Book 7⌇21. Face My Fears

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Chapter 21 ∣  Face My Fears


Harlan was right on my heels, following me out into the now chaos ridden streets. He was exclaiming things to me, but I'd blocked him out, my eyes hesitantly glued to the sentinel angels that hovered against the background of the dark sky. I hardly paid any attention to Lilith, her own eyes continually scanning the streets and enjoying the results of Icarus' handy work.


That's my name, and it seems to be ringing around me like a bell chime. I felt hands grasp my shoulders, halting my steps, but I continued to stare off with uncertainty.

"Isis," this time I heard Harlan's voice break through the void barrier I'd thrown up, affected by his tone as his grip on my shoulders altered so that he was now standing in front of me. My eyes lowered slowly to meet his, and I saw his own concern swirling around in those purple depths.

"Are you s-"

I cut him off, "They are only here for me." Maybe there was some part of him that wanted to believe that what Lilith had unleashed was not part of a holy plan, but the sentinel angels made no move to stop the pureblood. This was meant to happen, but I wasn't meant to linger on Earth as I had, to allow a demon to claim and mark me, to have sex with him...

This was not part of the plan.

Or was it? By who's design should I question an inescapable pull?

No one.

Harlan continued to study me, but my eyes fell away from his captivating gaze. I watched as the horror continued to unfold, death and decay not only terrifying those afflicted by it but by human bystanders who were just as confused and held no answers alongside the hunters.

This is true evil, to wipe out an entire species without question.

The vampires have never shown any kindness, just compromise. Isn't that what living among diversity is supposed to be like?

"Isis, please, don't-"

My eyes snapped away from the bloodshed scene and returned to rest on Harlan, my look cutting him right off.

"What if this isn't the end to immortals playing God?" I questioned him and he just returned my question with a confused look.

"What are you talking about?" He finally spoke up and I sighed in return and glanced up and over my shoulder to the apartment window in which Icarus sat behind. His own fear was reflected and even he seemed to be guilty and remorseful for the weapon he had created.

None of this is right, it's not the work of angels, but that of demons disguised behind celestial beings. We don't question but follow...this is what happens when taken to the fullest extent.

Still looking up at Icarus, I replied to Harlan, "What if it's decided that humans are no longer fit to live on this Earth? I don't want to be associated with anything like this...but I will protect Icarus' safety," I looked toward the demon hybrid Lilith and stated, "what's to say she won't destroy what is left of the humans once her focus is no longer on that of the vampire race? I won't allow that to happen-"

"She's too powerful Isis," Harlan abruptly halted me, "she's a very old hybrid and possibly incredibly dangerous to the extent that she may very well be able to kill you with little effort. You're not her focus, don't put yourself in that position...please."

"You're right," I smiled at him and he furrowed his brows. I lifted my chin to the skies and noticed Thaddeus still searching, "I have to take care of something else first."

Before Harlan could say another word, my wings had expanded out behind me and I pushed off the ground with such force it took him off guard. I could still hear him calling out my name as I ascended into the sky. Higher and higher I climbed until I was within but a few yards of the sentinel angels.

Fear tugged at my heartstrings, the unknown making it beat exponentially faster. I wanted to just go back, but that's not within my protect those who would otherwise cease to exist...the innocent.

"Isis..." Thaddeus' voice was a mixture of emotions that I couldn't decipher. His eyes roamed me, resting only when they fell on my exposed shoulder and he stated, "Is this why you didn't return? Did a demon bite and almost kill you?"

"Thaddeus, it isn't just that, I-"

He shook his head, "Did you think you wouldn't be accepted back after being almost killed? Isis, it's not your fault...everything will be forgiven-"

"Stop," I narrowed my eyes on him, his own wings holding him steady in the air. I breathed out, "It was my choice. I have a mate...a demon and I allowed him to claim me as his own."

Thaddeus' expression slowly began to shift to one of complete shock. He gazed at me like I was completely mental, that these words couldn't possibly belong to me. When he did speak, it was condescending, "Isis, you don't have a mate. Angels don't mate for life; they are assigned Links. You have obviously been seduced by this demon and after hearing those words, I assume it's an incubus that has tried to sway you from your path. Those filthy sex demons can't's called lust and you got caught up in his deceit."

I glared at Thaddeus, the way he spoke about Harlan angered me further as I snapped, "Don't you say another hateful's not lust, it's love."

Thaddeus sighed in irritation and noted, "You are my Link-"

"I'm his mate," I cut him off, "just because you don't like how this played out doesn't mean you have any right to berate me for my choices and belittle the one who was selected for me by fate."

