Inception - V

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Calem and Shauna are in Ash and Serena's house now. They have been travelling further and further back into Ash's memories, and right now, they seem to be in his mid/late-forties.

Ash has just left the room and headed down the stairs to look for Serena. We join Calem and Shauna as they follow Ash.

No One's POV

"I guess we're going to have to look around the house now." said Calem as he eyed the door Ash through which Ash just left.

Shauna nodded.

"Yeah, lets follow him, find a memento and get out of here." said Shauna as she started walking behind Ash. Calem followed Shauna.

They walked down the stairs in complete silence. Calem and Shauna took their time to admire the house. It was different to the one near the cliff in various ways. What they immediately spotted was that it seemed a lot smaller, however, for a couple living by themselves, it seemed to be about the right size.

The insides felt like a home should. The floors were all carpeted and the walls were all painted a calming shade of blue. It complemented the cream coloured carpets.

As they reached the living room, they noticed that the room was small, however, it didn't feel cramped. The large windows allowed sunlight to fill the whole room. That paired with what little furniture they had made everything seem a lot more spacious that it really was.

Ash then opened a door which happened to lie underneath the stairs. As soon as he did so, the two doctors were surprised to find an almost completely dark room. It was a huge contrast to the rest of the house.

Ash entered first while the two doctors followed reluctantly, unsure of what they were expecting.

As soon as they did so, their eyes widened. Ash stood in the middle of the room while Serena was seated on a chair near the rear wall of the room. The stuffed toy platypus sat on top of the table in front of her while Serena sat there... making origami Poliwags. What was even more surprising was the fact that there were more Poliwags were spread out throughout the whole room.

"So... I guess this is where it all started..." Shauna whispered.

Calem just nodded in response.

Ash stood there staring at Serena. He was extremely surprised by something, so he decided to talk to Serena about it.

"You went out for a haircut this early in the morning?" he asked her. Calem and Shauna could hear how surprised Ash was.

To the two doctors, Serena didn't look any different. She still had the same shoulder length honey-blonde hair that Calem and Shauna had seen in all of Ash's memories so far.

Serena didn't reply to Ash's question. It didn't seem like she even acknowledged it. It looked like she was ignoring Ash as she didn't even look at him as he spoke. She just kept fiddling with the piece of paper in her hands.

Ash was slightly taken aback by this, so he tried to spark another conversation, hoping this time, she would actually reply. Ash walked closer to the desk and spoke again.

"What're you making there?"

"Poliwags." replied Serena, still not looking at Ash. Her voice sounding almost monotone. 

"Did you see the Poliwag I left for you?" she asked him after a moment of silence.

"Yeah." replied Ash softly as he tried not to accidentally mess things up in what seemed like a fragile situation. He was still unsure of where the conversation was going though.

"Tell me about that Poliwag." she requested from him.

"Huh?" asked Ash.

Serena finally stopped fiddling with the piece of paper. She set it down on her lap and looked at Ash. She then spoke again.

"Describe the Poliwag."

"...erm, it was yellow."
"What else?"

"A bit fluffy."

"Well... it's just a paper Poliwag. I don't know how else to describe it." he said reluctantly. He didn't know why Serena was asking him to describe an origami Pokemon.

As soon as Ash said so, Serena tore her gaze away from him with pain and disappointment evident in her eyes. She looked back down on the piece of paper and continued fiddling with it.

Ash looked at Serena with a concerned expression on his face.

"... You're acting strange, Serena." he stated as he walked even closer to her.

"Is something wrong?" he asked as he crouched down next to her.

He waited a while, however, got no response. Serena seemed extremely distant. Ash got even more concerned.


The two doctors had been left watching everything yet again.

"I don't know about you... but I'm getting some inverse Deja vu here." stated Calem. The whole thing between Ash and Serena reminded him of that moment when Serena gave him that special yellow and blue Poliwag.

Shauna, however, had other thoughts in her mind.

"I think I know of her condition... but this is rather odd even for that." she spoke as she watched Ash and Serena intently.

Calem looked at Shauna and then back at Serena. He put the pieces together, and suddenly, his eyes widened.

"You think she is...?" Calem started, however trailed off at the end.

"Do you?" she asked him.

Calem sighed.

"...Perhaps. Who knows?" he then continued. "But like I said earlier... she's not our client."

Shauna nodded and then spoke.

"Lets get this thing over with." she said as she started looking around for a memento. Calem helped her too.

This time, it seemed quite difficult to find a memento. The origami Poliwags had already been used... and there was nothing else in the room.

Calem took the desperate route and looked in the rubbish bin. He gasped as soon as he did so.

"She cut it herself?" he whispered to himself, however, Shauna heard him.

Intrigued by what Calem was talking about, she made her way to him and looked inside the bin. She raised her eyebrows in surprise as she saw freshly cut golden locks of hair in the bin. She guessed that it belonged to Serena.

"Maybe we can use them as a memento?" she asked him.

Calem thought it was a good idea, so he took a photo of it and soon, they found themselves teleport to the cliff near Lara the lighthouse.

