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     "Everyone, please settle down!!" the teacher called out. Everyone was talking, screaming, cheering, etc. You were standing by yourself, seeking for either Shoto or Mina to appear in your eyesight. 

     "LISTEN, CHILDREN!!!!" a loud voice sang very loud, that it even caught everyone's attention. "You are free to go home, we will mail the results to your home in a week or so..." the strange teacher explained. Soon, everyone vanished home to wait gleefully with their family. 

     "I'm home!!" you addressed. 

     "OOOOoooo~ How did it go? Are you welcomed at U.A.? Did you make any friends? Was the school huge? Who is your teacher?" your mom continued with a grin on her face. 

     "Mom, she will confess us everything once dinner is ready." your older sister giggled. Everyone was at the dinner table, desiring answers from your adventure. 

     "So, how was it?" your dad pleaded. 

     "I-It was alright..." you replied. "I assumed... that I d-didn't make it,"

     "HEY!!!" your older brother blurted out. "In this house, we think positive cause we ARE positive!" 

     "Your brother is right, why makes you guess that you lost?" your mother queered. 

     "Everyone got 82 points while I won 77 points... I won't make it in U.A.," you explained. "But! I do have some great news."

     "What is it?" your sister question bitterly. 

     "I finally talked to a boy!" you exclaimed, brightening up the mood.

     "OOOoooooo~~" your little brother hooted. Your parents and oldest siblings were shocked to even say a word. 

     "I-It wasn't like that! Plus, I just met him today! I wanted to be friends with him, nothing more nor nothing special!!" you blushed. "He seemed really charming, helpful, quiet, and very smart. He helped me while I was going to get ambushed, but I didn't really get to thank him properly..."

     "Welp, that's disappointing! No wonder you don't have friends nor a 'boyfriend',"  your brother pointed out.

     "Hey, don't say that.; that's not nice to say to anyone." your dad spoke.  "About this boy, what his name?" The whole table was silent and stared at you with grins along with a mouthful of food. 

     "H-his name..." you began. "His name is Shoto Todoroki and he looks unique. With white and red hair along with blue and gray eyes; he was a perfect mix." 

     "P-per-perfect.....? Perfect... mix?" your mom guessed and was quiet. "He was an excellent mix... (Y/n), do you... like him?" 

      "Wha- WHAT?!?!?" you shouted. "N-no!! I didn't mean it like that! I swear I was just saying how he looked cool with the mix of colors!! It looked amazing on him since he had a really awesome quirk!!" you went on and on explaining why you didn't have feelings for a male you met. Your siblings were entertained by your reactions towards this person, while your parents were confused. 

     It was about a week that the exam happened, but the results didn't show up. You already knew you didn't make it cause you actually received 69 points instead of  77. You were behind considering you were afraid and Todoroki was the one making his way. You used him as a shield at most points, but it was necessary because your quirk won't work if you were frightened. You still waited for the results anyway.

     "(Y/n)! Want a little snack before you go to bed?" your mother asked.

     "No thank you. I already brushed my teeth and I am already wearing my pajamas. Goodnight mom! Please don't disturb my sweet dreams..." you went inside your room and took a deep breath. 

     Todoroki? I hope you pass and make friends. You thought as you climbed onto your bed. Why am I so interested in him? Is it his quirk... or... You wrap yourself in blankets and started to close your eyes. Do I really like Shoto Todoroki? But I met him a week ago and I had no contact with him since then. So then, why do I have stirred up feelings? 

A/N: ((Sorry its a bit short, no character info for today! ^ ^. ))

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