Chapter Seven

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As October rolled around, the dimension hoppers had settled into life at Avengers tower pretty nicely, their powers under control and each amassing a small fanbase through various means (mostly social media though). Really, if it weren't for the fact that they weren't in their own dimension, they probably would all be as happy as can be.

"Halloween! Halloween! Praise be for Halloween!" Chavonne sang to herself as she decorated her floor for the holiday, a massive smile on her face and smells of pure chocolatey goodness coming out of her kitchen.

She was dressed up as a ghost, having firmly decided that every day deserved a costume. Why? Mostly because she could get away with it, unlike back home. She knew for a fact that in her home country, Christmas songs would already be playing.

"I was summoned by choco-aiyee!" Aldric was tackled by what looked like a living pumpkin, the speeding object only a recent addition to the tower.

"You actually managed to get Goblin in that costume you bought her?" Oscar knelt down to pet the wiggling pitbull, the dog currently concerned with giving Aldric's face a good wash with her tongue.

"Yup! She's not the biggest fan but eh, what can ya do?" Chavonne finished putting up a series of spider webs, admiring her work before finally landing for the first time the entire day. Now that she had the whole flight thing figured out, it was rare that she walked if she didn't have to.

"I still don't get why you named her Goblin. She's a sweetheart." Roland joined Oscar in petting the pupper, the black and white pup smiling up at him as her tail whacked Aldric in the knees.

"Depends on your perspective." Aldric got to his feet, having to use his teleportation to manage his way out from under the living bowling ball that was Goblin.

Chavonne gave a whistle that anyone who watched the Hunger Games would recognise. "Here Gobby. There's a good girl." The puppy ran over, happily accepting the treat her owner offered out. "I take it you guys are here for the food? Or did you really just travel up multiple floors to play with Gob and question her name?" Her smile was mischievous.

"Can't it be both?" Aldric was already in the kitchen, piling his plate high with various treats. He was completely unaware that some of the treats doubled as tricks, Chavonne the only one who knew which were safe.

"You did a really good job with the decorations." Alice complimented as everyone exited the elevator, looking at all of the decorations with a faint sense of surprise. Chavonne seemed like she would be more Christmas than Halloween.

The woman beamed, glad someone noticed all the hard work she was putting in. "Thanks! Tony also put me in charge of the Avengers charity haunted house at the end of the month. I'm so excited! I've been referencing medical books all day. Loki's helping me with the more psychological scares."

"Speaking of Loki, he's not...?" Harmony glanced around, slightly nervous. Sure, she may have talked to the Norse deity, thank you for the nudge (read shove) on that one Roland, but this didn't mean she could hold a conversation with him without turning into an anxious mess.

"In the library. Was mentioning something about potions to brew but I had my head in a paper mache dementor at the time so I may have misheard him." Chavonne eased the other woman's anxiety just a bit, sitting down at her kitchen island and taking a bite out of a cocoa beetle. "FYI, expect to hear reports of dementor sightings over the next month."

Everyone shook their heads but gathered in the kitchen, grabbing whatever treats took their fancy as the ghostly woman waited for one of her tricks to work.

"So. What's everyone going as for Halloween?" The question was slightly out of left field but with Chavonne and her brain constantly playing 6 degrees of separation, it was kind of the norm for odd questions like this to pop up every now and again.

Nobody answered, not having given it much thought quite yet. A few were even considering skipping Halloween entirely and just staying indoors all day and night to watch non-horror movies and pig out on treats.

"Come on guys! Get into the spirit!" Chavonne snickered at her own pun, doing her best not to scratch at the plastic shackles she was wearing. "Oh! Idea! You guys can all help me with the haunted house! Cause right now, it's more Hammerstein than Hammer Horror."

"Sounds fun." Oscar was quick to volunteer his help, a big fan of anything that involved charity and kids having a good time.

"Count me in, Castlevania." Aldric ruffled Chavonne's hair, oblivious to the way she shrank from the touch and the way the temperature of the room dipped for a moment.

"Could I do costumes and sets?" Alex's eyes sparkled at the idea of a massive art project, even if that massive art project would likely include lots of spiders, snakes and, most horrifying of all, lots of people.

"Of course!" Chavonne was eager to have Alex's expertise, the young woman creative but excessively so. "Ro? Hari? You guys in?"

"You know it, Snow White." Roland grinned as he offered Chavonne a fist bump, surprised but happy when she returned it in Baymax style.

Once Roland was on board, it was a given that Harmony was as well. Everyone kind of knew at this point that the two were joined at the hip, Chavonne and Aldric often teasing about when the wedding was.

"Sweet! Look out New York! The Infinity Brigade is gonna bring you the best haunted house you've ever seen!" Chavonne declared to the heavens, getting five very confused looks. "What? Team name no good? I've been trying to come up with something half-way decent for the last week or so but Goblin keeps distracting me."

At the sound of her name, the energetic pupper launched herself at her 'mom', winding up on her owner's lap to give everyone a doggy smile that made them all wonder where the stereotypes surrounding pitbulls came from.

Before anyone could say anything, it seemed fate had finally come a knockin'. Aldric was unlucky enough to bite into a chocolate frog with chilli peppers in it, a mad scramble for milk soon following. The discussion of a team name would have to wait.

((A/N: Another short one but this is mainly because I had a busy day and I'm saving a whole mess of chaos for the next chapter. Feel free to comment what your character(s) is going as for Halloween. Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed this short little vignette. Till next time!))

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