"There is no fate, only His holy work which," Thaddeus had this angry glint in his eyes now, beating his wings as he sailed toward me. He grabbed the back of my neck as his fingers fought through the strands of my hair and pulled me closer so that our noses were almost touching. I tried to pull back and away, but he held me firm as he finished, "you have decided to stray away on your own accord..."

My hands pushed hard against his chest while I yelled, "Let me go!"

"No Isis," Thaddeus' grip tightened further and pain started to pierce down my spine as one of my hands attempted to grab the back of his, "you will be judged before His divine glory for your actions."

A scream left my lips when I felt his wings beat against the air as I tried to pull mine back in the opposite direction. An amused look crossed Thaddeus' face as he halted his ascent, his hold ready to almost snap my neck. He glanced off and down, noting, "Well isn't that interesting. This must be your beloved incubus coming to rescue you from what you should willingly face on your own."


When I said nothing, Thaddeus stated, "Maybe if he dies, you'll finally see the light."

Suddenly, his hold was relinquished, and I felt the air in front of me shift as he descended toward the Earth's surface. My eyes glimpsed below me Harlan's full demonic form soaring up with hate reflecting in his eyes...heading straight for where I was. The only problem now, Thaddeus was flying down to meet him head-on and I had absolutely no idea how this would play out.

"Harlan no!" As much as he wanted to protect me from the decisions I'd made, Thaddeus was right. I had to face the consequences of my actions...and I didn't want Harlan getting hurt or even killed for standing in a sentinel angel's way.

"Fluffy wings..." his voice carried out as the two clashed with one another, lightning striking in the distance and lighting up the dark sky briefly right before a roll of thunder sounded.

Harlan's tail coiled around Thaddeus' leg, trying to overpower him and throw him off, but my heart skipped a beat when Thaddeus managed to grapple Harlan with one hand and grasp the hilt of his celestial blade with the other. He drew the blade from its sheath and prepared to take a swing at Harlan, but on his demonic wings, he drew back and away out of reach of Thaddeus' swing.

I just...I can't...

The sentinel angel Eroth floated near in the sky, his eyes locked on me and moved toward me the second I even floated an inch too low. I couldn't do anything but watch as Harlan managed to almost choke Thaddeus...but in a split second everything changed when the blade connected with Harlan's shoulder.

The weapon drew blood, Harlan pulling back and faltering his grip as he clutched at his wound. It caused his skin around the wound to blister and ebb away, not allowing him to heal and causing further damage. In his confusion, Harlan yelled, "Fuck!" Thaddeus took another swing and the blade drew threw his clothes and diagonally across his chest. Bloodstained his ripped clothing as my hands clasped over my mouth, suppressing a scream while I gazed on in disbelief...but I knew this would happen if Harlan tried to step in and challenge Thaddeus.

"I'll send you back to Hell in pieces!" Thaddeus' voice thundered with the next wave after the lightning flashed across the sky once again.

"Shit..." Eroth's voice caught my attention as his gaze peeled away from me and landed on a reaper looming lower down the sky level, the eyes piercing up toward what was taking place.

Is there a soul he needs to ferry? But there was no sentinel angel insight that was guiding one to Heaven...

Eroth was still off put and I was no longer under his scrutinized gaze as he flew off toward the direction of the chaos below, coming just a bit closer to Lilith and away from the reaper.

Is it Lilith? She must have a soul if she's a someone going to stop her?

I took another sweeping glance and saw no one attempting to climb the building atop which she stood. Her gaze had drifted upward to momentarily take a small interest into the fight taking place, but her interest had dwindled, and she returned to admiring the death running rampant in the streets.

"I don't care what you do to me you fucking piece of shit...but you won't hurt Isis," my eyes fell back to Harlan glaring at Thaddeus, his breathing uneven as I knew that blade wouldn't give him a fighting chance to take down Thaddeus. There was just no possible way...

I felt that familiar energy gathering around me, the life force of everything coursing around my being as I realized I still had control of it despite what I'd done. It swirled around, weaving around my hands as I morphed the energy into a solid celestial bow.

I almost dropped it.

It wasn't forged by electric blue energy...instead, a very vivid and wispy purple rested in my hands as I attempted to calm my erratic heartbeat. My eyes roamed over the weapon, inhaling sharply when I pulled back the string and a lighter purplish arrow was nocked and ready to be released.

"I love you, Harlan..." I whispered just under my breath, loosing the arrow and hardly believing my eyes when it pierced through Thaddeus' back, ripping through his heart as the tip came through from the front of his chest.

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

To Seduce an Angel by K. A. Young.

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