Found and Lost - IX

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After using the toy train as a memento, Calem and Shauna were transported into another one of Ash's memories. This time, they stood in front of a massive wooden gate which led of a relatively long set of stairs. On the top of which stood, what looked like, a laboratory.

We join the two as they find out what was about unfold in the upcoming memory.

No One's POV

Calem and Shauna stood in front of the gate waiting for something to happen. They inspected the place around them... and it looked relatively normal. They were standing on a small dirt path at the edge of Pallet. They could, however, hear a lot of noises coming form inside, if not, behind the laboratory. This was especially strange as the sun was already down and it seemed to be relatively late in the night.

As Calem and Shauna looked around, they could hear voices of people walking along the dirt path and approaching the gate. The two young doctors waited a little to see who they were, and were not too surprised to find Ash and Red sprinting their way to the gate.

"Come on, Red! Keep up!" yelled Ash, who was ever so slightly ahead of Red.

"I am!" yelled a frustrated sounding Red as he pumped his legs harder to keep up with his twin.

Ash giggled as he ran even faster and reached the gate seconds before Red did.

"Told you I was faster!" exclaimed Ash proudly.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let's just go in!" said Red as he pushed the gate open and started ascending the stairs. Ash followed Red. The two doctors followed Ash and Red up the flight of stairs.

On the way up the stairs, Ash seemed to be completely lost in his own little world as he looked up at the sky with a grin plastered on his face. Red noticed it and decided to investigate.

"Ash, you've been daydreaming like this since yesterday. What's this all about?" asked a curious Red.

Ash snapped out of his little trance.

"Oh, i-it's nothing, bro." Ash replied chuckling nervously.

Red seemed skeptical at first, however, bought the excuse soon after. Calem and Shauna, on the other hand, knew that Ash was lying. He was definitely hiding something.

Soon, the four of them made it to the top of the stairs. They stood before a large hardwood Pine door, above with rested a banner with the words "Professor Oak's Summer Camp" written in bold colourful letters.

The two youngsters pushed the door open and allowed themselves in. They then walked through the house to get to the backyard which was... enormous. Calem and Shauna couldn't see the other end of the field. Not only that, it was full of people; both kids and adults were walking between the numerous stands and tents that were propped up on the field.

Calem and Shauna soon realised that it was a fair. There were mini games set up inside the stands and tents with prizes that could be won. The pair of doctors looked around the place while following Ash and Red around.

"It's a shame that today is the final day of camp. I was enjoying it!" spoke Red.

Ash immediately frowned and nodded.

"I was enjoying it too..." he spoke as he let out a sigh.

The frown, however, didn't last long. Ash and Red started walking around the field. They visited almost all the stands and played all the games. Red had won a game of Hoopla which resulted in him getting that toy train as the prize. Ash, however, hadn't won a single thing. They were nearing the final stand and Ash was determined to win something there.

The final stand was a game of Whack-a-Diglett. Ash was pumped and knew he was going to give it his all. He went to the guy in the stand and gave him 1 Pokedollar as he readied himself for the game. He grabbed a mallet and squatted slightly, indicating that he was completely focused. The game soon started and Ash started frantically smashing his hammer down on anything that moved on that table. He eventually grew tired, however, did not let up. After about 5 minutes of the machine receiving an absolute pummeling, the game stopped. Ash stood up straight and looked at the person in front of him with a hopeful smile. The guy in the stand smiled back at Ash.

"So young man, which toy do you want?" he asked Ash as he motioned Ash towards the shelf full of various toys.

Ash looked at the set of toys behind the man... and his gaze immediately fell of a boring beige looking toy. It was a stuffed Platypus. Ash, however, didn't find it boring at all. Instead, his eyes lit up at the sight of it.

"I want that, please!" Ash spoke as he pointed at the toy.

The guy in the stand smiled and handed the toy to him.

"Here you go. Thanks for playing!" he spoke with a kind smile, a smile that Ash returned before walking away with Red by his side.

