Chapter 19

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Zolona sat in the leather sofa in her bedroom, preparing herself for an important discussion. Echo and I sat in two wooden chairs by the window cill. I glanced at him. Echo looked just as confused as I was.

Echo gave a puzzled glare. "Is something wrong, Aunt Zolona?"

"Terribly wrong," Zolona sighed, "Raven, how did you find out about your healing?"

Echo's eyes widened. "You have healing? That's cool."

"One of The Three Oracles of Wrathful Vengeance came last night. Valentine scratched her across the eye. There was another voice too, but I never saw who he was," I said.

"Obviously, they want you to get your memories back, which means they didn't plan for your memories to be erased," Zolona said.

I raised an eyebrow. "You think someone took my memories?"

"Whoever did must have had a reason, but it doesn't show sympathy towards life." Echo lowered his head.

Zolona nodded, taking in the information. "The chances are probable."

"Why were you freaking out in Training Room One?" I asked.

"As soon as I saw Echo's mark, I knew we didn't have a lot of time to sit around," Zolona said

"Running out of time for... ?" I squinted my eyes.

"The prophecy," Zolona said.

Echo lowered his head. "Where I kill you?"

"Bloody..." Zolona restrained herself, "You mean I never told you The Regime's records showed you as the younger twin? I swore I told Raven..."

Echo shook his head. "I didn't know..."

"Now you do," Zolona sighed.

"Isn't the prophecy just about the oldest?" Echo asked.

Zolona shook her head. "The oracle who told you fibbed. Most would."

"What's the real prophecy?" I raised an eyebrow.

"That's the point. My manuscript was stolen." Zolona clenched her teeth.

"So, what could have happened to it?" I asked.

Zolona raised an eyebrow. "Did you receive other visitors last night?"

"Yes, the lady in the black dress, but only in a dream," I said.

"Did she tell you anything?" Zolona asked.

I nodded. "She told me to kill the twins in exchange for pieces of my memory."

"I see..." Zolona was lost in thought.

Echo looked to his aunt with concern. "Aunt Zolona?"

Zolona sighed. "Obviously, Raven, you have a role in this, and it's hidden in your memory. We need to find it."

"How will we do that?" Echo asked.

"We have to find someone that'll see her memories while she sees their complete set," Zolona said.

"I was told to get my memories back because they'd help me fulfill my destiny," I said, "Not like I need a prophecy telling me what to do..."

"Strange..." Zolona said.

"Why would The Oracle lie about the prophecy?" Echo asked.

Zolona crossed her arms. "Most oracles loved my sister."

"I know one who doesn't: Melinda. We grew up together." Echo smiled.

"Was her mother the queen before her?" Zolona raised an eyebrow.

"The Regime took over the country, but I believe so," Echo said.

Zolona smiled. "Her mother would've told you. She was dependable."

"What's the truth?" I asked.

"I can't explain until I tell you my story." Zolona clenched her teeth.

"We have time," I said.

"You won't like what you hear," Zolona said.

Echo smiled. "I'd rather know the truth than live my life believing a lie."

Zolona sighed. "Make sure you're comfortable."

"Wouldn't it be better for me to use my power and help Sage?" I asked.

Zolona leaned back on the sofa. "That's another point. After having a guard examine Sage's behavior for the last few days, they discovered she's left the castle a lot. I don't know why."

"Can I see your memories?" I asked.

"You can try." Zolona sighed.

I touched her. A lot of her memories were blocked off and some caused me to cry, without even seeing what they were. I had to take the door out of her memories before panic and emotion overwhelmed me.

"By any chance... ?" I asked.

"It was like the guard said." Zolona shook her head.

Echo smiled. "At least you can sit through the story with me. It should be interesting."

"I have some photos you can see. I'll get them from my suitcase," Zolona entered her closet.

She took out a brown suitcase and set it on the table. It looked worn out and it was covered in dust like she hadn't used it in ages. She opened the suitcase to reveal several envelopes with photos inside. She handed Echo and me an envelope.

I opened mine to find photos of two girls and a little boy. They were photographed doing events from writing music to sliding down mudslides. I was sure the one with the dark hair and red eyes was Zolona-- I could spot the rose color from anywhere. She still had defined cheekbones! The other two were a mystery to me. That was until I noticed the other girl's silver hair.

