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My Dearest Friend, Margaret Hatcher

             I sit here at my writing desk, listening to the sound of my neighbor (my brother), beautiful and talented as he may be at playing, it seems as if he runs his fingers up and down that old wooden box until sundown everyday. Anyway, his music is distracting my mind from what I wish to write with pen into this paper, so excuse me if my mind seems all over in this letter.

          My mind my dear friend is perplexed with your problem, but yet I feel as if I can relate to this, sometimes as I lay in slumber, I dream of people I don't recall ever meeting. Odd isn't it? How our minds can create people, personalities, conversations that have never taken place in our reality, yet when I awake they all slowly and peacefully fade away. Our minds are clever things, they give us ideas to create and then they quickly pull the idea away, it's almost quite like an engineered game it plays, however it's almost like a miracle when people can capture these ideas and put it onto papers, making it into a story. But, I wish you the best of luck in endeavoring to find the colors and faces that you have created in your mind.

         In my best opinion my friend, if my opinion is what you seek. You have many gifts and I think you will succeed in whatever it is your brilliant mind would like to accomplish whether it is to be a painter, author, or a tailor. Have you thought of becoming a poet? Those seem very popular these days. Nevertheless, it's invigorating and quite thrilling knowing we get so many paths to choose from in life. I have yet to decide where my adventurous heart would like to go, shall I travel, or shall I become a notorious baker where people will come all across the globe to try my mouth watering dishes, or will I become a singer? Though, I quite doubt that option since my loving supporting feline leaves my home every time I try to sing a note but, no matter I know time will tell which path I take, destiny will direct me in where to go.

           In your letter you mentioned the fight and battle of wanting to accomplish great works and also the struggle of making yourself feel belittled because of the great works of others. But, no matter my friend everyone's work is their work and your work is your work. That is the art of people, we are all different and yet we are the same. What we choose to do or create even when it's the same it's also different, that is the beauty of art.

          Ah yes that term "practice makes perfect" is heard many times but is perfection really attainable in this world and if it is; how will we be unique if what we create is perfect? My mind struggles with that concept but, I know with hard work and effort we can all create something we are pleased with.

         As the days are becoming warm I am looking forward to the possible thought of being able to come visit you my friend, maybe we will be able to discuss these perplexing topics even further over some tea in person. But until then remember this my old friend, you can't achieve the unachievable if you give up, so keep fighting this tormenting battle of knowledge and creativity and you will become victorious.

Sincerely your friend, 

Elizabeth Melwood

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