Chapter Two

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Rosita stood motionless at the front double doors of her huge house, hand resting on the door handle; forehead pressed against the cool glass. What was she doing? Why was she having all these weird feelings for him all over again? She closed her eyes and sighed deeply into the glass, her breath sticking against the glass and disappearing.

"Get it together, Chola Girl." She whispered, giving her head a light bang against the door. "He's your older bro's best bro." She let loose another sigh and banged her head against the door again, only this time a little harder than the last. She felt frustrated. Upset.

She had thought that over time, her feelings for him would have disappeared, but just being around him brought back all those feelings she hid deep down from before he had left. His smile made her heart flutter, she felt butterflies in her stomach and his smell made her dizzy.

She wasn't supposed to feel this way about him, not still, not after four years of him being gone; not to mention she had a boyfriend. Her mind drifted to Ángel, the threatening message she had awoken to, it made her skin crawl.

She wondered what kind of punishment she'd get for this. She was thankful she was booked for work for the next two weeks, he never left marks when he knew that she had a job to go to. She never thought she'd be one of 'those girls'. She used to think the women that let men control them were weak, until she found herself in that position.

It started off small, he'd hold her wrist too tight, yell at her for small things. Then he started pushing her, hitting her and she just took it, she knew she deserved better, to be treated different, but she stayed silent. She sighed, shaking the thought from her head as she put the code in until it turned green and opened the door, walking in to the smell of freshly cooked bacon, carnitas, homemade flour tortillas and her father in his pajamas, holding tongs, dancing to bachata music.

"Hey, hey Chola girl!" He greeted her with a huge smile, arms open wide in anticipation for a hug. Ramón Sr. and Valentina spent much of their time as a wedded couple traveling, since Rosita and Ramón Jr. were old enough to look after themselves.

Rosita fell into his arms, feeling his arms embrace her in a big bear hug, she missed him. "Hola papi, how was África?"

He gave her one more squeeze before releasing her and picking up the plate beside him, handing her the bacon, half of the carnitas and a flour tortilla, freshly homemade and not usually store-bought, courtesy of her mother and a glass of freshly made Mango Licuado from the blender.

"Fue gnarly (It was gnarly.)" Rosita rolled her eyes but he ignored her. "¿Dónde estabas anoche? (Where were you last night?) That boy of yours was causing all sorts of trouble. I don't like you hanging out with him, mija."

She stared down at her plate, carnitas freshly prepared, just the way she liked them.

"I was at Maurice's."

"Maurice ha vuelto? ¡Estupendo! (Maurice's back? That's great!)" He studied her for a moment before adding. "Valentina and I are actually heading off to Australia mañana, unless you guys need us here?"

Rosita poked at her bacon with her fork, she never felt like eating lately, food was just so bland, or maybe it was her mood that made her feel that way.

"Ramón José and I are fine, papi, you and mami deserve the world exploring." She glanced up at him and forced a smile.

"Mejor hazlo antes de que seas demasiado viejo (You better do it before you're too old)." She put a piece of bacon in her mouth, asked for a carnita taco to go which was put on a napkin,
took a bite before giving him another quick hug and ducking out of the master kitchen, she best not keep Ramón Jr. waiting any longer.

Twister had been waiting in the street for her, his mind still on her being in his bed, how good it felt to wake up and see her there.
God he missed her, there wasn't a day that went by where his thoughts didn't drift to Chola girl.

He felt guilty every time he had to send her an e-mail saying that he wouldn't be back again, his mom had too many opportunities to work while travelling, and he couldn't fault her for following her dreams.

Finally Rosita emerged from her large house, her hair was loose and fell down her back in soft curls,
she wore a Sexy Turquoise Sheer Floral Lace Short Sleeve Casual Top paired with Sexy Black Grey Distressed High Waist Stretchy Shorts
and Sexy Black Strappy Open Toe Single Sole Faux Suede High Heel Booties; even in casual clothes, she made his heart skip a beat.

"Perdona que haya tardado tanto (Sorry I took so long.)" She said as she reached him.