"Bro, I'm going to go talk to Gold and Brendan over there, alright? See ya!" yelled Red as he ran towards his group of friends.

Ash nodded and smiled as he watched Red run. As soon as Red was far enough away, Ash turned to face the forest at the other end of the backyard. He smiled and started making his way there.

Calem and Shauna watched on as Ash casually made his way into a dense dark forest. They knew that they had no other choice so they followed Ash into the forest. They walked through the dense forest for a couple of minutes until they arrived at an isolated clearing... or so they thought.

The clearing was by the edge of a cliff. A ground was littered with patches of grass and a lone log sat meters away from the edge of the cliff, however, there was something... or someone of much more interest and importance sitting on that log.

A little girl with short honey-blonde hair a light blue dress sat on the log facing the cliff edge. Calem and Shauna's jaws dropped. They had no idea what was happening... all they they knew that that the person sitting on that log was someone who was going to end up with Ash in the near future.

Calem and Shauna were so busy staring at the little girl that they failed to notice the ear to ear grin that had materialised on Ash's face.

"Hey!" Ash spoke brimming with excitement.

Serena turned around and as soon as she did so, a large smile grew on her face.

"Hi Ash!" she spoke softly, however, one could easily hear from her voice that she was extremely pleased to see Ash.

Serena then shifted herself on the log to make space for Ash. She the patted on the spot next to her. Ash nodded while still grinning as he walked over to sit next to Serena.

Serena then went back to looking straight ahead at the star spangled navy blue vastness above them. A large yellow moon hung at an angle 60 degrees from horizontal. Ash too started to marvel at the sight of the night sky.

For a moment, it was peacefully quiet between the two, however, Ash soon spoke up.

"Just look at them..." he whispered out.

"Did you know there were so many lights in the sky?" he asked her in wonderment, still keeping his gaze fixed at the heavens.

"Yes." replied Serena softly.

Ash flicked his head to look at Serena.

"Oh... Uh, I did too." he spoke while grinning sheepishly. He then proceeded to look at the sky again.

It was quiet again, however, Serena broke the silence this time.

"Thank you." she whispered out.

Ash turned his head to look at Serena again.

"Huh, what for?" he asked her.

Serena faced Ash so that their eyes met.

"For helping me in the forest yesterday."  she replied with a hint of blush on her cheeks.

Ash scratched the back of his head as a grin grew on his face.

"Oh, it was nothing. You should thank that Poliwag for leading me to you." he replied humbly. Suddenly, something else entered Ash's mind.

"You know, you still haven't told me your name yet." he spoke up.

Serena faced away from Ash and looked up at the stars.

"I'm not telling you." she replied.

"Why not?" asked a surprised Ash. He hadn't expected her to not reveal her name to him.

Serena, however, didn't reply. She just kept staring straight ahead.

Ash assumed that she didn't like her name or something, so he spoke up.

"It can't be that bad, I mean, I've got a very weird name. Like, Ash. What kind of name is Ash? As if that wasn't bad enough, I've met like 10 different people named Ash." he spoke as he tried to find a way for her to reveal her name.

"... What's wrong with that?" asked Serena in her usual soft and mellow voice.

"Huh?" Ash asked as he faced her.

"What's wrong with having a name that other people have too?" she asked him with eyes that, for some reason, contained sadness.

"Well, it's boring I guess. I mean, if everyone has it, then what's the point?" he asked her.

"I wouldn't mind. Just for once... to have the same name as everyone else." she spoke softly as she faced away from Ash.

"It's like those lights in the sky..." Serena continued.

"... They all look the same from here, but that doesn't make them any less pretty." she said as she stared longingly at the night sky.

"Uh, I suppose..." Ash spoke as he looked at Serena with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

He then smiled and looked back up at the sky.

"What do you think those stars up there are anyways?" asked Ash.

"My dad said they're giant burning spheres of gas..." replied Serena immediately.

Ash looked at Serena and chuckled.

"Oh, I bet he's just making it up." he said.

