5 | dreaming of a winter wonderland

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Marinette's words about her homeland opened a whole new door of opportunity for Adrien. When she talked about her world, about a place that he knew nothing about, he found himself only wanting to know more—and he realized that perhaps one day, he might be able to see it for himself. After all, she had basically insinuated that she might take him to see snow for himself, that she might invite him into her homeland.

He wasn't much for stepping foot into enemy territory, but he felt like as long as he had Marinette guiding him, he had nothing to worry about.

He could practically picture a scenario in his mind. He could picture the ground beneath his feet covered in white and common folk from her country all frolicking through it—even the children. Marinette told him about how they all came together, about how even she and her parents participated in the village's 'snow day' customs, as she called them. They would throw snowballs at each other or build snow forts and snowmen.

He was surprisingly willing to experience these commoner traditions for himself. For the once-in-a-lifetime experience, he would do it.

Every day following the first day he ever fell in love with a book, the prince and princess continued to visit the library together. There wasn't really anything else he preferred to do, and Marinette didn't seem to mind the endless hours they spent surrounded by books. He read more books; she read more books. They even read a book together.

And they talked and talked and talked and talked...

"What do you mean you do not have a favorite color?" Marinette asked in disbelief as they sat side-by-side on the floor once again, leaning up against a bookcase in the fiction section of the library, of course. "Everyone has a favorite color!"

He wanted to point out that he was almost certain his father didn't, but instead, he smiled and said, "Have you asked everyone across the realm what their favorite color is?"

Marinette narrowed her eyes at him, clearly unamused by his sarcastic remark. Yet, somehow she still had a smile on her lips. "I have not met a single person who does not favor a particular color."

It was hard to fathom that people wasted their time on such minuscule things. Adrien had never considered favoring a particular color before. What was the point of it?

"I... I have never been asked this before." He admitted, a bit stunned by how he should answer. "I never even thought to favor a color."

Marinette frowned slightly but mostly in confusion. "It has never crossed your mind?"

"Never," he admitted, shaking his head. "I will need time to consider what it might be."

She hummed in clear disappointment at his response, but her disappointment wasn't directed at him for being unable to answer. It was due to the fact that he'd never had a favorite color before... almost as if she was upset that he was missing out because of it.

"Well... mine is pink," she responded. Her smile returned slightly then. Before he could comment on that, though, she jumped to her next question. "What about food? You must have a favorite food."

"Now that I do have," he replied with a smile. "It was a dish my mother used to make—a crème, in fact. Nothing has ever tasted better than that."

"What is it called?"

"I do not believe it ever had a proper name. I only ever knew it as crème. I used to eat it all the time when I was a young boy." The memory of her crème was still fresh on his tongue. He could still taste it despite having last eaten it many years ago. "Many have tried to recreate it... but it simply does not taste the same when they try."

Marinette perked up a bit in interest. "Do you happen to have a recipe for this crème?"

"I do." His mother used to always keep physical recipe copies of the dishes she made. "Why?"

"I am quite the wizard in the kitchen," Marinette said with a wide smile. "Perhaps, if you would not mind, I could try recreating it for you someday."

Adrien offered her an appreciative smile, even though he didn't have much faith that she would accomplish her goal. She wouldn't be the first to tell him she was the master in the kitchen, and she certainly wouldn't be the first to take on the challenge of re-creating a dish only his mother had mastered.

But then again, she had taken him by surprise by getting him to actually enjoy a book. He once thought that would've been impossible too.

"Is there anything you cannot do?" Adrien couldn't help but ask in amusement. From what he had learned about her so far, Marinette had many skills to back up her name, whereas he didn't. It seemed she was very well trained in every art.

"I cannot sing?" Marinette offered with a shy shrug of her shoulders and a bashful chuckle.

Adrien's eyes widened slightly at that. "Nonsense." He simply couldn't believe it. Singing seemed easy enough, and most young ladies of any royal bloodline or house were usually gifted with said gift. "I am sure you sound lovely."

Marinette chortled. "You would not be saying that if you heard my voice, trust me."

"Well... amuse me then." Adrien found himself genuinely smiling. "Sing something for me."

"Now?" Marinette looked up at him as if he had grown a second head. Her expression was unexpected, and it had him bursting out into laughter. She looked petrified by his innocent suggestion.