"Ramón Sr. just got back, we don't get to see him much. Vamonos, Ramón José's waiting."

His feet began moving with her before his brain had even caught up, he wasn't used to this feeling while being around her.

"¿Porque eso? (Why's that?)" He finally spoke after a moment of walking towards the beach.

Rosita gave a small smile, eyes lingering on the ocean in the distance, man it was the prettiest blue.

"Ramón Sr. and Valentina travel a lot, like you guys did. You remember the e-mail I sent you about how papi won the lottery?"

He nodded and she continued. "Turns out it was a lot more money than we originally thought."

"¿Cuánto cuesta? (How much?)"

"Alrededor de ochenta y cinco millones (Around eighty-five million)."

She took a sideways glance to see the shade of white he turned at the sound of that much money.

"He and Valentina married and have since spent their honeymoon all over the world.
When he comes home he restocks the huge fridge, stays for max a week, normally less, then they go again."

"So you guys are millionaires?"

His voice squeaked at the word 'millionaires' and Rosita found herself smiling, not the fake smiles she had been giving lately to try and convince Ramón, Otto, Reggie and Sammy she was fine, but a real smile,
one that lit up her face and made Twister stare; he didn't think it was possible for her to be even more beautiful.

"You guys are finally here?" Sam's voice broke through Twister's stare and he turned away to rub the back of his neck,
trying to hide his blush, Twister hadn't realized they were already at the beach.

"Lo siento Sammy, Ramón Sr. is back and we were just talking before he heads off again tomorrow."

Rosita replied casually walking over to him, looking out into the ocean, man the waves were in perfect form today.
She could see Ramón José surfing a wave and smiled at how good he'd gotten lately, perfect form for the perfect waves, while Otto turned in Rosita's direction, smiled and waved at her and then continued.

Reggie was also riding waves with the boys, and just like Otto,
she also turned in Rosita's direction and also smiled and waved at her.

"He's looking great, right? And also Otto and Reggie?" It was like Sam could read her mind, they were, after all, best friends as well.

"I think he's got this comp in the bag." She agreed.

Twister watched as Sam and Rosita spoke, so in tune with each other and he found himself feeling jealous once again, like Sam had taken his spot in their group.

"Rosita!" He saw Rosita flinch before he saw the owner of the voice, a tall Puerto Rican male
with dark brown hair and angry eyes marched towards the three of them with two other males including Trent following suit.

Rosita turned towards him, she tried hard to calm herself before speaking to hide any evidence of fear in her voice. "Ángel."

Ángel got right in her face and grabbed her right arm harshly.

"¿Dónde diablos has desaparecido anoche? Me doy la vuelta y acabas de desaparecer, entonces usted no contesta a su teléfono?
(Where the hell did you disappear to last night? I turn around and you just up and vanished, then you don't answer your phone?)"

He gave her a harsh shake, which made Trent frown. His best friend was being way too harsh and abusive with Rosita, whom he loved like a little sister and knew that she had a heart of gold and a sweet personality to match.

"¡No tenía ni idea de dónde estabas! (I had no idea where you were!)"

"Hey, calm down." Sam spoke up taking hold of Rosita's free arm. "Don't be so rough with her!" Trent agreed.

"Yeah mate. She's just an innocent girl. What's the matter with you?"

He said in his New Zealand accent.

Ramón José looked over towards the beach after landing a sick wave, he wanted to see if they had seen his skills as well as Otto and Reggie but when he, Otto and Reggie saw the uproar, he frowned and quickly started to paddle in. Otto and Reggie paddling behind him.

Ángel pulled Rosita from Sam's grip, ignoring the former shoobie and his best friend.

"¡Te hice una pregunta! (I asked you a question!)"

"Déjala a ella! (Leave her alone!)" Twister had no idea what he was doing, he didn't even know who this chacotero was,
but he was being way too rough with his Rosita, did he say his?

He walked up and pulled Rosita out of his grip, putting her behind him,
which was a good thing because she was shorter than he was.

Ángel's eyes lowered, hand tightened into a fist and in one quick movement he punched Twister in the face, forcing him to fall to the ground.

