Book 7⌇4. Guardian Angel

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Chapter 4 ∣  Guardian Angel


Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse...I mean after discovering that I have a human for a mate...

She shows herself.

I'd never seen an angel before, though I'd heard stories about them. The look on her face though, man, was that priceless. Her deep blue eyes stared at me in disbelief, her long blonde hair framing her perfect angelic features while she faltered the grip, she had on the energy emitting from her hands. It had taken form, pure energy morphed into a bow and one aimed directly at-

Oh shit.

Narrowly stepping to the side as the arrow flew past my chest, she took a determined step forward. What I finally did realize and probably the only reason why she was startled in the first place, is that the human was frozen. Not literally frozen like a block of ice, ha-ha, but as though time stood still.

I'd seen a lot of crazy and weird things...but this...what the hell did I just step into?

"...five-" her voice was almost a whisper.

And why are we counting?

Maybe we should count as well. Counting is fun...count how long it takes for her to-.

"Oh no..." her face dropped, her eyes flickering from mine to the human beside of me. He gasped, clutching the wall behind him and frantically looking between the two of us. His wide eyes said everything, but I wasn't about to let my mate get away that easily, even if an angel was breathing down my neck trying to kill me.

She desperately pleaded with him, "Icarus run!"

The human appeared to be in about as much shock as I was when I initially saw her. He didn't say a word, attempting to run down the opening of the alley. He barely took three steps before I wrapped my tail around his waist and pinned him back against the wall.

"Won't you stay awhile?" I grinned at the human called Icarus, my chuckles causing goosebumps to break out across his skin.

The angel breathed in sharply and gasped. Surprisingly, yes...there was an electric blue arrow now embedded into my chest. The funny part...I didn't feel a thing. My eyes lifted from the arrow, locking with her own and asked, "Was that supposed to tickle?"

"Y-Yo-You sh-should be-"

I cut her off right there, "Love, if you're using energy as your weapon...I'm the last being you want to attack." Well, to be honest, I was sweating bullets the first time considering I hardly knew anything about their tactics. Thankfully, it really was just pure energy. It dissolved, my body transferring the energy from the morphed form and returning it to the natural state. Revitalized from being shot...well, she can shoot me all day then.

"What the hell are you?!" Icarus' hands were on me, trying to pry my tail from around his waist and I just sighed, my attention leaving the speechless angel and traveling over my strong body of my mate. It was strangely still, the pull coming from within should have stopped the moment I contacted him, but it continued to consume me like flames.

Finally, she spoke again, "Icarus..."

I'm tired of her possessiveness of our mate. Let me play with her.

I'd rather not get involved with a holy being if possible.

It's fun to watch something so pure become corrupt.

I agree...but not an angel. We'll find a virgin tonight after this, how about that?

Oh, then it's going to be a rather splendid night...maybe we can involve our mate at the same time.

"Love, he's mine now. I'm sorry to take your boyfriend away, but-"

"What?!" Icarus growled. He narrowed his eyes at me and then glanced to the angel, "I don't even know her. What are you going on about?"

Well...isn't that rather interesting.

She's a guardian angel.

I glanced at Icarus and wondered exactly why she was guarding him...obviously from the oh so terrible evil beings of this world, namely moi, yours truly...but why?

Why him?

Why is he so special?

I hardly saw it coming out of the corner of my eye...the angel's wings angled back and before I knew it, she'd punched me in the face. More mind was conflicted once the pain dulled and something else was replaced. A warmth.

"Yea, I know he went out thi-" a female human with dirty blonde hair and sparkling emerald green eyes abruptly stopped along with her male counterpart beside of her. They were just a few yards behind the angel glaring up at me. "Icarus!" She screamed and they both ran forward. Frantically, the angel recovered and when she went to throw another punch, I caught her fist in my hand.

"What the...what's going on?!" The male yelled, trying to keep his head while keeping up with his female companion.

There was a silence that passed between them, but the female murmured something just under her breath before stating, "Move now! Icarus!"

Something...something is touching my tail...

It was forced away from around Icarus' waist, but it was neither the angel nor myself that caused this. I don't know if it was some type of magic or a trick, but the two humans darted around us, taking Icarus with them as they continued their escape. I could hear their footsteps fading in the distance and the anger inside of me started to boil over. I hadn't expected to find my mate so soon, but to have this encounter was the last annoyance I needed.

I growled, my grip on the angel's fist crushing harder.

I'd finally found him...

Now...this little bitch...

It was hard to ignore the slight pull that came from her skin touching mine. She winced and grabbed at my hand with her free one. I threw her extremely hard and fast against the wall of the alley, a small indent formed from where she'd made contact. She cried out in pain, her body sliding down the surface of the wall. She was disoriented, probably the first time she'd faced a demon...besides killing it off guard with no chance of retaliation.

She picked the wrong fucking fight.

"A-At least he's s-safe," she whispered as I approached her.

"No one is safe from me," I growled back while my tail coiled around the front of her neck, lifting her from the crumpled mess she'd become on the ground. My electric blue eyes stared into her deep blue ones, her breathing coming short as I constricted her airway. "You were the cause of him getting away..." I feel like I'm in denial.


This warmth from her, I can't explain it or how it's starting to take over me. It was strong, stronger than when I was in contact with Icarus.

I wanted to be sure.

She was fighting it though, the moment I tried to seduce her I felt this block reinforce even the farthest corners of her mind. She shook her head, trying to get me out of it and then I finally put two and two together. She'd been the one to prevent my advancement toward Icarus. Whatever her unique abilities were, she'd taken it upon herself to stop me by interfering.

The longer this continued, the more she was falling apart. She was fighting to keep me out, but eventually, there was not much more she could do to divert me from seeing the darkest depths of her mind.

Damn was it beautiful.

I'd never been in the wondrous space of such a pure being. There was no sin, no malice, nothing but a radiant light leading her toward the path she'd been chosen for. She whispered, "Please stop. If you are going to kill me, just do it. I don't want to be a part of whatever it is your filthy mind is concocting."

Instead, I did something that surprised us both for completely different reasons.

My tail uncoiled from entrapping her neck, my lips pressing against hers. I could hear her breath hitch in her throat, a sudden sigh escaped her lips when they parted willingly. A very faint moan that she was unable to suppress became music to my ears as my tongue delved greedily between her parted lips.

What was that you were saying about "not getting involved with holy beings"? Hmmmmm??? Hypocrite...I wanted to play with her, but nooooooooo...

Our lips moved in sync, her kissing me back threw me off guard. When I slowly did pull away, I felt her energy transferring to me, stealing what I could to weaken her further.

I felt it.

My eyes snapped open, cutting off the connection as in the split second that I could touch her soul, I knew it. Something forbidden that should never have been a connection.

The angel gasped at the same time, her eyelids fluttering open. She pushed off the ground, touching the wall behind her before her bare feet landed against my chest. Using me as leverage, she kicked off of me and propelled herself into the air and out of the space between the wall and me. Her white feathery wings caught the air, beating against it as she rose higher and higher.

The stunned expression remained on both of our faces, grasping onto exactly what had happened.

My heart skipped a beat, watching her suddenly dissolve away into thin air.

She's our-


Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

To Seduce an Angel by K. A. Young.

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