Chapter 13 - Cole

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Mature themes are implied near the end of this 

chapter.! If that is an uncomfortable topic for you, please refrain

from reading it! The story plot will take no damage if this part is 

skipped. So that note, reader discretion is advised.

Thank you. Be safe and I hope you enjoy.


I could feel her confusion invading the little breathing space that I still had remaining, but I couldn't bring myself to talk.

I needed her to leave me alone, I was already embarrassed as it was, what with the whole holding her hand move that I just pulled.

I hadn't even realized I was holding it until I woke up, I couldn't even remember when I grabbed it, let alone why I would have done it in the first place..

I attempted to string together a line of events.. But it was all just a jumbled mess in my head.

Turns out that trying to think through the nauseatingly painful sickness coursing through my entire system was far more difficult than I'd expected.



"Wait, are you allergic to nuts?" she gasped and I almost laughed. Almost.

I couldn't bring myself to form a coherent sentence through the nausea coursing through my body. It hurt too much.

Instead, I ignored her, hoping she'd get the message and leave. But the girl was seriously stubborn, and as good as that could be in some situations..

It really sucked right now.

"So? Is that the reason?" she sounded worried, and I almost glanced up, but no. This girl had already made me talk too many times.

And I was also annoyed because said girl woke me up from sleep that I've been really needing for a while.

So as a result, I continued to ignore her.

"Hello? Oh my god, wait. Are you actually ignoring me right now?" I groaned internally before fumbling around for my pen.

Once I'd struggled tremendously to finally get in my hand I struggled some more to get my hand out from under the desk.

Carefully, I wrote my message onto the desk. 'Yes I am. So, can you leave me alone? I'm perfectly fine now.'

To prove my point I forced myself to sit up, ignoring the now raging war with nausea, I wasn't completely stupid.

Yes you fucking are.

I closed my eyes in annoyance. But the thought was a quick one that appeared and disappeared just as fast.

The coffee was working, hell I know it's working, I can hear that. But that thought'd seemed extremely impatient.

A scoff drew my attention back to Elodie, who seemed to look like she was not taking any of my crap. But I wasn't giving her a choice.

Once again I carefully wrote another message, this time holding my left hand steady with my right because it was shaking too much.

'See? Perfectly fine. I had coffee. I'm not hungry.'

She scanned the message and a shocking look of horror crossed her features, "You drank coffee? For breakfast? What about lunch?"

'Don't worry about it'

Putting a stop to her obviously growing urge to say something, I shakily stood up and pushed past her. And just as I was passing through, she grabbed my hand.

"Can you take it at least?" her sound of exasperation irritated me and I yanked my hand out of hers and continued walking out.

Leaving her and her stupid muesli bar behind.



Once I'd walked far enough away from the classroom, I crumbled onto my knees with a groan, because holy crap my stomach was hurting.

And I also felt like I was about to throw up.

Taking deep breaths I tried to regulate my breathing, and once it was at an acceptable level I struggled onto my feet.

"I thought you said you were okay?" I gasped and turned around, expecting to see the girl again, instead it was the teacher.

Pushing down my raging panic I cleared my throat and nodded to let her know I was in fact quite okay. Then I turned around and walked on.

Or attempted to at least..

"I'm gonna ask you to come to the nurse with me. Can you please follow me Cole? " She asked carefully.

I was torn between saying yes, or well.. Nodding my head at least. Or walking away. But the pain in my head and stomach answered it for me.

I gave her a small nod and followed behind her as she led me to the office.

Except it took us a little longer than it should have because every now and then I'd either almost collapse in pain or I'd literally crumble in pain.



"Just in there Cole, yup, that door. I'll be waiting outside for you so take your time" the spanish teacher, (who's name I still can't remember) said.

I glanced at her but said nothing as I walked into the mini hospital and shut the door. I say mini hospital because it was set up like a miniature version of a hospital room.

It's kinda pretty I guess?

I was about to clear my throat but the sound turned into a groan of pain as I sunk against the door. My stomach was really really hurting.

