Book 6⌇7. Then Comes The Violence

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Chapter 7 ∣  Then Comes the Violence


What type of ass treats his 'beloved' the way Landon does to Adrasteia? She's got a killer body and can use it to end someone's life in the blink of an eye. Sexy and can't get any better than that. This pureblood is just full of himself.

Sitting in my office, and staring at the paperwork in front of me, I sighed. There were multiple threatening letters commanding me to step down from the throne before violence would ensue. At the very bottom of the signed letters, was a symbol of a hawk. It had to be this rebellion group and by the looks of the scorched edges, I'd say they have at least one assassin within their ranks.

I'm nothing close to what my father was, but they wanted to completely change the order of the Dominion Plan. They wanted the vampires to return to the depths from which they came, removing them from Earth. As much as I would like to see every one of them sent to their own pretty little circle of Hell, that wasn't for me to decide. I just ruled over once section...I'm not the king of Hell, not by a long shot.

"Sir?" Tyco's voice came from the other side of the door, knocking after he spoke.

"Yes?" I asked, distracted by the vampire who had captured my attention.

"You've read the letters?" He asked, waiting for my response.

Shoo...go away, no one wants you here. I massaged my temples, my adviser getting on my case as to taking a flipping wife and I continued to refuse this horrible plan. The monkey on my back won't go away and I was ready to take him to Earth and leave him there. Eh, too bad he's an incubus as well and would just faze away.

"Of course, I have," I replied.

Tyco asked, "And?"

"And what?!" I growled, talking to the door was much better than having to speak to him directly. At least I wouldn't have to look at his face each time I made him flinch with my raised voice.

Even though I couldn't see it, I felt him flinch and it made me chuckle.

"Never mind," Tyco sighed and before he left, he stated, "Natasha is here."

Oh, what does she want now? Without even me allowing her, she opened the door, stepping into the room and closing it behind her back.

"Natasha," I couldn't keep my eyes off her, watching as she slowly slipped the knee-length brown coat she had on to reveal a leathery ebony outfit beneath. The smirk on her rosy red lips grew when I remained silent, her deep red heels clicking as she approached me from the other side of the desk.

Her tail was coiled around her left thigh, the velvety spade ending just above her knee. Showing me her submission, she blinked her eyelashes innocently, waiting for me to make a move.

"What do you want?" I asked, seeing her face twitch in disapproval, wanting me to obviously leap from behind my desk, bend her over it, and plow into her until her moans and screams only held my name coming from her lips, lost in pure pleasure.

She eyed me before stating, "You're supposed to take a wife," she paused as my eye narrowed one her, "I thought, maybe it could be..."

"It could, be you?" I finished her sentence, standing to my feet and placing both hands on my desk. "That my dear will never happen."

"Why couldn't it?" She appeared hurt, taking a step back when I pushed away from the desk, rounding the edge and stalking toward her. Her back met the wall, my hand planted firmly next to the right side of her face, her eyes gazing up into mine.

I sighed and then breathed out, "Because, you are my fuck buddy. Nothing more, nothing less." She just glared up at me, but she already knew this truth, just hoping there might be something more for her in the future. I snapped my fingers in front of her spaced-out face and asked, "Get the picture?"

"Clearly," she huffed and pulled out and away from me, reaching down for her coat and slipping it on over her provocative outfit.

"Try not to act so desperate," I tossed the comment over my shoulder as she left the room, "You'll end up with every demon wanting a piece of the same time."

Natasha snarled at me before leaving my office, slamming the door behind her. I quickly locked it and glanced back toward my chair.

If I'm supposed to have a wife...then it's my choice who I want...whether they like it or not. Adrasteia's face flashed through my mind and I grinned, maybe a vampire would make a better match for me then these desperate succubi. Plus, I wonder what the rebels will think of a vampire coming back to the Dominion Plan. This should prove very entertaining.

Maybe I won't even have to force her...Adrasteia stays because she has to with that pathetic excuse for a beloved.

I picture her coven, the room in which she and Landon resided within, closing my eyes and exhaling slowly. In the next moment when I snapped them open, I was once again, standing in the corner of the candlelight. The room was slightly different, Landon hovering above another beneath of him, her moans filling the space.

"Yes, Landon, please...oh please!" She cried out, but it wasn't the voice of Adrasteia. Narrowing my eyes and moving toward the bedroom door, I caught a glimpse of the pureblood commander, Cleo. Anger flared within me, the thought of this asshole cheating on his beloved was beyond me, wishing mine I lived long enough so that I could cherish her.

Yea, no thank you.

Moving through the walls, I continued to search for Adrasteia, but she was nowhere to be found. It was nighttime, so she very well could be out protecting her coven from the werewolves that had encroached upon the area.

I'd searched for another half hour, sure that she had to no longer be within these walls, coming to stand near the entrance to her coven. Noticing Landon and Cleo emerging from the top landing of the marble staircase, all the eyes of the vampires shot straight to them.

"I have two announcements," Landon spoke, his eyes casting out across the coven, "We are going to attack the werewolves with Cleo's plan, wolfsbane smoke bombs. With this, hopefully, it will poison the air and destroy their lungs, allowing for us to sweep in and deliver the killing blows."

Bunch of sheep...

They clapped for him and Cleo, but I rolled my eyes. If the werewolves were getting this close, who knew exactly where their pack was? They could be miles away and slowly making their way closer to this coven to destroy it. Not smart at least Adrasteia keeps them at bay, the reason they developed that silver capsule in hopes of taking out their one incredible assassin.