"Who are the other two?" I asked.

Zolona lowered her head and spoke a little louder than a whisper. "Those were my best friends."

"Is this a family photo?" Echo smiled. Zolona nodded and he glanced at the photo again. "Ember really does look like my mother."

We traded photos.

I looked at the photo. Zolona was with her sister, Isla, who looked identical to Ember. However, there were a few differences. Isla was in black and wore a mischievous grin. Behind them, were Echo's grandparents.

The woman was tall, a stern look across her face. Her nose pointed upwards and her clothes were sophisticated with lace and ruffles. The man wore a suit, and his golden brown hair and curled mustache gave him a vintage feel. His thin face looked nothing like Echo's round one.

Zolona was dressed in gray formal attire, matching her mother's. On her left hand, Zolona's dark blue Mark of Protection stood out against her pale skin. Isla had one as well in a maroon color. Zolona's mother had a gold one; her father had a dark green one. You couldn't see much of the design because everyone in the photo wore sleeves, but it was still interesting to see they all had one-- and each was on their left hand.

"Yes, Ember looks similar to Isla. That's why I was more open to you," Zolona said.

"Who's the boy in the photos?" I asked.

His face looked kind, though rebellious at the same time. I'd grown curious over the way Zolona looked at him in the photos. It was like she was hiding some deep secret she longed to say, but couldn't find the words like lingering nostalgia.

Zolona smiled. "Echo's father, Clyde Greer."

"I've seen her before." Echo pointed to the girl with the silver hair.

Zolona nodded. "My best friend, Valentina."

"That's how Valentine got his name..." I said.

Zolona attempted to smile. "Yes."

"How does the story start?" Echo asked.

Zolona sighed. "Valentina and I were the odd ones of the bunch. Between my red eyes and her silver hair, we were considered losers from the start. Everyone loved Isla better because she had a beautiful singing voice, but Valentina and I kept each other company."

"My mother loved music like Ember and me?" Echo smiled.

"Not the same way. Whatever lyrics she sang, people did. I assumed singing like that would get me somewhere. People made fun of Valentina and me because of our looks and the way we explored the world."

"You knew Valentina for a while, huh?" I asked.

"Since we were born," Zolona smiled.

"How did you meet my father?" Echo asked.

"I was young at the time. One summer evening, Valentina and I noticed a car outside my house. We didn't know what was going on, but I was pulled aside by a boy. He asked if I knew a place to hide him," Zolona said.

"My father?" Echo asked.

Zolona nodded. "Apparently, your grandparents arranged an arranged marriage between Clyde and Isla."

"Aren't arranged marriages outdated nowadays?" I asked.

Zolona clenched her teeth, turning to Echo. "Your grandparents believed in tradition, most upper class families did. Clyde's parents weren't the same, but when they saw Isla, they wanted to do it. He and Isla weren't fond of the idea. They were opposites."

"But my mother was a Dreamer," Echo cocked an eyebrow.

"Isla was manipulative, arrogant, and spoiled," Her dark expression softened, "Clyde... where do I begin? He was a jokester, but also a rebel. He wasn't always happy, but he tried to be. Although, you write better music. Clyde loved instrumentals. His music was good, but yours has a certain feel to it."

"What did Isla do to you?" I asked.

"She embarrassed me, set me up, turned people against me with her voice, and..." Zolona said.

Echo interrupted. "So, my mother's voice had some power?"

Zolona nodded. "Every time she sang, people would do what she told them-- all was because of Siren's Call. Valentina and I were immune. Valentina was a witch. I just got lucky."

"Valentina was a witch?" My eyes widened.

"How do you think I know how to deal with your magic?" Zolona chuckled.

Echo let the information sink in. "People take Ember seriously after she sings."

"Who do you think sings better: Ember or Raven?" Zolona asked.

Echo looked at me and smiled. "Raven. Her vocals are better, and she connected with the song."

"And you didn't hear the whispers... you're probably immune," Zolona said.

"Is that a good thing?" Echo asked.

"Yes and no. You wanted to know why I went rogue, didn't you?" Zolona asked.

Echo nodded.

"When I was eighteen, I developed a... crush on Clyde." Zolona blushed.