"¡Basta! (Stop it!)"

Rosita yelled running up and pushing her hands into Ángel's stomach, a meaningless effort.

"Lo siento no te lo dije, ¿de acuerdo? (I'm sorry I didn't tell you, okay?!)"

She turned around and bent down to look at Twister, he held his nose as blood came from it, a bruise already forming.
Ramón ran over and looked at the scene, Otto and Reggie followed suit.

"¿Que demonios, Ángel? (What the hell, Angel?)" Otto was angry now and Reggie gasped at the sight of Twister and glared at Ángel.

"Nos vamos, ahora, Rosita (We're leaving, now, Rosita)." Ángel's voice had a dangerous edge to it and they all picked up on it.

"Ella no tiene que- (She doesn't have to-)"

"No está bien Cholo boy (It's okay)." Rosita interrupted him, not wanting the situation to escalate more and cause even more of a scene, people were starting to stare.

"Just make sure Twist is okay." She gave Twist a sad smile and mouthed an apology in Spanish before she quickly got up and followed after Ángel, his hand reached up and gripping her upper arm just before they were out of view.

"Vato you can't let her go with him." Twister splattered, the blood in his mouth made it hard to talk, he'd obviously busted his lip.

"Sadly we can't stop Rosie." Sam sighed, bending down to look at Twister's 'battle wounds'.

"That's Rosita's novio." Ramón seemed to have spat the words, his glare looking off to where Ángel had disappeared with his little sister.
He then bent down to help Twister up, they needed to stop the bleeding.

"Vamonos, we'll take you back to mine, Sam can you get my board?"

Sam nodded and headed over to pick up his custom-made surf board while Ramón led Twist off the beach, telling Twister to lift his head to help slow the bleeding,
sighing he, Otto and Reggie all followed after the two, while Otto and Reggie started to worry about Rosita and Trent had decided to head home by waving good-bye to the five of them, while also getting concerned over Rosita and hoped that she was going to be okay.

Ángel pushed Rosita up against his car, she flinched but stayed silent. The car park was empty, no unwanted eyes watched as he pulled
her forward and smacked her against the car again.

"¿Quieres explicar lo que pasó allá atrás? (Want to explain what happened back there?)"

He looked down into her eyes but she stayed quiet, this made him mad.
He pulled forward once more and slammed her harder into the car.

"Pasé toda la noche buscando tu culo sin valor! ¿Dónde estabas? (I spent all night looking for your worthless ass! Where were you?)"

"Fui a Sam's, debería haberle dicho, había olvidado que había prometido hacer una tarea con él, lo siento (I went to Sam's, I should have told you, I had forgot I'd promise to do some homework with him, I'm sorry)."

She wasn't going to tell him she was at Twister's, he'd immediately start accusing her of cheating on him.

He slammed her against the car once more, this one was the hardest one yet causing a groan to escape her, this seemed to make him smirk.

"Entra en el coche, necesitas enseñarte una lección (Get in the car, need to teach you a lesson)."

Ramón Sr. pulled out the first-aid kit and began rummaging through it, blood now tracked from his front doors to his master kitchen where Twister sat on a stool, hands covering his bleeding face.

"¿Conoció a Ángel entonces? (Met Angel then?)" He sighed, handing Ramón Jr.
a towel while Otto and Reggie stood around the bar counter. "Mira, if you guys need me to stay."

"We can handle this, Dad, don't go cancelling your trip with Mom. He was mad that he didn't know where Rosita disappeared to last night
and Twist stood up to him being a bit too rough." Ramón Jr. replied, passing off the towel to Twister to help stop the bleeding.

"She went with him willingly."

"That doesn't make me feel better, mijo, there's something up with that kid."

"Sí, he's a total lame-o." Twister muttered, running his tongue along his swollen lip, it felt tender to the touch.

"Among other things." Sam nodded, moving the towel from Twist's face to see the damage.

"Well, your nose isn't broken but it will hurt for the next couple of days, same goes for the busted lip."