"Why not now?" He countered amusingly. "It is not as if anyone else will hear you. It is just you and I."

"Well... not quite." Marinette lightly jerked her head to the side, and that was when reality came right back in. He had almost forgotten that they weren't actually alone. Kagami was right behind them, and even though she was at a respectful distance away, he wouldn't put it past her if she was currently eavesdropping on their conversation.

He shrugged, as if her presence didn't matter—at least to Marinette, it shouldn't. "She would not mind. She does not really have a choice in the matter anyway."

"I mind," Marinette stressed those two simple words, and despite her amused smile, he could see the tension behind it. "I would prefer not to embarrass myself."

He couldn't help but back down from his teasing. "In front of me or in front of her?"

When Marinette didn't answer, he realized just how loudly her silence spoke. Adrien simply looked at her, taking in whatever ounce of emotion she was willing to spare for his viewing pleasure. What he found was a bit of anxiousness radiating off of her on the surface.

Originally, he thought that nervousness was directed at him. Considering everything they were both currently forced to do for the sake of their kingdoms was a fearful feat, he couldn't blame her for those emotions. Even he had been a bit nervous about his unknown future.

He didn't consider her a friend, but he could admit that he enjoyed her company. He wanted to believe Marinette felt the same way about him.

Adrien felt his stomach fall into the pit of his stomach. He couldn't afford to be the one to ruin the treaty. If he was still causing Marinette to be uncomfortable around him for whatever reason, he needed to put an end to that. Now.

He cleared his throat to audibly break the sudden awkward silence between them. "I have a bit of a habit of being... pushy sometimes. If I am making you uncomfortable—"

"You are not." She interrupted him with an assuring smile, except her smile looked anything but assuring. It didn't take an expert to clearly see that she was uncomfortable.

He frowned slightly. "Forgive me if I am seeing something that is not there, but you look uncomfortable. If it is not me making you feel that way, may I ask what is?"

It was then when Marinette looked up to meet his eyes, but when their gazes clashed, Adrien could practically see the battle her emotions were currently facing behind her irises. Marinette was having an internal struggle, and something told him it was her debating whether or not she should tell him what was on her mind.

"You can share whatever is on your mind with me." He found himself saying before he could even consider the words.

What the hell?

They hardly knew each other. On what planet would she ever confide in a practical stranger?

He sure as hell wouldn't.

Marinette's expression quickly shifted from worry to caution. She broke their eye contact and let out a heavy sigh, shaking her head. "I would rather not offend you."

However, he noticed that her eyes had briefly flickered over his shoulder. The glance lasted only a second, but that was all he needed for understanding to dawn.

She wasn't uncomfortable with him. She was uncomfortable with Kagami.

But why?

There was no reason for her to be uncomfortable with his Dame. Kagami hadn't done anything purposeful to be the cause of someone's unease. The only thing he could think of was Kagami's natural stoic complexion. She had quite the knack for looking absolutely terrifying without even trying.

He wanted to ask her if that was the reason, but he quickly held back his tongue. With Kagami so nearby, it was very unlikely Marinette would respond honestly. There was a good chance she would avoid the conversation altogether.

So instead, he went with... "I would rather you speak your mind to me rather than worry about how offending your words might be." He replied honestly, "I will accept offensive words... but I am not a fan of dishonesty."

What was he even saying? He was the king of dishonesty. He was lying through his teeth every time he continued to fraternize with Kagami while being practically betrothed to Marinette.

Marinette's smile was tight. "I, too, am not a fan of dishonesty. Wonderful to hear that we are in agreement regarding that matter."

He wasn't sure what she meant by that, but her words left him feeling suddenly uneasy. Was she aware that he was being dishonest with her? But that would be impossible... wouldn't it? How could she know about his relationship with Kagami?

She couldn't know. It was impossible because there was no possible way anyone could find out.

"Right..." Adrien suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable. Something about this entire encounter was simply not sitting right with him anymore. Now, he felt a bit paranoid, but what if his paranoia was valid? What if Marinette actually did suspect him of having his sights set on another woman, particularly his Dame?

Marinette glanced up at him then and offered him a small smile. She seemed to notice that things had turned awkward between them and was looking to fix that. What she hadn't seemed to notice was his unease.

"Do you have a favorite animal?" She questioned, reverting back to the strange game he had agreed to play to better get to know one another.

