Chapter one

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My life as a normal citizen in the Mushroom kingdom.
I wake up every morning to drink my coffee.. Then I go outside and walk around and saying hello to everyone in the kingdom.
Neighbor Toad#1:" Hey(n/y)! How ya doin?"
Me:" *sips coffee* pretty good... And you?"
Neighbor Toad#1:" I'm doin pretty good as well."
Neighbor Toad#2:" Hello (n/y)!
Me:" Hello (Neighbor Toad#2)! 😊"
I live in Toad town with is part of the mushroom kingdom and there's a lot of Toads to greet and say hi to. But there were even more Toads to greet in the others town and also in the Mushroom kingdom. So after I greeting everyone. I go to the Toad diner to eat breakfast. I mostly just buy a mug of coffee and bagel.
Then I would go shopping or go hang out with some friends there. Everyone is Everyone's friend in the Mushroom kingdom. 😁 but that day..... Was not a usual toad day...
While i was shopping for food at the outdoor food market... Then I saw some weird looking Toads.. They were acting very suspicious. So I followed them to see what they were doing... But them I noticed that..... They were Bowser's henchmen!
Goomba:" Wow... Your plan actual worked for once."
Koopa:" Shut up. Anyway. We gotta find the security system."
Goomba:" 😒*sarcasm* Yeah. The security system is totally in the food market."
Koopa:"Hey!... I got a little hungry."
He stole two apples and he gave one to the Goomba. Then they were eating in the shadows.
Well i wasn't gonna let's that happen. So I went up and to them and catch them.
Me:" Hey you!.. Get back here!"
Goomba:" S***! Come we gotta go!"
Koopa:"wha?.. Hey! Wait up!"
So I chased them until they stopped...Then Mario came and save the day. He caught them.
Me:" Wow. Thanks Mario!"
Mario:"Your-a welcome" 😁
Then I saw something in them... They weren't acting bad at all.
So later that night while going home. I saw some hammer bros.
Hammer bro #1:"ell well well. Punk.. What ya got in that baggy?"
Me:" uhhhhh nothin."
Hammer bro #2:" come on Brah. Show us."
Hammer bro #1:" yeah.. Show us you little mush face."
Then they started pushing and punching me... But then I grab a knit I had in my pocket and............ SLASH!!!.. I stabbed one of them in the shell
Hammer bro#1:" *choking sound and dies*
Hammer bro#2:" *gasp* Brother!... Your gonna pay for this ya little punk.
Then he jumped away... Then I was thinking...
Me:" The world is a dangerous place. And Mario can't save it alone. He needs an extra. He needs help...... He needs me.

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