"Not quite the welcome back, you were expecting mijo?" Ramón Sr. asked, putting some disinfectant on a cloth before handing it to him. "Four years is a long time."

Twister took the cloth and stared at it for a moment, what could he say? That he wasn't expecting to be replaced by Sam?
That he was still in love with Rosita? That he missed being Ramón and Otto's number one best bro?
That he had been expecting Rosita's boyfriend to punch him in the face? So he simply shrugged and pressed the cloth against his nose, the funny smell of disinfectant filling his nostrils.

Ramón Sr. gave him a knowing look before patting his shoulder as if trying to say 'it'll get better.'

"You still filming, vato? I'd love to have you filming the surfing comp next weekend."

Ramón thought it was best to change the subject, he didn't want to talk about the fact that Twist had bailed on them.

This seemed to bring Twister out of his dump, his face lit up and he nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah man, it's been boring filming shoobies esé, it'll be good getting back to real talent."

This made Ramón smirk and Otto smile and Sam and Reggie knew the three would be talking just like they used to.

Sam had stayed at Ramón's for a while longer before heading home to do some school work, he found himself checking his phone regularly, waiting for a message from Rosita, it was getting late and he hadn't heard from her, he was getting worried, and knew that Otto and Reggie were too.

He had his suspicions of Ángel a month after the two had started dating, she'd come to him, Otto and Reggie with a busted lip and said she'd tripped and smacked her face on the floor, at that time he thought nothing of it until random bruises started appearing on her body, she of course assured them that it was nothing.
He had been deep into a text book when he heard a soft knock on his window, he tapped on his phone to see the time 20:00 flash back at him, meaning that he was on military time.

Getting up from the chair, he made his way over to the window and pulled open the blinds to see Rosita sitting out front his window on the roof.

"I know you're probably studying, but can I come in?" She spoke softly, almost as if she had been crying and was now trying to hide it.

Sam opened his window and held out his hand to help her in.

"I was starting to get worried about you, I hadn't heard from you."
His eyes landed on the finger-shaped bruises on her upper arm and he frowned.

"Rosie he did this to you?"

She looked embarrassed and this broke his heart, she had been his best friend for years as well as Reggie's, even before Twister left, Sam, Rosita and Reggie were all the best of friends.
They all shared everything with each other, never hid anything... until Ángel.

"You have to understand, Sammy, I bailed on him without a word... he was worried about me."

"Rosita... why are you making excuses for him? He should never hurt you."

Sam led her over to the bed and sat her down, he caught the whimper she was trying to muffle.

"What did he do?"

"You can't tell anyone."


"You have to promise me, Sammy, I mean it."

Sam looked at her unsure of whether or not to agree to her terms,
what if she really needed his help but he'd promised to keep it to himself? What if he couldn't keep it a secret?
He sighed and nodded, unable to vocally agree to her terms.

She sighed, as if bracing herself to show him,
she was having a battle with her own mind about showing him, she was putting a lot on him and that was selfish of her.

She grabbed the bottom of her top and carefully lifted it up over her head.

Sammy was confused and about to blush until she turned slowly to show him her back,
there in all its glory was a dark purple bruise from her shoulder blades to her tailbone.

"What the hell, Rosie?" He yelled, taking in the full extent of the damage to her back.

"He... I..." She paused and turned back around to face him, tears threatening to fall.

"You can't tell anyone, Sammy, he was just scared that I disappeared, I promise he didn't mean to hurt me."

"Rosie if you believe that you're sick."

Was his retort, he couldn't sit, he needed to pace around the room.
She was sitting there, bruised to all hell, telling him Ángel didn't mean to hurt her that way.

"You cannot stay with him, what would Ramón say if he saw this?"

"He'd kill him." Her voice was tiny, fingers fiddling in her lap, tears slowly escaping. "It was an accident, Sammy, I mean it..."


"Sammy, please."

Sam stopped pacing and turned towards her, a range of emotions flickering across his face until he sighed and sat back down on the bed
next to her.

"If I see anything again, I'm going straight to Ramon."