"A cat." He answered almost immediately. "A black cat, to be more specific."

"You are a cat person?" Marinette arched a surprised brow at him, as if she couldn't believe it. "I am quite surprised you do not have one to call your own."

Adrien found his unease dwindling ever-so-slightly. He chuckled. "My father would have my head if I ever brought a cat into the palace. He has always forbidden animals as indoor pets. He says it is barbaric."

"Your father probably thinks touching the bark on a tree with your bare hands is barbaric."

Adrien couldn't help but laugh at that. She was absolutely right. "What is your favorite animal? Wait...! Let me guess." He rubbed his fingers along the faint stubble of his chin. A smile twitched on his lips when Marinette giggled. "I bet it is a horse."

"What a lucky guess." Marinette's tone was dripping in sarcasm, and because of it, both of them burst out into laughter.

It seemed the awkwardness and tension from earlier had already turned to ash, forgotten.

As their laughter died down, Marinette spoke up again. "As much as I love horses, they are actually not my favorite animal." Her confession surprised him, so much so that his eyes shot up to meet hers in shock. He had honestly thought that he was right.

"Oh?" He asked, curiosity pouring out of every syllable. "Then what is?"

"A hamster." She answered, smiling sweetly.

That had him stopping in his tracks. His head leaned away from her, and his eyebrows furrowed, revealing his absolute confusion. "Your favorite animal... is a rodent?"

"Rodents are animals too!" Marinette quickly rushed to defend.

"Yes, disgusting animals."

"What is so disgusting about hamsters? They are cute and cuddly—"

"That is not how I would describe them."

"Then how would you describe them?"

Adrien pretended to consider her question briefly, but Marinette knew he already had an answer on the tip of his tongue. "Well, for one, they are useless creatures. They smell, are cowardly little beasts with no tails, and are mean. You might as well say your favorite animal is a rat."

Marinette let out a feigned gasp of offense. She clutched at her heart as if his words had broken it in two, and he found himself smiling wider at the sight. "Wow. I would never say something so cruel about your favorite animal."

Adrien chuckled and tilted his chin upward proudly. "You cannot say anything cruel about my favorite animal because cats have no flaws."

"Oh really?" She raised a single brow at that. "Cats scratch things, they knock over everything, they hunt poor innocent creatures—"

"That is merely their nature—"

"They attack your legs whenever you walk by—"

"That is just their way of playing!"

"Oh, sure. Until they make you bleed."

Adrien couldn't help but snicker at that. She made some valid points, sure. But he still wanted a cat to call his own someday.

"Also, black cats, in particular, are considered bad luck, you know."

Adrien scoffed in disbelief at that last point. He hadn't meant to sound rude, but he simply did not believe in bad luck or good fortune. If good fortune was real, his mother would still be alive—or maybe that was the result of bad luck. Either way, superstitions, in general, were nothing but beliefs made to scare those vulnerable enough to consider such things as truth and to hinder one's thinking abilities.

"Do you really believe in bad luck?" Adrien asked her. He didn't ask in a mocking manner, despite how absurd he thought it was. He simply wanted to know if Marinette truly believed in something as superstitious as that.

Marinette simply shrugged. "Some might say our situation is the result of bad luck."

Adrien didn't really know what to say to that. He supposed that was a good point, however...

"Or... some might say our situation is the result of good fortune."

His eyes snapped back to hers, somewhat in shock. He was left speechless when Marinette's eyes met his. It was impossible to know what she was thinking at that moment (or feeling), no matter how hard he tried to read her eyes. The only thing he could indicate was the genuine softness that poured out from her irises.

"Which do you think it might be?" he asked just above a whisper when the silence seemed to be stretching on too long for his liking.

Marinette's eyes never left his as she pursed her lips in thought. "I do not know. I suppose I am still trying to find that out."

Adrien didn't know how to respond, so they were left in silence once again. However, it wasn't awkward. Marinette merely flashed him a true smile before her eyes left him and returned to the book in her lap.

They went back to reading their separate books in silence, and the atmosphere remained comfortable. It was nice, truly, to enjoy someone's company without having to exchange any words. Adrien wasn't sure if he had ever been able to do something like that with Kagami.

