Getting Revenge

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Day 2 of "enjoying the school week" with Hanako

Y/N always kept a checklist of things she wanted to accomplish. It had been with her for a year now, and she thought she'd try to tick some things off.


1) Make new friends.

That was something she never thought she could achieve... but with the help of Yashiro's bubbly spirit, she had come to befriend Tazumo, Aborochi, Kou and Sabiro... at least, she felt she did.

But those conversations she had with those four, as awkward and short as they were, were all filled with laughter and smiles.


2) Be less awkward with boys.

For starters, Y/N would've ticked it off when she met Hanako, but he had this way of making her feel a little jumpy. He also got her heart racing, face heating, and making her stutter like crazy... so she pushed that aside.

When she talked with Sabiro during lunch, he had been very shy. But due to their similarities of being introverted, they quickly got along.

As for Kou... Y/N didn't understand why he got all embarrassed when she smiled. He'd turn away, as if to hide his face. But he was very nice and accomodating.

So, that's a great start!


3) Earn money for mum.

Y/N's eyes darkened a little.

She had wrote that goal a long time ago, way back before her arm had been slashed.

She had wanted to earn money because she wished for her mother to buy something and enjoy it. She always looked so mad and frustrated.

No matter how harsh she was,
all she could feel was sympathy... now, rather obviously, her feelings had changed a little.

'Let's skip that.'

4) Get good grades.

Y/N stiffened uncomfortably at this one.


"Hey, Y/N!" Yashiro waved a hand in front of her face. Y/N bolted up in surprise.

"Why have you been staring at your checklist for so long?"

"S-sorry!" Y/N stammered, shoving the paper in her pocket.

With the school bell signalling classes were over, the two friends got up, packing their bags and heading out.

"So, how were Tazumo and Aborochi?"

"Chatterboxes," Y/N sighed. "But they were very friendly.."


"Nice to talk to."

"Kou?" Yashiro had a smirk as she said his name.

Y/N rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

"I don't like him, Yashiro!" Y/N groaned. "At least... not as much as you love his brother!"

"Sh-Shut up!" Yashiro gasped. "A-anyway... what about Hanako-san?"

Y/N wavered unsurely at his name.

"Just before lunchbreak started, when you were away, he privately told me he had to run some errands around the school..." Y/N shrugged, then pointed at the funny wisp floating above her shoulder.

"See this guy?"

"Oh!" Yashiro clapped a hand to her mouth in wonder. "That thing! It was following you the whole time! I was gonna' warn you..."

Y/N smiled brightly.

"Not to worry! He said it was his guard of some sorts... very considerate of him, don't you think?"

"Wuh-oh, looks like Kou's got competition!"


Finally, the two bickering girls reached the school gates. Yashiro turned to her friend.

"So? You want to head home now?"

By home, Yashiro meant her own. Her best friend knew about her mother being cruel to her... but not about the slash on her arm. Y/N was about to say "yes", when the gentle blow of the wisp carressed her face.

"W-wait! Not for today..." Y/N smiled apologetically.

"Eh?! Where are you heading off to, now?!"

"To visit a friend!" Y/N called out, dashing back to the direction of the school.


The ghost immediately brightened up at the sound of that familiar voice.

In came Y/N through the girls' bathroom door, stumbling a little clumsily.

"Woah, you're looking rather cheerful!" He laughed, floating towards her. "Why? Is it because of Sabiro? Or wait, no... Kou?"

"O-Oh god, not you too!" Y/N whined in aggravation, turning red in the face. The wisp on her shoulder slowly curled its way back up to its original owner.

"Why? Am I incorrect?"

"Yes." Y/N grumbled. "Everyone's been teasing me about it! But I don't like them!"

"Oh, really?" Hanako chuckled. "What a surprise!"

Y/N thought she caught a hint of relief in his tone, but maybe it was her imagination.

"A-anyway!" She patted her uniform down, clearing her throat. She affixed him with a steely look in her eyes.

"Ooooh," Hanako smirked. "Serious, now, aren't you?"