My eyes widened. Echo's jaw dropped.

"It was hard not to after all the time we spent together, but Isla wanted to ruin me. Using her voice, Clyde slowly doubted me. I was heartbroken. Eventually, he replaced all of his beliefs with what Isla wanted him to think," Zolona said.

Echo's lip quivered. "How could she?"

"Because she hates when people don't submit to her." I clenched my teeth.

Zolona nodded.

"That's why you went rogue?" I asked.

"Not quite..." Zolona said.

Echo interrupted. "Something else?"

"When Isla discovered Valentina was immune to her voice like me, she sent several allied witches to push her out a window. They only broke her arm-- but I knew their true intentions," Zolona said.

I crossed my arms. "They sound pretty bad."

"Isla claimed I hurt Valentina. My parents kicked me out, but Valentina thankfully believed my story. I struggled controlling myself. I lost Clyde, dignity, friends, and anything good I saw in my sister. If I was a monster, I'd show them. I was sealed away, but Valentina wasn't," Zolona said.

"Did Valentina forgive you?" I raised an eyebrow.

Zolona nodded. "She came to visit me after I was sealed away. I can only be released through making a potion."

"Why haven't you made it yet then? I could try to help you..." Echo said.

Zolona cut him off. "The potion requires me to sacrifice one of Isla's children. Also, I can't touch anything related to it."

"Oh..." I said.

"Is there more to the story?" Echo asked.

"Eventually, Valentina got married and had a child of her own," Zolona said.

Echo smiled. "Maybe we've met them."

"No, you haven't," Zolona paused, "You won't like what comes next."

"And what's that?" I asked.

"The birthday of the twins. Valentina told me she was pregnant when you were born. She had to get a checkup. On the way out of the hospital she saw..." Zolona's eyes watered up.

"My father?" Echo asked.

Zolona nodded. "And when only one of you was taken away, she knew something was up."

"Only one of us?" Echo's eyes widened.

Zolona wiped tears from her eyes. "The Regime took Ember. They killed your father. Isla had leverage with a lot of people, including The Commander-- Bernard Peterson. Their connection was stronger than the one she had with Clyde."

Echo sighed. "But The Oracle said I was taken by The Regime in the opposite direction."

Zolona lowered her head. "Isla was going to kill you."

"That doesn't make sense," Echo said.

"That's all Valentina told me. She didn't explain why, but Isla was desperate to do it. She grabbed you away from Isla and you lived with her," Zolona said.

"I grew up with another family. I don't know about Valentina," Echo said.

"There must be a reason..." I said.

Zolona sighed. "We planned to eventually send you through the portal so I could care for you, but it didn't happen. Valentina's family was slaughtered by my sister. Valentina shielded you and used her last strike to kill Isla. She died a hero."

"How did you know about that?" I asked.

"I sent Sage to hunt down Isla's supporters. She stopped by Valentina's and she said the house had several pieces of broken glass and a lot of blood burnt to a crisp. I wasn't sure if you made it out or not. A government official must've picked you up," Zolona said.

"This is a lot to sink in," Echo said, slumping into his chair.

"Something good did come out of that trip though. On the way back, she found you, Raven," Zolona said.

"Me? That's how you found me?" I asked.

Zolona smiled. "And I wouldn't have asked to find a better daughter. You were lost in the woods, passed out, alone, scared. Why, if Sage hadn't shown enough compassion to take you in, I doubt you'd be alive."

"Sage... she cares when she feels like it," I said.

"The prophecy had two parts. One said the oldest would kill me, but the second half's more important," Zolona said.

"What's that?" Echo asked.

Zolona sighed. "It foretold people trying to stop a dark ruler, which I believe is Isla. I never looked at it because I believed Echo and Ember were raised by their mother."

"That's why you wanted to kill us..," Echo said.

Zolona nodded. "Yes, but when Sage told me about you and Ember and how different you were, I knew my suspicions were false."

"People told me you were a monster. I'm glad I learned otherwise." Echo smiled.

"What's the crisis?" I asked.

"An Oracle of Wrathful Vengeance told me we're running out of time to stop dark events from unfolding..." Zolona said.

"If Echo's supposed to undo the damage, why change him?" I asked.

"He has a heart of gold, but he has trouble facing his problems. Plus the fact he doesn't fight," Zolona said.

