Chapter One

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Marinette groaned as she lazily fell out of her bed.

"Come on Marinette! You're gonna be late again!" Tikki's little screams of lectures rang through out the room as Marinette pushed herself off the floor. She rushed around her room, changing into the clothes Tikki had pulled out for her before grabbing her purse, which Tikki had flown in to, and running down the stairs to the bakery.

"Bye Maman! Bye Papa!" She stashed some cookies into her hand made purse for Tikki and dashed out of the house to her school, trying not to be late for Mme. Bustier's class. She busted through the doors, with seconds to spare, and casual snuck to her seat, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible.

Which was Adrien's favorite part of the day.

He grinned as he watched the blue haired girl sneak against the wall before crawling over to Alya on her hands and knees and sneaking under the table before popping up in her seat.

"Adrien, would you like to repeat what I just said?" Mme. Bustier asked, eyeing the young model from the head of the classroom.

"That you think it's the families' feud that caused Romeo and Juliet to die." He answered flawlessly as he turned to face the front again, a light pink blush covering his cheeks.

"Thank you. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop staring at Marinette as she tries to sneak into the classroom though." The blonde's blush darkened and a new rosy one blossomed on Marinette's face.

"As I was saying, the Capulets and Montagues are a good cause to use for their deaths, you may also use..." Mme. Bustier continued to explain the writing project they were going to be doing for the next couple of weeks.


Adrien couldn't wait for his photoshoot to end. It was nearing 6pm, and he still needed to get a start on his paper and get to patrol at 9pm for his lady.

"That's a wrap. I'll see you again on Saturday at 9 am sharp Adrien." He nodded before heading towards the limo that was sent for him. He greeted Gorilla as he got in and they drove off. That is until something stopped them.

People were running away from the area, running into the parked cars as they made their escape. Noticing this, Adrien quickly got out of the limo and ran somewhere to transform, changing into Chat Noir and running to the scene.


Marinette was outside her bakery when she noticed Chat Noir just standing in the middle of the street, and an akuma was above him, pointing a toy gun at the superhero.

Why isn't he moving? You stupid cat! You need to move! You need to move before he shoots you! You -

She reacted quickly as she watched the akuma's finger slide down to the trigger, ready to squeeze it.

"Move, you damn cat!" She dashed forward to her best friend, who turned his attention to her with wide green eyes as he saw her running towards him.

"Marinette no! Don't!" He was cut off with the force of her slamming into him, taking the hit from the bright pink laser beam.

Marinette didn't feel anything, but she knew something was wrong as she stared up at a giant Chat Noir who looked down at her with big eyes. She didn't know what was going on but finally said the first thing that popped in her mind.

"When did you get so big Kitty?" She frowned when she heard how high pitched her voice was. Sure she had a higher voice, as a girl, but not this high. "What's going on?"

Chat snorted, placing a fist on his mouth as he stared down at the miniature Marinette who was covered in an oversized shirt and blazer.

"Stop waughing at me!" She pouted and stomped her foot as she crossed her arms. "Wait, did I saw waughing?" Chat only laughed even more as she attempted to say the word laughing over and over again.

"Look who's too young now!" Marinette turned to the akumatized boy.

"What do you mean?" Then she looked down at her tiny hands. She flexed them, making sure they were actually hers before screaming. "Chat! I'm a wittle kid!" Chat snorted again.

"Yes Marinette. You are a wittle kid." He snickered to himself at his joke before scooping the tiny Marinette into his arms, much to her disagreement. He held the squirming toddler on his hip with one arm as he pointed his staff at the villain. "I'll be back for you."

After Chat said that, he darted off in a different direction, clutching Marinette to his body. He didn't want her small fragile body to fall, at least not on his watch. He finally set the squirming toddler on the ground next to a very confused Nino.

"Watch her for me, will ya?"

Chat didn't wait for a response as he bolted out of the café Nino was in and chased after the Terrible Three. Marinette huffed, puffing her cheeks out as she pouted and crossed her tiny arms over her chest.

"I can watch myself, thank you very much." She muttered angrily as she kicked at the floor. She heard Nino laugh from above her and pouted even more as he lifted her up in the air.

"You're so cute as a little kid Mari!" He cooed, pinching her cheeks.

"Nino! I'm still Marinette!" She seethed as she slapped his hands away from her aching cheeks. "I can look after myself."

"Chat Noir told me to watch you, so I can't do that." Toddler Marinette challenged him, raising a dark eyebrow.

"Wanna bet?"

Sorry it's so short. But the other chapters will be longer. Anyways, see you later!


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