Book 7⌇8. Inside Voices

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Chapter 8 ∣  Inside Voices


I can't fucking see her, but she can see me...that's bullshit. I'm calling bullshit! And...I don't even know her name.

I watched alongside fluffy wings from afar. She'd given me no time at all to understand what this place is, aside from the fact that it's an institute hell-bent on riding the world of supernatural creatures. Though, they were far more focused on disposing of the werewolves and vampires than anything else.

Werewolves...yea I can see they aren't totally trying to mass genocide the species, but more of an insurance policy in case they decide to get any big ideas. Always helps to have a weapon in case your enemy unleashes theirs.

"I swear," the human named Whitney started to grumble under his breath at his desk, "If Damon misses another day..."

"What?" That witch arches a brow from her higher-level platform desk area thingy she was working with and leaned against the railing, "You'll do what? You don't even know why he's out."

"Do you?" Whitney swiveled in his chair and shot her an angry glare.

Mortals fighting...oh joy...we must sit here and listen to squabbling to get to-

At least we have some type of arrangement. We're going to use the time to sway her and you better stop fucking it up with your-

I? Me? Did I fuck it up? Psh, fluffy wings is all for it...just push her a little further and-

"Of course, she doesn't," the sound of the woman, Lilith, who is the head of the institute came waltzing through the doors and brought me from my own argument. She turned her gaze to Whitney and sighed, "Mr. Galver is taking a leave of absence due to a family emergency. Please, if you have questions, Mr. Holt, let me know."

Ayanna backed away from the railing, her eyes quickly passing over that bloody human who keeps getting in my way...

The ultimate cock block...

It won't be an issue, she doesn't have any actual feelings for Icarus, just her mission, job, plan, whatever. This is only temporary.

Oh, that's right! Thank you for clarifying that! It appears we only must worry about the hell is that?

"Icarus," Ayanna spoke after Lilith left Whitney to frustratedly look over his papers. Icarus lifted his head and she continued, "Hey, can you help me really quick?"

"Sure thing," the redhead smiled and got up from his chair. After walking up those steps to the witch's lair, he glanced down at everything she had strewn out on the top of her desk. Bottles, instruments, and chemicals were some of the many items she had, her eyes sparking to life when Icarus in took his breath sharply.

Icarus lowered his voice when he saw the book, she had laid open, even I knew he couldn't possibly know what she was researching...

...if only he knew.

"Ayanna...what's this?" Icarus asked quietly, checking over his shoulder and the railing to see that Whitney was cursing just under his breath. It appears that he's not very competent at his job, maybe hiring someone more useful should be at the top of the vampire's list.

Oh, that's right! They don't even fucking know they're working for a pureblood. That's just rich, I wonder what she's up to...this Lilith...

"Look, I need to explain a few things to you..." her voice trailed off, adjusting the eyewear she had on the top of her head and placed it carefully on the bridge of her nose.

Icarus furrowed his brows and whispered, "Explain what?! If anyone knew-"

"But they don't..." she eyed him suspiciously.

I bet that pureblood does.

Pointing out the obvious per the usual.

So what? I'm predictable...naaaaaah.

"What are you doing with," Icarus touched one of the pages, the writing completely foreign to him, "this!" he pointed directly at a picture of a hezrou demon.

She's so good at explaining, let's watch and see how she handles this.

I couldn't help but chuckle silently to myself, lifting off the bench I'd been sitting on and drifting further up so I could get a better angle as to what else she was showing him. Icarus continued to stare at her, Ayanna unable to form the words she'd carefully planned out...but in an instant, they were gone.

Her eyes shifted to Whitney and she lowered her voice further, taking with her the book and nearing the far wall of the upper level. They were far enough away to no longer be heard by anyone simply walking in, or Whitney for that matter. Then again, he was preoccupied with now slamming his fist on the table every so often when his math equation didn't work out quite right.

"What are you doing with this?" Icarus began to question the witch again, her emerald eyes scanning over the page briefly before she snapped her attention on him.

He took a step back and his hand away from the book, but Ayanna replied to him, "I don't want to hide it from you any longer, especially after what happened with that incubus."

Awe, look, she's talking about us!

"What are you?" Was his next question and I was just dying to see how she would handle this? I wonder if he'll expose her to Lilith and her simply shrug her shoulders, because I think a pureblood who established this 'let's kill all supernatural creatures and make the world a better place' organization would know exactly who she was hiring.

Nothing has been left to chance.

But why?