Serena turned to face Ash with a slightly annoyed expressions on her face.

"Why would he lie to me?" she asked him.

Ash smiled and looked back up at the sky.

"Because, you know, that's what grown-ups do. They make things up. Like Santa, Easter bunny, Kangaroos... stuff like that." Ash replied.

Serena, however, wasn't paying attention to all of that. Instead her eyes were darting around the night sky, almost as if she was looking for something.

"Have you ever made a Poliwag out of stars?" she asked him.

"Uh, like a constellation?" he asked her while still fondly gazing at the stars.

Serena nodded and Ash noticed it from the corner of his eye.

"Um, of other things. Never tried a Poliwag though..." Ash replied.

"... Do you want to make one?" Serena asked Ash.

A grin grew on Ash's face.

"Yeah, we'll make the bestest constellation ever!" he almost yelled in excitement.

This caused Serena to giggle to herself.

Ash, however, wanted to make it a competition... like he always did with almost everything.

"Alright, let's see who'll make one first. We'll start in there." Ash spoke as he set out some rules.

"Alright, three, two, one, sta-" Ash started speaking, however, was cut off by Serena.

"I see it." she exclaimed softly with a gentle smile.

Ash's jaw dropped as he slowly faced Serena.

"Uh... where?" he asked her.

"In the sky." She simply replied.

Ash almost fell off the log he was sitting on, however, he managed to control himself.

"Uhh... but where in the sky?" he asked her.

Serena didn't give an answer. Instead, she decided to give him some clues.

"Think big. Bigger than all the others." she spoke.

"Uh. . ." Ash said as he looked around the sky, trying to understand what Serena was talking about. After a while of looking and finding nothing, he felt like giving up.

"I don't kno-" Ash started, however, stopped himself as he noticed something that was right under his nose.

"Wait a minute... Wait a minute!!" he started.

"... I see it!!!" Ash yelled almost victoriously as Serena giggled.

"Tell me what you see." Serena requested calmly.

Ash pointed up at the sky towards the moon.

"There, right? Two legs and that big tail!" Ash spoke excitedly.

"What else?" asked Serena softly.

"And there... there's its two feet!" Ash replied as he traced his index finger to draw imaginary lines between the stars.

"Yes, what else?" she asked him again.

"And... and the moon!" Ash replied with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"The moon is its big round yellow belly." Ash replied as he traced his index finger around the whole shape to reveal a blue Poliwag with a yellow belly.

A big, warm smile grew on Serena's face. She seemed satisfied with Ash's replies.

Soon, another long silence settled upon the two, only for it to be broken by Ash.

"So... what do you think they really are?" he asked her.

"The stars, I mean." he clarified himself.

"I... I've never told anyone but... I think they're lighthouses..." Serena replied.

"Billions of lighthouses... stuck at the far end of the sky." she spoke with a longing smile.

"Wow... it must be so lively up there." spoke Ash as he looked up to meet the lights emitted by the alleged lighthouses.

"But it isn't." Serena replied almost instantly.

"They can see all the other lighthouses out there, and they want to talk to them. But they can't because they're all too far apart to hear what the others are saying. All they can do... is shine their lights from afar. So that's what they do... they shine their lights at the other lighthouses... and at me." Serena finished her explanation.

"Why you?" asked Ash, who had been staring at Serena this whole time.

"Because one day... I'm going to befriend one of them." she replied with a warm smile.

Ash smiled and nodded. Another dose of silence settled momentarily. Soon, however, Serena saw that Ash was holding onto something, so she decided to ask him about it.

"What's that?" she asked him while pointing at the object in his arms.

"Oh, it's the prize I won from Whack-a-Dugtrio today." Ash replied holding the toy up in his hands.

"Did you get to play that game?" he asked her.

"I tried... but I'm too clumsy." replied Serena.

"What did you get from it?" she immediately followed up.

"I got this Platypus." Ash replied as he jumped off the log and held it before himself.

