Home sweet home

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((OOF!! How long has it been...? I don't know... but here is another crappy chapter from this shitty book. Hope y'all enjoy it~~))

Todoroki seemed as if he left home early and you were home alone with your brother. You remembered your mom texting you about taking Shiro and your dad leaving for work, but you did seem to care. While he cooked for you and you sat down on the kitchen table, Todoroki was on your mind. You texted him asking if he could go to a park near your home. You didn't know how far away he lived since you never looked up his address, but it was still worth a try to see if he could come over.

'Maybe he was there, but I didn't see him... Maybe...'

"Yo, (Y/n)! Is there anything else you want from me? You keep making me do this and that... can't I just get a break?" your brother complained as he set the plate of food in front of you.

"Uh... sure..." you look down at the sushi your brother made and took one into your mouth. You covered your mouth and tried to speak with your mouth full. "I meght cheave lazher..."

"I don't understand food language, (Y/n)."

"Sorry..." you finished the sushi in your mouth and looked up. "I said I might leave soon..."

"Why? I mean, I am going to leave later too... but where are you going?" your older brother, Neko, was suspicious and nosy as always. He sat across from you and crossed his arms.

"I-I am going to visit a friend of mine... to see if he is okay because I didn't see him after school..." you stuttered.

"Excuse me...? He? Him? " Neko cleared his throat. "Are you talking about your boyfriend?"

"Uh... y-yeah..." you shoved the food into your mouth to avoid the conversation your brother has started.

"If you are going to his house, I don't want him to lay one finger on you. If he does-"

"MUFF!!!" you swallowed a chunk of sushi. "H-he isn't like that! He respects me more than you do! So don't even start with that older brother crap!!"

"More than I respect you?! Well, you clearly don't know what respect is, HUH? ((You got a boyfriend I bet he doesn't kiss ya, MUAH!)) And for your information, I am your older brother and I am responsible to make sure he doesn't do anything bad to you! If he breaks your heart, I will break his neck!" Neko went on and on.

"Listen, nothing bad is going to happen! I am just going to make sure he is alright since I didn't see him after school. I promise I will come home quickly and safely." you muttered.

Your brother glared at you, but he stayed quiet for a moment. You awkwardly finished your sushi as you image Todoroki meeting Neko. You lied about Todoroki to your brother, but what if Todoroki found out and avoids you for telling an unusual lie. Also, Neko was never a true brother figure and it was probably the fact that he doesn't even show if he really cares for you. This may be the first time he ever showed his big brother mask, and probably the last...

"As long as you clean your room you can leave..." Neko growled, leaving the room. He seemed to say more stuff, but said it in a low voice that you couldn't make out on what he said.

'Did my phone ring? Did he actually reply?? I mean... it would be awkward if he couldn't go and Neko got mad for no reason...'

You rushed to see your phone to see that Todoroki agreed to see you at the park at four. You excitedly washed your dish and ran out of the kitchen. In your room you rummaged through your clothes to see which would be a great look to the park, but something thats not too plain. You wore a hoodie with cat ears attached, skirt with black and white music notes, and then you braided your hair. You looked in the mirror, but the door was open and your brother saw you rating yourself.

"You look fine... just dont tell mom I am letting go alone outside with a boy." he sighed, carrying laundry.

"Thanks Neko... I will be out only for half an hour, but if it makes you happy, I will call or text if I feel unsafe." you smiled, heading for the door. "Im heading out!!"

(( FUCKKKKKKKK I really need to update this book since there are so many people who want me to update. I got ya fams... I havent used Wattpad in years, since 1984. Anyways, I will try to publish a lot. I used to use my chromebook to write me books, but ever since Wattpad was blocked that wasnt possible. I was able to hack into it so now I can comfortably write me books. I dont like typing it on phone, and I was low on storage since I had M.M (Mystic Messenger) but yea... I got more coming...))

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