10 | heart gone rogue

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After the audience with his father, Adrien had to take a moment for himself. Even Kagami who had accompanied him to the throne room that morning and trailed behind him insistently was dismissed because he had no desire to have her see him in such a state. He could find Marinette, who he knew would comfort him instantly, but a part of him didn't want to worry her. Despite her good intentions, he also didn't want to be questioned as to why his eyes were so red.

So, he returned to his chambers, where he knew he could indeed be alone. Nino was waiting in front of the door when he arrived. Nino stepped aside as soon as he saw him, and although he noticed Adrien's swollen eyes and offered him a silent, concerned look, he didn't say a word.

Adrien offered him a wan smile before he opened the door and closed it behind him. Sighing, he leaned against the door and closed his eyes.

Adrien couldn't even remember the last time he and his father had had such a heartfelt conversation. He was even shocked that he had partially initiated it by asking his father such a personal question.

It was so... odd and not normal between them at all, and yet, his father had treated the whole ordeal as if it was normal.

Maybe it was his father's way of trying to make up for lost time... but still.

Adrien hadn't expected it and now he was trying to figure out how to process it all.

He allowed himself a moment to take a deep breath and prevent those tears already brimming on his lids from cascading down his cheeks. He moved towards his bed and fell back into it with a sigh, the comfort of his satin sheets already tempting him to succumb to sleep.

He rolled onto his side, his eyes fixating on one of the wardrobes in his room. He stared at it, his mind truly lost of any thoughts. His heart felt warm, yet confused. He wanted to be alone and yet at the same time he wanted someone's company.

No... not just someone's company. He wanted Marinette's.

With a conflicted groan, Adrien closed his eyes as his brows furrowed in frustration. Burdening Marinette with something so minuscule would be pointless. He could process these thoughts on his own. He could sleep it off. He could sleep off everything he was feeling.

The wrinkles in his forehead slowly vanished as Adrien allowed himself to relax. In the back of his mind, he knew that he would have to see Marinette eventually, and he still planned to dine with her that evening (because he surely wouldn't let her eat alone), but perhaps she wouldn't mind if he took the day for himself just this once.

After all, if Marinette was anything, she was understanding.

With that thought in mind, Adrien found himself relaxed enough to fall asleep.

When he woke, he was sweating profusely to the point where the collar of his shirt was drenched. He sat up in alarm and practically peeled it off his skin, grimacing when he realized just how icky he felt.

A knock sounded on his door a moment later as if right on cue. Nino's voice sounded on the other end. "It is already passed seven, Your Highness. You are late for dinner."

Adrien's eyes widened in absolute horror. He had slept all day?!

He swung the door open so forcefully it had Nino jumping back in fright.

"Why did you not wake me?!" Adrien demanded as he stormed back into his room to collect a fresh pair of clothes. Considering the open door as an invitation, Nino hesitantly stepped inside the room.

"I tried waking you..." Nino said with a hesitant shrug of his shoulders. "But you must have been out cold because I never heard a response."

Adrien whirled around to face him, frantic to make it down to the dining room as quickly as possible. But in doing so, he fully revealed just how drenched his shirt was, leaving Nino to gawk at it in confusion.

"What have you done to your shirt?"

Adrien looked down at himself before he met Nino's eyes again. "I woke up like this. I must have been sweating... tremendously."

Nino dared to crack an amused smile. "It looks like you just went for a swim."

Adrien's eyes narrowed before he threw the shirt over his head and discarded it carelessly somewhere across the room. "Never mind that. Fetch one of the maids to draw a bath for me immediately. The princess must be waiting for me."

"Right away, Your Highness!" Nino quickly bowed his head and scurried out of the room, having no intention of lingering much longer.

Adrien didn't have to wait long before a maid knocked and entered the room, and she looked just as frantic as Nino had trying to fulfill his request. The prince stood there rather awkwardly, his torso bare, as the maid hurriedly rushed to fill the basin for him.

Thankfully, the maid never once looked his way, nor at his bare chest. Once she was finished, she continued to avoid eye contact as she bowed her head before taking her leave. She didn't even bother to wait to be dismissed, and Adrien truly didn't care in that moment to reprimand her for it.