"Icarus," she breathed in deeply and exhaled quickly, "I'm a witch."

He didn't really let it soak in before he blurted out, "They don't exist."

She giggled softly and sighed, "Really? Vampires, werewolves, demons, even angels exist, and you question whether or not witches are real? You're funny."

When he remained silent with a stupid look on his face, she continued, "I'm not evil or anything, I joined this team to help with its research. I wanted you to know..."

Icarus regained his composure and took a shallow breath before he replied to her, "Ayanna, why didn't you say anything sooner? Why keep it a secret?"

She shook her head, "I didn't want to be seen differently, I just wanted to be a part of the team, that's all. But if something were to happen to you...I don't know what...I just-" she was at a loss for words and it finally clicked more so that she was infatuated with him. She'd willingly give her life for his, to protect him from danger, and he doesn't even grasp the concept.


"Look, I'm sorry that you've had to keep it a secret, but you don't have to hide anything," Icarus' warm smile made her muscles relax slightly, "you could even tell Whitney. He wouldn't-"

"No!" She was a little too loud and received scrutiny from their fellow team member.

Whitney growled, "What the hell are you two doing up there?" He hadn't stood from his chair, as he appeared to be making progress with what he was working on. Instead, he sort of gave them half an ear, mumbling to himself the rest of his questions.

"It's fine! Almost done," Ayanna responded cheerfully.

Her eyes found Icarus' and he nodded, fully understanding that maybe it wasn't the brightest idea to tell the short and hot-tempered individual that a witch is among them. Who knows what he'd do?

Icarus lowered his voice again and asked, "What is that exactly?"

Ayanna's features shifted to one of nervousness, her own voice catching slightly when she began to explain, "That is a hezrou demon."

"Did you see one?" He asked her with urgency, followed up by, "Do we need to get rid of it? Is it after you?"

He's so cute.

"No," she shook her head once again and said quietly, "Hezrous are obedient demons who are eager to serve more powerful demons and summoners."

"You want to summon that...that...thing?!" Icarus lost his inside voice and that caused Whitney to slam up out of his chair, taking the stairs two at a time.

Ayanna barely had time to slam the book shut and hold it close to her back, her startled expression not going unnoticed. Icarus' attention went straight to Whitney, his own eyes searching the two of them.

"What are you two going on about up here?" His voice was suspicious, and he hadn't seen her place the book silently on the shelf behind her. "I thought we were all supposed to be working to get this research done by the end of the week. I know I', but the two of you should have been done by now!"

Someone's testy...wonder who stuck the pole up his ass.

Better yet, why he hasn't removed it.

Icarus tried to explain, but there was really no excuse he could formulate. Instead, I almost fell off the new bench I was sitting on when Ayanna gripped the front of Icarus' shirt and swiftly turned him toward her. Before either of them could say a single word, their lips crashed against one another's and I think I saw Whitney's jaw hit the floor, but I'm not entirely sure.

"Okay...I didn't need to see that," Whitney grumbled and turned away, Ayanna pulling away from Icarus and releasing the hold she had on the front of his shirt.

Icarus was speechlessly and all Ayanna could say was, "Well, you wanted to know!"

"Forget I even asked..." He turned on his heels and headed for the staircase, treading down to his desk and picking the chair off up from the floor. Once seated and back to the grind of the oh so exciting research Whitney was doing, Icarus turned to Ayanna and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Startled once again, she quickly blurted out in a whisper, "Oh! I'm so sorry. I just-I didn't..."

"It's alright," He smiled warmly, his hand moving along the upper part of her back until he pulled her into his side. Her eyes widened and she stood silently while he whispered, "I rather enjoyed that."

Her face was cherry red and when they pulled away from one another, she practically hid away from him ever seeing her embarrassment. Though, he did mention, "I still want to know what smart-ass idea you have going on inside of that brilliant mind of yours."

"Buy me a drink?" She winked at him, shuffling away and resuming her work at the lab bench.

He chuckled and walked right past her, but not before throwing her way, "It's a date. Tonight, just you and me."

Get the angel to bring them to the hotel bar!

The fuck...she won't go for that.

Well, we fucking sat here all afternoon and evening...


Ayanna couldn't stop her face from reddening once again when she replied, "I'd like that," she quickly turned away from him and picked up her work right where she left off.

Looks like I might get some more aloneish time tonight with fluffy wings if I can convince her...

Good luck with that one!

Better me than you...asshole.

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

To Seduce an Angel by K. A. Young.

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