They were always talking, oftentimes arguing or having sex, but Adrien couldn't say they had ever sat in silence together as a way of enjoying each other's company. He couldn't even say that they had ever held hands or even cuddled. It was odd, thinking about it now.

He concluded the reason had to be that most of their exchanges were on a limited time.

He was almost certain that if they didn't have to hide their relationship from the world, things would be different.

Those thoughts slowly faded to the back of his mind as he focused on the story he was reading. He couldn't even keep track of how many books he had read thus far and enjoyed. Marinette had mentioned that she was surprised by how fast he was devouring each story.

Apparently, he was a faster reader than her when he put in the effort.

He smiled to himself at the thought. Never in his life did he think he would be here, willingly reading a book and enjoying it no less. He also never thought that he would be a faster reader than the woman beside him, who had been reading books in her free time since she was a little girl.

If anything, she was an expert at reading when compared to him—

Adrien jumped, suddenly startled, when he felt something hit his shoulder. With wide eyes, he turned his head to investigate, only to realize that Marinette had fallen asleep, and her head had lolled onto his shoulder.

Initially, he tensed, unsure of what to do next. Should he wake her up? Should he just leave her be? There was suddenly a battle in his mind with a decision he had no idea how to make.

It wasn't as if they were on a basis where an interaction like this would be considered normal. They had only known each other for a few days, not even a full week just yet. But they were acquaintances at best. Friendship in itself hadn't even crossed his mind. They enjoyed each other's company—that much was clear—but he felt like he didn't know her well enough to even consider her as a friend. Until this very moment, they hadn't touched besides the occasional brushing of hands either.

The innocent physical brushing of hands hadn't made either of them uncomfortable, but this was something entirely new.

He decided at that moment the best course of action was to wake her up.

When he nudged her awake, Marinette was embarrassed. He wasn't sure whether that embarrassment was regarding her falling asleep or the fact that she had fallen asleep on him. Either way, she stood up to her feet almost immediately, her book abandoned, and rushed away with apologies streaming out of her lips like a river.

He wasn't even given the chance to tell her that he wasn't mad. She had already exited the library by the time he could even blink. A few feet away, Kagami stood with her arms folded across her chest, a disapproving scowl on her lips.

"She has quite the nerve to lay her head on your shoulder." His Dame commented dryly.

Adrien looked up from his book to meet her eyes, only so that he could roll his own. "You know as well as I do that it was an accident. She fell asleep."

Kagami didn't seem to share his outlook. "Do you not find it a bit odd with how friendly she has been acting towards you? You two have only known each other for a few days."

Truthfully, Adrien didn't mind it—at least not anymore. He found Marinette's friendliness refreshing.

"I think she is just trying her best to make a good impression," he replied, shrugging his shoulders.

He had chalked up Marinette's friendly/skittish behavior to her nervousness. He was a bit nervous, too, if he was being honest with himself. He wanted everything to be a success just so neither his father nor her father skinned him alive. He was also nervous because, despite this marriage, he was hiding a forbidden relationship that he couldn't afford to let out into the light.

With a sigh, he closed his book and set it beside hers, which had fallen open on its pages. He then stood to his feet and followed after her. Kagami moved to fall into step right behind him, but with a silent hand raised, he commanded her to stay.

Kagami looked at him, somewhat aghast. "But Your Highness—"

"I do not need your assistance with this, Kagami." He interrupted her sternly. "I will only be a moment. Wait here."

Kagami said nothing more. Her silence was all he needed as he proceeded to the library's entrance in his search for Marinette.

Thankfully, she hadn't gone far. He found Marinette sitting right outside the entrance with her back against the wall and her knees tucked into her chest. She looked up at him the moment she heard the door open and offered him a small smile that was nowhere close to reaching her eyes.

He offered her a concerned frown in response. The door closed behind him with a thud.

"Is everything... all right?" He broke the silence timidly, unsure of what else to do or say. He wasn't the best at comforting, especially when it involved someone who was supposed to be his enemy, but he figured he would try.

Marinette chuckled, her smile somehow widening despite the fact that something had gone terribly wrong. "Do not mind me. I am just embarrassed."

"'Embarrassed?'" His lips quirked upward ever-so-slightly as he moved to sit down beside her. She watched his every move, and he could see with just the way she looked at him that she was shocked that he had chosen to sit on the ground beside her outside of the library where anyone else could see. At that moment, though, he wasn't at all concerned with that. "What on earth do you have to be embarrassed for?"

