Two more friends

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     Today is the day of the outcome, but its been a while since you have been waiting. You observed the clock tick and tock for the last hour already.  You drew some pictures, watched your anime, scrolled through social media, and napped a couple of times. 

     "It's 9:00 pm... where the hell is the mail?" you analyzed and refreshed your email to see any feedback from U.A. high. 

    What am I saying? How can a person like me get qualify from the exam with only a few points? 

    "Honey, the results came in the mail!!" your mom opened the door and appeared. "Do you want-"

    "Kay! Thanks for informing me!! I will tell you what I got after I see it alone!" you interrupted her as you snatched the package away. You locked the door and shoved the mail onto the bed. 

    "Phew..." you took a moment to relax. Inside the package is the key to one simple answer. "Will I be expected into U.A.?" you questioned loudly. 

    Another minute passed as you found a small hologram device that will show your progress, or maybe one short comment. You sighed and gave up on the report. You placed the machine under your bed, hidden from any sight. 

~~~~~ Skip time~~ One more week before the 1st day of school ~~~~

    You were on the bus to head towards the shopping center to buy some 'needs'. Of course, the roads were filled with traffic due to many things; One of the reasons was because of school. Depending on which school, each student will be informed to get specific items. 

    "Y/N!!! TELL ME!!!!" your friend begged on the other side of the phone. 

    "Nu!! I want to surprise you and my family later, kay?" 

    "Hmm... You are just a mean bean!!" your friend pouted. You smiled a little bit about your friend's attitude. You felt a sharp pain in your heart, it was guilt. No one knows about the results, only the people working at U.A. high. 

     "Anyways, what school are you going to attend?" you asked, trying to ignore the problem itself. 

    "Well, my mom wants me to go to 'Junbi Suru High School' ... but I don't really know..." her voice trailed off. 

     "Well, I think it's not a bad school. I just think it needs to improve on the training course," you stated. You turn to the window to see the sky that was above the town. The color of the sky was a bright blue with swirling clouds everywhere; it was the perfect weather. 

     "I got to go, sorry. I need to take care of the monsters that ruin my life." F/n announced as she ended the call. 

    Monsters. What an interesting word. 

    You soon arrived at your destination, but you felt your stomach growl. You ignored the fact that you were hungry and headed towards the 'girls' store. The store was originally meant for women, but a lot of boys go in to buy a gift for their loved one. Well, sometimes... 

     "Hey, look at me!!" a boy with blonde hair tried on a bra and posed. "How do I look? Hot or sexy?"

     "You look amazing. I don't understand why you are single," the other boy replied. His red hair was spiky and proudly stood up on top of his head. "Ooo~ they have underwears too~"

    The boys giggled and explored the store while you searched for your desires. You were hoping to find perfume, hairspray, and perhaps a dress that you like. You look through the bottles of perfume until you crossed one of the boys.

     "Oof, sorry!" he yelped as the other boy tackled him to the ground. 

     "That underwear is mine!! I found it first and I would look waaayyy better in it than you would!!" the yellowed haired argued. 

     You try to avoid the commotion and curve out of the way. You see a strawberry-peach scented one and spray it to test it out. 

     "Err... you! The one looking at perfumes!!" a voiced boomed. You quickly turn to see what the fuss was about. "Do I look nice in this ~?" 

     The voice belonged to the yellow teen, who had a striped underwear wrapped around his head. You stayed quiet as you felt a weird sensation all over your body; it was a bit awkward until you played along. 

     "You look soooooooo hot in that. In fact, really hot that it can make a guy gay." you managed to blurt out. 

      "YES!!! I agree!! I would turn gay right now if you put more on~~!" the redheaded added and giggled away. 

     "Say, you are different from the other girls we met..." the blonde whispered and looked closer into your eyes. "Are you human..?"

     "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?!?" you yelled. 

     "Ahem, excuse me!" a lady with a blue vest barges into the conversation. "May I ask you three to leave. There were complaints about customers shopping uncomforting because-"

     "Of our existence?" the yellow head boy pointed out; The woman laughed nervously. 

     "N-no!! Not like that! Its just you guys have been making customers-" she was interrupted again.

     "Oh, sorry! I guess we will head out now!! Sorry to disturb your sweet shopping, it was nice knowing you." the red boy dragged the other guy away. 

     "So, you were with them or not?" the worker seemed frustrated, but she still put an energetic smile on. 

     "Oof, I was with them. Uh... thank you!!" you rushed out and went to find the boys. "Aye!! Wait up!!!" 

     "Oh, hi again! What-" 

     "W-who are you guys?" you panted, trying to catch your breath. 

     "Well, I'm Denki Kaminari and this is Eijiro Kirishima!" the blonde one responded. He smiled brightly as he bowed along with Kirishima.

     "And your name is...?" Kirishima asked.

     "My name is Y/n L/n! I hope we can get in contact after this," you happily replied. 


Name: Denki Kaminari  || Eijiro Kirishima

Age: Fifteen  || Fifteen

Birthday: June 29, 2003  || October 16, 2003

Height: 5'6 *168 cm, I think*  || 5'7 *170 cm, I think*

Hair color: Blonde with a lightning bolt shaped streak of black  || Red

Eye color: Gold  || Red

Quirk: Electrification *Just think of Pikachu ._.*  || Hardening *DONT TAKE IT THAT WAY!*

Favorite color: Gold  || Red... I think

Favorite Food: Hamburgers  || Unknown

Favorite things: Trendy things and pranks  || 'Manley' stuff and meat

Family: Unknown  || Unknown... I think

Category: A student and a 'soon to be a hero'  || A student and a 'soon to be a hero'

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