"Second," Landon resumed, eyeing Cleo and a blush rose in her cheeks. "I've bonded with my beloved, claiming my her as my own."

There were funny looks, and one asked, "Where's Adrasteia? Surely she'd want to be here for you to announce it's taken quite a while for the two of you to bond."

"Ryland," Cleo sighed and shook her head, "It's-"

The commander was cut off, her scream filling the room. In her pain, she rolled forward and onto the stairs, reaching out and grabbing the banister. Revealing the blood coming from the open wound on her back, Adrasteia had flown, landing in the middle of the stairs as she glared up at Cleo.

The vampire, Ryland, who had spoken, rushed near the bottom of the stairs, Adrasteia raising her fist and growling with such ferocity at her coven leader and commander.

Landon wasn't just cheating...

It took me a second to put two and two together...he'd opted for the pureblood commander, his mark still faints on the side of her neck, barely hidden with her white hair.

"Adrasteia," Landon's voice was commanding, forcing her to look at him, Cleo's wound healing very fast as compared to other vampires. "Don-"

"I waited for you," Adrasteia spat at Landon, "I put my own needs aside to make sure you were never seen as weak. Choosing her!" She pointed at Cleo, a rippled of gasps coming from the throng above and below the stairs. "You were so afraid that I would break you emotionally...because you would never know if I was really dead or just using my gift to protect this damn coven!"

Cleo was silent, a couple of disdained looks coming from the female vampires, where the males appeared to be relieved that Landon had his beloved. If that were Adrasteia or Cleo, it didn't matter to them, he had another half, making him that much stronger.

"Yes, yes I did," Landon stated.

"You don't give a you?" Adrasteia hissed at him, her own heart having been ripped from her body long before this moment in time.

Looking to Cleo, Landon sighed and replied, "Not really. You may be strong, but would make me weak, just like you said yourself, I'd never know if you were alive or dead."

"You'll know whether she is or not," Adrasteia spat the words through her clenched teeth, moving at such a high speed and punching Cleo in the face, knocking her over the banister. Cleo flipped onto her feet and brought her hand up to her lip, drawing it away and revealing blood.

Landon lunged for Adrasteia, but she was faster, leaping down from the stairs and waiting as Cleo tried to punch her back. Adrasteia dropped to her knees and kicked out the pureblood's legs, taking her fist and slamming it square into her jaw. Her other hand dove down toward her chest, ready to rip that repulsive beating heart out, but was suddenly stopped.

The vampires cleared the hallway, Landon having grabbed the back of Adrasteia's trench coat and throwing her against the wall. Freed, Cleo shakily stood to her feet, clearly showing she'd never actually fought a vampire assassin in training.

After her head ricocheted against the wall, Landon punched Adrasteia's in the stomach. She cried out in pain...not just physical, but emotional as well. She quickly threw a curved punch and it connected with his cheekbone, hearing bones shatter. Bringing her leg to the side, she kicked him in the ribs with her shin, her eyes pooling with crimson red, her fangs bared as she hissed at him.

Lifting his head, his black rose eyes locked onto her form, his own fangs having elongated and showed just how deadly he could be. He rushed her, using strength only that which a pureblood possessed. Her back collided hard with the wall again, this time, he punched her multiple times in the stomach, blood trickling from the corner of her mouth.

Adrasteia tried to punch him again, but he backhanded her faster, her head snapping to the side. He forcefully took her wrists into one of his hands, pulling her from the wall and flipping her over his shoulder, laying her out on the hard marble floor. She screamed, coughing up blood when he kicked her in the ribs.

Even in her pain, I saw her trying to dematerialize, but Cleo quickly had brought a needle down into the side of her neck, injecting her with what I could only assume was undiluted liquid silver. Her one defense was stripped away from her, the weakness brought on by the properties it possessed, she was barely stronger than a human.

Which...made me even angrier when Landon continued to beat her with the same force he had been using. Her eyes had slid shut long before he would stop, throwing her against the wall and hearing her cry out softly. Landon took hold of her neck, squeezing his hand around it and choking her. Adrasteia's eyes fluttered open, the clear blue orbs were so broken. She gasped out, begging to either end her misery or kill her, her eyes sliding shut once again as her arms fell to her sides in defeat. She'd rather take death, knowing that no one cared for her in this world.

In this world, maybe...but not in mine.

Fazing onto Earth and taking on my corporeal form, the energy I emitted had the vampire's attention turned toward me, Cleo gasping in horror. My leathery bat-like wings extended from the center of my back, my two upper sets of fangs and the lower one extending in length, my thick tail thrashing viciously from side to side.

Landon turned to me, his black rose eyes meeting with my electric blue ones as I growled lowly. Startled, the vampires held their ground, not quite understanding what they were seeing.

Taking a step forward, Landon released Adrasteia's neck, respiring a breath before falling to the floor in a broken heap. Pulling my wings back, I beat them hard and fast, the force of the air throwing every vampire in the hallway back, knocking them off guard.

Taking the few steps toward the fallen vampire assassin, I knelt and lifted her into my arms. Landon growled at me, "She's mine!"

"No, she's no longer yours. You relinquished your claim on Adrasteia the moment you bonded with another," I chuckled darkly and nodded at Cleo, "But she is yours. Enjoy."

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

To Seduce a Vampire by K. A. Young.

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