One Last Time

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Final Day

Hanako agreed to let Y/N enjoy her final day alone. She wanted to spend each and every moment genuinely, savoring each second she could have. No hakujoudai - his wisps - followed her today.



"Fight back, you twig!"

"Raiko, please get out of my sight."

Y/N stopped midwalk at the sound of two voices echoing down the hallway. She had just returned early from the canteen, finishing recess quickly.

The voices. One of her former bully, the other a female; she sounded deadpan and cold.

"Find someone else to pick on," the girl drawled. "You're a waste of my time."

"I'll kill you for not letting me in the broadcasting club! You're ugly, brainless, idiotic-"

"AHEM." Y/N stepped into the light.

Raiko turned to her, eyes slits. Y/N shrank back just a little.

"Idiotic and b-brainless? Raiko-kun, p-please quit talking to yourself..."

Although her legs felt like jelly, she confronted her former bully with her chin held high.

"Get outta' my sight, Y/N." He growled.

"Now that's enough." The green-haired girl said flatly. She slowly began to walk towards Y/N.

Raiko gripped her wrist. The girl stiffened.

"Fight me!" He demanded.

"F-Fight me!" Y/N stammered.

Even the girl looked surprised. She had assumed Y/N would run away by then, by her shaky and introverted facade.

"Oh really?" Raiko sneered. "What can you do?"

"Oh I don't know!" Y/N's hands curled into shaky fists. "Wh-Why don't you ask Tobero?"

Raiko's fighting stance faltered a little in fear. Even he knew what happened to the notorious bully (got sent to the clinic with a twisted ankle and bruised arm.)

"Fine..." He grumbled. "I don't want to mess with you. You're a waste of time, anyway!"

The girl and Y/N watched in silence as Raiko crossly walked away.

"Hey..." the green-haired girl said slowly. Y/N turned to face her. She was a bit taller, with half-lidded eyes and a monotonous expression.

"....I have something to ask."

Y/N was taken aback by how calm she was. She herself felt like she'd faint in front of Raiko.

"What's your name, by any chance?"

Y/N perked up. "Y/N L/N!"

"I see," the green-haired girl nodded. "My name is Sakura. Thank you, by the way."

She quietly walked past Y/N. Unbeknownst to her, she slipped a black paper crane down her pocket.

'Well, Tsukasa. I've found you a playmate.'





The wind was knocked out of her as the blonde tackled her in a hug.

"OH MY GOD! I'M SO SORRY!" He exclaimed, gently tugging her gauzed arm. Y/N looked up at him in surprise.

"Sorry for what...?"

"While I was attacking the 7th Wonder!" He shook his head shamefully. "I could've hurt your arm! I'm sorry, I-"

"Y-You say sorry too much!" Y/N stammered, gently patting his arm away. "It's fine, alright..?"

"Ah!" Kou blushed a little. "It's outta' habbit, sorry-"

"Uhm.. you just said it for a second-"

"Forgetting someone?"

Y/N and Kou whirled around to find Yashiro, panting heavily.

"Oh! Yashiro-chan!" Y/N rushed up to her. Kou followed in pursuit.

"What happened to you?" Y/N pressed.

"As soon as I told him he almost hurt you, he came rushing to find you! He runs fast-" Yashiro explained through gulps for air.

Y/N let out a small laugh. Kou looked away bashfully.

"By the way!" Yashiro looked up, catching her breath. "About Hanako..."

Y/N stiffened.

"Don't worry! I explained everything to Kou!" The daikon smiled brightly. "I told him Hanako was not harmful..."

"Oh yeah, about that-" Kou turned towards Y/N. He looked at her seriously.

"Are you sure he's not gonna' backstab you in any way? Again, he murdered-"

"-that's fine." Y/N cut off smoothly. "He told me he's sorry for it."

Even Yashiro looked uncertain.

"Well..." Kou rubbed the back of his neck. "If ya say so! I just don't want him to kill anyone else, most especially you!"

Y/N cleared her throat awkwardly. Yashiro and Kou exchanged concerned glances.

"Uhm, anyway...." she forced a smile. "Are you guys done with your lunch?"

Kou and Yashiro nodded eagerly.

"Well, then!" Y/N shyly traced a circle on the floor with a foot. She never planned for hangouts; Yashiro was always the one dragging her places. She decided to take the wheel for now.

"H-How does a library date sound to you both...?"

"Great idea!" Kou said almost too quickly.

"Oh wow!" Yashiro exclaimed in surprise. Y/N glanced at her meekly, but her best friend didn't look annoyed.

She was smiling. Very widely, actually. Pride shone in her eyes.

"I'm game!" Yashiro pumped a fist in the air.



"See you tomorrow, Y/N!"

'Of course!' she wanted to say.

"Let's continue the next day!"

'I can't wait!' she would've responded.

"Can we hang out more?"

'I'd love to! How about tomorrow?' she should have replied.

But she can't. There was no tomorrow; for her, anyway.

Y/N's steps got shakier and shakier as she trudged down to the girls' bathroom.

'I can die. I want to die.'

She tried to think of the things that wanted to make her die in the first place:

Her alocoholic, sorry excuse for a mother.

'But I can stay here with Hanako.'

Her low grades.

'Yashiro and Kou offered to tutor me.'


'I can stand up for myself, now.'

Only one friend.

'Is that even true anymore..?'

She pulled strands of H/C hair in frustration, tears she had fought back ever since the day started now welled up in her eyes.

She couldn't believe it. This week had been so surreal. She wanted it to continue. No matter how hard she tried, she still wanted one thing:

To live.

But that was selfish. She couldn't possibly do that!

She halted her walk. She had finally reached her destination: the place where everything began... and the place where everything would end.

Taking a shaky breath in, she opened the door to the girls' bathroom.

It swung open. To her surprise, the room was empty.

"W-well, then..." Y/N slowly walked towards the third bathroom stall.
She knocked three times.

"Hanako-san, Hanako-san. Are-"

"I'm here."

That voice used to bring her so much comfort. Now, it filled her with dread. She slowly turned around.

There stood Hanako, knife already in hand.

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