He was too busy trying to make haste to dinner.

He quickly scrubbed himself, even giving his blonde mane a fresh wash. After all, he wanted to look presentable if he was to have dinner with his betrothed. When he emerged from the basin, he felt content and clean, and a smile pulled at his lips. Whatever had caused him to sweat so profusely in his sleep was long gone from his mind now.

Once he had dressed, he gave himself one last look in the mirror before he nodded in approval. Another brush through his damp hair to slick it back and he was out the door, rushing down the corridor and towards the dining room in a very un-princely manner.

He darted past a few of the maids with sheets in their hands, attending to their duties in each room in the palace, who watched him with their wide eyes until he whisked around the corner. Had he not been so agile, he probably would have slammed face-first into one of them, sending them into a piling mess on the floor with bedsheets in need of another wash.

Thankfully, they all parted for him despite their confusion. Adrien paid them no mind. He didn't stop running until he reached the double doors to the dining hall.

Collecting his breath, he ran a quick hand through his hair to make sure it still looked presentable before he opened the doors. "I apologize greatly for my lateness, Marinette. I—"

His words fell dead on his tongue as soon as his eyes met hers. Upon his sudden entrance, Marinette had turned to look over her shoulder, her eyes wide and her expression almost sad. Her plate of food was still untouched and most likely cold, since it had been served to her long before his arrival.

But before he could express his concern, Marinette instantly masked whatever had been clouding her mind with a wide smile. "I am most relieved to see that you did not intend to skip dinner."

Adrien chuckled as he approached the table. "Skip dinner with you? I could not possibly dream of the day." He teased.

Marinette simply tilted her head at him, her smile soft and warm. As he took his seat beside her, she asked, "May I ask what delayed you?"

"Would you believe me if I said I fell asleep?" He offered her a sheepish smile as he rubbed the back of his neck bashfully.

Marinette's smile widened into a grin, but before she could playfully retort, the doors from the kitchen opened to reveal one of his servants entering the dining room with a covered platter in hand for Adrien. As it was placed in front of him and the lid was lifted, the steam from the freshly cooked meal reached his nostrils. It was some type of meat-based stew and it smelled delicious.

Adrien glanced over at her bowl and frowned, taking closer notice of how her stew had no steam rising from it. "Is the food not to your liking?"

"What?" Marinette's eyes followed his line of sight in confusion until they widened in horror. "Oh no! The food looks and smells wonderful!"

His brows only further furrowed in confusion. "So... you have no desire to eat then?"

As if to answer that question for her, her stomach rumbled on cue, and Marinette looked down at it, only to giggle bashfully. "Quite the contrary... I am famished."

Adrien tilted his head, arching a single brow. "Then... may I ask why you have not touched your food?"

Marinette simply met his eyes once again and smiled sweetly, "Well, I was waiting for you to join me of course."

His eyes widened slightly at that, and he was left speechless. Marinette had waited for him? She had held off eating, despite her own hunger, because she had wanted to eat with him?

Since when had anyone ever done something that selfless for him? Surely not his father. When they did have meals together, they sat on the very opposite ends of their grand table, practically a mile apart, and couldn't share a word of conversation without shouting at one another. Since shouting wouldn't be tolerated in his father's presence, it usually resulted in no conversation being shared at the table between them at all.

Maybe that could change with the way his father had spoken with him earlier, but that didn't change the fact that Adrien couldn't recall a single person who would withstand eating until he arrived.

He was almost too stunned to speak, but somehow he found the words. "Y-You could have eaten without me... I hate to think that I made you wait—"

"Nonsense." Marinette scoffed light-heartedly as she waved a dismissive hand. "I wanted to wait."

Adrien almost couldn't fathom how a person could be so selfless... but then he remembered his mother had been like that. Selfless and kind. Marinette carried those same wonderful traits and he vaguely wondered if his mother had had any hand in this inconvenient matchmaking.

He grinned to where his pearly whites flashed, and his heart swelled in appreciation. "Well, I really appreciate you waiting for me. That is surely a kind gesture, and again, I apologize for my lateness, but if we are going to eat together, I cannot possibly allow you to eat that."