"I don't have something to fight for. Nothing clicks. Ember and Dusk fight, but they do it for ambition and revenge. I don't want to be seen like that," Echo said.

"I see..." Zolona said.

Echo smiled. "The important thing now is to help Raven find her memories."

"Stop calling me that," I said.

"We need to focus on two things: Raven's memories and making you stronger," Zolona said.

Echo laughed nervously. "Sounds like a plan."

"How can we find my memories?" I asked.

"You'll look into everyone's memories and find someone compatible," Zolona said, "Start now. Tell everyone it's for background checks. I need to teach Echo a few things."

"Teach me what?" Echo asked.

Zolona laughed. "You'll find out soon enough."

Loads of work piled in my hands, and I wasn't mentally prepared for it. I always thought we were the outcasts. That's what Sage told me. Now, I felt as if we were the heroes. Were we?

I didn't want to be a hero. I never wanted to be placed on a pedestal. All I wanted was knowledge about my past and who I was before I was fifteen. Someone had to know something, right? I didn't want to be dragged into anyone else's problems. It seemed that way though. What Echo said about fighting troubled me.

'Is it really true?'

I didn't know what I fought for, but I could tell Zolona had attachment to Echo, an attachment I was getting. At first, he was the enemy, the baby I had to care for, an ally, and now, he was higher than that. The concept of friendship troubled me; I couldn't pinpoint what it was. Somehow, without even knowing what it was, I got infected.

I took preventative medicines, but I still caught the disease There was no turning back. I couldn't get out of this problem without change. I'd either be confused and scarred, or changed and remembered. A numbered girl with no past; or a heroine with a bright future.

I didn't want my story to be one no one would read, but I didn't want this much change in my life. When I asked for change, I meant a little. Ever since Echo arrived, my life had been different. It wasn't dull or the same. I guess that's how we got infected with friendship, right?


I couldn't find a single guard, trainer, or worker compatible with my memory. A hopeless cause. All of them could see a white light and nothing more. Was I compatible with anyone? Maybe I needed an oracle to look at my memories for me. After all, they were the ones who were showing up in my dreams now. Maybe I needed to find more people.

A furry creature pattered down the hallway, the silver bracelet on his wrist gleaming against the clean floor, recently washed of any blood stains. Valentine's green eyes glared at me, the shine striking against the darkness around me.

"Like you'd help, stupid cat," I mumbled.

Valentine hissed at me, offended by my comment.

"Get out of here."

I questioned my sanity during my chats with Valentine.

Zolona and Echo played a game of chess in Training Room Two, but I couldn't predict a winner. If only I could play.

"How was your memory hunt?" Echo asked.

I sighed. "Not good."

"Did you try everyone?" Zolona asked.

"I need the prisoners, 4758, and Sage," I said.

"Go test them," Zolona said.

"4758 attacked us earlier," Echo said.

"We would've fought if Echo didn't get in the way," I said.

Zolona raised an eyebrow. "How did you stop him?"

"My mark burned him," Echo gestured to his arm.

I placed a hand to my head. "What should I do, Zolona?"

"I doubt Sage is compatible. She didn't experience any of the same challenges in The Game as you without your presence," Zolona said.

"What will we do?" Echo asked.

"I might have an idea." Zolona left the room.

"What were you up to?" I asked.

"Zolona and I played chess," Echo said.

"Who was winning?"

"I don't know," Echo turned to the chessboard, "I wasn't expecting a strategy game to be fun. I didn't play anything back in Fortress. The Regime outlawed creativity, so games were illegal too."

"You've never played before?" I raised my eyebrows. "You haven't lost yet. You must be doing well."

Echo laughed, "What if I win?"

I crossed my arms. "Then you're skilled."

"Skilled or just lucky?" Echo asked.

"I don't believe in luck."

"Maybe I should get back to Ember, unless you wanted to hang out? That's what friends do."

"I need to look for my memories."

"I can help."

"It's not your problem."

"Looks like you need help to me."

I took a deep breath. "Thanks, but I don't see how you could help."

"I could get Ember and my friends to let you see their memories," Echo said.

"Shall we go then?"