"... May I see it?" asked Serena shyly.

Ash looked at the Platypus and then at Serena. He developed a friendly smile as he handed that toy to Serena.

"It looks so strange..." she spoke as she inspected the toy.

"... I wish I could win one myself." she spoke.

Suddenly, their little conversation was interrupted by an ungodly bellow.


Ash jumped at the sound of his name being called.

"Damn it, Red must be looking for me!" he spoke.

"Here." Serena spoke with a sad smile as she handed the Platypus back to Ash.

Ash looked at Serena in the eyes. He enjoyed staring into her cerulean orbs.

"You know what... keep it. It's yours." He said with a warm smile.

Serena was taken aback.

"Mine?" she asked with a hint of pink making its way on her cheeks.

"Yeah, I can always get another one." Ash replied with a grin.

"I don't like to brag, but I'm totally the best at that game." he exclaimed confidently with a smirk.

Serena smiled at him. Another thought immediately crossed her mind.

"Will... you be coming to the camp next year too?" she asked him.

"Yup. Will you?"

"Yes." she replied with a sweet smile.

"Alright!" Ash exclaimed happily as he fist pumped.

Ash then started walking away, however, Serena immediately jumped off the log and faced Ash.

"What if you forget... or get lost?" she asked him, sounding somewhat worried.

"Then we can always regroup there!" Ash replied as he pointed at something behind Serena.

Serena turned around to see what Ash was pointing at... and all she saw was the moon. She then turned around to face Ash again while harbouring a puzzled expression.

"On the moon, silly!" Ash exclaimed with a wide grin.

"... Right on the Poliwag's tummy!" Ash exclaimed as he rubbed his philtrum with his index finger.

"ASH!!" he heard his twin yelling his name again.

"COMING!!" yelled Ash as he started making his way out of the forest, however, stopped.

"Oh yeah, you said you're clumsy, right? Maybe this will help?" Ash said as he took a sack out of his pocket and gentry threw it towards Serena, who caught it.

"There's a Hacky Sack inside that sack." she said as he flashed a grin at her.

Serena looked at Ash and then smiled brightly while nodding her head. A tint of red was still visible on her cheeks.

Ash the walked away while Serena looked at the little bad in her hands with a small smile. She the tightly clutched the Platypus in her arms as she sat back down on the log and started stargazing again.

"Wow..." whispered Calem as he felt as if he finally understood everything. The origami Poliwags, Lara, the significance of that Platypus... even that little bag that Ash will eventually throw into the sea. It all sort of made sense to him now.

"... If they ever get lost?" asked Calem without shifting his gaze from little Serena. Suddenly, Calem's eyes widened.

"Wait, does that mean-" Calem started, however, was cut off by Shauna.

"Don't tell me you didn't see that coming..." spoke Shauna, almost harshly.

Calem and Shauna both sighed.

"I suppose now, we know what we must do to get him to the moon..." spoke Shauna. She definitely knew what she was going to have to do, however, she was dreading it.

"Wait... you aren't actually going to do it... are you?" asked Calem as she faced her. His voice sounded uncharacteristically stern.

"It's our job Calem... It's what we're contracted to do..." Shauna spoke reluctantly as she readied herself to travel forward into Ash's memories so that she could start altering them. As soon as she finished the sentence, she vanished.

Calem's eyes widened as he knew what she had planned.

"Damn it Shauna, wait..." he spoke, however, he was too late. She had already moved to one of Ash's memories.

"Shauna..." Calem whispered out hoping she wasn't going to do anything she would regret later in the future.

Calem then faced Serena who was still staring at the sky while happily clutching onto the Platypus. He gave her a sad smile as he, too, traveled into one of Ash's memories.

End of Chapter.

I'm back after a relatively long break. Well, this chapter was a very important for this story as I feel like it ties everything together. I hope everything that has happened so far in this book has been made somewhat clear by this chapter. If not, please do let me know!

Anyways, thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you've enjoyed.

I'll see you in the next chapter!

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