Marinette snickered as they both glanced down at her serving of stew. "You mean my lukewarm bowl of deliciousness?"

"'Lukewarm?' That stew has been frozen over by ice. Here," He pushed her bowl out of the way as she giggled at his attempted humor and scooted closer towards her, allowing his bowl to be in the middle of them. "You can have some of mine."

Marinette's laughter immediately ceased as she looked up at him in shock. "You want us to share? Surely the cooks could make me another, could they not?"

"They could... but then my stew would freeze over as well."

Her smile returned as she giggled, shaking her head in amusement. When her eyes met his again, however, there was a bit of hesitance swirling in her deep blue irises. "Are you certain? I would not want to derive your stomach of its satisfaction."

Adrien playfully rolled his eyes at her and extended his arm in front of her, reaching over for the spoon that still lay beside her bowl on her napkin. He held it out to her and smiled, "Usually it is you who is pushing me to try new things. Allow it to be my turn this time."

Marinette matched his smile and took the spoon from his hand. "Very well."

He gestured to the stew with an open palm, silently insisting she take the first spoonful. Smiling thankfully, she dipped her spoon and stirred it slightly, releasing more steam from the bubbly goodness. Then, she carefully lifted the spoon to her lips and blew on it.

He watched her in anticipation as she took the first bite. He waited for her to savor it before he asked, "How does it taste?"

Marinette smacked her lips together as if she were contemplating the taste, and then she nodded in satisfaction as she dipped her spoon back into the stew. "Really good," she said as she stirred the stew some more. "I expected nothing less."

Adrien chuckled as he joined his spoon with hers. Neither of them seemed to mind that their utensils were touching. "I am glad you think so. I think this is probably one of the best dishes the chefs prepare, in my opinion."

"It truly is splendid," Marinette couldn't help but agree. "I enjoy being able to try your country's food every evening. So far everything has exceeded my expectations."

"I hope to be able to do the same when I visit your country." Adrien said, smiling, "I want to try as many of your dishes as possible."

"Oh, I intend to introduce you to all of my favorite dishes. I hope you like spicy foods." Marinette snickered before taking another bite.

Adrien wasn't the biggest fan of extremely spicy foods, but for Marinette, he would let his taste buds suffer for a little bit.

"I can learn to like them, if ever."

"That is the spirit." Marinette offered him a grateful smile, and he realized, in just that smile alone that she was thanking him; thanking him for being open-minded about what her country had to offer and for having an interest in wanting to experience it all for himself.

If anything, he should be the one thanking her. Had it not been for her, he would still be as bitter and as stubborn as ever, refusing to leave his little bubble of comfortability.

"When... when do you think I might be able to visit?" He found himself asking before he could even process the words. His eyes widened when he realized too late that he had actually asked that aloud, and that he actually sounded a bit eager.

Marinette's spoon was midway to her mouth before she paused unexpectedly and pulled it away, looking up at him in equal shock. Apparently, from the way she was blinking up at him, she must've not expected him to want to visit or to initiate a visit so soon.

"Oh..." A smile slowly pulled at her lips as she considered his question. "Well, in truth, I did not expect you to want to visit so soon... but surely I can arrange it with my parents."

Adrien quickly tried to back-peddle, embarrassed. "Well... I would not want to impose—"

"You would not be," Marinette assured him gently. "My parents would be thrilled to hear of this... and I am too, of course. I want you to feel just as welcomed in my country as I feel in yours."

"That is very kind of you," Adrien smiled as he slowly stirred his spoon in the bowl, his eyes focused on the remaining stew. "I would very much like to visit your country, preferably sooner than later. I am very excited to see it all."

"It makes me happy knowing you are excited to see it all," Her voice was genuine and fond. "My parents will be happy as well, I just know it."

"So, when will you ask them?" Adrien probed.

"As soon as you like, if that is what you prefer. I could ask them when they return. It could be discussed here with your father present so that a decision can be made post-haste."

"So... you mean to say that I could go with you on the day that you leave here?"