"Oh dear god, Cole was it? I think Gabriella mentioned your name before you came in, I was in the bathroom sorry, please sit down here" the nurse blabbed as she got me seated.

I just let out a soft grunt and sat there.

"Ah right my bad, you don't like talking if memory serves me correctly, that's no issue, I have a pen and paper with me," she rummaged around her desk, "here!"

She passed the pen and paper pad to me and I set it down on the bed next to me.

"Okay can you please tell me what's happening to you right now?" she asked slowly and gently, I couldn't feel any pressure coming from her.

So I took in a gulp of air, let it out with a soft groan, and picked up the pen with shaking hands. 'I'm not too sure myself,'

She nodded her head and pulled her chair next to me. "Okay, can you explain how you are feeling at this moment then?"

I grimaced but nodded. 'I feel really dizzy and there's a really bad pain spreading from my stomach through my entire body'

She read over it quickly and nodded. "Okay, can you tell me what you've eaten today?" she caught my panic and smiled, "it's okay I won't say anything"

I just shook my head and wrote, 'coffee.' Then I glanced up at her to see how she'd react to the truth.

"Oh okay I understand that's breakfast, well how about lunch?" she asked lightly with a smile, which faltered when I simply wrote coffee again.

"Right okay, how about yesterday? What did you eat then?" she waited patiently as I groaned in pain, "Are you able to continue?"

I nodded and wrote coffee again. And when she frowned I added vodka to the list as well, which granted me a gasp of surprise.

"And that's all you at— I mean drank?" she said in horror, "what about the day before that?" She covered her mouth when I crossed out the vodka and circled the coffee.

"Two days before that?" I was getting frustrated, so I just underlined coffee a handful of times and she let out a breath of distress.

I mean is it really that big of a deal? I'm staying full aren't I?

"Can I ask what coffee you drink?"


"With milk?"


"Oh dear lord"

With that out in the open I sighed and flopped onto the bed with a whimper of pain. I hadn't even stayed down for two seconds when the lady grabbed my arm and pulled me back up.

Okay well I let her pull me up. But you get the point.

"Don't lie down right now. Your pain is gonna get worse if you do. Or at least it sounds like it probably would..?" She made a weird face and I laughed before covering it with a cough.

She smiled warmly and I instantly felt at ease, while also coming to the realization that I hadn't had a panic attack once even while I was with her.

Well that's new? Should I say something?

I hesitated for a moment but then I cleared my throat as she was rummaging through her supply cabinet and she turned around with a questioning look.

"How are you?" let's just say if I wasn't panicking before I most definitely was panicking after that ridiculous question.

Like I mean what the truck?

She startled and I felt my panic starting to smother my lungs, I was losing focus again. I could feel my eyes flitting around, trying to find something to latch onto.

"I'm good darling," my eyes snapped to her face and I searched it for sarcasm but only found warmth. "You have a lovely voice can I just add"

I felt my eyes widen and turned away as I felt a blush creep onto my face. But just like that my panic faded again and I could breathe.

"Thanks, I uh, never asked your name.." I whispered.

"You can call me Hanna," she said with a smile.

I nodded, keeping my eyes on the floor, "Okay, well Hanna, can I please go now? Or do you still need me?"

"Oh no, no no you can't leave! Ah, that's what I'd been doing, dear dear lord. Give me a moment darling" she rambled as she went back to her desk.



"Here it is.?" She glanced around the room for me and I cleared my throat forgetting that it'd be quite terrifying for her.

"Oh dear god!!" she screeched holding her chest in surprise, "When did you get up??" she asked once she'd taken a deep breath.

"A minute ago?" I fiddled my fingers together worried she was going to get annoyed, but she just laughed and shook her head.

"That's okay I'm getting old now, anyway, is there a reason you couldn't remain seated though? Just out of curiosity," she asked as I sat down again.

"No." Which wasn't exactly true, but she didn't kno—

"You sure about that?" or y'know maybe she did..