"Tell me you are joking," Marinette replied in a deadpan manner, her sarcasm extremely evident. "I fell asleep on your shoulder."

"So what?" He chuckled.

"So... well, well... that is embarrassing. I would not say we are close enough to the point where something like that would not be embarrassing."

Adrien hummed in understanding. "Well... I suppose I understand what you mean. I will admit I was a bit stunned at first and unsure of what I should do. But I do not really see this as that big of a deal. Unless, of course, I made you uncomfortable—"

"No!" She quickly rushed to clarify. "You did not make me uncomfortable."


She still eyed him unsurely despite that clarification. "I did not make you uncomfortable though, did I?"

He smiled as he shook his head. "No, you did not make me uncomfortable. Gestures like such will have to be normal between us anyhow."

Suddenly, Marinette's unease vanished in a matter of seconds, and she smirked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively as she said, "Are you suggesting we practice?"

It was enough to have him choking on his own saliva, unprepared for her boldness.

She laughed when she witnessed his reaction. "I am only teasing you." She patted his arm and then extracted her hand, deciding to stand to her feet. He found himself standing to follow after her, a content smile on his lips.

The last thing on his mind was that they were without a chaperone.

Marinette began walking down the hall, and he followed. She whirled around so that she was facing him but proceeded to walk backward, her hands behind her back. "We should, however, perhaps keep getting to know one another better. I would like my parents to believe we are, at the very least, friends by the time I return home."

"I agree," Adrien said. He didn't think it would be that hard to convince them, though. His father already seemed to be convinced they were in love with the way he watched them from his grand stained-glass window whenever they walked the gardens together, after all.

"Good. Then tell me, since you witnessed me do something incredibly embarrassing, what embarrassing thing have you done in the past?"

Adrien laughed out loud at that. His laughter echoed joyously down the halls. He jogged briefly to catch up with her and fell into step beside her, ready and willing to tell her one of the most embarrassing stories he could think of at that moment.

Neither of them seemed to be fazed that they weren't being chaperoned.

It also didn't even concern Adrien that, had Kagami asked him to share an embarrassing story with her, he probably wouldn't have been as willing.


Later that night, Kagami was on top of him. Her featherlight moans were like echoed whispers bouncing off the walls in his chambers as she rocked back and forth, and Adrien was in his own similar state of pure ecstasy. However, despite being an excellent multitasker, his mind was not entirely on the wonderful woman he was currently having sex with.

He was picturing himself in the snow. More specifically, his mind was running through a scenario of him and Marinette simply enjoying each other's company in the snow.

It was making him smile a little too wide, which was not something he usually did while he was in the middle of having mind-blowing sex.

And Kagami quickly noticed.

With just one glance at him, it was enough to have her stop entirely with her movements. In most instances, had she pulled a stunt like that, he would have whined at the loss of friction and begged her to continue. But instead, Adrien opened his eyes and blinked up at her in confusion, his smile slowly dimming as he tried to understand why she had stopped.

Kagami was staring down at him with a look that did not radiate absolute pleasure. She looked annoyed. "What has your mind so preoccupied right now?"

"What?" He simply blinked up at her, befuddled.

She responded by swiftly moving off of him, which caused him to hiss in discomfort. As he struggled to cover himself once again, Kagami took a seat beside him. She was now covered appropriately. "You are clearly distracted. What is on your mind?"

He sat up as well, eyeing her skeptically. "Is my preoccupied mind having an effect on my performance?"

Kagami's eyes briefly lowered to his covered lower region. Considering he was still sporting a pretty obvious bulge, he knew what her answer would be. "No, but—"

"Then why did you stop?"

Her eyes searched his for a moment before she huffed through her nose. Taking a moment, she closed her eyes and exhaled before she opened them again. "Were you thinking about her?"

Adrien's eyes widened at her question. Kagami didn't have to provide him with a name so he could know who she was talking about. He knew she was referring to Marinette, and Adrien was thinking about Marinette—but not in the way that she was thinking!

"Your hesitance leads me to believe that you were." Kagami's eyes were narrowing by the second.

Adrien quickly shook his head. "I was thinking about the snow. Marinette and I had a conversation earlier today where we discussed the cold weather in her homeland, and I was only thinking about how it would be when I get to see it for the first time."