"Y-Yes I am!" Y/N harrumphed. "Hanako, I want you to help me get revenge!"

Just at the word 'revenge' was enough to make Hanako look at her in disbelief.


"You heard me!"

He couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

Y/N looked at him indignantly, hands on her waist.

"Why are you laughing?"

"Ah, how do I explain this..." Hanako rested his head on one hand. "...Y/N, its just... you're very soft."

Y/N blinked at the word.


"Mm." Hanako nodded. "For example-"

He slammed his hand against the wall, caging Y/N in front of him.

Her E/C eyes went wide as she looked into his, her face a red tomato. Her heart was racing wildly. Her legs were jelly.

Hanako took back his hand. Y/N, still shaken by how close they were, could barely say a thing.

"Wh-why d-did y-you...?"

"-see what I mean?" He laughed. "I wasn't even going to do anything!"

His amber eyes slitted playfully.


"NOPE." She turned around, crossing her arms. "Nopenopenopenope-"

"Alright! Fine, you stutterbug!" Hanako laughed goodnaturedly, shaking his head. "I'll help you, I'll help you... what is it that you want?"

Y/N let out a sigh of relief. She turned to him, her E/C eyes flashing.

"I want you to tutor me!"


Those were her scores.

Hanako looked at Y/N with wide eyes from across the table they stayed in. A small desk lamp was what illuminated the empty classroom where they stayed.

"You want to study all of these subjects?"

"Yes!" Y/N's hands curled into determined fists. "History, English, Math... do not miss a single mark!"

"Y/N," Hanako said more seriously. "This might take you all night!"

"B-Bring it on!"


"Oh my god. Make it stop."

Hanako could see the frayed nerves Y/N was trying to settle as she answered the equation.

Once she was done with her furious scribbling, she handed him the paper.

Hanako looked over her answers. The sympathetic look on his face was enough to answer Y/N.

"I got them all incorrect...?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

Y/N let out a frustrated sigh, extending a hand to recieve her paper.

"Let's do another round!"

"No." Hanako said flatly.

"But we-"

"You need rest!"

Y/N slumped her shoulders in defeat.

"But it's only two more lessons..."

Rather than place the paper on her extended hand, he gently clasped it with his own.

"We can do those tomorrow!"

Y/N sighed. She slowly joined him on the floor.

The two friends settled beside eachother, again huddled close like the night before.

The sound of crickets filled the cool night's air. For a moment, silence reigned.

"Y/N," Hanako piped up quietly. "What did you mean by, 'getting revenge'?"

"Ah!" Y/N managed to muster a smile even through her sleepiness. "I-It's for my mother..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well...." Y/N sighed. "She always said I could never get a high grade. Always said I'd never get past a C. But I want to prove her wrong. It's the best revenge for this slash she gave me!"

Hanako looked down pitifully as she showcased the gauze once more.

"I could just whisper the answers to your ear, you know?" He offered. "During tests. It'd be a lot easier."

"But then that wouldn't be genuine!" Y/N shook her head firmly. "This is my revenge and my efforts."

Hanako chuckled softly.

"You remind me of myself."

Y/N was startled. He had never heard him sound so sad. She turned to look up at him; he had a wistful look in his eyes, affixed on something faraway.

"You make me feel a strange nostalgia."

"What makes you say that?"

"I was a student here," he finally revealed, "Just like you!"

Y/N went openmouthed in shock. She had been devoid of all sleep.


"Yep!" He laughed. "I struggled as well! But what can I say? What's that old saying...?"

He thought for a moment, before continuing.

"'A caterpillar must first struggle out of its cocoon before becoming a butterfly.' And I've been struggling for a long time..."

"Then that means you'll be the most beautiful butterfly around!"  Y/N grinned brightly.

Hanako's face turned a faint red. Luckily for him, the darkness hid that.

"I think it's time we go to sleep..."

"If you say so." Y/N nodded.

She rested her head on his shoulder once more.



"Th-thanks for opening up." She mumbled shyly. "I can relate. I think I'm a lot like you."

Hanako's eyes softened.

"No, Y/N. You're even better."

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