Book 6⌇21. Link

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Chapter 21 ∣  Link


It was only later when we woke the next morning, showering and getting ready for the day, when everything was said and done, that Keegan explained that when a soul is fragmented for a demon, that they lose their fertility. This was the reason why he asked because he'd given me a portion of his soul and in doing so, he had weakened himself to prove how much he really did care. He could no longer faze from this plane of existence, nor would his healing ever be up to par. Scars would be left behind if he should ever be wounded.

He gave up all that, just for me.

That was touching and meant the world to me, that he really was trying to show that he cared for me, maybe even loved me. He would have had do what he did. Being the king of the Dominion Plane, when others discovered that he had bonded with me, they would surely try to attack again, this time knowing he would be vulnerable.

"Keegan?" I asked as he handed me clothes that were more suitable for my tastes, leaving behind his notion of objectifying me for my body. Instead, he revealed my assassin's clothes, the rips and tears having been mended, my boots laid out for me by the door to his--our bedroom.

Because of him not being able to heal properly, the faint scars left behind of my mark on his neck was visible. There would be questions and many, demanding answers as we were only ever supposed to be bound by marriage as a wife and husband. Now we were bound by something much stronger...a mate bond and I already felt for him, for the first time he would experience me dissolving away into the shadows and leaving him behind. It would surely hurt his soul, as I knew a vampire's heart was torn, thinking their other half was ripped away from this world and killed.

At least someone is strong enough to believe in love and understand the bond that comes along with being tied to an assassin.

His gray eyes were glancing at me sideways, dressing for another day in the life and luxury of a king that was trying to be thrown over by a rebellion. Those rebels...even I hated them now, not with just the attempt on my life, but everything they stood for. No vampire would ever want to be brought back to a life like the one I had just had a taste of.

Though, hopefully the one I will experience alongside of Keegan, will be much better.


A vampire assassin as a queen to an incubus king.

This was by far the most bizarre thing I could ever have imagined, though, it didn't fall too far away from what the vampire king's son would have had as a beloved when he one day took the throne. Rumors are a nasty thing and many covens had heard the news that his beloved was killed and that she was a succubus. I never believed that...until I found myself in this situation.

"You're going to be okay?" Pressing him further, his demonic form had receded, and I was left with a very strong, handsome man before me. Don't get me wrong...his demonic form was growing on me, but it was rather sexy...not handsome and I held that slight fear in the back of my mind that it could wreak serious havoc if pissed off.

"Of course," he reassured me, "After all, I do have Harlan and...Tyco."

"You can't seriously trust your adviser..." I scoffed, nearing the bedroom door and pulling on my boots, zipping them up on the sides and stating, "he blatantly lied to you!"

Keegan stood to his feet and nodded, "Wouldn't you though? The fear everyone feels around me here, it is warranted. I could easily kill any of them for any reason...without a reason even. So, of course, he was scared."

"Then what was he expecting? To have you not chase him once you noticed I wasn't in the room?" I arched a brow, standing to my feet as well.

"To be honest, I have no idea what would have happened if you weren't in my study. I'd seen you, but he didn't know that," Keegan continued, "though, I haven't felt his energy or his aura, so I'm sure he has fled somewhere, afraid to show his face."

Keegan walked toward the bedroom door, taking hold of the handle and pulling the door back into the room, holding it open for me. Stepping past him and into the hallway, I let out a sigh, the strange feeling of not having the collar around my neck was a relief, but something I would have to get used to. When he closed the door behind the two of us, he quickly wrapped his arms around my shoulders, draping them to the center of my chest as he whispered, "Don't get into too much fun without me."

"Fun?" I breathed in sharply as I felt the warmth from his skin sparking with my own, turning my head when his cheek brushed the side of my forehead, "you mean, you can actually have fun here?"

"Plenty," he replied, and I could feel the grin forming on his lips. I smiled and fell into him, enjoying the comfort that being in his arms was now instilling within me. I'd never give that up, the bond of someone actually caring about your wellbeing...even though he had acted like a royal ass, I forgave him especially when he saved my life and especially when he did something he'd never done before.

I now carried a small part of his soul and it was a light warm flutter in the center of my chest. It brimmed with energy and light, constantly wanting to be close to the whole being and that's what also drove me into this new feeling for him. It was strange though, as a vampire had no soul, this feeling almost made me think about those who I had killed.

Then again, everyone who I had killed deserved it and I'm sure the future victims would also share that same fate. One, make that two...not being able to kill Landon and Cleo and for killing werewolves who were being led by a blind king who wanted vengeance.

When his arms left me, he turned me around, his lips capturing mine and making me sigh happily against him. His right hand drifted up the back of my neck and tangled into my hair, holding me still when I granted his wanting tongue entrance. In a passion-filled kiss that made the rest of my senses go dull, I could hear faintly the clearing of a throat.

"Awe, what a lovely couple the two of you make when you're not at each other's throats," Harlan was slow clapping, his purple eyes sparking when Keegan and I slowly pulled away from each other. "Wait," his clapping ceased as his eyes scanned his king, and my own shifted from the two of them, "you...did you really? No, you wouldn't..."

