Book 7⌇11. Let's Play House

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Chapter 11 ∣  Let's Play House


It just doesn't make any sense for the hunters to have come after Icarus...unless they're aligned with the vampires and someone from that coven caught wind of what he was researching. I've only seen maybe one or two in passing and on previous assignments, but this was shocking when they went after him.

Now, it was time to do something I've never done before...communicate with my varið. Icarus stood right alongside Ayanna, his eyes searching mine with questions and only some of those questions did I hold the answers to. The others...we'd have to figure them out together. At least if he was able to accept my explanation and existence, the reasoning behind why I protected him with my life, maybe we could all work and figure this out together.

"Icarus," I began and sighed with hesitation. This was new to me, speaking to the mortals I protected. Even back in the alley when Harlan had attempted to make an advancement on him, I made myself known and that shouldn't have happened. Taking it from the beginning I said, "My name is Isis and I'm a guardian angel and more specifically, your guardian angel. I was assigned to protect you from dangers that would threaten your very existence."

I wasn't sure if I should elaborate further on that point, but that decision was no longer mine when he asked, "Why me?"

"The research you are doing," I guess I couldn't avoid delving deeper into that topic, "It would either kill the vampires of this world...or..." my gaze shifted and I hadn't noticed until now that Harlan was also staring at me, his arms crossed in front of his chest. He must know what I'm talking about...he would have known from residing on the other plane.

"...or?" Icarus pressed even further.

Before I could say anything else, Harlan stepped in for me and noted, "If something doesn't want to die, it runs and tries to find a safe place. Unfortunately for them, there is no safe place. Their choices would either be to die here on Earth or escape back to the Dominion Plane in Hell and face judgment for escaping, to begin with."

I really couldn't have said it better myself, however, I did add, "Vampires seem powerful in this world like nothing can take them down aside from the hunters which they inadvertently created and maybe a few powerful werewolves, but that's only because they're stronger than others. In Hell, they are hardly above the status of a slave. There are much stronger demons that reside in their plane of existence, so it's no surprise they ran and escaped their destined fate. I can't blame them for wanting to be free, but to invade and plague this world by destroying innocent can't continue and it shouldn't have gone on for as long as it did," I paused, Harlan, not having objected once to what was being proposed.

I then let out a brief sigh of relief, "but that's where your research can make an impact in this world for can help save the lives of many. True, vampires are not as ruthless as they once were toward mortals...but every creature really is animalistic at heart and it would take for just the right circumstances for this world to fall back into chaos."

"Look at you fluffy wings," Harlan's voice held admiration in it, something I wasn't quite used to now. However...fluffy wings was now slowly becoming a term of endearment and I realized he wasn't trying to make fun of me. Inwardly, I smiled at the way he was genuinely trying and by saving Icarus and Ayanna, it really did put into perspective that he's serious in winning my heart. It was a strange feeling, but I was growing to like it.

Icarus eyed me and then his gaze landed on Harlan as he accused, "He's a demon...why aren't you sending him back to Hell?"

"Uhm," I was at a loss for words. Honestly, even when I tried to explain it in my head, it just wouldn't come out right because even I didn't fully understand why I just didn't call for the sentinel angels to assist me.

Wait, yes, I do...

I guiltily turned my face away, knowing that if I didn't believe that some part of what Harlan was saying about being his mate was true, then I would have called for the angels. So...there was truth in his words, I just didn't want to accept it.

Harlan chuckled and stated, "Oh I'm a one of a kind demon you'll never forget and I'm not here to hurt you are anything-"

"Then why did you try to claim I was your 'mate'?" He snapped, his anger surfacing at the incident back at the alley. True, it didn't look too good for Harlan, but as I've started to realize, he's very good at talking his way out of trouble.

"As Isis was watching over you and so close...I couldn't feel her exact presence, and it was projected through you apologizes for wanting to fuck you...but...I Maybe?" Harlan was conflicted and my face became quite red very fast.

I cleared my throat and stated, "Anyways, apparently I'm his 'mate' and we'll see how that actually pans out for him, considering that's impossible."

"Not impossible," Harlan scoffed, "you were getting all hot and heavy with me and enjoying every second of it a-"

"Eww, eww, eww," Ayanna clapped her hands over her ears. When she thought it was safe for her to listen once again, Ayanna lowered her hands and sighed before mumbling to Icarus, "See...I should have summoned th-"

Harlan interjected, "No love, that's where you're wrong," his eyes flashed and Ayanna turned her gaze to him from Icarus, "if you'd summoned a demon, you would have opened yet another gateway to allow more uncontrollable ones to slip right through into this world. Do you want to protect this world from evil? Don't meddle with it then."