He felt her arms wrap around him and pull him into a hug,
her head resting against his shoulder.

He loved Rosita as if she was his sister, she was his best friend as well besides Reggie,
they had always been close but lately he felt that there was a gap between them, like she was disappearing from him.

He couldn't remember the last time he saw her truly smile, until today with Twister and he, Otto, Reggie and Ramón had all seen it.
"So what do we do now? You know, since you're in love with Twist."

She jerked away from him, her heart pounded and her head felt dizzy hearing someone say the words out loud, it made it real.
"What..." Her throat went dry and she found herself trying to swallow but it didn't help.

"Rosie, I've known since before he left." Sam sighed.

"Is it obvious?" She didn't bother to deny it, he would know she was lying anyway.

"To most people, no, but I am your best friend, Ro as well as Reg."

He gently pulled her back into him so her head was against his shoulder once more, stroking her hair.

"I missed seeing you smile... I haven't seen you smile the way you smiled at Twister today in a very long time."

Rosita's grip on Sam tightened, her mind racing. "I can't be in love with him."

Her whisper was almost missed by Sam, even being so close to her.
Her voice held such a sadness to it and it made him sigh, giving her a tight squeeze and careful not to hurt her.

Thinking about trying not to hurt her made him mad all over again at the fact that he had hurt her.

"If he touches you again, Rosita... I'll kill him." Rosita nodded silently, her mind racing again.

Rosita had stayed at Sam's for a little longer before she made her way back home, the night air held a chill to it that made her feel numb,
or maybe that was the guilt of putting Ángel's abuse on Sam and then telling him to keep it to himself, she wasn't sure.
She unlocked the code and pushed open the door to be greeted only by darkness, no one was home. She switched on the light,
noticing the white piece of paper sitting on the table in front of her in the master dining room, she moved towards it to read the black ink scribbled across it.


We all went out for dinner, there's food in the fridge, we will be back late mija. And also, Regina wants you to spend the night at her house, since I don't want you home alone. Don't ask why, but it's for your safety.

Ramón Sr.

Rosita let the paper fall from her fingers, a small sigh escaping her lips, Ángel had caused her to miss going out with her family before Ramón Sr. and Valentina left once more.

She then decided to rush upstairs and gather up some necessities for Reggie's sleepover,
such as:

A Mint Eyelash Lace Chemise Set with a matching thong panty in Mint Green, her tooth brush, tooth paste, travel-sized mouthwash, Dove deodorant spray, a fresh outfit to wear the next day and some accessories for her hair and makeup and carefully put those in an overnight bag, left the house and headed over to the cul-de-sac and straight for Reggie's house, when she heard a knock on her door out front.

She opened the door and found Rosita standing with an overnight bag filled with sleepover stuff, smiled and hugged her, causing Rosita to flinch which meant that her back still stung and apologized.

She came inside, while Reggie closed the door and left. She switched on the surround sound speakers that were attached to every room in Reggie's house and synched it up to her I-Phone 6 Plus since she decided to upgrade and putting the password in, pressing play on her playlist.

'Let me escape in your arms

Baby I'm yours, baby I'm yours

Love don't come easy at all

I miss you so much, I miss you so much

Tell me, is this freedom, baby?

Chasing after danger, making my heart race, woah'

She sighed at the choice of song that her phone decided to play, slowly making her way up the stairs and heading for the bathroom, each step giving off a sting.

The music blared through the house but she didn't care, Reggie's neighbors were never home these days and neither were hers and Ramón's and the only other house on the block was Twister's, he wouldn't complain.

Her mind instantly drifted to him, her heart pounding as she thought about waking up lying next to him, how good it felt.

She turned on the hot water, making it steam before taking her clothes off and climbing in, feeling the hot water run over her,
burning her bruise and noticing that there was shampoo, conditioner and women's body wash already there since she packed her own purple scrubber.

She picked up the shampoo first, pressed down on the cap and poured a generous amount on her hands, closed the cap, put it back where it was and scrubbed her scalp as hard as she could.

Then, she picked up the conditioner and followed the same cycle and rinsed off.

