Book 7⌇1. Adventure Awaits!

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Chapter 1 ∣  Adventure Awaits!

"Be careful who you trust,

even the Devil was once an angel."


•° •° •° •° •° •

Picture: Harlan



Psh, like she thinks I'm going to respond to her speaking to me in that tone. Eh, we all know I'm going to have to anyways, after all, I'll always love my queen to bits!

I'd been hiding for the past few hours, away from their eyes. It was always such a delight to see Keegan and Adrasteia happy, my incubus king and vampire queen of the Dominion Plane, one of the many circles of Hell. It was something beyond lust and attraction that they had, something along the lines of true love. Once their son Scáth was born, he was the light of their lives, a strong bond between the three of them growing day by day.

I aided in training Scáth as he grew, but now the prince was no longer a mere child, but a teenager on the edge of young adulthood. His personality is interlinked between his mother and father, a very adventurous and spirited youth.

Ever since Adrasteia was pregnant with Scáth, I'd admitted my wanderlust of wanting to find exactly what Keegan and she have. The only problem, I hardly believe love exists in my world.

You know everything was going just perfect...well...aside from the one incident with...well, let's not going into that just yet. But! Whether it was Adrasteia believing I was depressed or slightly off, she brought it upon herself to inform Keegan of exactly what my heart yearned for. Because that's exactly what I asked for...

I am his commander.

I will not leave his side...

...unless he asks me to. Even then...I'd rather not search for something that isn't out there for me.

"Found you," her voice came from behind me when I decided to sneak a glance around a pillar in the palace. I whipped around and met her narrowed crystal blue eyes, her arms folded just under her very large...breasts...

"Yea, eyes up here," she grabbed my chin and I smirked at her. How could I help it when she had recently taken a liking to wear very low cut dresses, her light brown hair framing her flawless features. It was a nice change from her brutal and deadly assassin appearance, but, that was the fire that we all adored and the look she was giving me right now made me chuckle.

I sighed, "Oh come now, why are you following me?"

"I didn't initiate this game of hide and seek," she poked her finger against my chest and stated, "you did. I'm just better at seeking than you are at hiding."

She doesn't want to play my version of hide and seek.

Grinning at the thought, I said, "What is i-"

"Keegan is expecting you and you're hiding away like a child that doesn't want to get caught. I've had about enough games right now, Scáth almost couldn't faze back from Earth and...gah, I'm not mommying you, one child is all I can handle..." her voice trailed off, frustration crossing her face. She really wasn't in the mood to play these time old games, so I decided to give in to her demands.

"Fine, lead me to the big man," I rolled my eyes as Adrasteia turned on her heels, the black fabric of her dress hugging her exquisite curves.

Keegan's a lucky man...

Setting my thoughts aside, it wasn't long before we both entered into the throne room. Keegan was speaking to a couple of lesser demons that were having issues with something...hardly any concern of mine. After about five minutes, the demons left, leaving Keegan, Adrasteia, and myself in silence.

"Harlan," Keegan began, my eyes darting to Adrasteia's as he stated, "she tells me you wish to seek out your mate...considering you've never been able to find them on this plane of existence. You've always served me loyally, and as a friend, I want what's best for you and if it truly is happiness that you seek, I'm relieving you of your duties."

"What?!" I snapped, growling lowly, "It's none of her business..."

Keegan stood to his feet, his gray eyes holding my own purple ones, standing my ground as he neared me. Stopping a few feet away he sighed, "We both care, please don't be angry with her."

"I could never be angry at her," I shot her a look before returning my attention to Keegan, his eyes had followed mine. "Look, I'll admit, yes there was a time when I wanted to find my mate and yes, after all this time living in this world, I now know, that they do not live here as well."

"Earth is a good place to start," Adrasteia had walked to Keegan's side while he wrapped an arm around her lower back, "After all, that's where I found mine." She slapped his shoulder and teased him, but her eyes held a different story, the one filled with love and adoration for him. I'd give anything to have someone look at me like that...I don't even think that an individual exists or that I could ever possibly return the favor.

"Fine, if you want me gone you could have just said so," I spun on my heels, striding away from the two of them.

Keegan's words made me stop in my tracks though, "I wish you'd always be around to protect everything I hold dear, but I know you need to find lo-"

"Don't say that word," I interrupted him. With how I am, there is no way I'd ever be able to truly love someone. When I paused to turn around, I recovered and said, "I'll leave..."

"It's not goodbye," Adrasteia smiled warmly, the tips of her fangs peeking between her lips, "it's see you later."

She always did know how to lighten my mood. I returned her smile, feeling the connection to that of Earth's energy, my eyes sliding closed shut for a moment. When I reopened my eyelids, I chuckled and saluted, "Later."

In the next moment, I found myself standing on the outskirts of a town. I'd visited this town often when I needed to take energy, tending to sleep with many women and men in a single night if I was up to the challenge and my cravings would not be satisfied. Hell, I'd even fuck two sisters at the same time if the opportunity presented itself.

Perks of having a tail.

The city of Leland, California. A beautiful town filled with so many that I'd be staying for a while. Not sure how long, considering this world is such a vast space of billions of individuals. Hopefully standing among the large crowd would be the one drawn to me as I to them.

That's a lot to hope for...let's not shoot for the stars just yet.

If I am going to be staying here for a while, I might as well find myself a nice hotel to stay at. It was daylight and the perfect opportunity to secure my living space before nightfall. The sun warmed my skin and a gentle autumn breeze blew through my black hair. The hustle and bustle of the city was the only distraction that kept me from being trapped within my thoughts.

Sighing, I shoved my hands into my pockets and began my walk down the concrete sidewalk.

Let's step on all the many backs can we break?

Ha, more than you can even handle.