I sighed with a shrug, "I just don't like sitting still much.."

She nodded her head and handed me a.. Fruit juice. A plastic bag of fruit juice. The ones you give primary schoolers for lunch.

I stared at the bag in revolted confusion.

Revolt because I hate artificial fruit juices, and confusion because I'm pretty sure I told her that I had a stomach ache.

"I know you said your stomach is hurting, but I believe it's because you haven't eaten anything for a long period of time and have been going off coffee.." She grimaced with a frown.

I cocked my head when she sighed. "Let's continue, pretending I didn't see the 'vodka'.."

She paused and continued from where she'd left off earlier "This whole time so I'm telling you to drink juice so it gives you an appetite" she finished.

I sighed and took it out of her hand, "okay. Now can I go?"

I'll be real honest with you, I was genuinely expecting her to say yes and usher me out but this woman was proving me wrong without even knowing it.

"I need to see you drink it and I'll take the rubbish once you're done" she said with a smile that she really shouldn't be giving me because I was in no mood.

I drained the juice aggressively and handed her the packet with a fake smile. I could already feel the vomit coming but I swallowed the urge and walked out.

And then of course found myself at the back of the library near a puddle of my own vomit.





Pretty much the rest of the day went down similarly and after an unnecessarily long drive back to the hotel I was finally able to think about laying down.

By unnecessarily long I mean, add like one and a half hours onto my already three hour long drive.

As I said before, terrific.



Once my car was parked I made my way into the lobby. But something was definitely going on when I saw all the hotel residents standing around.

I sniffed my clothes to check if I smelt, but thankfully they still smelt like rich clothes. And heck they still felt like it too.

I was about to ignore it and go back to my room when I felt a tug on my sleeve.

I turned around to see a cute girl standing there and when I glanced to the side I noticed that her friends were whispering and nudging each other with smiles.

I smiled warmly as she cleared her throat, "Hey there, I saw you standing here all alone, you looked lost. Are you okay?"

I was about to tell her I was fine and needed to be alone, when I realized.. I'd much rather not be alone right now.

"I was feeling quite alone a second before you came actually.. And I'm not lost just going to my room, join me?" I asked softly, looking her squarely in the eyes.

For a second her eyes simply widened in shock and I thought I must have read her wrong.

But then she smirked and rested her hand on my waist. "Oh I'm sure if I declined you'd be pretty lonely on your way to the room, correct me if I'm wrong?"

I grinned "No you're definitely right"

I watched her flip off her whistling friends as she guided me to the elevator, "How's a boy like you still single?"

"Would you bang me if I wasn't?"

"No. I really wouldn't"

"Good I would've dropped you if you'd said yes"

"Let's not make this unbearably awkward?" She whispered as the elevator doors closed and guided my mouth to hers.

She wasn't a fantastic kisser, but still better than some girls I'd messed around with.



"How do you want me?" I asked, because I was too tired to take the dominant role. I'd much rather do whatever she wants.

"You? Submissive?" she gasped with a smile.

I shrugged, "Switch.. But yeah right now I'd much rather do as you wish.." I grinned as I took in her body, she was really pretty.

"Perfect. Can I handcuff you?"

I balked in surprise but shrugged, "If you have some on you right now cause I don't.. Oh of course you'd only ask if you were prepared.."

"Strip for me" she ordered.

I obeyed quietly, thankful that the lights were low enough that she wouldn't see the scars unless she focused on them.

"Lay down and put your hands above your head, hold the bed rail.. Yeah like that. Okay cool, now I'm gonna cuff you okay?"

I relaxed until she tightened them to the point that it actually hurt. "Owh uh okay that kind of hurts.." I whispered.

"Is it really bad?" She asked, concern threaded in her voice, I liked that she was actually worried, so I lied and shook my head.

"Good, so are you okay with receiving pain?" she murmured as she sat herself heavily on my crotch and shimmied into a comfortable position.

I gasped in shock and let out a panting laugh, "I'll t-take what you give.. Just.. J-just don't make me bleed"

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