Finally, she picked up the women's body wash, opened the cap, poured a generous amount on the scrubber and lathered all over her naked body.

Maybe if the stars align, maybe if our worlds collide

Maybe on the dark side we could be together, be together

Maybe in a million miles, on a highway through the stars

Someday soon we'll be together.

Her head rested against the shower wall while the water over her body, her long dark brown locks de-waving in the water, hair reaching the top of her thighs when straight.

She found herself wanting to be around Twister, it made her feel human,
something she hadn't felt since he left, she felt a part of her disappear when he left.

She growled and banged her head against the shower wall, frustrated at herself for being like this.

He was a dreamer at heart

Chasing the stars, chasing the stars

Wings spread to the sun

I miss you so much, I miss you so much

Tell me, is this freedom, baby?

Chasing after danger, making my heart break, woah.

Rosita turned off the water and climbed out of the shower, wrapping the towel she packed around her body and sighing once more, she was getting tired of sighing, she was getting tired of feeling the way she did.

She walked into Reggie's room, lazily switching on the light, seeing that she wasn't there but was downstairs probably gathering up snacks for the two of them so that they could watch TV together and heading over to her overnight bag and opened it up to look for clothes,
she walked past Reggie's window and caught sight of the light on across the street; it was Twister's room.

He sat at his desk at his computer and Rosita found herself staring at him, it felt good to see him there, that house had been empty for the longest time.

Maybe if the stars align, maybe if our worlds collide

Maybe on the dark side we could be together, be together

Maybe in a million miles, on a highway through the stars

Someday soon we'll be together

We'll be together, we'll be together.

Twister heard the music blasting from Reggie's house, he looked over towards the house, noticing Reggie's bedroom light on before noticing her, towel wrapped around her naked, curvy body, but it wasn't Reggie, it was Rosita in the room, hair wet and clinging to her skin.

Twister instantly blushed realizing that she was already looking at him, she was so gorgeous.

Rosita smiled at his flustered self before catching his bruised face, her smile disappeared and her heart dropped, that happened because of her. She walked away from the window and quickly got dressed in a Faux Suede Cami Crop Top and Sexy Cloudwash Denim Distressed Frayed High Waist Shorts paired with Sexy Black Ankle Strap Snake Faux Leather Heels
and turning off the light in Reggie's room and quickly heading out onto the street, even though Reggie was just about to head on up to bed herself and assuring Rosita that she'll take care of the mess that she'd left in her room and Rosita was grateful for that since she was the guest of the house.

He was hurt because of her, she should at least apologize; he didn't deserve to get punched in the face just for telling Ángel to leave her alone. Scaling the side of the house she carefully climbed onto the roof in her heels, making her way to Twister's room,
softly knocking on his window.

Twister looked up to be greeted by a pair of large light brown eyes staring at him from behind the glass, he reached up and opened the window, helping her climb in.

"Hola." He greeted lamely, closing the window behind him.

She fiddled with her wet hair between her fingers, she felt embarrassed.

"Quería disculparme (I wanted to apologize)..."

"No tienes que Chola-chica (You don't have to Chola-girl)." Twist gave her a lopsided smile and took a seat back on his computer chair.

"Tu me defendiste (You stood up for me)." She said softly.

"Sí... well no offense Rosita pero your novio's a total lame-o."

Rosita gave a small smile, sitting on the edge of his bed, pulling at the hem of her cami crop top. "He sure can be..."
She found herself staring at the fabric she was stretching with her fingers, her hands shaking the slightest, she felt nervous and cursed herself.

"Todavía siento que te haya dado un puñetazo... no necesitas hacer eso por mi
(I'm still sorry he punched you... you didn't need to do that for me...)"

"Claro que lo hice, estaba siendo demasiado duro con usted. Lo haría de nuevo
(Sure I did, he was being way too rough with you. I'd do it again)."

Rosita looked up at him in a sort of shock, he just sat there staring back at her with his lopsided smile.