It was late in the evening and the sun was already down. Everything seemed normal, however, the two doctors spotted something interesting. Light was being emitted from the top of the lighthouse... and it was the first time they had seen it. The lighthouse was actually working for the first time... or the last time, depending of the perspective.

The lighthouse had been quite a distraction as they hadn't spotted Ash and Serena sitting on a log by the cliff edge. They were only notified of the older couple's presence when they heard Serena's voice.

"Is that why you approached me back then?" she asked with a sorrowful voice.

"Y-Yes..." Ash replied reluctantly as he looked away from Serena.

"What about now?" she asked him softly while looking at her feet. She seemed extremely upset about something, however, the two doctors didn't know what.

"I suppose... it's just a part of it." replied Ash, not daring to look at Serena.

An eerie silence took over. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife. It was an almost insufferable combination of anxiety and awkwardness. It was uncomfortable for everybody present there.

Ash then broke the silence with a sigh as he turned to look at Serena.

"Look, it was a long time ago. It's... not too relevant now, but Dawn said I should tell you the truth... I-I shouldn't have tainted our first meeting like that." Ash said regrettably with heavy guilt evident in his voice as he looked away from her again.

After hearing Ash's words, Serena slowly turned her head to look at Ash. She saw him looking away from her and if anything, it hurt her even more. A pitiful expression cemented on her face as she looked at Ash with eyes that glistened with tears under the moonlight.

The unsettling silence caused Ash to look at Serena out to worry, only to find her staring back at her. Seeing the expression on her face broke Ash. They held eye contact for a split second until Serena abruptly tore her gaze away from him. She then jumped off the log and stood beside Ash, facing him. She took out a small sack from her pocket and threw it on the ground, in front of Ash.

Ash looked extremely surprised by Serena's actions.

"What is that?" he asked her as he, almost rhythmically, shifted his gaze back and forth between Serena and the sack on the floor.

Serena didn't look at Ash, not did she answer his question. Instead, she kept her eyes fixed on the sack as she spoke.

"Can you throw it as far as Lara is at?" she asked. Her voice breaking as she spoke.

"I don't know. You want me to try?" Ash asked stupidly. He wasn't able to sense the gravity of the situation in hand.

"Would you?" requested Serena as she took a step back and turned to look at the lighthouse that probably stood a couple hundred meters away from the cliff face they were currently on top of.

Ash immediately got off the log he was sitting on and picked up the little sack into his right hand. He looked at the little brown sack in his hand and then shifted his gaze to Serena, trying to ask if she was completely sure about this. Serena, however, was avoiding all eye contact  with Ash.

Ash frowned and turned back to face Lara and gripped the little sack tightly. He arched his back backwards a little and held the sack right next to his ear. He extended his left arm slightly and put his left foot before his right. He skipped a couple of steps forward and violently twisted his body, forcing his right arm forwards. He loosened the grip on his right hand when he felt it reach maximum velocity. As he did so, he watched the little sack fly off of his hand.

Ash watched the sack make its way to Lara but was taken aback in surprise by the sound of Serena gasping.

Serena instinctively ran after the little sack as soon as she saw it leave Ash's hand. She jumped over the little log they were sitting on and kept running, unaware of the fact that she was nearing the edge of the cliff. She would have probably run off the cliff too if she hadn't heard a certain voice call her name.

"Serena!!" Ash yelled as he watched her sprint towards the edge of the cliff.

He sighed a breath of relief as he watched her come to a halt millimeters from the edge.

All Serena did was stand there. She stood there and watched as the little sack plummeted off the cliff and eventually disappeared into nothingness.

"Are you insane!? Get away from there!" she heard Ash yell, however, she didn't budge.

After a couple more seconds of standing there, Serena started walking backwards. She then turned around to look at Ash. Their eyes met, however, nothing was said. Instead, Serena walked back to the log and sat down.

This was probably the most intense encounter the two doctors had seen between Ash and Serena. From the very beginning, they were left in the dark as to what they were talking about, however, as they listened to their conversation, they could read between the lines and finally, they had a good understanding of what was going on.

"Wow... so something big must have happened when they met for the first time..." Shauna said as watched the two sit there in silence.

"Yeah..." replied Calem as he walked over to Serena and started inspecting her appearance.

"Why did she cut her hair? I like long hair." he exclaimed.

Right then, Serena's honey-blonde hair was quite long as it reached her waist. It was a contrast to the short hair that they saw in all of Ash's previous memories.

"Let's just find a memento and get out of here..." spoke Shauna.

The only thing available was a pick backpack which seemed to belong to Serena. Calem took a photo of it and soon, the two doctors found themselves sitting in a library.

Calem then spoke.

"Ohhh, a library!"

End of Chapter.

I'm sorry that today's chapter is shorter than it normally is. I've been slightly busy, but I will write properly next Saturday.

You might have noticed I said 'Saturday' and not 'Wednesday'. I said that because I won't be able to write on Wednesday. I'll be going back to London to visit the family. I haven't seen them since 2017 started so, yeah. I hope you understand that I won't be able to upload a chapter on Wednesday.

Anyway, thank you so much for reading this chapter. I hope you've enjoyed it.

I'll see you in the next chapter... which should be up exactly a week from now.

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