Adrien was already feeling excited about the possibility. To say that he was somewhat dreading the end of Marinette's stay here would be somewhat of the truth. Even though he knew he didn't love her, he did enjoy spending time with her, and he wouldn't mind getting to spend even more time with her where he could be more himself without his father watching his every move.

"If your father and my father approve, then yes." Marinette smiled.

Adrien returned her smile. He could only hope that their fathers would approve. True, it would be sudden for him to accompany her back to her homeland right after she had spent two weeks in his, but he couldn't help but look forward to it. Not only was he excited to see it all, but he was also eager for a new change in scenery. Now that Marinette had opened the door of possibility for him, he couldn't be blamed for his new sense of curiosity and willingness to step out of his comfort zone.

The comfortable silence was broken between them with the clinking of Marinette's spoon against the edge of the bowl. Adrien's eyes lowered, finding that she had abandoned her spoon there, seemingly finished.

"I was actually hoping that I could talk to you about something," Marinette said as she met his eyes unsurely.

He offered her a soft smile. "Of course."

"It is about the upcoming ball..." her smile turned sheepish as if it were a forbidden topic to bring up. Adrien frowned slightly at this. "I... I am a bit anxious about whether or not the people will... accept me as a future queen..."

"A valid concern..." Adrien licked his lips, considering his next words. "But I do not think it is a topic worth dwelling over. Even if they do not take to you right away, I have come to learn that you have a way of warming people's hearts. You did it to me, did you not?"

The corner of her lips pulled upward at that, but a frown still overtook her lips. "Perhaps..." she licked her lips as she contemplated her next words. "I... I wanted to ask if it would be alright for me to visit the village prior to the ball."

Adrien's eyebrows shot up at that. He hadn't visited the village himself in years. The last time he ever made an appearance in front of the townspeople had been with his mother when he'd been a little boy. It'd been so long since then that he often feared that if he showed his face now, they might spit in it.

"Why?" Adrien asked, his brows lowering in slight skepticism.

"I just want to know what to expect," Marinette answered truthfully, not taking notice of his sudden sour expression. "I guess I just want to know how I should present myself to them in a way that they will like."

Although he knew Marinette had good intentions, Adrien didn't like the way she worded those words. She wanted to present herself in a way that the people would like... but why couldn't she simply present herself as... herself... as she had done with him? Why did she need to be someone else in order to impress or gain the favor of the common folk?

Adrien shrugged. He wasn't against her visiting the village if that was what she wanted, but he wasn't exactly for it either. 

"If you are asking for my permission, then you have it."

Marinette pressed her lips together, uncertain. "Would you accompany me?"

Now that was something he hadn't expected her to ask. He should've expected it, considering they had been spending almost every day together for the last week, but, of course, she'd taken him by surprise once again. Blinking, his eyes went wide, and he opened his mouth to tell her that yes, he would, but his words fell dead on his tongue.

He wanted to accompany her, but at the same time, he was dreading showing his face to the townspeople again. He knew it couldn't be avoided forever, but that didn't mean he secretly wished that he would never have to.

"You do not have to accompany me if you do not wish it," Marinette assured him when he had been silent for too long. "I just thought it would be appropriate of me to extend the suggestion considering the village belongs to your father, and therefore you one day... and I would not want to overstep—"

"You are not overstepping, Marinette." He interrupted gently, a small smile pulling at his lips assuringly, "It is just... I have not stepped foot in the village since I was a little boy. I know you might think it cruel that I have not shown my face to them in so long—"

"I am sure you have your reasons." Marinette cut him off sheepishly.

He returned that sheepish smile, though it turned a bit strained. "And I am sure that you have heard your share of stories about how the king and prince of Kingdom Agreste have neglected their subjects."

She nodded, and he was glad that at least she wasn't denying it and choosing to remain honest with him.

"I have," She smiled softly as if to placate him. "But now I know with certainty that those stories have no credibility because I know who you are now."

"And did you believe them before?"

Her smile faltered a bit at that, but still, she remained honest with him. "I will admit I was a bit weary about meeting you when I heard these stories, but I am sure you felt the same way about me at first."