She wanted to cry, she wanted to hug him, she wanted to do so many things but instead she just went back to looking down at her shirt hem, her head nodding ever so slightly.

"Is... is it okay if I hang out here?" She asked quietly.

"Dad, Mom and Ramón all went out to dinner with Raymundo, Noelani and Otto, no one's home, Regina's at her house fast asleep with my stuff still there and they'll all be out late."

Twister tried to hide the blush that was creeping on to his cheeks as he turned back to face the computer.

"No worries, Chola-girl, I just gotta finish doing this for school tomorrow."

Rosita smiled moving back to get comfortable on his bed,
her eye lids felt heavy the moment she landed on his pillows, his smell surrounding her, although to Ramón she had been 'sleeping so much lately' she barely slept, she slept during the day when he, Otto, Sammy or Reggie were around because they made her feel safe, when she was alone she spent nights lying awake.

She never felt more safe or comfortable than she did in Twister's presence.

Twister had finally finished all the preparation for starting back at school tomorrow, smiling to himself as he spun around to tell Rosita, however when he turned around his eyes landed on the sleeping girl in his bed, her damp hair sprawled to her right side, cascading down the edge of his bed, her eyes closed, head tilted and snoring ever so softly.

Twister couldn't help but stare at her, she looked so at peace, he wasn't sure if he should wake her, sleep in his bed with her too or sleep on the lounge.
He couldn't bring himself to wake her, she looked too perfect.

He pulled a spare blanket from his cupboard and gently placed it over her and kissed her forehead, she let out a small groan as she turned and cuddled more into his pillows.

Twister froze for a moment until she settled back into her peaceful sleep before relaxing, taking a seat on the bed beside her, careful not to wake her. When did he fall so hopelessly for this girl?

No matter how hard he tried he couldn't take his mind off of her and he had only been back two days, although there wasn't a day in those four years that his mind didn't drift back to Rosita Jiménez. He kept in touch with her via e-mail as much as he could, however it wasn't the same.

He missed hearing her voice, hearing her laugh, seeing her pretty smile.
He knew he'd never be more to her than her big brother's best friend but he didn't mind, as long as he was around her, he never wanted to disappear like that again. He pulled one of his text books on to his lap and began reading, he had after all, been home schooled for the last four years.

It wasn't long before Twister drifted off to sleep, book still open on his lap.

The sound of Rosita's alarm going off startled the two awake, both grasping for the I-Phone 6 Plus that was making such a loud racket.

Rosita felt her hand grab onto Twister's and shot up in an instant, it took her a moment to realize that she was once again in Twister's bed, she turned around to look at him, hair a wild wavy mess around her, her sudden shock brought a red tinge to her cheeks,
her lips pursed; man if Twister could have a photo of her right now he would treasure it forever, she was a pure beauty.

He quickly realized he was staring and cleared his throat, grabbing her phone and switching off her alarm.

"Lo siento, I must have fallen asleep también." He said after a moment of silence.

She shook her head and relaxed back into the pillows, head tilting to look at him.

"Lo siento me dormí, supongo que es tu cama. Lo siento lo tomé de nuevo (I'm sorry I fell asleep, I guess it's your bed. I'm sorry I took it again)."

Twister gave her a smile, climbing out of the bed.

"No te preocupes, Rosita. Guess it's time to get ready for school."

Rosita nodded climbing out of the bed, stretching as she did so, not catching the look that Twister gave her while she did and smoothed her cami crop top and straightening out her shorts, seeing as they were arranged the wrong way.
She headed over towards the window before gently opening it while Twister had her phone and charger in his hand and gave it to her which she gratefully took.

"Gracias. And gracias for the phone and charger..."
She smiled softly at him, climbing out the window in her heels and shutting it behind her.

Twister walked over to the window to watch her climb down his roof with her phone and charger in her hand and walking over to Reggie's house before disappearing inside it to get her overnight bag which had her necessities inside and placed his head against the cool glass,
he had woken up next to her again, although rudely awake by her alarm, he still woke up to her being the first person he saw.

He knew he would be hopelessly in love with this girl, nothing was going to change that fact.

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