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The last thing Y/N could remember was someone's teary-eyed face as her vision clouded in a horrible red sheen.

It had been very painful. She could not count how many times a rack of pain made her convulse, weak, and tired. She was glad it had disappeared in the flash.

'But why is it so cold?'

Y/N slowly unfurled from the knot she didn't realize she was in. She weakly held up her hand to a shaft of sunlight pouring out from a window high above.

'The room is back to normal?'

She got on her knees, and felt a surge of relief as she examined her hand. There was no blood. However...

'...why does it look like my hand is faded?'

That was when she looked up.


A boy with choppy black hair, amber eyes, and a black patch had extended a hand to help her up. Y/N glanced at him gratefully, taking it.

"H-Hello... who are you?"

"Tsukasa." The boy chided in a friendly manner, a warm smile on his face. "And you are?"

"Y/N." Y/N said almost instantly, her eyes distant. Her mind felt fuzzy with confusion; she could not bring herself to say anything more.

"Y/N, and I...."

'Where do I come from?'

'Who is my family?'

'Why am I here?'

The questions began to overwhelm her, making her fall to the ground, letting out an agonized wail. She pulled strands of her H/C hair in panic, eyes dilated.

"WHO AM I?!"

"You're Aka Manto." Tsukasa went on, gently lifting a trembling Y/N's chin with a finger. "You are the leading wonder of Sukora, the school where you reside in."

"I-I'm Aka Manto..." Y/N stammered, following his words in a lost, desperate way to find herself. "I am the leading wonder of Sukora, the school where I reside in..."

Cold tears rushed out of her eyes, pouring down her face. She wanted to understand, but could not come to a clear answer.

'I look weak. I hate looking weak. I despise looking weak!'

"Wh-what's... my purpose?"

"You don't want to look frail, don't you?" Tsukasa gave her a sad, sympathetic smile. He gingerly pulled her into a hug, which Y/N reluctantly agreed to.

"Someone's ultimatum of weakness is being killed." Tsukasa whispered. "And you want to know who killed you?"

Y/N felt a surge of anger to whoever murdered her.

She would make them her enemy; whoever had done this to her, killed her and left her at a pathetic loss, will be reduced to a state just as weak as her own.

"Who is it, Tsukasa?"

"Yugi Amane." He pulled away, giving her a look of infinite pity. "He killed you and left you here."

She fought to contain her ferocity. Someone dare take advantage of her? She was itching to uppercut... no, do something even worse to whoever brought her to such a sorry excuse for a Wonder.

Y/N took heavy, hitched breaths as she slowly descended into a crescendo of anger, loss, and confusion.

"Y/N....?" Tsukasa pressed quietly.

The girl crouched lower, letting out a loud scream:

"I'll kill Yugi Amane! I hate Yugi Amane!"

"Woah, calm down!" Tsukasa giddily laughed, though nervousness flashed briefly in his eyes. "Listen-"


Tsukasa and Y/N swiveled their heads around with a start.

There was a pink-haired boy laying on his side, and by the looks of it, he had just recently woken up.

Y/N got up, and only then did she take notice of the red robes she wore. She reached into a pocket, where she realized a huge knife laid.

She lifted the knife to the stirring boy, eyes cold and unfeeling. Was this Amane?

Tsukasa grabbed her by the wrist hastily.

"Wait wait wait! He's with me, Y/N! Mitsuba's with me!"

'Mitsuba is allied with Tsukasa-sama?'  She left the boy to groggily get up. She pulled her knife away and into the pocket again robotically.

'Anyone allied with him is good.'

"Y/N!" A high-pitched squeak interrupted.

Tsukasa and Y/N turned around to the bathroom stall behind them. Y/N felt an overwhelming power with it. 'This stall must be my Boundary.'

"Who are you?" Y/N demanded at the pink bunny who had appeared in front of the Rift. It let out a terrified screech as she held the knife to its face.

"Y/N, don't mess with me!" The bunny indignantly called. "Get back here to Kamome! What are you doing with Tsukasa?!"

"Tsukasa is my master." Y/N said blankly, pressing closer.

"WHAT!" The bunny stamped its foot. "You idiot, Amane is worried sick-"

Out of pure hatred, she didn't realize she had swung the knife. Y/N looked up with a start as the Mokke was sent flying through the Rift, a huge gash across its stomach.

'Oh no...'  Her eyes began to brim with tears. 'Oh no!'

She collapsed for a second time. Tsukasa rushed up to her, followed by Mitsuba.

"Why?" Y/N let out an agonized whisper as the pink-haired boy tried to coax her, Tsukasa gently patting her on the shoulder.

"Why can't I kill when I want to kill? I want to kill my my murderer! I have to-"

"Deep breaths, Aka Manto." Tsukasa murmured in a hushed tone. He pulled her to another tight embrace as Y/N sobbed quietly into his shoulder.

"I'll help you through it all."


The dying Mokke ran as fast as its little legs could carry it, away from the terrors it had just seen and into the broadcasting room where everyone waited.

Sakura was sitting down in quiet panic. Yashiro and Kou were anxiously fidgeting in their seats.

Above all, Hanako was the one who looked the most distressed. He kept mumbling things to himself, eyes closed, as he paced the whole of the room.

"Hanako!" The Mokke let out a shuddering gasp.

Everyone instantly faced him. Sakura's eyes widened in worry as she hastily rushed up to the injured Wonder, taking it to her hands. "Mokke, what-"

"Y/N!" It cried, tears in its pained eyes.

Yashiro and Kou leapt to their feet. Sakura was staring down the Mokke as if the world counted on it.

But nothing could compare to Hanako's look of horror, as his heart fell on the Mokke's next words:

"Y/N doesn't remember me! She's not the same!"

"No. That can't be right." Hanako's voice was cracking. He turned to the others wildly.

Y/N was the most important part of life he could ever receive, and he knew if she was gone, he would never be the same. And so, from that day forth, he would have only one goal:

He would save Y/N.


That day was a rainy day.

Pitter, patter, pitter, patter. That was the gentle sound of rain pouring against the glass of her window. Was it this bathroom's window? Before she was murdered?


'And that was the gentle sound of my murderer, wasn't it? Yugi Amane?'


'That voice was harsh. I was nervous. I was scared. But above my fear, I can remember...'

"JUST GET ON WITH IT!"  The voice had screamed, wielding a kitchen knife at her face.

She vividly remembered the terror that paralyzed her to the ground. Her eyes had widened in horror, her heart racing. Her legs were shaking, but she continued to stand her ground.

"H-How will I eat?" Was how she responded next. She had fought down her fear, trying to put on a brave face. "You haven't fed me for five days straight. I won't be able to pull up my grades, and-!"

'Suddenly, a bolt of red.'

Y/N's grip on her knife tightened. She could remember the cruelty those words brought her a long time ago. She could remember how weak it made her feel.

Tsukasa assured her that Amane had said all those terrible things. And so, as the 7th Wonder of Sukora, the apparition expected to be the strongest, she must take down the cause of her greatest weakness. Thus, she only had one goal:

She would kill Yugi Amane.



Continued in the sequel, "Who Dies" here:

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