Well then...

My eyes shifted from Icarus to catch Harlan out of the corner of my eye. He was trying to help me and by the way, Ayanna's features changed at his words, he made an impact on her. His final words to her were, "Be a good little witch like you have been, stay away from straying down a very dark path."

Icarus sighed, "So what now?"

"It's like you have your very own set of supernatural parents!" Harlan exclaimed and then turned to me and motioned, "Isis will be the mommy and I'll be the daddy. Now you kids better not get in trouble and do make sure to go to bed early and give us some alone time."

"Icarus," Ayanna shifted uncomfortably, "I think it might be best if I head home then...we'll talk tomorrow, ya?"

The look on Icarus' face was filled with irritation and it was more directed to Harlan then me. When he did breathe out, he said, "Alright, be safe Ayanna."

"Where is his home, fluffy wings?" Harlan furrowed his brows at me, and Icarus immediately shot me a very weirded-out look.

" do you know..." his words trailed off as he must have realized exactly what a guardian angel did. I did feel bad at that moment because he was about to learn exactly how much I watch over him.

I shook my head and said gently, "Icarus, because I am your guardian angel, I watch you every day and night an-"

"Wait, wait..." he held up his hands and stopped me, Harlan's grin on his face slowly growing bigger as he figured I was about to end up digging my own grave, "You watch me ALL the time?! Like in the fucking bathroom? Or i-"

I hushed him before he got too riled up, "Icarus, shh, please. No, I don't watch you while you...just trust me, I have and always will give you your privacy."

He eyed me suspiciously and when he wasn't convinced, I added, "I don't lie. I give you your privacy my varið."

"What is that?" He quickly cut in.

"A term used to describe the one a guardian angel protects," I answered him right away. "I'm sorry, it's just a part of my language and I interchange it with your name...I apologize if you don't like it."

Ayanna had already slipped away during our conversation and it was Harlan that tapped me on the shoulder and asked, "Is she really safe by herself?"

I followed his gaze and nodded, "The hunters were after Icarus."

"So...let me get this straight," Icarus brought my attention back to him at his sudden words, "you were always there, just hiding?"

"Yes," I reply.

He then ran his hand through his hair before rubbing his forehead, "Alright...well you already know I have a two-bedroom apartment. So, since you have to follow and watch over can stay with me properly instead of being an eerie shadow I can't see."

Oh...that's actually very sweet of him.

A warm smile played on my lips before I said, "Of course, whatever makes you feel more at ease-"

"And what about me?" Harlan interjected and we both glanced at the very hurt looking, incubus. He pouted, "I'm fun to have as a house guest, not to mention I can't really go back now to the hotel since that whole incident..."

"Fuck no!" Icarus barked at him and narrowed his eyes, "you already wanted to get into my pants in the alley and I sure as hell ain't letting you sleepover."

Harlan shrugged his shoulders, "Oh, that's quite alright, I would prefer Isis' company anyways."

"No!" He reiterated.

"Come know," Harlan's sly smirk reappeared, and I knew this couldn't be good. He was already formulating some type of plan and I'm pretty sure it involves blackmailing now. He continued, "It was your fault I can't go back to the hotel are responsible for me know!"

"Get another hotel," Icarus folded his arms.

"Nope," Harlan chuckled.

Icarus grumbled and mumbled something under his breath that neither of us quite caught, but when I did take in another deep breath, he said, "Fine...but no other demons, angels, fucking leprechauns okay!?"

Harlan clapped his hands together and smiled, "Splendid! Now, which way?"

Icarus shook his head and that's when I asked, "Would you like to fly?"

Icarus eyed me curiously and he asked, "Are you allowed to give free lifts?"

"Oh my varið, I was never really supposed to reveal myself in the first place, but due to these circumstances, I think it would be best to get to know each other and trust better," I wanted to be honest with him now if this was the direction our once straight path was leading us.

"Uhm..." Icarus was indecisive.

"You want fluffy wings to carry you? Or-"

Harlan had started, but Icarus quickly cut him off, saying, "Nope! Don't want you touching me."

"Ah, probably for the best anyways," Harlan chuckled as Icarus took a few steps closer to me, "I might inadvertently seduce you," he winked at my varið before his leathery bat-like wings extended from his back, my own feathery white wings lifting away and catching the air.

I outstretched my arm to Icarus and with one slight hesitation, I took his hand into mine and we left ground beneath of us.

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

To Seduce an Angel by K. A. Young.

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