To the Apostrophe

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I wrote this because I wanted to write a fun little poem, and I never really knew what an apostrophe was, and I needed to learn it for AP English.


Dear apostrophe, what are you?

Before I came to English I always believed

What elementary had taught me was true.

That you were simply a mark on a page

Something of possession and omissions in words

That simply helped to set the stage.

But now they say you are so much more,

A truly significant thing, important and distinguished.

More than I would have given you credit for.

You describe those silent and unobtrusive objects,

Usually the background, who have now come to our attention,

And, given hopes and dreams, become so real in many texts.

We humans, always such a curious race,

Find our joys in talking to abstract objects and silent things.

And so for our whims, you, the apostrophe, has been remade.

With a meaning so much brighter,

I apologize for any misunderstandings,

I might have made when I was younger.

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