The Calm Before The Storm

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    (It all starts with Arthur Campbell narrating the intro inside Bertie the bus as they are on their way to Tidmouth Station.)

"The Year is 1967, my name is Arthur Campbell, Tobias' Fireman or Toby for short. I've worked on this little island for a little over 6 years now, before I moved here I was a soldier in the British Army. I didn't like it very much but I learned a lot of self-defense survival strategies."

(We see passing D261 and D5701 getting ready for their work day)

"Our beloved island has fallen to the wrath of Dieselization, with our famous engines being scrapped one by one, and there isn't anything we can do about it, since of course interfence would mean certain death."

(While we see a shot of Diesel going through the viaduct and honks his horn)

"And the man behind all of this is Dr. Richard Beeching, his plan to increase the efficiency of Railways all over Britain, by replacing steam engines with diesel power."

(We see a GM-EMD F3 diesel coming up the main line)

"Sir Topham Hatt is gone to step down, leaving the railway without a good controller and with it doomed to be overrun by these local police."

(Arthur Campbell arrives at Tidmouth Station aboard Bertie)

"And first I thought this island was a sefe haven for steam engines. I-I guess I was wrong... I guess no one's immune."

(They show us a shot where Thomas passes by on his way to his branch line and blows his sweet and well-known whistle. And it shows a sky as blue as he is.)

(We now move on to see Arthur Campbell arriving at Tidmouth Sheds, where Toby and Henrietta were resting.)

Arthur C.: Good Morning, Toby!

Toby: *yawns* Good Morning, Archie!

Henrietta: *yawns* Good Morning!

Arthur: You and Percy be filling in for James and Douglas the Little Western stamp

(Music Stops)

Splatter: Now this is why steamies aren't useful. Right, Dodge?

Dodge: *While bothering laughing and stuttering* Right!

Toby: *Just imagine it with the voice of Tano Pasman, in spanish obviously XD* The b÷tch that gave birth to me!

Henrietta: TOBY!

Arthur C.: Hey bud, calm down, ignore them. Just breathe in and out

Toby: *Inhale and exhale* Thanks, Archie. Well, going back to today's day

(Music Plays Again)

Arthur C.: That you and Percy will filling in for James and Douglas on the Little West Branch Line.

Toby: What, where are they!?

Arthur C.: Well, you see they volunteered to go scope out the Mainland for some answers. They said they'd be back tomorrow. I-I hope...

Toby: Oh. But I don't see how gallivanting off to the Mainland without preparation was a good idea

Henrietta: I know, but if they come back succesful, we can use Beeching's plan against him. News spreads quickly around here, and someone will answer our calls. Don't worry, Toby, everything will be alright

Toby: I'm sorry, Henrietta. But I don't think that's the case. The only ones we could rely on is ourselves. I just hope two will be alright

Arthur C.: Me too, Tobias. Me too...

Toby: *hears the horn of a British Rail Class 42 'Warship' with a hydraulic claw* What the?...

(He passed by the Sheds. It's Diesel 10)

Toby *gasp* Oh God, not him again. After that claw will it made his last visit, I'm certain he'll cause trouble

Arthur: Stay strong old boy, we'll fight these bastards to the end of the line. This isn't the end! This is just the beginning

(Now we go to see Bulgy's driver drinking like a drunk and shouting down the road, and because of his drunkenness, he does not notice the Speed Limit 35km/h sign. And it passes by a green lorry)

Bulgy: Get out of my way!

(The driver of the green lorry is Jacob, Driver of Tobias "Toby". He had an anxiety attack, and started his lorry again. But a short time later, he arrives safely at Tidmouth Sheds.)

Jacob: Good Morning, Guys!

Toby, Arthur C. and Henrietta: Good Morning, Jacob!

Arthur C.: Alright, let's get going Arlesbrugh. Don't want to be late, that's Topham wants

Jacob: Indeed, come on old boy, let's prove those diesels wrong

Toby: Right!

(And a montage of how Toby is prepared for action is shown and he does a wheesh. We passed the bridge where Bulgy and his driver were detained by law. Toby scares with his bell the policeman from the S1 episode: Thomas Breaks The Rules)

Police Man: Not that damn tram again!

(Tobias chuckles, and Henrietta also chuckles. The tram went through a Loop that took it to the Little Western Branch Line and he pick up to Red Branch Line Coaches. Toby and his crew arrive at Tidmouth Hault Station, where he meets up with Percy)

Toby: Hello Percy! Sorry I'm late, but we had some trouble in the sheds, and Jacob nearly died of a heart attack on the way to us. Are you finished with your work already?

Percy: NO, I haven't even started, I've ran out coal! I guess Linda and Denyel were such a hurry to get here that they forgot to refill my bunker. Will you please push me to that coal hopper?

Toby: Of course, anything to help a friend in need!

Arthur C.: But Tobias, our trains do out!

Toby: Oh don't worry, it will only be a minute!

Percy: Thank you so much, Toby!

Toby: *chuckles* No problem!

(Toby hears a horn belonging to the only diesel railcar on the island, Daisy)

Daisy: You know you shouldn't be blocking both of the station platforms, your idiots!? Now I am Beeching's Private Diesel and must keep on time!

Toby: Now what's gotten into you? You've never been this horrid! Daisy, are you alright?

Daisy: Yes yes I'm fine, I've been through way worse since Beeching took over

Toby: Uh, you can say that again

Daisy: Any word from James and Douglas?

Toby: No, nothing yet. Percy's starting to get worried, I've managed to calm down, but I'm starting to grow worried myself. Anyways, how's Thomas doing? I know since he's still the only steam engine still in normal service and well Edward and his...

Daisy: I know this whole thing is difficult, but I'm sure we'll get through this, I have to pick up Beeching to take him to a meeting on the Mainland tonight. If I catch wind on James and Douglas, I'll let you know, now cheer up old timer

Toby: Thank you, Daisy. Just be careful, just because you're a diesel, doesn't mean your're safe. Just look at BoCo... or well what's left of him

(Daisy smiles at Tobias anyway, and they go about their day today and the screen fades out. Now we go to another universe, FNAF Police Archive)

(A/N: And up to here was the first half of the first chapter, the next two will have different names. The credits will appear in the 3rd and last half. Cya!)

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