Book 7⌇14. Don't You Know How To Knock?!

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Chapter 14 ∣  Don't You Know How To Knock?!


His lips were soft and warm, but firm when Harlan captured my own with his. I'd inhaled sharply, my body pressing against his and creating a warmth that spread through my chest, spanning out to the rest of my limbs. My mind wasn't clouded, and I didn't feel any presence within me, so when wetness began to gather between my thighs, I was completely thrown off guard.

Something shattered the walls I'd built up over the years of disconnecting myself from everyone around me, my only focus on whatever assignment I was placed on.

One of Harlan's hands cupped the side of my cheek softly, my exhale much more forced than I wanted it to be, realizing that I'd stopped breathing altogether under his touch. While my heart returned to a steady rhythm, just louder, I allowed my eyelids to flutter shut, his tongue slowly running along my bottom lip.

That steady rhythm my heart attained wasn't held for long, the erratic skip of a beat the second his teeth nipped at my lower lip caused me to flinch slightly. He drew my lip between his teeth and sucked it into his mouth, a foreign moan escaping me as I breathed out. He continued kissing me, his footsteps causing me to take my own backward and knock into the side of the bed.

When his hands left my cheek and from around my waist, I gasped when he slid them down my back, over my butt and gripped the back of my thighs through my clothing. He took that moment to dart his tongue in between my lips, finding my own and coaxing it to dance with his.

This was so different than anything I'd ever experienced, something I didn't want to let go and easily forget like any experience that deviated me from my path.

I was always able to find my way back, but all I wanted to do was get lost in Harlan...

When I began kissing him back, my arms lifted from my sides, my fingers slipping through his dark hair and entwining with the strands. Harlan lifted me from where I stood between him and the bed, laying me down gently against its covered surface while he hovered above me with hardly any effort. His kisses grew much deeper, passion fueling each last one that connected the two of us.

When his lips left mine, they were only to trail kisses down my neck, nipping at my flesh as he went and causing my body to pool with greater desire.

"Harlan..." I moaned quietly, his lips now on my collarbone.

When his eyes lifted to lock with my own, his lips pulled away for a moment as he said, "I don't want anyone else Isis...I've never wanted someone so badly than I do with you right here and now. I didn't mean to hurt you, that wasn't my intention," one of his hands reached up and he brushed the back of his knuckles against my cheek, "I didn't think it was even possible that whatever higher power out there gave me a mate. What have I ever done to deserve someone that might genuinely care about me? Nothing, I've done absolutely nothing to deserve that individual...and then to come and find out it's an angel."

He leaned on both of his elbows, propping himself up and lowering his lips to mine, "Not just an angel, a very beautiful, stunningly brave and courageous guardian angel who has selflessly lived her life for others...while I've only taken."

Harlan paused and his lips claimed mine in a very sweet and tender kiss, my stomach swirling with butterflies while my heart skipped another beat. When he pulled away once again he smiled down at me, "I want you to take me Isis...I want you to accept me into your life, your soul, your whole being before I even think about taking you into mine."

"Are you just trying to sweetly seduce me?" I asked uneasily, my body heated and Harlan's touch seemingly being the only source to soothe the ache I had for him to do much more to much more.

A smirk played on his lips as I suddenly felt something invade my being, creeping up from the bottom of my spine to the base of my skull. A deep and thick fog coursed through my mind and my muscles slightly relaxed as I breathed out very carefully. Harlan chuckled, his lips near my ear, "Now I am love."

One of his hands skated down my chest, over my stomach, and to my thigh, his fingertips tracing the areas of skin that weren't covered by my clothing. He murmured, "'re so perfect."

I felt him hard, restrained by the fabric of his pants while he leaned against me. It must be taking everything within him to control his primal urges and desires. My head tilted back, my vision just barely becoming hazy as one of his hands crept up slowly from my thigh, feeling him touch me through my clothing. A moan left my lips and my hips lifted just slightly to meet his touch and encourage him to continue.

A bit my lower lip, trying to contain the moans that wanted to surface desperately. I felt his warm breath at my ear again and he whispered, "Would you like me to stop seducing you?"

I shook my head no, wanting him to continue to keep me in this state of pure bliss, becoming intoxicated for the complete and utter pleasure he was allowing my body to pulsate with. If it stopped...I'm not sure if I'd stop him in my right mind, and I didn't want that. I really wanted to allow this to happen...

"Isis..." his voice trailed off, a pleasurable shivering running down my spine as he stated, "Though what you are feeling is only partially due to seduction, know that I mean everything...everything I do comes from a place of love and not lust...but what you may think and feel, isn't entirely one or the other. It's something you'll have to work out for yourself once I release my hold on you love."

Harlan's eyes met with mine and I nodded before shakily replying, "I-I understand."

Without another word, his lips were on mine again. The hand he'd been rubbing me through the fabric of my clothes, quickly slipped past my underwear. One of his fingers slid into me, my breathing becoming uneven and my moans surfacing when his lips found my collarbone again. He moved his finger in and out, a steady rhythm forming, which caused my hips to gently begin to meet each of his thrusts.

A pressure built within me, ready to consume me at any second, my nails scraping the back of his neck as I held onto him tighter.

Just when I thought my body was about to release, the door to the bedroom slammed open. Harlan's finger left me while my eyes widened as my head was still tilted back, Harlan lifting his gaze to Icarus standing in the open-door frame. His eyes searched the room, a very frantic look on his face, but all Harlan could do was grab a boot from his foot and throw it at Icarus while yelling, "Get the serious fuck out!"

Icarus' reaction time was horrendous, the boot hitting him square in the nose and knocking him back a few feet.

"Icarus!" I exclaimed, Harlan, sighing and rolling his eyes as he lifted away from me. The foggy feeling that once clouded my mind began to dissipate, my senses fully returning to me.

After adjusting myself, I quickly got off the bed and ran to where he was rubbing his nose and grimacing with pain. I asked him, "Are you alright? What's wrong?"

"Cock block..." Harlan seethed with annoyance.

"Asshole," Icarus retorted while he recovered from the boot almost breaking his nose.

"Oh, I'm damn well sure you could hear her moaning, what sane person just walks right int-"

"Stop!" I cut him off, partially it was due to embarrassment. If Icarus really could hear what Harlan was saying, then I was mortified.

I could just hear everyone's hastened breathing, my own still trying to catch itself from Harlan's touches. When it was quiet for a while, I finally asked again, "What's wrong?"

"He was attacking you," Icarus rolled his eyes and pointed at Harlan. Harlan was absolutely livid, but Icarus sighed, "Just need to get to the Augmented Institute."

"Why?" I asked him carefully and cautiously.

Icarus looked me dead in the eyes and announced, "I can develop the active virus. Right now. I know what I was missing."

"And this couldn't have waited until after..." Harlan's nostrils flared, trying to keep the last remaining control he had, but I just shot him a warning look.

"No...because if I'm right, Lilith will want to send out the lures to test it...tonight," Icarus snapped back at Harlan like he knew absolutely nothing. In truth though, he didn't. If Icarus really did manage to create a sustainable virus to be tested against the vampires, I'm sure Lilith very well will send out the lures.

If this is true... assignment is done.

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

To Seduce an Angel by K. A. Young.

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