We entered Training Room One, Ember, Arvin, and Dusk right where we left them. The corners of their mouths curved downwards, and their eyes had lost the hope I'd seen that morning. Something happened.

"We're so glad you're back," Arvin said.

Echo stood in confusion. "Anything happen?"

"Sage asked me for the recipe for the talent serum again," Arvin said.

"Why so gloomy?" I asked.

"Your 'ally' came back here," Dusk moaned.

Echo looked to his friends in pity. "Whatever he did, I'm sorry."

"I didn't know Raven killed so many... with no remorse," Ember said.

"People fought to get into top ranks or if they challenged Zolona's opinion. I was the only person to pass the test," I said.

"What if someone lost?" Echo asked.

"They'd die," I said, "But I haven't done that since you came."

"Her eyes aren't lying. I'd know," Dusk said.

"Did 4758 say anything else?" I asked.

"Besides make us lose hope? No," Ember said.

"We need your help finding Raven's memories. We need to find someone who's compatible. She's tried everyone but you all, Sage, and 4758," Echo said.

Ember raised an eyebrow. "What if she finds secrets we want hidden?"

"You can hide it from her. I've done it before," Dusk said.

"Did you see anything before?" I asked.

Dusk sighed. "A light."

"You'll be fine." Echo smiled.

"Alright. Continue." Ember said.

I touched her to see her memories.

She was as good at resisting as a wall. Echo was right when he said Ember was a rebel. I took the door out of her memories. She shook her head to tell me she couldn't see anything.

"Thanks for trying." I sighed.

"Why are we looking anyways? Something happen?" Dusk asked.

"Yes, a conflict's threatening her unless we get her memory back," Echo said.

"What conflict?" Ember asked.

"Supernatural conflict," I said.

"Those problems go against my studies," Arvin said.

"Can Raven see your memories?" Echo asked.

"Only to gain knowledge on the supernatural," Arvin said.

I touched him.

I couldn't see most of his memories, but the ones I did see were of him working with an elderly man in a lab coat-- I assumed his grandfather.

I took the exit door, hoping Arvin saw something. His eyes said otherwise.

I sighed.

"We'll find them," Echo said.

"How? I have few people left for me to see memories of." I collapsed to the floor.

"She's been having a rough day. I think she just needs a little break," Echo said.

He sat next to me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

"All prisoners need to return to their cells," Sage said.

"Promise to talk tomorrow, alright?" Ember asked.

"Hang in there, Echo," Dusk moaned.

"Thanks," Echo said.

Arvin sighed. "Let's hope I don't spill those ingredients."

"Stay strong," Echo said.

The noise in the room trickled down before everything silenced. The clicking of high heels entered Training Room One. I opened my eyes to spot a girl with short blond hair and a cheerful smile.

"Heard you're getting background checks," Cora said.

"Which you didn't show up to," I said.

"I was making uniforms and lost track of time."

"Don't worry about it. I'll just do it now."

"Oh, okay," Cora reached out her hand, "Go for it."

I touched her. Cora's memories were fogged like they'd been tampered with. The images I saw clearly were of Laila and her brother Jordan, all dressed in extravagant clothing and playing pretend in the woods. Other memories of sewing filled my head and an elderly woman knitting in a chair.

When I emerged from her memories, Cora tilted her head and squinted her eyes. She looked perplexed.

"See something?"

"That was strange. That's all..." she answered.

She left, the sound of her heels separating the room from dead silence.

Now no one was there except Echo.

"I wish I could help more, Raven," he said.

"Stop calling me that," I said.

Echo's face lit up. "You know, you wanted to get to know me, right?"

"I don't see how this is helping."

"It'll make you feel better."

"Go on."

Echo's smile widened. "I want you to look at my memories."


"You haven't done that. Besides, you wanted to get to know me better. That'll knock two items off your checklist."

I rolled my eyes. "You heard what Zolona said about Sage. If we have never played the same event after each other without bumping into one another, there's no point of doing it."

"We met the silver haired woman before," Echo said.

I raised an eyebrow. "What event was she in?"

"I stood up for a family."

"I had the same thing."

"It's worth a shot. Besides, what's the harm?" He reached his hand out to me.

I smiled. "Here goes nothing."

I grasped his hand.

My vision flashed to black without warning, and my consciousness slipped away.

Crap, what had I done?

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