"Yes, well..." Adrien offered her a smile and sheepishly shrugged his shoulders. "Clearly we were both wrong."

"Clearly," Marinette chuckled.

They fell into a comfortable silence, and neither of their smiles fell. Adrien continued to stir his spoon in his bowl of stew, but just like Marinette, he had long had his fill. He had pulled his seat so close to hers that he hadn't even realized he was leaning his right arm on her seat cushion, his shoulder now touching hers. But he didn't pull away, and Marinette didn't seem to mind his touch considering she hadn't pulled away either.

In fact, she had turned her head to look at him, and she was smiling up at him as if he were a sight to behold. He couldn't help but grin right back at her because her smile was contagious. She even went as far as to lean further against him and playfully nudge his shoulder, and when he did it right back, her laughter filled the room like a joyous melody.

At that moment, Adrien's heart pounded heavily in his chest... but it didn't feel the same as when he was experiencing another one of his episodes. This feeling felt... fluttery, almost as if he had ascended to cloud nine, riding on a wave of euphoria.

It was a wonderful feeling, and yet it was odd. Odd because they weren't doing anything specific. They were just sitting beside each other, smiling at one another, and yet his heart was beating in a strange way. Perhaps strange wasn't even the right word. Perhaps familiar was more like it.

Because the only time his heart had ever fluttered like this before was when he first realized that he was attracted to Kagami.

His eyes widened as that thought occurred to him. If he was being completely honest with himself, he couldn't really recall the last time his heart had ever fluttered like that when Kagami came to mind or stepped into the room for that matter. In fact, his relationship with Kagami only seemed to grow more strained the longer Marinette continued to stay under the same roof, and he knew only more problems would arise when Kagami discovered he was planning to visit her homeland so soon.

But that wasn't the issue that perturbed him the most. It was his fluttering heart... because he knew what that feeling was. He knew what it meant. It meant that he was feeling some sort of attraction, whether physical or emotional, to Marinette.

And that was dangerous.

It meant that his heart was betraying Kagami... it meant that he wasn't that attracted to her anymore. It meant that he was all of a sudden questioning whether or not he was truly ever in love with her from the start.

And what would Kagami think of that if she ever discovered these thoughts?

She would skin him alive, surely. But it also meant that perhaps her worry and jealousy were now warranted. He never thought that his heart would ever feel anything remotely romantic for Marinette...

But this feeling he was suddenly feeling was there. In just a split second, he was now seeing Marinette a bit differently. She was no longer just the woman he was being forced to marry. She was no longer just his betrothed. She was no longer just a friend, either.

So then what did that make her?

Did he even want her to be anything more?

Despite the fluttering that still lingered in his chest, his heart also ached. It ached because he was so certain that he was in love with Kagami, and now, he was feeling some sort of attraction for another woman. It ached because he didn't want to betray Kagami. It ached because he had assured Kagami something like this would never happen... and now his heart seemed to have a different plan.

This feeling was suddenly so strong and apparent that he didn't think it could be ignored...

Or could it?

Adrien cleared his throat, and he was certain sweat was beading on his brow as he swallowed, suddenly nervous. "A-After some thought, I suppose I could accompany you to the village if that is what you truly desire."

Marinette's smile widened at that, and Adrien's stomach did an involuntary summersault. "Yes, I would very much love it if you could give me a tour of the village."

Adrien chuckled sheepishly, "I would not nominate myself as the best guide, but I will try my best, preferably amongst the shadows so that no one recognizes me—"

"Oh, you need not worry about being recognized," Marinette interrupted him, a smirk slowly pulling at her lips, and suddenly, he realized that there was more up her sleeve than she had originally presented to him. "Because we are going to disguise ourselves."

Adrien wasn't sure if that thought terrified him or excited him, but a grin pulled at his lips nonetheless.


I apologize for not updating last week. My carpal tunnel started flaring up and I wasn't able to finish the chapter in time. My wrists were thankful for the little break though lol.

I'm just happy to get this chapter out because Adrien is starting to see Marinette in a new light AHHHHYGSHHJSJFUWBF


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