Keegan growled and hushed him stating, "Not a single word."

"You gave her your sou-"

"Harlan!" Keegan's demonic growl surfaced, and his commander went silent. "Keep your mouth shut."

I crossed my arms in front of my chest, watching as it appeared Keegan was about to tear out Harlan's throat if he challenged him. When nothing more was said, he held his hands up in defeat and only asked, "I'm not to leave your side, am I?"

"Awe, commander turned babysitter," I cooed and received a nasty look from him. Shrugging my shoulders, I soon stopped when Keegan eyed me, his look saying everything.

Don't say anything to anyone for now, alright?

I jolted from where I stood, my look of bewilderment amusing him as he stated, "Never thought you could communicate with me that did you?"

"I didn't-" I was cut off, guards moving down the hallway making my thoughts wander.

A welcoming committee for you?

Yes, because as soon as I step foot in that throne room, it won't take others long to notice the change in my soul. Yes, we can see and feel auras and energy and mine has changed drastically since relinquishing a part of my soul to you.

You don't want me to come, now do you?

I don't know how at-risk you will be, so no. I'd much rather you pretend that you know nothing and get a better feel for your new home. Explore, do what you want, just don't be seen with me right now. I just don't know who I can and cannot trust, please understand this. I'm not ashamed of you in any way, I just don't want two and two put together until I can gauge reactions to the events that have happened. Traitors usually aren't that great with a poker face...I'm sure we'll see some.




Adrasteia, just please, don't come into the throne room. I don't want you getting hurt and I will know if you are sneaking you've told me yourself, I'm in for a wake-up call when you disappear into the shadows.

He had me there. He would know and I couldn't stand by and watch silently as I had already planned. Damn him.


"Adrasteia," Keegan spoke, the guards in place and Harlan speaking to one of them, "I lov-"

"Let's go," Harlan nodded and without warning, Keegan was escorted to what could end up being one of the last meetings he had in the throne room. I just didn't understand, who else would they think he mated with? I thought it would be rather obvious as he blatantly informed them, I was to be his wife...though he never said, beloved or mate.

I love you too.

My response was met with silence, knowing his words were heading in that direction and once the group was out of sight, I breathed out slowly.

I love you more than you realize. You've changed me, something I thought never possible by anyone. For that, I'll never be able to thank you enough, except show you, my love, as time bonds us closer together.

Smiling, my cheeks reddened for a moment, his words slipping clearly into my mind and making my heartbeat faster. I thought he was an uncaring monster who only existed to satisfy himself, though now, I believe he can be a good king, better than he already was. He was standing against slavery...for the vampire race that was, although, I couldn't imagine a more fitting punishment for Landon or Cleo.

I mused to myself silently, wandering far away from the throne room and taking heed of his word. The palace was much larger than I imagined, never having been able to look around this far before. There would be the odd look from a demon every now and then, seeing a vampire roaming freely and I wondered if they could somehow sense Keegan's fractured soul within the confines of my body.

I got my answer not too long after the thought came to mind.

"The toy has been given something precious," Natasha's voice made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, hearing how eerie it was in the silent hall.

"The vampire is not a toy," I retorted, clearly understand that this succubus had issues, probably a little fuck toy for Keegan before I had arrived.

Natasha's appearance made me freeze, walking around me as her tail coiled loosely around my waist. Her large bat-like wings extended from her back, her electric blue eyes looking over my face as she continued to search for something unseen.

"You did something I never thought possible," her eyes narrowed on me and for a moment, I could see the hint of jealousy, "he trusts you..."

"There's nothing wrong with that," I felt her tail run up the side of my arm and I knocked it away, my eyes glaring at her in anger.

"He could have had me," her voice altered, and I furrowed my brows in confusion, "though he chose you..."

My skin crawled when the back of her fingertips brushed against my cheek and I tried to pull away, but when I did, her tail had returned and wrapped tightly around my waist. Gasping, I felt the shocks of electricity spark from her fingertips, my mind trying to grasp what was happening.

"Did you know that a link is only able to function when you are within the same plain as your mate?" That demonic voice giggled darkly at me and when I tried to connect to the shadows, I felt the sparks amplifying, the wave crashing through my body. "What happens...when no one can find you? When you're left to the mercy of the ones you tried to kill?"

"What?!" I cried out, trying to break free, but I couldn't focus, the pain searing through my bones. "What the hell are you talking about?!"

Natasha took hold of my neck, bringing our noses just inches from each other. I could feel her warm breath against my face, her two sets of sharp fangs clearly peeking from between her lips. "I know more about you than you could ever imagine. After all, that's what assassins do best."

In the next second, I felt like my flesh was being ripped away, my body thrown through space and time until I felt like I was about to throw up. My piercing scream came with my first gasp of air, my vision disoriented when I gazed around me, Natasha pulling away slightly. The dark sky held the moonlight from the full moon in its grasp, the stars twinkling down on my confused form.

I'm on Earth.

I know this place.

"You're not the only one after revenge due to a broken heart," she threw me to the ground and when I scrambled to my feet, I heard her hiss at me, that was before she disappeared before my very eyes.

It was silent.

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

To Seduce a Vampire by K. A. Young.

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