Ch-2 Something about True Love

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                      In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

‘Peace and Blessings of Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He!) be upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s.a.s), all his noble descendents and blessed companions.’



  Have you ever fallen in love? Fallen truly and madly in love? Then you will understand what I am talking about. And no, not that sappy and cheesy type of thing which these youngsters and children of these days talk about, for that always makes me wonder what the boy or girl who has just crossed their preteens is speaking about when they say that they are deeply or crazily in love. What is wrong with them? I don’t say that they aren’t capable of loving or they don’t even know the meaning of the word ‘love’. Because they do!

They do know what love is, haven’t they seen it many an infinite time shining in their parents eyes? Don’t they see it through their loving smiles, through their concealed sighs? Doesn’t the possessive protection of a brother reveal to them the true love behind it? Haven’t they felt it in the sudden hug of their little sister, in the sweet kiss of their baby brother?  

What I cannot understand is how easily they talk about having such a pure and tremendous emotion or passion for someone they had just seen or barely met or only chatted through the net. What happened to fearing Allah, the true Lord of the Universe? Does nobody teach them to lower their gaze when they see a Non- Mahram for the sake of Ar-Rahman, for the love of Ar-Rahman? Have they never experienced the joy of saying,


‘O Allah! Every time when I lowered my gaze, it was with love that I hoped

Ah for this, tomorrow I would see Thy most Beautiful and Blessed Face.”

For it is neither funny nor frustrating, more like pitiful to see these people repeat the same lines or quotes about their ‘eternal love’ to five different persons in a single year. And what can be said about them who listen to such silly things and even believe in it only to discover sooner or later that it was just a pack of stale lies.

If you so desperately want to fall in love, why don’t you learn from those experiences, leave those haram ways, and turn to the One who loves you like no one can ever do! He Loves you seventy times more than a mother’s love, and ah! Have you seen a mother loving her child? Just multiply it by seventy (scholars say seventy in Arabic actually means something beyond count) and you will get the answer of Allah’s love for you. And you leave such Ar-Rahman’s love and go behind whom?

Umar bin Al-Khattab (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Once a woman was searching for her child and when she found him, she took hold of him, pressed him against her chest and gave him her breast to nurse him. Allah's Messenger Muhammad (saw) saw her and asked us: "Do you think this woman would ever afford to throw her child in the fire? We said: "By Allah, so far as it is in her power, she would never throw her child in the fire. Thereupon Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: 'Allah is more Merciful to his believing servants than this woman is to her child.'

(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Al-Muslim)

It is He, Allah, the Most Loving and the Best of all Creators! Who created you when you were nothing! Created you from Nuthfah (dirty water), created you in the darkness upon darkness of your mother’s womb. Then He bestowed you a shape from clay, gave you sight, hearing and all other senses. He gave you life and appointed angels who fed you in the extreme darkness, then by His will you came out and you were worse than a newborn calf who after its birth at least knows how to walk and eat. And for you, Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He!) blessed flowing milk from your mother’s bosom, and turned it cold during hot weather and hot during cold temperature. And then taught you to speak, to walk, to eat;

He, the Most Gracious Ar-Rahman made your parents sacrifice almost their whole life for you. For your every suffering or hurt, He created distress and anxiety in their hearts and they suffered with you. For your every smile and joy, He made them pour love and rejoice with you. He made your father see to your every need, to your every happiness and there was your mother who lost sleep when you were ill, who didn’t eat when you were sick and so on and on till days went, months passed and years rolled; Until you grew to be a youth, beautiful and healthy and strong when Allah (Glorified and Exalted is He!) finally said:

“Now My slave will come to Me, now that he is strong and healthy he will worship Me, now that he can perceive and understand the infinite blessings which I have bestowed he will be grateful to Me, O child of Adam, after all I have done for you won’t you abide by My rules and turn towards Me?”   

And what do you think is the answer which we give to such Allah, the Lord of the whole Universe?

“Abide your rules? Pray, who are You?!”


Ah, what can I say? About whom can I say? When I myself am not a perfect servant of His, and continuously struggle choosing between temptations and the Most Merciful’s laws.

Still I try, and only Ar-Rahman knows how much I try to earn His pleasure. If He is happy, if He is pleased with you, then what else or what more can one need?

I don’t know when it began, how it began, how I fell such passionately in love with my dearest Ar-Rahman. But the one thing I do know is it did not ‘just happen like that’ coz there were many mistakes and sins, followed by tears and repentance and again wounds and scars followed by healing and cure and it is still going on and as am only a human will be so till my death, but All Praise to the Most Gracious Lord now it is more easier to say to myself and others “No, it is wrong or no Ar-Rahman won’t like it” rather than before.

Now His name is enough for the heart to tremble with love and hope, is enough for the peace to descend and envelop me, is enough for the tears to form and flow, is enough for the mind to stop and think…

…More than Thy every blessing O my Rahman, loving Thee is the best of all!

 But what I ask is do you even need a reason for loving the Most Gracious? 


And if you ever think,

“O Allah, how may I call unto You, when I am but the worst of all sinners,

 Then do not hesitate to add,

Yet how may I not call unto You, when You are the Most Gracious of all Gracious?” 

For Allah always loves to forgive us, no matter how big or small, the sin or wrong we have committed is, just repent and say with your whole heart, “Ya Allah! Forgive me.” And I swear by His Mercy, He will not only forgive you but will erase all your sins or will change them all into good deeds. For nothing is impossible to Him. He is always there near you, to hear and comfort you, to embrace and soothe you. Just never ever, let Shaitan make you forget Him. Remember Allah as much as possible, and He will remember you in each and everything. For it is His promise to us in the Holy Qur’an,

“…Remember Me and I will Remember you!”


On the authority of Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him), who said that the Prophet

(peace be upon him) said: Allah the Almighty said:

 “I am as My servant thinks I am. I am with him when he makes mention of Me. If he makes mention of Me to himself, I make mention of him to Myself; and if he makes mention of Me in an assembly, I make mention of him in an assemble better than it (in the assembly of angels). And if he draws near to Me an arm's length, I draw near to him a fathom's length. And if he comes to Me walking, I go to him at speed”.

                                                                                              - [Hadith e Qudsi]

And never forget that if you remember Allah in your happiness, He will not forget you when you are in grief. Trust Him with your whole soul, love Him with your whole heart, and then confront me if the whole world doesn’t fall at your feet.

Finally as the righteous say, "The love of Allah is the axis around which all good revolves." If you fall in love with Allah, and then strive to be true in your love--in accordance with the way of the Beloved of Allah, Muhammad (May Allah bless him and give him peace), then you'll find nothing but increasing light and contentment in your life, and eternal success in the Hereafter Insha Allah!

May Allah forgive and guide us all! Ameen.


           “So what if the enamored one is insane in the love of Allah             

Look and you shall find the whole world His admirer.”



Hope you have learned something and liked everything:) Vote, comment and let me know! Jazak Allahu Khairan:):):) Thank you for reading!!!


                                                    With Du’as and Salaam (Prayers and Peace),


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