Chapter 1

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The small family was busy that morning. Farrah had graduated from her cot to a toddler bed and loved running around her room in the morning. She was showing signs of becoming a daddy's girl; on nights when Kian would work late, Haley would have trouble getting her to go to bed.

Kian Madani put his wiggly daughter in her high chair and gave her a sliced-up banana and a cup of yogurt. In the next seat, his wife Haley ate a bowl of granola cereal. It was her turn to take Farrah to daycare today.

"Yogo...." Farrah babbled, stirring her breakfast with her spoon.

"Yes, baby girl, it's yogurt," Kian said, kissing her tousled black hair. He had been calling Farrah "baby girl" since she was an hour old.

"She definitely has your appetite," Haley remarked, moving so Kian could sit next to her.

"She could have gotten it from you...I had to buy most of the stuff you ate when you were pregnant." Kian jabbed back.

Haley kissed him on the jaw.

"That's what all great husbands do." She replied, resting her head briefly on his shoulder. Was it even possible for her to love him as much as she did? Having Farrah two years before hadn't changed how they felt; it only added to their love.

"Daa...ddyyy." Farrah, exclaimed, holding up her yogurt-smeared fist.
"Yoggy?" Kian asked, a spoonful of her yogurt in his hand. Farrah shook her head frantically.
"Nooo!" She clarified. She was still working on getting her sentences. She pointed to the pantry.

"Want 'Tella!" She said, sounding like she really wanted something.

"She wants Nutella and toast." Haley said, clarifying her daughter's speech.

"You have breakfast already, sweetie. Maybe for your snack at daycare." Kian said, "Daddy will see you there.

"Okay." She murmured, a gob of mashed banana on her chin.

After Farrah ate her breakfast, Haley got her cleaned up and started getting her snacks packed for daycare. She got a sippy cup out of the cupboard.

"What juice do you want today, baby?" Haley said as Farrah toddled around the kitchen with a Doc McStuffins doll. Her cardiothoracic surgeon's father was already rubbing off on her. "Do you want apple juice, orange mango, or Ribena?"

"Bibena!" Farrah answered.

"Alright," Haley said, reaching into the fridge. Kian walked in, carrying his things for work at Holby.

"I have to go, so give me my kisses now." he said. Farrah ran to him and he lifted her up. She put her little arms around his neck.

"I love you, Daddy!" she squealed, kissing him. Haley joined them, sandwiching their daughter between them. She kissed her husband. Farrah pushed her away.
"Daddy mine!" She screeched
Haley laughed it off. Farrah was a daddy's girl, without a doubt.

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