to meet you!"

Kou ignored him, charging at the ghost boy with all his might. Hanako stood there, whipping out a cape that appeared out of nowhere. He threw his wisps at Kou.

'Wow.' Y/N thought. 'They look like beyblades.'

Kou wasn't able to dodge them; he fell to the ground in pain.

Hanako slowly approached him, then leaned against his side.

"You alright?" He smiled goodnaturedly.

"B-Back off!" Kou stammered.
Y/N could see he was clearly scared by his shaky voice and dilated eyes; he just didn't want to show it.

"What a pity." Hanako sighed. "You want to be a great exorcist, don't you? I think you'll need to train a bit, first. I don't want to hurt you-"

Kou's eyes went wide at those words.

"You don't want to hurt me?!" He exclaimed in disbelief. "But the rumors say you murdered someone!"

Y/N's heart stopped. Hanako murdered someone?

Hanako himself stiffened at those words.

This time, Kou took advantage of his discomfort, slashing at his arm with his staff.

Hanako's eyes went wide. He fell back, collapsing on the ground.

Y/N couldn't stand it.


Kou nearly dropped his staff in shock.


"STOP, PLEASE!" She gasped. Hanako slowly recovered from the hit of the staff, looking up at Y/N groggily.

"Y/N....?" The ghost made an effort to see through his blurry vision.

"What do you mean?!" Kou pointed at Hanako. "He's dangerous, Y/N!"

"He's my friend."

"He's a murderer!"

"He's my friend."

Hanako couldn't explain the great amount of things he was feeling right now. All he could do was slowly reach out to Y/N.

"Y/N...." He repeated weakly.

"P-Please leave him be!" Y/N begged, ignoring Hanako's plea. "He won't harm anyone, I swear! That murder is nothing but a rumor, just like you said!"

Kou shook his head. "He's got you under a spell, hasn't he?"


Kou slipped past Y/N, striking Hanako yet again. This time, ghost boy passed out.

Y/N felt like fainting. She rushed to his side almost immediately.

"Kou!" She berated. "How could you?!"

"It's alright, I'll snap you outta' your trance!" He proclaimed. "Just wait, one more strike with this-"


Kou fell to the ground. Y/N's eyes went wide.

"Y/N-chan...?" Yashiro croaked, holding a heavy book. It looked like she had used it to knock Kou out.

"YASHIRO!" Y/N cried in relief. "PLEASE HELP ME!"

"What's the matter?!" She sprinted towards Y/N. When her eyes fell on Hanako, she immediately got the drill.

"Oh no!"

"Stay." Y/N faintly said. "When Kou wakes, please explain everything to him. Hanako is my friend. He healed my arm."

"Alright!" Yashiro bobbed her head rapidly in an aggressive nod. Y/N weakly smiled.

"Thank you."


"Just a moment, Hanako..."

"This won't hurt."

"There! All fixed and done, see?"

Three different phrases. Same voice. Hanako opened his eyes a peek. He was in a room.

The Mokke's room.

But it didn't look like the Mokke were there. It was only a girl; someone with H/C hair, and E/C eyes.


"Hanako?" She whispered. "Are you awake?"

He stayed quiet, eyes slowly travelling elsewhere.

His hat was gone, laid by his side. Y/N had rolled up his sleeve, and it was covered in many layers of bandages. He nearly let out a laugh.

'Does she even know I'm not injured?'

"Hanako?" Y/N tried again.

He closed his eyes shut, pretending to be asleep.

"Aww man!" Y/N sighed. "I thought he moved. Must've been my head..."

She slowly began to roll his other sleeve.

"He was electrocuted so badly. Don't worry, Doctor Y/N-"

This time, Hanako couldn't help but laugh.

Y/N stumbled back with a start. Hanako hastily wiped the tears from his eyes.


"Sorry..." He spluttered through his fit of giggles. "....please, don't continue."

Y/N looked at him in stupor, still holding a roll of bandages.

"But you're injured!"

"I'm not."

Y/N was incredulous.

"Were you awake the whole time?" She asked suspiciously.

"Yes, I was." He smirked. "Doctor Y/N."

Y/N's face turned a deep shade of red.

"Why didn't you tell me you're injured?!"

"I like the feeling."

Y/N looked at him, bewildered.

"Like what?"

"Seeing someone care for me." He smiled, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "It's my job to help people by granting their wishes... but people forget me. They never help me back."

Y/N's eyes softened. She settled beside him, awkwardly patting his shoulder. He was still staring at the "injured" arm she had bandaged.

"Should I take it off?" Y/N offered timidly.


Y/N was caught off guard. Hanako cut in before she could reply.

"We look like a nice pair, don't we?" He held up his bandaged arm, giving her a close-eyed smile. Y/N looked at her own gauzed arm.

"B-But you're not even hurt!"

"Just a bit."

Y/N stiffened.

"Really? Where?"

Hanako slowly pulled up his unbandaged arm. Y/N looked closer, then saw it was a burn.

"Ah, a burn!" Y/N noted. "That's easy to treat!"


"Mhm!" She smiled brightly. Hanako was only partly reassured.

"Will it hurt to heal it....?"

"I-I don't know...."

"Well," he sighed. "Do your thing."

He looked away, not wishing to look at the painful process.

However, he got quite the opposite. Something soft and warm on his hand. When he saw what it was, he blushed furiously.

Y/N was kissing it, her hands clasped on his hand tightly.

"Wh-what're you doing?!"

"Healing it!" she retorted, pulling away. Hanako wanted to complain, but bit his tongue. "A romance novel I read said kisses can help burns, so..."

Hanako's tensed up body slowly relaxed. A smirk made its way to his face. "You read romance novels?"

"AH!" Y/N clapped a hand to her mouth.
"N-NO, I-"

Hanako leaned in, lightly kissing her on the cheek.

Y/N had now evolved into a red tomato.

"'Kisses can help burns.'" He repeated teasingly, a cheeky grin on his face. "Your face looked like it was heating up, so-"

A loud squeal.

Both teenagers turned to look behind them.

All the Mokke.

This time, not only Y/N was a tomato.

"OH MY GOD!" A Mokke squeaked.

"You totally ruined the moment!" Another snapped.

"Why can't you stay quiet?!"

"Oh hi there, Mrs. Yugi!"

"M-Mrs. Yugi....?" Y/N stammered.

"My real name," Hanako looked at the floor, feeling incredibly humiliated. "Yugi Amane. I should've said that without these brats..."

"HEY! THAT'S MEAN! :C" A Mokke sniffed.


"W-Welp! Th-that's the schoolbell!" Y/N hastily got up, still touching her cheek. "I-I've gotta go! N-Nice meeting you, Hanako! N-Nice seeing you all, M-Mokke-"

Hanako's eyes were wide. "Wait, Y/N-"

Y/N had already fled the room, her face buried in her hands.

The Mokke stood alongside a dumbfounded Hanako, all shamelessly proud.

"Nice move, Amane!"

"'Just gotta up your game!"

"Guys!" Hanako grumbled in frustration.

The Mokke were immediately silenced. Hanako was still blushing, but he looked deadly serious.

"Why did you do that?" Hanako demanded.

"Why not?" A Mokke retorted.

"You don't look like you're complaining-" Another supplied.

"Well I am!" The ghost boy snapped.

The Mokke were taken aback. He never sounded so furious.

"Hey, buddy-" A Mokke squeaked, now worried. "What's the matter?"

"I want to make her happy," Hanako looked at the floor.

"Especially since she's in her final days."

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