"'When?'" Kagami's face briefly revealed her confusion. "So you plan to visit her homeland?"

"Eventually," Adrien said as if it were an obvious box to mark off on his checklist for the future. Since he was to marry Marinette, he would have to step foot in her homeland someday, wouldn't he? How else would a true form of peace commence if he refused to show himself to her people, whom he, at the moment, considered his enemies?

His Dame scoffed and stood to her feet at that. "And why would you be thinking about this now while we are having sex?"

Adrien shrugged, unsure himself. Perhaps he was just excited? Seeing snow had always been a dream of his. Marinette's presentation of the possibility of showing it to him someday was a moment he was practically counting down the days for.

With another scoff at his silence, Kagami moved away from him and began collecting her things. Annoyed that he hadn't been able to finish, Adrien's brows furrowed. "Where are you going?"

"Clearly, your mind is nowhere near interested in me or my body," she strapped the front piece of her armor on, glaring at him over it. "So I am leaving."

"Really?" He glowered at her as he gestured to his visible hard-on with both hands. "I do not think I would be in this predicament if I was not interested."

She spared a callous glance down at his lower region before she met his eyes again. "Well, it seems you will have to take care of that yourself because you ruined the mood."

"'I' ruined the mood?" Adrien stood to his feet. "You are the one who ruined it by bringing up Marinette as if she has some kind of place in our lovemaking sessions."

"I am not the one who was daydreaming about frolicking in the snow with her."

"Watch your tongue." He said quite sternly. "That is not what I was thinking at all."

He had been thinking about Marinette and him building a snowman, actually.

Kagami placed her hands on her hips, looking at him expectantly. Adrien advanced towards her like a predator set on his prey. "What is your... obsession with her all of a sudden? Since when have you ever been known to be the jealous type?"

"Since you became betrothed." Kagami spat at him.

He wouldn't take that for an answer, not when Kagami was taking out her anger on Marinette, someone who had just as little say in this arrangement as he did.

"And how exactly is that Marinette's fault? Why not be angry at me?"

Kagami said nothing in response because she didn't have a valid answer. Narrowing his brows further, Adrien went on, "Besides, you have no right to be jealous. Must I remind you time and time again that I want to marry you? You are the one who declined my offer to elope."

"Because it would be impossible for us to elope."

"It is not impossible. You are just not willing to risk everything like I am!"

"Perhaps you are right." Kagami bit back. "Need I remind you that I have everything to lose? You do not. Your worst punishment for our actions will be a slap on the wrist."

"Nonsense." Adrien scoffed.

"And, while we are discussing this, we might as well talk about the fact that you and the princess left the library without a chaperone and spent the rest of the day together... alone."

Adrien's brows lowered at that. "You act as if I whisked her away down a hidden corridor and kissed her senseless."

Kagami matched his expression. "Did you?"

Adrien scoffed loudly, a bitter grin pulling at his lips. "You cannot seriously be asking me that right now," he said.

"How would I really know?" Kagami countered. "It seems that as every day passes, you two only grow closer, and the first week of her stay here has not even concluded."

"You are delusional if you really think that," Adrien replied with a disbelieving huff. "That I would possibly do such a thing like that and then bed you. I want to marry you! I love you! What kind of a man do you take me for?"

"Like most men: someone who makes most decisions with his dick."

"I do not have to listen to this." Adrien gritted out. Never in his life had he felt so much rage directed at the woman who was supposed to be the love of his life. With a pointed finger directed at the door to his chambers, he added, "Get out."

He could not believe what he was hearing. There was no way Kagami was accusing him of this, not after everything they had shared with each other and certainly not after the countless times he'd confessed his love for her. These accusations that she was throwing at him now were unfair.

Kagami's response was a disbelieving shake of her head as she finished strapping on the last piece of her armor. With a scoff, Adrien watched her take her leave. A moment later, the door to his chambers clicked softly behind her, leaving him all alone.


Hi... hope you guys enjoyed the chapter <3

If you're wondering how I'm doing, I'm ok. I'm not pushing myself but I will admit I am distracting myself by writing. That's how I cope ✌️

Anyways, stay tuned for the next chapter which will be published either next week (August 25th) or the following week (September 1st). I hope to see you again!


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