Chapter 13

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The next few weeks were pretty good. Haley was working three days a week at the gift shop. Farrah was behaving herself in daycare. They got a new car to replace the one that had been damaged in the accident. Kian still had pills left but was barely taking them. The day of the first scan came. Kian was still in recovery so Haley drove. They sat in the exam room, feeling so happy. Just two years before, they had been pregnant with Farrah.

A nurse came in and asked a few questions. After everything was done, Haley got ready for the scan.

"You're how far along?" The nurse asked.

"Maybe a little over a month. I skipped a period."

"Well, you'll be hearing your baby's heartbeat today, and probably seeing some little hands and feet."

Kian squeezed Haley's hand, and they smiled as the screen came on.
A little gray blob came into view, but that was it. No beating heart, no little arms and legs.

"Is it still too early?" Haley asked.

"Wait a moment." The nurse said.

All they heard was static. The nurse tried to hide any anxiety and kept scanning, trying to pick something up.

"Just let me get the doctor." She finally said, leaving the room.

Haley looked nervously at Kian, and he put his arm around her. They looked at the screen, trying to will the gray blob to life.
The doctor finally came in, trying a stronger ultrasound. Finally, she spoke.

"I'm sorry. " She began. "I'm afraid you have lost your baby."

Kian felt like he had been punched. Haley choked back a sob, and Kian hugged her close.

"We need to take it out. We can schedule a procedure...... " The doctor said.

"No." Haley said firmly, but on the edge of tears. "Let's get it taken care of today."

"Haley, come on, let's go home." Kian said.

"I need to get it taken care of; the sooner we can put this behind us the better." Haley told him.
Kian pulled her close, letting her cry. She felt like she was in shock, but she knew what she had to do.

"You're going to be sedated..." the doctor started to say. "Your husband doesn't look like he's in any shape to drive." Indicating Kian's cast.

"We'll find a way home." Kian said. He tried to sound strong, but his heart was breaking.

The doctor looked at them sympathetically.

"It's nothing you did wrong. Miscarriages this early are common. You can try again in a few weeks."

Haley nodded stoically. The doctor gave her something to make her dilate and a waiver about sedation.

"Kian, how are we going to pick up Farrah? Or get home?"

"I'll get a hold of Marty. He can drive the car home and pick up Farrah. We'll take a cab home."

"Mr. Madani? We need you to leave the room." A nurse said.

"Please, can I stay until she goes under?" Kian asked, squeezing Haley's hand again. He never wanted to let go; not now.

"Of course."

A gas mask went over her face, and Haley closed her eyes.

"I love you, Haley." He said softly, trying not to cry. "I'm so sorry this had to happen." He kissed her forehead. "I'll be waiting for you. I won't leave your side."

Kian held her hand until she was asleep. The nurse held the door for him, and he hobbled out into the hallway.

"It will be over soon." The nurse said.

He walked back to the waiting room, where he slumped down on one of the chairs, trying to hold back tears. He took a deep breath. It wouldn't be over soon.

He got out his phone and called Marty.

"Hey, can you take the car for us and pick up Farrah?" He asked. It was as if he and Haley were just running late and he needed a favor.

"Sure." His cousin said. "Just meet me at Pulse's."

Kian felt useless sitting in the waiting room.He decided to head to the Darwin ward and get some things he left before the accident.

He walked into the office stony-faced. Jac looked up from her desk, surprised.

"Kian, what are you doing here?"

"We had a scan."

"Why aren't you with Haley?" Jac asked, concerned.

"She lost the baby." Kian answered flatly, still trying to process.

"Oh, Kian....." Jac said, thinking of what Kian had been through already.

Kian broke then, too. They hugged for a few moments.

"It was still early; could have happened to anyone." He said, drying his eyes and wanting to get out of there as fast as possible. He grabbed some paperwork and left.

After that, he went to the cafe to meet Marty. When they met up, Kian gave his cousin a quick hug, but didn't go into detail.

"I have to be with Haley. See you at the house." He said firmly
When Haley woke up, she and Kian didn't talk. The look that they gave each other was all they needed. The cab ride they took home was silent. They went through the door, Haley sitting down at the kitchen table.

"I'm still groggy from the anesthesia." She groaned.

"Haley, go lie down," he said gently. "I'll look after Farrah."

"I don't want to be alone." She said softly, but she sounded firm.

"I love you. I'll check on you in a few minutes."

Kian wanted to lay in bed beside his grieving wife and hold her forever. But their little girl would be home soon, and he had to think of her.

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