The wave of energy pulsated through my body, the connection to my inner demon strong. We were almost as though one being, slipping in and out of control and handing it off at the precise moments when it was called for. He was making a rather comedic point about the rhyme as I walked down the sidewalk, glancing around at the vacancy signs nearest to me.

As cars flew past me, the air shifted as well, my eyes falling on a rather small-sized hotel. Larger places would be harder to sneak in and out of, all I needed to do was seduce the counter staff once and a room would be mine for as long as I liked...might even invite them up if I get bored.

Think we can save our self for one person?

Nope. Not a chance. Sadly, I think this is just a waste of time. Different people, different experiences, we'll get bored with just one.

The war between the vampires and werewolves had ended.

It appeared that some type of peace had returned, but I could feel the disdain rolling of the skin of the humans, their lives still worth nothing in comparison. Demons living on Earth, that was never supposed to happen, it disrupted the very balance our worlds, each plane of existence feeling the consequences.

Deep in thought and taking in the auras around me, I hardly noticed the busy crowd of people walking down the sidewalk opposite of me, when I knocked shoulders with another individual. This, in turn, caused me to hit into another person, everyone bumping into each other while trying to stay out of the busy streets.

Growling, my arm darted out, snatching the upper arm of the person who had initiated this domino effect, his red hair cut short, his blue eyes snapping in my direction. We held each other's gaze, his hand reaching up and grabbing onto mine before trying to pry himself free.

"Watch where you're going!" I snapped at him.

The man shrugged me off as I let him go, returning, "Dude, what the fuck's your problem? It's always busy here. Go live in a bubble if you don't want to be touched, seriously..." his voice trailed off, adjusting the shoulder strap of his forest green messenger bag.

"You wouldn't be saying that if I was the one who knocked into you and you just happened to find your ass sitting in the street before being plowed over by a car," I watched as he glared at me, finding nothing humorous in my statement.

"Whatever, I don't really have time to be arguing with a self-absorbed dick," the man turned away from me, ready to be on his way like nothing had happened.

Sighing and my muscles relaxing, I just let it go. My neck turning and my eyes lifting to see the hotel was only a block away now. As I took one step away from the man, I felt something sear through me, an eerie chill spreading under my skin and causing the hairs to stand on end. When I let it flood my body, it was soon replaced with warmth and then it died away completely.

Furrowing my brows, I glanced over my shoulder, the back of his red hair fading away in the distance as the crowd of people consumed him.


There was nothing special about him. An ordinary human frustrated with life. Who isn't? I'd be upset if I had a fixed amount of time to live, thankfully, being immortal is apart of who I am.

Continuing my lovely walk, the sun now growing warmer as mid-day approached, I found myself pushing open the overly decorative glass doors with cherry wood trim into the hotel. The lobby was saying, 'we're trying too hard, please stay.' My eyes roaming the high ceilings and then falling on the right wall where a rather intriguingly beautiful individual sat behind a counter.

I instantly caught her curious brown eyes looking me up and down, until mine found hers and she cast them away. Looking down at something behind the counter, I saw redness rise in her cheeks.

Awe, how cute you are love...

Smirking, I made my way over to the counter, the desk guarded behind the gray granite wall. Only when I cleared my throat, did she dare slowly raise her chin for her eyes to meet with mine.

...and shy...I wonder if you're secretly a freak in bed.

"Hello, welcome to the Ivory Seasons Hotel. How can I be of assistance?" Her quiet voice cracked as it rose, her shyness continuing to bring out the predator within me. The golden name tag pinned just under her collarbone read:


"Yes...I believe you could be of assistance," I sought out of the corner of my eyes any other individuals in the lobby. There was a couple walking directly behind me, laughing about something as they left through the glass doors, leaving the lobby quiet once again. Indraja furrowed her brows, trying to understand the true meaning behind my words.

It was cute how she was so naive.

"Sir?" She asked in confusion.

"I require a room love," I winked at her, watching the color rise in her cheeks again. Her eyes fell back down to the desktop. Crossing my arms against the top of the counter, I leaned in and over a bit, noticing a computer she was tapping away on, seeing if there truly were any vacant rooms available. Either that or avoiding me.

Yea, avoiding me.

Don't think I can't smell that sweet arousal growing between those thighs you have clenched so tightly together under that skirt.

When she looked back up at me, she asked, "How long will you be staying with us?"

"Indefinitely," was my only response.

"And, how will you be paying for your room?" Indraja asked, reaching to her left and taking a card key, swiping the edge through a machine.

No other energy radiated from this lobby, it was still just the two of us. Leaning a little further against the countertop, I motioned for her to come closer. Still a little confused, she stood from her chair, her hands pressed against the desk as she leaned closer.

I cupped the side of her cheek with my hand, her muscles tensing and then relaxing under my touch. Her body shuddered, her eyes blinking rapidly for a few seconds before her eyes locked with mine. Bringing my lips close to hers, her breath caught in her throat my seduction having barely been fought against. In fact, she was all too willing to fall, her eyes looking from mine and then glancing down at my lips.

Naughty girl.

Bringing my lips down against hers, the beat of her heart increased, her breathing exhaling suddenly. Her lips parted ever so slightly, allowing for my tongue to slip in and control her, tasting everything I could. My eyes had shifted to their electric blue and with it, breaking our kiss and taking just the smallest amount of energy, the whitish-blue wisps leaving her body and flowing into mine.

When her eyes blinked open, my irises had already reverted back to their unique purple color. Indraja's eyes were hooded, her breathing uneven as she rested back and placed the card key on the top counter of the desk.

"Enjoy your stay," her breathy response had me grinning.

Snatching up the card key I replied, "Oh, I plan to."

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

To Seduce an Angel by K. A. Young.

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